Chapter 20: Trying Again.

It's been four whole months since Fabian, Gideon and I blew up the potions classroom. Four months since all potions lessons were cancelled. Four months since our potions lessons had been replaced with free periods. No one still to this day knows that it was me and the twins that blew up the potions room (except for the boys obviously) and Slughorn had finally given up his search for the student or students that blew up his classroom after two months. I had to admit it was pretty funny watching him be suspicious around all the students in the class at that time but I cant help that. Over the past four months... not a lot had happened. I became better friends with Naomi, I grew closer with all my fellow Gryffindor friends, Remus and I have looked in the library for more information on my visions (I hadn't had any since I saw our Dad), the mystery person hasn't called me, I would often visit Dumbledore's office at least twice a week to see Fawkes, and Remus has gone through his monthly transformations as usual. No one has found out about his illness thankfully and surprisingly, and so we were just left living our day to day lives and coming up with excuses for Remus disappearances every month. We mainly just say that our Mum is ill so we go home once a month which was an excuse everyone was buying but we wouldn't be able to use that excuse for all seven years at Hogwarts we had. Because it would be weird me staying here whilst Remus 'visits' our 'ill' Mum, I now pretty much have the hospital wing as my second bedroom. I didn't keep any belongings there and I would bring everything I would need there but I had in a way became close with the school nurse. She would often speak with me to try and get my thoughts off of Remus every full moon which really helped and she always took care of me just like a parent would.But today I wouldn't be doing any of that. Today I had decided it was finally time to have the boys become friends with Naomi and not myself as usual. All night I have been working on multiple different plans (don't tell Remus, he would kill me) and I think after seven long hours I'd finally found one with potential. Now all I had too do was put it into action, but first I needed to at least try and get a couple hours sleep.

I walk into the Great Hall early the next morning after only getting forty-five minutes of sleep. Luckily I had avoided Remus this morning so he couldn't question the big bags under my eyes, but I didn't even mind if he caught me. My only plan was to make Naomi and the boys friends by the end of today... And nothing was going to stop me.I pick up an apple from Gryffindor table and bite into it as I change my route to the 'table of snakes' as James and Sirius called it, and I walk directly to one end where Naomi was sitting alone reading a book. I got a few sneers and dirty looks from most of the Slytherins as I passed but not that I cared even when I sat down opposite Naomi, the glares didn't stop. I just ignored them though and pulled down part of the book Naomi was reading so she would see me. "Jesus Meadow, don't do that" she gasped but still let out a small giggle. "Hello Naomi, I hope you don't mind but I'm kidnapping you for the day" I smirk in return, letting go of her book. She marks the page and shuts it, putting it to the side and looking back at me. "Okay? You could've just asked you know" Naomi rolled her eyes, taking another bite out of her toast."Hmm, no fun. But today is the big day," I laughed my face turning slightly serious as I said the last sentence. She furrowed her eye brows for at least six seconds before her eyes went wide and she started shaking her head. "Don't worry it will be okay, and if you ever feel like you want to leave we will go" I reassured her giving her my best puppy eyes. "Please, for me." She sighed loudly and muttered "fine" just loud enough for me to hear. I smirk in triumph and take another bite of my apple, pulling out a note from my pocket. I let out a small series of whistles only a few people around us heard when a stroke of white, black and brown darts into the hall drawing the attention of a few students who let out gasps. Lynx quickly hops into my lap when she arrives and I stroke her small head and scratched her behind the ear until Naomi broke the silence around us. "How did you do that?""It's honestly really simple but we've already established that she only comes too me. When I taught her to come over Christmas, we also tried with Rem but she refused to go to him" I laughed kissing the top of Lynx's fury head. In return she sniffs my chin pressing her small wet nose against it. Using a napkin I dry my chin and show the letter to the kneazle. "Take this to Remus, then go back up to the dorm okay?" She takes the small letter from my hand and brushes up against me before hopping out of my lap and going to the Gryffindor table where Remus was. Shaking my head I get up and so does Naomi before we leave the hall and walk onto the warm grounds. There were only a few people out and about this morning, mainly because everyone was gathered in the Great Hall for breakfast. We begin to walk aimlessly, talking about random things and just enjoying the weather whilst other students were all laughing and running about. We go and take a seat underneath a small beech tree I usually find the boys sitting at and we continue to talk, but what Naomi didn't know was that a few more people my come by later. "Sorry we're late" Remus said sitting under the tree to my right. James, Sirius and Peter just stood there awkwardly when they saw Naomi and none of us said a word. Every few seconds I would glance between my friends and I could sense my brother doing the same. No one dared move a muscle as we sat (or stood for the others) in silence. Every now and again the lake would ripple, birds could be heard singing and students laughter was around our small group. I could feel Naomi tense to my left and she would often play with the bottom of her jumper sleeves. She avoided all eye contact she could and her breathing had become slightly faster but they would all have to at least talk sooner or later. "Well I guess its time to make them friends" I mutter under my breath but it seems that everyone heard me."Hang on, we agreed to not criticise her, not become her friend" Sirius pointed out despite him being wrong."Actually you agreed to try and be friends. Are you really going to go back on what you said?" Remus corrected him. They boy opens his mouth to reply but quickly realized that my brother had won this so he just stays silent. "Well I guess I better introduce you all properly." I smile widely at how well this was playing out and one by one point at each of the boys. "Naomi this is James, Sirius, Peter and Remus. Guys this is Naomi." I turn to look at the boys and they seemed to be acting surprisingly nice. I motion to my brother that we needed to talk so we quickly excused ourselves and walk a few meters away."So what's the next step of your plan?" Remus whispered to me, glancing over at the small group. "I say we just let them play it out, but we should step in if needed" I answer. He nodded thoughtfully as we stood there and watched but occasionally whispering comments.

Naomi's POV.

I lie against the tree in silence watching two of the boys swap chocolate frog cards on the grass. Peter just sits off to the side watching the duo argue over the trade for Merlin."I have Merlin if you want to trade it" I barely whisper pulling out a small stack of cards out of my pocket. Sirius glanced up and picks out a couple of cards from his pack and place them in front of me."Okay I'll trade you Dumbledore and Salazar Slytherin for Merlin" James offered happily."And Helga Hufflepuff. Give me those three and we have an accord" I bartered with a smirk. The boy groaned but presented all three cards none the less. I slide the Merlin card over to him and add the new three to my pack. Glancing over at the Lupin siblings I can still see them talking but I didn't mind really, mainly because I was slightly enjoying the boys company. I didn't plan to tell them that though. "Naomi do you wat to trade Bertie Bott for Mirabella Plunkett?" Sirius asked bringing me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and offered another card which he accepted. We continue to trade cards for a few minutes with Peter joining in on a few until Meadow and Remus returned. "So how's it going?" Meadow asked sitting back down under the tree. Remus also sat back down and pulled out his own chocolate frog cards. "It's going great. It turns out that Naomi is pretty cool although she is in Slytherin" James said much to my surprise. Everyone must of seen the surprised look on my face because they burst out laughing but in a good way. I couldn't help but go bright red not that I decided to hide it. We all got distracted seconds later though because a group of Gryffindor girls specifically one with red who's name I believe is Lily, walked past. "Hey Evans" James shouted out to the girl. "Go out with me?!""No Potter" the girl answered walking off with her friends in tow. The group dissolved into laughter once more with even me joining in to everyone's surprise including mine. "You'll never get her mate" Sirius chuckled looking at the poor boy."Maybe one day" James shrugged. "Besides I think it's only right to say: Welcome to the group Naomi!"