Insecurities, Part 1

It took a couple of days after i recovered from the fever. Fortunately, I was able to catch up to the classes I missed and it was all thanks to Toma's efforts in taking notes and in teaching me too. "Ahh~ I really missed walking outdoors with you." He said while we were on our way to our first class.


"So do I." I said, smiling.


"Wanna hangout somewhere after classes?" Toma asked.


I raised an eyebrow at him. "No. We got to study, we're almost done for the last semester. We should get serious on this for a better future."


He giggles and teased me. "Look at you, so concerned about your future."


"Yeah, we really should be. Don't you want your future to be secured?"


"Hmm, good point. I'll think more about that." He said.


A corner of my mouth curved up. "You're so carefree sometimes. Not a care about anything."


"Oh, you're wrong with that." He smirked. "I care about you."


"Wha, ugh. Not in public." I warned him, the sudden flirting made me a bit embarassed. He laughed loudly which made me feel even more embarassed.


"How cute, I might enjoy seeing you like this often."


"Tsk, then I won't be lending you help in your studies if you keep doing this." I threatened in a friendly tone.


Then it only made him chuckle some more. "I was only kidding."


"That wasn't really funny though."


"Aww, don't be upset. How about I treat you for lunch?"


"I don't want your bribe—ah!" Some couple suddenly bumped onto me, causing me to fall down. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" Toma yelled at them.


The woman apologized to me and quickly left with her boyfriend. Toma started complaining about how rude they were, but that encounter made me feel something that I didn't want Toma to know about. "…seriously, those careless idiots can cause serious accidents if they keep doing that."


"It's really fine, Toma." I told him.


He frowned, and seems to find it hard to accept that it happened. "I just hate disrespectful people like them."


"We really can't avoid encounters like those. You just got to let it slide and move on."


"What if I don't want to move on?"


"Then that would be a useless problem." I chuckled. "Come on, let's just go on our way to class." I offered him my hand.


I could see his face turning lightly red. "Oh. A-Are you sure you want to hold hands in public?" I started to feel a bit embarassed about it like him.


"I thought it would help lift up your mood because you're clearly upset. You can still take it while I'm still not changing my mind." He quickly holds my hand happily and grinned. "Don't mind if I do, hehe."


"You're so silly sometimes." Walking while holding hands , I can feel all the eyes that were looking at us. That wasn't the only thing that made me uncomfortable. My eyes would always notice the normal couples we pass by.


I felt really envious that they can freely be happy as a couple and go out normally s their comfortable with their relationships. It made me wish that I was born a girl, so it wouldn't be that difficult for Toma and I.