Yuu, Part 1

Ever since I encountered Yuu at the mall, I can't help but to be anxious with every eyes glancing at me. I must be overthinking things, and I can't even shake these stupid thoughts off. This is why I went to the campus seperately.


"Yo, Toma isn't with you?" Hino sat next to me.


"Y-Yeah, he'll probably be here later."


"Oh okay…" and he continues to talk randomly. I can't really follow what he's talking because I was still bothered by so many thoughts.


Will Yuu show up today?


Is Toma upset with me for going here seperately?


…should I just break it off with Toma?


"—oi, Yuji!"


"…oh, what is it?" Shit, I guess I wandered too much with these ridiculous thoughts.


"Is there something you want to talk about? You seem troubled."


"I'm fine, believe me."


"Hmmm…" Hino began to look at me suspiciously. "Yeah, I don't believe you."


"Really! I'm fine, Hino." I assured him multiple times and he looks like he won't buy anything I tell him. He stopped bothering me eventually, since classes started.


And now that I notice it, Toma wasn't around. Is he going to be late? As the day goes on, my worry grew bigger when I couldn't get a sight of Toma for today. He must have skipped school today. So when classes ended, I quickly got on my way back but unfortunately… he's here.


"Hi Yuji!"


"Yuu!" This guy is really troublesome.


"I hope you have free time for today, I got some good stuff for you." The hell he's talking about?


"I'm sorry but—" Yuu didn't let me finish and weighted his arm around my shoulder.


"Oh come on! I already told you that I you have to come when I say so. Do you really want me to spread this disgusting picture?" And it surprised me when he showed a small picture of me and Toma at a stall doing… shit!


"H-Hey!" He immediately got the picture away when I tried to grab it.


"Hahaha! Don't get worked up on me now, we still have to discuss something."


"What do you want from me?!" I glared at him.


"Nothing, really. In fact, I'm disgusted to learn that you were such a fag. Who knew someone so upright like you turns out like this." This bastard!


"So what? It's none of your business."


He grins and began to drag me off somewhere. "I know."


"T-That's it!" I pushed him away and grabbed his collar. "Give me the picture."


"Heh, I think you should just come with me without doing anything stupid. This isn't the only copy I have, you know? Within an hour, this picture will be sent to every teachers and students on this campus if you walk out on me."


"N-No! I don't believe that…. that's a bluff!"


"Oh? You think I'm bluffing here?" He also showed his phone with the very same image of Toma and I. "So are you going to run away, Yuji?"


"I-I…" it's already obvious that I got no choice. I followed Yuu to some place and prepared myself on what was coming to me.


Maybe I really should break it off with Toma.