Chapter 10: Getting To Know Naomi... Well Kind of

As Naomi and I walk down the path in silence, I can't help but wonder how the others will react. Naomi is a Slytherin after all and I knew how much Sirius hated Slytherins and anyone who thinks about pureblood purity, James would probably react the same as Sirius whereas I believe that Peter wouldn't really care. Remus would most likely become friends with her instantly and begin yapping to her about books like he usually would and out of the four, he is the most likely to get along with Naomi the best. As we push open the giant wooden doors leading to the entrance hall, I see Naomi wiping her sweaty hands on her robes which made me begin to think. Was she worried to meet my brother and his friends? Did she think that they were going to turn her away? I didn't get to ponder much because Remus had already ran over too me and wrapped me in a hug. "There you are. I was so worried" he breathed out pulling away. James and Peter walked over to us and that's when I realize it's time to introduce the Slytherin."I'm fine Remus. I was just speaking with my new friend, Naomi" I turn around and send her an encouraging smile before stepping to the side so she could meet the others. I look between them both, hoping that they would welcome Naomi like any other Gryffindor, but I was wrong for James anyway. He was glaring at her with his hazel eyes while Peter had his brows furrowed beside him. "YOU MADE A FRIEND WHO'S A SNAKE" James shouts attracting the attention of many students. He sends me a glare from a few feet away before Remus interferes. "Leave my sister alone James, if she wants to be friends with a Slytherin she can. Besides not all Slytherins might be bad because they are fighting for evil" Remus glares at him before turning to me. When his eyes connected with mine, I could truly see how happy he was about me making a friend despite him being a monster (in his words anyway). He looked away and walked up to the Slytherin holding out his hand which Naomi hesitantly shakes. "Sorry about him he doesn't realize that some Slytherins aren't bad. I'm Remus Lupin, Meadow's brother" he introduces himself to her and she smiles slightly."Naomi"."ARE YOU NUTS???" James shouts at Remus who looked back at him and Peter after meeting Naomi."No I'm Remus. But seriously she hasn't done anything to you so why give her a hard time?" Remus questions before someone's voice came from behind us. "I heard my name." When I look, Sirius is making his way over smiling. However when he spots the Naomi, his smile fades and he stops walking, tensing visibly. "Will someone explain why a snake is with you!?" he asks angrily glaring at the group."Hey don't speak as if us Slytherins our bad" shouts a voice in the crowd and many starts protesting too."Exactly my point. Talk to Meadow about it... it was her who brought the snake over" James says ignoring them and glaring at me, while Peter watches us all with wide eyes. "Hang on, not all Slytherins are bad!" I shout at them standing in front of the Slytherin, protectively. Many students were watching the scene unfold just as I continue shouting at the boys (but Remus). "Just let her prove herself to you although she shouldn't have too, but if that's what it takes for you to trust then so be it! You haven't even spoken to Naomi yet and your already judging her! Let her at least speak to you about why she wants you to trust her before you turn her away! Go ahead Naomi..." I turn around to face the girl only to find the spot she was last standing in was now vacant and she was no where to be seen. "Naomi?" I mutter looking around the entrance hall for the girl, trying to spot her slightly tanned skin among the crowd. There was no sign of her in the crowd watching us, so where was she? Where had Naomi run off too? Where would she go? My eyes sweep over the entrance hall again landing on a light tanned skin figure with black hair running down the stairs towards the dungeons. I notice a scar running along their cheek when I realize quickly that it was the girl I was looking for. I mutter her name under my breath and take off in her direction, bumping into Sirius and James as I pass. The crowd of students separate as I come close watching me with wide eyes and still protesting about Slytherin rights, while I just walk quickly through the crowd towards the set of stairs leading down to the dungeons. The four boys still standing where I introduced Naomi watching my back disappear among the crowd, lost for words as I follow my Slytherin friend down the stairs to the dungeons. Naomi's POV."WILL SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHY THERE IS A SNAKE WITH YOU" the boy with long, shaggy hair asked angrily to his friends whilst glaring at me. I should of known this would happen, they were all proud Gryffindor's (except Meadow who actually seemed decant) I'm just a snake all alone. No one ever paid attention to me, I was just little Naomi, the shame to everyone. Many other Slytherins in the crowd starts to protest about how we aren't bad although who I was."Hang on, not all Slytherins are bad!" Meadow defended me whilst also standing in front of me protectively. My deep brown eyes, flick from student to student who were crowding around us, watching the scene unfold. "Just let her prove herself to you although she shouldn't have to!" Meadow continued shouting at them making me smile slightly at her words. I could tell she is a true Gryffindor. Loyal and brave. Not only was she standing up for me, a Slytherin, but she is also brave too do so. Not everyone would do that and no one would of done that to me especially. I bow my head and quietly walk away from the five, hopefully I wasn't seen in the progress as I head straight to the dungeons. I wanted to be alone, far from everyone. "She wants you too trust her before you turn her away! Go ahead Naomi" I can make out Meadows voice in the distance. I speed up slightly, walking down the spiral stairs to the dungeons ignoring the pounding of my feet against the stone. I reach the bottom rather quickly and begin to jog down the corridor, ignoring the looks I received from my fellow Slytherins. Most of them looked at me in disgust and whispers to their friends no doubt about me and how much of a loser I was. It was all true. I was the one everyone hated... Even other Slytherins in my house hated me. Why couldn't I have been put in a different house? Of all the houses the Sorting Hat had to pick, it had to pick the one who didn't get along with Gryffindor's... I reach the wall where the Slytherin Common Room and Dormitories are found and shout the password up to it. It opens up and reveals the green common room with quite a few students inside they all seemed so happy with their friends whereas I didn't because I had none (except Meadow but she is a Gryffindor so it probably wouldn't work out). I heard a voice calling out my name behind me and when I look over my shoulder, Meadow is running fast down the corridor to the open wall of the common room. I speed walk through the common room as the wall shuts and although the Gryffindor can't get no further I still continue walking away up to my dormitory. Thanks to Dumbledore, he respected my wishes and gave me my own dorm room on my own like I asked him before term and thankfully he managed to arrange that. I of course have my reasons for wanting my own dorm but of course know one but the Headmaster and McGonagall knows and I would rather keep it that way. I reach my dorm and when I shut my door after entering I slide down to the floor. Soft sobs could be heard from myself as I think back at how I was rejected. How two of the boys looked at me in disgust... How the small boy eyed me like I wasn't trustworthy... How Remus didn't bother defending me and just watched from the side lines… How Meadow actually tried to get them to at least get to know me before turning me away... This is why I had no friends... Because its only full of hate.I sat there sobbing for god knows how long, even when the bell for classes went, I stayed there. I had no idea when I would get up but right now, I just stayed there.Meadow's POV.Just as the bell went I run into Defence Against the Dark Arts panting. After I had tried to speak with Naomi, I had ran up many flights of stairs and corridors just so I could get to class on time. Sirius, James, Peter and Remus were already standing at the back of the class for the professor after they left me to run around the school after Naomi. I look around the class wondering where she was, I couldn't see her anywhere meaning she was probably still in the dungeons. I felt bad for the girl, even if she was a Slytherin... As far as I know she hadn't done anything to anger anyone so I didn't know what made her friendless. But that was a question to be answered another time for now I had DADA. I take a seat beside Remus and pull out my book just as the professor walked in. I had forgotten his name from the Sorting Ceremony last night but he would probably introduce his self anyway, most professors would. Remus nudges me in the side and slips a small piece of parchment across the table. I reposition it so I can read it and hold my quill in front of it so the professor couldn't see. Did you speak with Naomi? If so how is she? ~RLI raise my quill and scribble a sentence back, sliding the parchment back to my brother and we went on and on for a while. No she hid in the Slytherin Common Room which I can't get in. ~ALWhat should we do then? ~RLI could try speak with her at lunch but I don't think she would listen after earlier. ~ALYeah Sirius and James will get mad if they see you talking to her... ~RLI don't care, they're mad anyways. ~ALStill, what are we going to do then?~RLI'm going to speak with Naomi at Lunch anyway. I don't listen to two idiots who I've known less than a day. ~ALOkay I will try and distract them just let me know when you are going to talk to her and when you do can you tell her I'm sorry. ~RLWill do, and let them see me talking with her. They need to know that they might not be friends with Slytherins but I will! ~ALVery well, just give me some sort of signal when your about to go. ~RLI give Remus a single nod and turn back to my parchment of notes and begin copying them down. The rest of the lesson went quite quickly and as soon as the bell went I rushed out of class with the other boys hot on my heels and begin to run down many corridors towards the hall. Behind I could hear a few of the boys asking why we were running so fast but neither Remus nor I answered and we just kept running. For a few minutes we run down the stairs and once the great hall has been reached we all of a sudden stop. My bright blue eyes dart around each of the students already sitting down but none was Naomi. I take a seat closest to the door on the Gryffindor table and watch everyone who enters. Remus and the others sit around me confused (well James, Sirius and Peter were anyway) and we sit there for a while but she never turned up. Where was she?