Chapter 13: The Moon

The ghostly white moon hung high on the black canvas that night. No stars were out and there was a gently breeze gliding through the air brushing against each tree, shrub and strand of grass making them dance. Every now and again, a deep howl will echo through the night from the Whomping Willow from none other than a first year student. Remus had been gone for almost three and a half hours now (although the moon hadn't risen for at least an hour of that time) having to go through the same pain each month. While I watch the trees swaying from the window in the girls dormitory I can't help but think of my brother. My plan was to watch him through my mind and power for a little bit just to make sure he was alright but so far I had no luck connecting with him. It might be because I still hadn't regained my power from when I saw Dad early this morning but then again, it could also be because Remus was in his other form.All day I have been worrying for what was to happen this evening... and on top of that James had been non-stop bugging me. It was no secret to me that he, Sirius and Peter was whispering about what I said. To be fair, I was at Hogwarts the whole the time and when I told Remus what I saw they must of been confused. But what if they heard our conversation earlier? Did they know what my brother was? Did they know about my visions? Did they-"Hello- Meadow- are you there?" said a voice snapping me out of my many thoughts. I look up too see Alice looking down at me trying to hold back a laugh. Marlene and Lily were both looking at me from their beds with light smirks also plastered on their faces and were both had a few bottles of nail polish in front of them. "Yeah sorry Alice, what were you saying?" I give her a strained smile and she just rolls her eyes."I was saying how you should stop looking out of that bloody window and come join the rest of us. Don't think we haven't noticed you sitting here for the past four hours, come on it won't kill you" Alice whined tugging on my arm. "Okay, I'll come and hang out but I can't promise that I will be there the whole time." Alice's brown eyes lit up and before I know it, I was talking and laughing with the girls... But that didn't stop me from worrying...Even with the girls there as a distraction, my thoughts were still on my brother. Locked in the Shrieking Shack alone, knowing there is a whole castle of teachers and students on his doorstep. I couldn't even imagine what he would be feeling right now... in his werewolf form or not. When each full moon came, I felt bad for my brother but I had never felt as bad as I did now."Is everything okay Meadow? You've been really quiet..." said a voice, breaking me out of my thoughts. I look up into Lily's emerald green eyes and smile."I'm fine just...." I stuttered trying to come up with some reason that would make up for my silence. The first thing that came to mind was Remus in the shack but I couldn't say that and give away his identity... "I'm just homesick that's all. I've never been away from home for this long before so this all new to me... I'll be fine though, there is no need to worry about me." I lied easily looking back down at my hands. I catch the girls all smiling sympathetically on their beds before Marlene breaks the silence."Well if you ever want to talk, we're here for you... Even if it's something you don't want to tell your brother... You can talk to us about it". I look back up at the girls from the nail varnish I was using (it's a mixture of red and yellow if you were wondering) and give them another small smile before continuing with my nails. Luckily for me, the girls went back to talking and laughing as they were before, leaving me to my thoughts although I did talk a little bit unlike last time. I look out of the window once more at the moon to see it almost at its highest point in the sky. It shone down on all of the grounds and the castle... and also on the Willow. I look up at the wall where a small clock was hanging. Unfortunately it wasn't one like my Dad had charmed for both Remus and I back home but it did it's job like it was supposed to. It read 11:28 and it didn't seem like I was the only one who realised it either.

"God is that the time already!" exclaimed Lily. "We'd better get some sleep, we have classes tomorrow." The girls all agreed and one by one fell asleep in their four-posters. I didn't however... I just continued watching the stars and the moon... Thinking of my brother in the Shrieking Shack...

Sorry this chapter is kind of a filler, I just haven't had the feeling to write recently :( sorry. The5thMarauder :)