Chapter 14: Backfire.

It's been about a month since the full moon and during that time, not a lot has happened. I've attended classes, tried to speak with Naomi (she has still been avoiding everyone), went to the library with Remus (and found out no information about my visions which wasn't really helpful), and I've also watched a duo fail at putting on a performance. James and Sirius had both been trying to remake my fireworks display -although they didn't know it was mine- and both of their attempts failed miserably. The first time, they hadn't even set off the fireworks and the rockets just went through the tables and all fell onto the floor. The second time, they managed to actually set them off but the idiots didn't realise the gunpowder was wet so they just flew into the air and fell with no colour whatsoever. Both of these attempts gave them detention from McGonagall which left them in a grump afterwards but it made me smirk.Anyway, nothing good has happened over the past month -excluding the failed fireworks and Remus shouting at me for staying up all night last full moon. I managed to get on his good side though, so that argument cleared up pretty quickly and that leads up to now. The 17th October, four days before another full moon. Although last month went as planned, I couldn't help but worry about this one, anything could happen. Anyway back to what was happening right now.As usual, I was sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall in the morning reading my book... Well pretending too. What I was really doing was watching James and Sirius whispering to Peter and my brother, while occasionally glancing around too see if anyone heard them. It was obvious that they were planning something... If I had heard their plans or not. Yes... I knew what they were planning but I didn't intend to let anyone know that. Although I didn't know much, I knew enough. Like I know that their fireworks that didn't work whatsoever was all an act to make it look like they couldn't prank. I knew that it was today in our first class (Transfiguration) was when the prank would be done. I knew who the victim for the prank was... myself. Yes you heard me correctly, I am the victim of their prank and my own bother didn't tell me. So much for us being able to trust each other with anything. So although I wasn't supposed to know about the prank, why shouldn't I do a little of my own...I finish eating my breakfast and get up from the table bringing my copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them with me and then begin to walk down the hall. As I got close to them, they all went silence and avoided eye contact. It was obvious that they were just hoping I would just walk past so they could once again go over their plan but I thought otherwise. I stop at their table while watching James and Sirius visibly gulp before turning to Remus and sending him a small smile. "We need to talk", I declared holding up a piece of parchment that I had stuffed in my robe pocket. "It's about Mum"... I added and Remus' eyes widens before he takes out his school bag from underneath the bench and rises. He begins to mutter something about meeting them in Transfiguration with McGonagall after he had spoke with me before practically pulling me out of the hall with no backwards glance. We walk in silence up some stairs and down corridors with my brother still practically pulling me along. All we wanted was a quiet place to talk before heading to class and it couldn't wait. When we reach a practically empty hallway, Remus sends me a questioning glance and I breath out a long sigh. "Both Mum and Dad are fine don't worry. The whole reason I pulled you away from them was because I figured that it could be a good excuse for the full moon this weekend. Basically your just going to tell the others that Mum is ill and you have to go home and I have already 'spoken' to Dumbledore and he is allowing us to go and 'visit' her this weekend. But that wasn't the reason I wanted to speak with you"... Remus, who had been nodding along with my plan, asks "then why did you want to see me?" I smile cheekily before changing my smile into a big smirk."Well let's just say that I know about the prank James, Sirius and Peter are planning to do on me" I confess making my brother begin to stutter in defence. "Relax, I know your not involved" I chuckle which allowed my brother to calm down slightly but not completely. "However, I am not going to allow them to prank me so I'm going to sit beside you in Transfiguration. Then as the boys come in late, one of them will have no choice but to sit in my original seat and then I will be safe." Remus gives me a single nod, smirking but quickly hid it as we rounded the corner to the hall where McGonagall's class was. A few students were filing in with the professor in her green cloak looking down upon them, her lips were in a tight line as usual. As Remus and I began to join the line, the Professor's eyes caught mine for a split second before she immediately looked away. I walk past her and into the classroom, staring down at the floor and allowing Remus to guide us to the back seats.* * *My head dips slightly as I listen to the boring lecture McGonagall was giving the class about a form of Transfiguration. I had already written down two scrolls of parchment worth of notes for the hour and fifteen minutes we had already been in the class for but I was now bored. There was still no sign of James and Sirius (Peter managed to make it to class just in time and he sat beside Remus and beside the window) and I was wondering if they would actually turn up. If they didn't... well the student sitting in that seat next would be in for a nasty surprise... As if on queue, the door of the Transfiguration classroom swung open and hit the wall loudly revealing two out of breath boys. Sirius and James both had their bags over their shoulders and were panting heavily before us making most of the class laugh... Except for the members of the Sirius Fan Club (don't ask) who were giggling stupidly and batting their eyelashes at Sirius trying to get his attention. "Sorry we're late Minnie, we got lost" they both panted almost together, which was answered by a raise of the professor's eyebrows and the snickers of the class. I struggled to hold back a laugh as I listened quietly beside Remus who was also trying to remain silent. That's when they look over to the back of the room and they see me beside my brother trying to not laugh at them. This followed with their jaws dropping slightly. "Well I hardly doubt that reason you two" McGonagall's voice cuts in turning their attention to her. "You have both been caught out of bed after hours multiple times, so I would imagine the both of you would know the layout of the castle with your eyes closed by now. Detention for you both tomorrow at six now Mr. Potter go sit beside Miss. Lupin, Mr. Black I want you beside Miss. Fortescue." Both Alice and I roll our eyes at the seating but then again, I'm fine sitting beside James although I would like him better if he had actually tried to get on with Naomi.James looks to both me and Remus before turning back to Sirius who had a worried look on his face. James gives him a sad smile before walking over to the chair beside me and unpacking his stuff before scribbling something on a spare roll of parchment. Sirius, however, was just slightly edging towards my usual seat that was unoccupied while the class sat there snickering at him. A nudge in my side made my head snap around and a single piece of parchment is slid my way which I read and passed back many responses as Sirius still refused to sit down.Why the hell are you sitting over here? -JPI have my reasons... One of them being because of the prank that you and Sirius were 'trying to hide'. Next time I would suggest acting less suspicious would help. -MLWait, are you saying that Remus didn't tell you when you pulled him out of breakfast this morning? -JPNope, I worked it out by myself. Although I only found out about it last night, I figured you were all plotting something that was to happen sooner or later thanks to how suspicious you guys were acting... -MLWell... it looks like you caught us... Well done. But do you know what the hell is going to happen to my best friend now?! -JPI will in a moment Specky… -MLTo my left, Remus snorts as he was reading my response to James from over my shoulder. I smirk and slide the parchment back over to him and he looked very offended once he had read my response. All four of us (including Peter) now turned our attention over to Sirius who was still standing beside my usual desk not wanting to sit down. His stormy grey eyes swoop over the classroom eventually landing on me. His glared daggers at me which I returned with a widened smirk before he gave out a long sigh and sat down. A mix of green and silver paint rained down from out of nowhere along with a mix of pink and purple glitter and bucket loads of flowers. The class all roared with laughter at the mad Sirius two of those being myself and Remus who must of been the ones laughing the loudest and the hardest. James and Peter giggled quietly but quickly hid their smiles when Sirius glares our way. I pull out my wizarding camera (which was given to me by my Dad when I was only eight) and snap a picture of the boy before stuffing it into my school bag along with the picture which I could use to torment Sirius with later. My blue eyes turn to McGonagall who was trying to contain her laughter with her mouth in a tight line. The corners of her mouth twitches up for a split second which I believe I was the only one too see before they become the same tight line."Mr. Black, Mr. Potter and you too Mr. Pettigrew because I know you were also involved, all have detention this coming Friday at nine!" McGonagall thunders. James and Peter were both sat in their chairs annoyed while a still green and silver coloured Sirius was fuming in his seat. In a moment, all the mess was cleared from everything (including Sirius unfortunately) thanks to the Transfiguration Professor. The rest of Transfiguration- or the last ten minutes of it anyway- went by slowly and as normal except from the constant glares Sirius sends me and James ignoring me which I didn't mind. When the bell rung, everyone filed out the class with James, Sirius and Peter leading the way while also dragging me brother out with them leaving me to pack up my things slowly. I was obviously trying to waste time so I wouldn't have to go to History of Magic with the very boring ghost of Professor Binns which luckily McGonagall didn't realize as she was too busy looking at most likely her lesson plans. I exit the classroom before the professor could realize I was still in her class when a hand covers my mouth and the other covering my eyes.I try to kick and scream but no noise escaped me loud enough for someone to hear... My kidnapper begins to walk me somewhere which I had no idea where it was, but what I did do was kept kicking off and making some sort of noise hoping to catch someone's attention. However the person was too strong for me so all I could do was try to keep fighting as I was being taken to another location...

I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas (for those who celebrates it). Sorry it isn't a Christmas chapter but there is one coming up in a few chapters time (iconic right?), however with my schedule of posting a chapter once every two weeks it just wouldn't of worked with me trying to write chapters too. The next chapter should be updated on the 9th January 2021 so you can find out what is going to happen to Meadow there. Feel free to leave any theories or just general comments in the discussion because I want to know any ideas you might have for this story. Stay safe, and Happy Christmas...The5thMarauder :)