Sinking Down, Part 3

Maybe I hadn't notice, but I think I already had feelings for Toma back then. He already became so special because we've been friends for so long. Though I didn't want to admit it, falling for a guy was a weird thing for me because I was always taught by my parents that every guy is meant to be with a girl.


But now that Toma is mine, I don't care what they say anymore. I just wanna be with the person I want to be with for the rest of my life. "Ugh…" I suddenly felt uneasy with the headache I just had, my fever wasn't going down too even if I already had taken some medicine earlier.


Lunch time was already over and I still haven't eaten. All I could do was to keep laying down since I lost my appetite, and then bear the damn headache I get repeatedly. It was very annoying. I couldn't sleep properly either, so all I have left to do was nothing.


I hate getting ridiculous fevers like this, this just reminds me of the time I got badly sick. I had to stay home for the day and Toma even skipped school just to look after me. Both my parents couldn't take care of me that time, they were very busy with their work. So I was glad Toma was there for me.


"Hmm, I don't know how to make porridge. But I'll see what I can do!" He cheerfully said. Despite the optimism, he can't be trusted with the kitchen. He was a boy that came from a wealthy family, he never knew how to cook and he'll definitely mess our kitchen up.


"No, no! Just stay by my side, okay? I don't need some porridge." I begged.


"Eh? Aren't you starving? I thought you said you didn't had breakfast this morning."


"Well, I didn't but I don't need it. I don't feel like eating anyway."


"Tsk, tsk, tsk! That's not good, Yujiro. If you don't eat, you'll get even more sick. You need to fill that empty stomach at times like these."


"Tomakawa! Noooo!" He rushed his way out of my room so he can go make a porridge for me. I started feeling nervous on letting him cook for me, so I got out of bed just to see how he was doing.


"Seriously Tomakawa! You don't need to make some... woah." Then it surprised me as I saw the kitchen still properly intact. Last time I let him mess with the kitchen, my dad nagged at the two of us for like three hours.


"What the, Yujiro! You're not supposed to be out of bed yet!"


"This is amazing, you can cook food now!"


He glared at me and pulled me over to the couch. "You just rest and wait for the food I made you, I'm going to prepare it right away."


"How?! Just how were you able to do it?!" I was extremely bewildered, and he was embarassed as he revealed as to why he can cook properly. He waves his phone and pointed that I really lacked common sense. "I looked it up, you dumdum. Ugh, whatever. I'm getting your food now."


And when he served the food he made, it lacked taste. Though it was still impressive for a boy like him to do things like these. He also promised that he'll do better next time.


When my stomach painfully grumbled, my laziness was casted away and I got up to go for the food Toma made me. I didn't bother to heat it and ate it right away. This time I smiled a little, the food Toma made tasted really great.