Chapter 21: The Declaration of the House War.

"So the plan is pranking the other houses until all of them surrender and we win the house war?" James asked our group."Exactly! The Slytherins are still kind of mad after how you treated us this year so I think they will be more than down" Naomi laughed from beside Remus, although it was late at night and we were in Gryffindor common room. We had managed to sneak Naomi I once more just the same way we've been doing for a while. Since our group had become friends with the Slytherin girl, Gryffindor Tower had become her second home and we wouldn't let anyone take that away."This is going to be awesome" Sirius and I say in sync earning laughter from the entire group. His grey eyes connected with mine as we laughed until we managed to control our laughter so we wouldn't get told off for being up so late."What if we get caught by the professors? Surely they won't want this to happen," Remus asked seriously obviously not wanting to get told off like the good student he is."Calm down Rem, it's only a dete-" I begin but I heard faint footsteps. "Naomi hide" I whisper but there wasn't anywhere for her to go."Here" James whispered back throwing a cloak over her which made her disappear fully. My eyes go wide hoping that nothing bad happened to one of my best friends and I grab some parchment and a quill so it looked like I was doing homework."What are you five still doing up at this time of night?" the Gryffindor prefect asked eyeing up our group suspiciously. I lift up my empty parchment and quill to him. "Just doing homework nothing to worry about" I answer with a fake smile. He doesn't answer immediately but instead forces us to go to bed. "Okay give us a minute to clear up our stuff then we will be right up"."I'll be back down in five minutes so I suggest you hurry" he replied walking back up the stairs. We wait until we can hear a door close before James pulled the invisible sheet off of Naomi and stuffed it into his hoodie pocket. "What the hell is that?" Sirius whisper shouted eyeing up the cloth."An invisibility cloak what does it look like? I'll explain later but we better go before we are caught" James whisper shouted back as we all got up and rushed into the boys dorm. On the floor was two mattresses we 'borrowed' from an empty dorm with a pile of blankets on top of them one for Naomi and one for myself if I wanted to stay over that was. Although I had a dorm just across the tower, I would often stay in the boys dorm so Naomi would have someone and so she wouldn't be the only girl in the room. I had considered letting her stay in the girls dorm but that idea was quickly shot down when I remembered that Naomi was a Slytherin and I didn't know how the girls would react, I didn't want to make Naomi feel insecure again and have the same problem we had for months of her avoiding us. "So are you now going to explain where the fuck you got the cloak?" Sirius panted after we had ran up the stairs. James just rolls his eyes and says that his Dad gave it to him which he just so happened to have on him at that time. As far as I knew, he didn't plan to go prank anyone tonight or even leave Gryffindor Tower but it was none of my business to know why anyway. "Come on its like one in the morning, let's get some sleep before the announcement tomorrow. We are going to be saying it at lunch right?" Remus asked as we all walked in separate directions, the boys to their beds whilst Naomi and I to the bathroom."Yep that's right. Everyone will be at lunch so it's the best time to do it" I call back locking the bathroom door behind me and Naomi giving us time to quickly change. We then unlock the door and climb onto our mattresses whilst the boys finished up. I ended up quickly falling asleep hoping that the other houses would agree to our plan...

"Hello fellow houses, throughout the year we have had our differences specifically between us Gryffindor's and Slytherin's. Back in September, neither of us liked each other mainly because of the way my friends treated Naomi. However recently we put aside our differences and we are all friends so I think that its time to make a special announcement."I believe that its fairly obvious that the Slytherins aren't going to forgive us lions easily, so me and five others have came up with a plan which is fair between all the houses. We decided that starting on the 1st September 1971 (the beginning of the next school year) we would do a giant prank war until three of the four houses quits or until the summer of 1978. It is a way we can all get back at each other whilst not physically injuring anyone."So starting at the beginning of the next school year, this giant prank war will begin and will continue throughout the years until one house is the last one standing or until the graduation in 1978 where the headmaster will chose. "Thanks for listening and happy pranking!" With that I climbed off the table and sat back down in between Sirius and Naomi who held smirks on their faces just like Remus, Peter and James did. "Mission accomplished" I laughed lightly taking a bite out of my cheese sandwich."That went... better than I was expecting" Sirius spoke up taking a look around the hall at the four house tables. We all mutter in agreement and get back to talking normally when Naomi cut in."Doesn't that make me apart of the Slytherins then? They most likely won't want me to help anyway but does that mean I'm one of them?""Technically yes. But because your aloud in their common room, you can become a spy for us" Remus answered. His answer seemed to perk up her mood because she seemed to join in the conversation properly from then on as we quietly discussed ideas the other houses couldn't hear."I'll see if there is anything good in Diagon Alley over the summer we can use too" James stated getting up from the bench and leading us towards our tree beside the lake when we finished eating. "Sounds good" I answer and began to think to myself.What pranks will bag our win?Sorry for the shorter chapter everyone, this one is kind of a filler to be completely honest. Over the past two weeks I've mainly been focused on planning my ideas for this book and planning out the chapters to come. However I have already written the next chapter to come after this which is a slightly longer one for you all (your welcome).Looking back I can't believe that we are almost at the end of the first year and the second one will be starting in two chapters time. Feel free to also leave prank ideas in the discussion and just general feedback. I love reading through your comments and hearing any theories you guys have! I also have a discord now in case you didn't see the notice! I'm not 100% sure it works but in my defence I've never used discord until now. Have a good day/night depending on when your reading thisThe5thMarauder >At the last minute before posting this, I decided that I would give you a preview of the next chapter your welcome ;). (It's between Meadow and Naomi by the way). "Is everything okay? The boys told me what happened before dinner so I just wanted to check in?"I freeze in place and avoid eye contact with the girl. What had the boys told her exactly? Did she know about everything? "I'm fine, it's nothing to worry about.""Okay if your sure. Remember though I'm here if you ever want to talk."