Yuu, Part 4

"…I thought you'll come to my performance when I told you about it, but it really pissed me off when you ditched it. I thought I might finally have you acknowledge my talent."


Now that it was all clear for Yuji, he greatly felt guilty for making someone feel so horrible. It also reminded him how bad he treated Toma.


"I… I'm sorry." He weakly mutters.


Yuu glares at Yuji. "It's already too late for that."


"I'm sorry."


"I said it's too late for that!" Yuu stands up to get something he hid behind the dumpster near them. And as Yuu gets closer to his victim, Yuji was frozen in fear of the hammer in sight. "Which one should I choose first? Your hands? Feet? Man, so many choices!"


"T-That thing will kill me!"


"Not really. As long as your head is intact, you'll survive."


"That's not it! I can't let this happen, will you really let your stupid grudge do this!? Just because someone said your acting was boring, you're almost going to kill a person?!"


"Oh shut up! It's not like I'm going to kill you. And it's not just some stupid grudge, don't you know I take pride in every act I do? And all you ever do is trample on it. You're the worst person, ever!"


"Stop it, Yuu!"


Yuu didn't listen to Yuji and had himself swinging the hammer onto Yuji's hands. It caused Yuji to let out a loud painful scream. Yuu continued to hammer his hands until blood appeared. Yuji lost consciousness from the extreme pain. "How lame, it ain't fun taking it on someone sleeping. Hey! Wake up! I'm not done with you yet."


He kept shaking Yuji to wake him up, but he won't even budge. Yuu felt cold with how it was going for him. "N-No way. Are you that weak!? You can't be dea—" he shuts himself and got wary of his surroundings. Looking from side to side, he made sure no one was there.


"Shit!" He throws the hammer away and dragged Yuji at the side of the dumpster. "O-Oi, oi! Wake the fuck up you moron!"


It made him think that he might have gone too far, and so he unconsciously began to regret what he has done to Yuji. Eventually, he cried begging on an unconscious person to wake up. "Yujiro! Hey!… wake up! Hey!!"


When he realized that Yuji won't wake up soon, he might as well escape while he still has the time. "Shit, shit! Shit!!" He kept cursing as he nervously leaves the place, but before he could take a turn away from the alley, someone unexpected shows up.


Both of their eyes widens seeing one another. "Y-You…" Yuu stuttered. The person infront of him had his eyes shifting from him to Yuji, and just when Yuu attempts to escape, he was captured.


"You bastard!"


"Ahh!! Help!" Yuu struggled to escape him but he won't let go easily.


"What have you done to Yuji!"