Yuu, Part 2

"Ah!" Yuji fell on the ground as Yuu gave him another hit. He was badly beaten by Yuu along with another guy. While getting beaten, Yuji thought so hard of what reason Yuu could possibly have against him. What has he ever done to him to resort onto a situation like this?


"You. Disgusting. Fag!" The two laughed as they kept kicking Yuji down when he tries to get up.


They also keep taking some pictures on their phones while they beat Yuji. "…ell… e…"


"Hm? Is there something you want to say?" Yuu asked in a mocking tone. He grabs Yuji on the hair and lifts his face off the ground. "Don't keep me waiting, I'll smash your annoying face on the floor."


"…tell… me… what did I ever do to you?" He asked with all the strength left in him.


Yuu got even more furious with Yuji. "To think you got some nerve to ask me that. Did you really forgot about it?"




"You damned asshole!" And just like he told Yuji, he really did smash his face on ground. "You think you're better than me? Do you really think that it makes you cool to forget a lot of things? Or are you really just like this? Tell me!!"


"I don't k-know what you're talking about." When he insisted on about his ignorance, Yuu's face darkens.


"Then shall I remind you of how horrible you were?!" Yuu began to beat him up again while the other guy was recording them. And on each hit Yuji receives from Yuu, he was reminded by Yuu of the reasons he has against him.


"You were an asshole!"


"People keep saying I'm not good enough because of you!"


"You were an arrogant bastard who thinks he's good at it all!"


"You were a selfish prick hauling all the attention and fame to yourself!"


"Just because you won that one time, you start to look down on every person trying to be like you!"


Yuji still couldn't make sense of all his reasons. He can't think properly as well since he was in extreme pain. Despite that, he was focused on Yuu noticing his great resentment towards him. He kept asking at the back of his mind, 'what have I ever done to you?'


"What with you?… are you still in the dark about it? You pathetic piece of shit!" He kicks Yuji away from him, making Yuji suffer from all the injuries he got.


"I… I still can't understand." Yuji admitted, and that made things worse for Yuu.


When he decided to go for another hit on Yuji, his pal stopped him from doing so. "Yuu, stop it! He's going to die if you keep on kicking him like that."


"So what? I think that's not a bad idea."


"It is! I don't want to be a criminal, you know?!"


"Fine, get outta here! I'll handle this by myself." The other guy gave Yuu a few more warning until he left the two of them. As they're alone with one another, Yuu sat across from Yuji while glaring at him. He was really annoyed that Yuji can't remember the time that made him hate Yuji.


The two just stare at each other until Yuu spoke again. "It was way back when it happened…"