Yuu, Part 3

"And for the winner of this theatrical competition!… the North Peaches High School!"


The crowd roared happily, agreeing with the results of the competition. All that performed on stage was great and entertaining, but not as good as the winner of the competition. Though the achievement of the North Peaches High School wouldn't be possible with it's lead, Yujiro.


Many have admired his talent in acting, and it is also said that with his talent, it is possible to reach higher grounds if he continue to mold and pursue his talent.


There was also this one person who claims to admire Yuji the most, Yuu. He was also an aspiring actor like Yuji, he wants to be someone just like him. And so he thought of getting some advice from this person himself.


Yuu was confident that words from his idol will definitely boost him into becoming a great actor. As he approached this person, he can't contain the excitement and nervousness on seeing Yuji.


"H-Hi, I'm a big fan." His greeting was delivered awkwardly, but he kept on smiling when Yuji noticed him.


"…oh hey. Thanks. " it was disheartening for Yuu with Yuji's attitude. He expected him to be kind and great like how he was on stage, though Yuji seemed to be really cold and scary.


"I-I umm, I watched every play you did. You're really great, and umm…" Yuu's nervousness keeps increasing with how Yuji was staring at him. He can tell that he was bored and itching to leave him, he must be sick of hearing fans talking like this all of the time.


"A-Anyway! I want to be just like you! I want to win theatrical competitions just like you did, so… uhm… do you think I can be like you?"


They both fell silent for a while until Yuji decided to talk back. "I don't know."


"E-Eh, but I…"


"Maybe try joining the theatre club first." And with that statement, Yuji left, letting Yuu get determined to do what he wants to do.


"Alright! I'll do that! I'll follow in your footsteps and become just like you!"


It took quite a while for Yuu to become an amateur actor, but with great determination, he made it just like he expect himself to. And when the day of giving judgements on amateurs by seniors at the theatre club came, Yuu was the first person to perform.


He was really excited since Yuji was one of those senior who will judge. 'I wonder what he'll say about me… I bet he'll be impressed and proud of me! He's the one who adviced me to join his club too.'


And as Yuu gave it his all on stage, he expects to see an impressed Yuji by the end of his performance. But it was truly unfortunate when it ended. "That was great!" Most of the seniors that was judging were all impressed, all except one.


"T-Thank you." Yuu's eyes were only focused on Yuji. And it hurts him greatly to see him with a bored look on his face.


'W-What's this?' With his expectations ruined, his thoughts were all over the place. He ignored every compliment he receives from the other seniors while he was looking at Yuji.


When his turn was done, he stayed outside the club thinking why Yuji was like that.


'Am I lacking something?'


'Was my performance that boring?'


'Maybe he doesn't like me?'


While he was overthinking, Yuji came out of the room, letting out a yawn and a comment that scarred Yuu. "That was hella boring! I should've hang out with Toma instead."


It didn't take long for Yuji to notice Yuu looking at him from the sides. Yuu was on the verge of crying from that awful comment of his idol, but it was just ignored. While Yuji was walking away, Yuu yelled at him. "You just wait and see, Yujiro! I'll become greater than you!!"