Too Broken, Part 1

That was it.


Everything is over.


I no longer have anything to do with him. When I got back from the hospital, I learned that Yuji's father had storm at my place and took all of Yuji's belonging. They said he'll transfer his son onto another school because of me, though he had never mentioned to the faculty the reasons. But rumors seem to have already spread because of Yuu.


"How disgusting! The school should expel him."


"Is it really that guy?!"


"I heard he was sexually assaulting his roommate, that's why the father of the victim took away his son."


"That fag is a scum!"


Many people kept whispering behind my back as I walk on the hallways. I couldn't care less about what they say, nothing mattered to me anymore.


Opening the door of the dean's office, the dean was already looking at me with disgust and anger. "Mr. Tomakawa."


"Yes, you called?" I can tell what's coming next.


"The situation regarding Mr. Yujiro has been spread and reported through media and local news. It's a disgrace to this university to have such students like you and Mr. Yuu. Don't you have anything to say for yourself?"


"...I have nothing to say." I can't say anything at all.


"Most have already sent complaints about you and requested to have you arrested for sexual assault. Though through the investigation, a few knows your true relationship with Mr. Yujiro."




"Yujiro's father have also requested to have you arrested and refuse to accept the fact of this relationship. So the school have come to this solution for the sake of Yujiro's poor father..." he annoyingly pauses just to glare at me for a sec and continued. " can stop attending classes. You are expelled, Mr. Tomakawa."


And after that, I was forced to pack my stuff up and leave the university. Having my way back, a lot were still intrigued to see me and make me feel worse by loudly talking how awful of a person I am. And none of my friends can even look at me, most of them began to deny that they ever had anything to do with me. Again, it didn't bother me...


Now that Yuji isn't with me anymore, nothing else really matters.


"Yuji..." taking one last look on my room, I recalled every memory I had with Yuji. My eyes kept squeezing every tear it could produce.


I got on Yuji's part of the bunk bed and hugged the pillow they left. "Damn it..." I don't even have the strength to hug the pillow tight. Knowing that I won't ever get to be with Yuji makes me feel so weak.


Just a few more minutes... just a few more. I'll stay here for a few more minutes and then I'll leave as soon as I can. I pulled the pillow closer to my face and notice that it still has Yuji's scent. I closed my eyes as I try to hug it as tight as I can.