Insecurities, Part 2

Since Toma had something to do with his other friends, I was left alone to go home. It felt nice being by myself once in a while and I get to sort my thoughts in a more focused manner. I went to the mall to buy some stuff out of boredom before going home.


And everytime my eyes see a couple passing by, it would remind me of my thoughts of earlier. Will things be better between us if I was the other gender? I'm still not entirely comfortable with my secret relationship with Toma. I was still very unsure of a lot things, but the only important thing I know right now is that I love him.


While I look through some books in the novel section there was this unexpected person who approached me. "Hey! It's nice to see you again, Yuji." Yuu smiled very brightly.


"Ah, hey. Nice to see you too." I casually replied.


"I haven't seen you that much lately."


"About that, I was actually sick the past few days…"


"Oh really? I wish I knew, I could've visit and brought over some fruits or desserts." Yuu being nice was pretty okay, but I can't help but feel uneasy around him. There's just something about Yuu that makes him suspicious.


"That's thoughtful of you, but you don't really need to."


He expressed a sad smile but still had a cheerful tone as he kept on blabbering. "Well, I really wanted to be close to you. I just want to be good friends."


"Oh, uhh… we can hang out sometimes." Something is definitely weird about this guy.


"It would be nicer if you really mean to say that." His sudden remarked quite surprised me. I fell into silence and when he realized that I was speechless, he laughed it off. "Oh, I didn't mean anything bad. I just feel like you don't want to hang out with me at all."


"I-I… I'm sorry if you felt that way."


"No worries, I can tell that someone else might become jealous if you hangout with another guy." And again, he set me speechlees. Does he… "You're in a relationship with Tomakawa, right?" He asked.


How the hell did he know that?!


Yuu laughed again and ruffled my hair, treating me like some little kid. "You're supposed to deny that but I guess you're bad at lying. The truth is clearly written on your face."


"Then how did you!—"


"Anyone who that can see will easily notice by how you look at each other." He said grinning.


I was only petrified as he stared at me coldly, he immediately changes the mood by talking friendly again. "But of course! If that's supposed to be a secret, I won't say a word about it. We're friends after all, right Yuji?"




"So do you still want to hang out some other time?"


"I don't… know."


"Hmm…" he looked at me from head to toe. "I'll just text you when I'm free, alright? Let's have some good time together."


"O-Okay." What the hell is with this guy?


…what does he want from a guy like me? "You're going to come when I text you, okay? You didn't even watched my performance that I told you about. So it would only be fair if you come when I text you."


"I got it."


"Cool, see 'ya around Yuji." He waved goodbye and left me.

