Sinking Down, Part 4

I immediately went back at the dorm so that I can check on Yuji. And when I got there, he was still laying on my bed. I felt a bit relieved when I saw he ate the food I made him.


I quickly rushed to touch his forehead so I can check on his temperature. And fortunately, he was already doing good. "Phew, thank goodness his fever went down." I was really worried this morning, he was unusually hot... well he was always hot to me, but his fever is really something else this morning.


"Mmm, Toma?" Yuji woke up and stared at me with his sleepy eyes.


"Ah. I'm sorry I woke you up, you should go sleep more."


"...m'kay." He closes his eyes again.


"I'll be leaving for a bit, I'm just going to buy us dinner." I told him, but he grabbed on my arm tightly. It's like he didn't want me to go.


"No. You should stay."


"But we won't have anything to eat if I don't go." Things got a bit weird for me when he began to give me such looks. I can guess that my face was already flushed when he brushed my hand against his cheek.


"Then eat me." He smirked.


"WHAT?!" Is Yuji stoned? No, that can't be right. This must be an effect of his fever! But... damn it, this is new to me. Usually I'm the one begging to take his pants off.


"Hahaha, I'm just messing with you." He turns his back on me and gestured that I should go now. "...just buy me a light meal, alright? I don't feel eating that much."


I couldn't respond easily when he just turned me on. He seemed to notice that I haven't moved one bit and takes a peek at me. "Toma? What's wrong?"


"A-Ahm, it's nothing." I quickly left his side to go and buy us food. Of all times, I can't initiate that kind of thing when he just had a fever. I sighed while I was buying dinner. My mind was completely focused on Yuji acting like he did earlier, I just badly want to take all his clothes away and do it all night again.


When I made it back, I hesitated on opening the door. I closed my eyes tried to chill, this really isn't the time to get worked up on a sick person. I should take better care of Yuji, I should be a better boyfriend for him. I smiled before coming in. "Hey Yuji, I bought us some—"


"T-Toma!..." It got even more weirder when I just witnessed him changing his clothes. No... not today! Not while Yuji is sick! Hell nah!


"Oh I uhh... uhm, here. I'll be out for a bit, some of my friends asked me to eat dinner with them. I might even spend the night at their place so, see 'ya tomorrow!" I ran like a coward that I am.


Damn it Yuji, why the hell are you doing this to me?!