
The Return of Palutena

S.O.N.G headquarters / Palutena's Temple…

"Hmm…" Palutena said, looking down at her screen.

The Goddess of Light spots a bunch of teenage girls hanging out with a defender of Earth. She raised her hand and summoned the seven Symphogear wielders and Jared Shay into her temple and everyone is at a loss for words.

Palutena's Temple...

"Symphogear." Palutena said, smiling. "It's nice to finally meet you all. And Jared Shay, former companion to the Doctor. I've been watching you after all this time."

"Um, you brought Symphogear to the year 2008 instead of 2012." Pit said, looking at Palutena.

"That was you?" Jared asked. "I can't help but thank you. These seven girls have saved my back hundreds of times."

"Miku, Maria, Shirabe, and Kirika." Palutena said, looking at the three girls in particular. "Mind if you stay here for a bit."

"Why?" Miku asked.

"Is something wrong?" Maria asked.

"No. Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to see the compatibility levels between Pit, Jared, Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris." Palutena said.

"I am versatile with weapons." Pit said.

"You mean, you're well versed in them." Jared said, smirking.

"Right. There's this siren that's been happening. And these alien creatures that appear out of nowhere.." Palutena said.

"Noise?" Tsubasa asked.

"Is it Noise?" Chris asked.

"We can handle that." Hibiki said, happily.

"Jared, catch." Pit said, tossing Jared a version of the First Blade. "Follow me!"


Pit rushes to the door to start this adventure with Jared, Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Pit said, happily.

The quintet leaps through the door and flies through the air. Jared is using his suit of armor and the three Symphogear wielders are using their X Drives to fly as Pit is using his wings.

"It's been too long, Lady Palutena!" Pit said, smiling.

"More like I've been waiting years for this." Jared said, smirking. "Remnant has become too much for me to handle."

"We can chat later, Pit, Jared. But now it's time to fight! The Underworld Army's invading! And Noise has been appearing in waves!" Palutena said, telepathically.

A single Monoeye and a single Noise appear before Jared and Hibiki. Jared takes out the Monoeye and Hibiki takes out the Alca-Noise.

"Whoa! You weren't kidding!" Hibiki said.

"The hell are some Noise doing being mixed with these weirdos?" Chris asked.

"That's what I want to know." Tsubasa said.

"If these are Underworld troops, are you saying Medusa's been…" Pit said.

"Resurrected. Yes." Palutena said, telepathically.

Jared closed his eyes to picture the classic, 8-bit appearances of Medusa and Tanatos from the original Kid Icarus.

"Though the goddess of darkness was defeated long ago, she's back now. And as the goddess of light, it's my duty to protect humanity from her." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Eh, you worry too much!" Pit said.

"Who's that?" Hibiki asked.

A large projection of Medusa emerges from beneath the clouds as the sky turns red.

"Someone who likes Snakes and Ladders." Jared said, looking over at Hibiki.

"Medusa!" Pit said.

"Hello there, Pit. And you too, Palutena. I see you brought some new prey and Symphogear. Here to crash my homecoming party?" Medusa asked, telepathically.

"Uh...this really doesn't look like much of a party…" Hibiki said, taking out some Noise that's right in front of her.

"What better way to celebrate my return than with a festive little bloodbath? After all, I have been gone for 25 years." Medusa said, disappearing and the sky returns to normal.

"They're moving their attack to the ground!" Pit said.

"Then so are we!" Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit flies through the clouds and toward the surface. Pit and Jared are working together to take out Underworld troops and the three Symphogear wielders are still taking out the Alca-Noise.

"I can't believe I'm actually flying!" Pit said.

"The power of flight is my gift to you. I'll control your route so you can focus on battle. But I can only maintain this power for five minutes at a time. After that, your wings will burn up, and you'll fall." Palutena said, telepathically.

"You have no idea how embarrassing it is to be an angel who can't fly on his own. So thanks for your help. Without you, I'd be finished!" Pit said.

"When you're not firing, you'll go into a glide that makes it easier to dodge attacks. Holding your fire also builds up charged shots. Aim carefully, and use them wisely."

"How am I worthy for Mjolnir? Was that your doing?" Jared asked.

"It was. I talked with Odin for a bit. And us watching you go through everything you've done with the Doctor and Team RWBY so far. We thought you were a likely candidate to wield the hammer." Palutena said, telepathically. "Your destination should be coming into view now."

Pit, Jared, Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris fly past some hills and spot a town off in the distance.

"...! Now they're attacking the town? This isn't right!" Hibiki said, punching another Alca-Noise out of existence.

"Tell me about it." Jared said, sadly. "What can we do?"

"The people need your help. I'd better get you guys over there." Palutena said, telepathically.

The five fly over the town and hear the distant sound of people cheering.

"Do you hear that? Do you hear the people's cheers? They're celebrating the return of the goddess Palutena and the return of Symphogear!" Pit said, excitedly.

"Despite the Underworld and Noise invasions, the people haven't lost hope. It's our duty to protect them. Prepare for land battle, all of you." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit, Jared, Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris fly down toward his landing destination.


Pit, Jared, Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris lands in the town.

"First things first. Try turning left, Pit." Palutena said, telepathically.

Jared's eyes changed from the brown hue it had before to a complete blue as he clutched his weapon and a vision appeared in his head.

Jared's mind palace...

"Wow. This is new." Jared said, as Hibiki noticed that he is standing still. "Foresight? Since when?"

If Pit flicks the reticle left.

"Good, good." Palutena said, telepathically.

If Pit doesn't proceed immediately.

"Flick left or right on the lower screen to turn quickly in that direction. Give it a try. Easy, right?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

"This is playing like the 3DS game…" Jared said, still stuck in his mind palace.

"Use the Circle Pad to move in any direction. Proceed down the alley." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Use the Touch Screen to change direction and the Circle Pad to move." Palutena said, telepathically.

If Pit proceeds immediately.


Jared's eyes turned back to normal and he looked back at Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris who were at a loss for words.

"Good! Looks like you've got the hang of things." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Eh, it's a piece of cake!" Pit said.

"Cake? Where?" Hibiki asked.

"Don't worry, we got this, Palutena." Jared said, smiling.

"Good luck out there, Pit, Jared, Symphogear!" Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared approach a group of Shemums while Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris approach a group of Alca-Noise.

"The five of you are here to help the townsfolk, so wipe out as many monsters as you can." Palutena said.

"I'm on it!" Pit said.

"Us too." Tsubasa said.

Jared's mind palace…

Jared's eyes glowed blue again as he got another vision of the near future and what's to come in terms of battle.

If Pit doesn't focus the reticle on the enemies in front of him.

"Use the stylus to target enemies with the green reticle. It's much easier to hit enemies when you've fixed your sight on them." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Flick the stylus left or right to change direction quickly." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Huh. Like spinning a globe." Pit said.

If Pit picks up the Grenade.

"A yellow reticle means that you have an item. Pressing the L Button will use that item." Palutena said, telepathically.


Jared's eyes go back to the normal brown hue and Hibiki approaches the level 5 Intensity Gate.

"Hm? What's this?" Hibiki asked.

"An Intensity gate. To pass through these, you need to play at certain Intensity, or difficulty, levels." Palutena said, telepathically.

The sky turns red and a massive fireball crashes into the ground nearby.

"Uh…" Pit said.

The fireball hops toward the coliseum and lands inside.

"What?" Tsubasa asked.

"Wh-what was that?" Pit asked.

"Medusa has unleashed an evil beast and a Karma Noise in the coliseum! You all need to hurry there!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Karma Noise?" Hibiki asked.

"Here?" Tsubasa asked.

"God. They're so annoying!" Chris said, annoyed.

"Try eliminating nearby enemies with melee attacks. Pit, Jared, you'll switch between melee and ranged shots automatically." Palutena said.

"I'll stack up the melee attacks to serve up a combo meal of pain!" Pit said.

Pit and Jared took out even more Underworld enemies while the three Symphogear wielders took out more Alca-Noise.


Pit, Jared, Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris runs into the coliseum and spot Twinbellows and a Karma Noise up in the stands.

"TWINBELLOWS!" Pit said, angrily.

"The Underworld's faithful watchdog." Palutena said, telepathically.

Twinbellows leaps down, initiating the fight. The Karma Noise moved between dimensions to be on the ground floor of the colosseum.

"Old Pit's gonna teach you some new tricks! Now play dead!" Pit said.

"Try circling left or right as you attack. Keep your aim focused on the enemy." Palutena said, telepathically.

"That's called strafing, right?" Jared asked. "I haven't fought monsters in awhile. I felt useless without Amy and Rory."

"Whatever it's called, just stay out of his way. And don't put too much of a burden on yourself."

"She's right. You don't give yourself enough credit." Tsubasa said, fighting the Karma Noise with Hibiki and Chris.

"So, don't beat yourself up because you keep going down after another big loss." Chris said, shooting bullets at the one Karma Noise.

"Everything's fine. We're here for you." Hibiki said, smiling.

"If you're in a tight spot, just dash. I also recommend dashing and shooting at the same time. Change dash directions and charge your shot for different effects." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Wow, talk about options! It's like an all-you-can-hurt buffet!" Pit said, happily.

"I could do with a hot plate of punishment on these enemies!" Jared said, smirking.

Pit and Jared defeats Twinbellows as Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris defeat the Karma Noise.

"Yeah! Victory is ours!" Pit said.

"Excellent job, everyone!" Palutena said, telepathically.


Twinbellows explode and his remains fly up into the sky. The Karma Noise dissipated into dust. Afterwards, the sky returns to normal and a large projection of Medusa appears.

"Listen well, Medusa! Your days of darkness are numbered. Prepare to meet the light!" Pit said, angrily.

"Let's return for now. This was just our first step in defeating Medusa." Palutena said, telepathically.

Medusa disappears and pillars of light appear over Pit, Jared, Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris whisking them away.