A Matter of Great Importance

Hideaki had taken a deep breath – held it for five in his full lungs – and then exhaled about a zillion times. Standing outside his father's office that night, wringing his hands together, he felt ready. That night he had just returned from being with Natsu. Everything felt so right with that man, despite everything. He was ready to do it.

He was going to come out to his father.

Of all the people he knew he would one day have to come out to – his father was by far the scariest. After all, being the son of a wealthy CEO meant that he was already set to be engaged…something he hadn't told Natsu. Not even Ren knew about it – and they were best friends. He cleared his throat before he lifted his shaky fist and knocked on the door loudly. A grumble came from the other side of the door, and a frustrated pen hitting paper could be heard. He was in a bad mood, oh no.

"Come in" his father's stern voice called. He entered the room with a scared-looking face. His father's stern expression didn't change.

"I'm sorry for bothering you so late, father. I know you must be busy" he bowed.

"I am."

"Well, this is pretty urgent. You don't mind if I talk to you, right?"

A loud huff.


Hideaki knew in that moment this wasn't going to end well, but then again – it never would have ended well. He took a seat on the chair opposite his father's oak wood desk. Eyes scanning the pages he was writing on, he noticed he was writing a letter. Despite the upgrades in technology, his father usually refused to use these new devices. He much preferred letter writing. His father was a good bit older than his mother – having been born in the 1950's. He never wanted children. Hideaki was an accident – and to cover it up, he married his mother – who hated his father's very existence. She usually spent her time away having affairs and on girls trips with other women like her. Hideaki was a very neglected child – yet he listened to every word his father said. It was easier than rebelling.

"Who are you writing to?" he asked. He was trying to converse with him normally.

"Your fiancée's father" was his cold reply.


"If there is something urgent, we need to discuss, wouldn't it be wise of you to spit it out, Hideaki?" his father snarled, eyes tired.

"Yes, father. I – I want to call off my wedding to Aiko."

"EXCUSE ME?!" his father bellowed.

Hideaki flinched but stood his ground.

"I've met someone."

"That's not – how dare you!" his father stood up, slamming his palms down onto the desk – which creaked loudly at the impact. Hideaki flinched again – but still, stood his ground.

"I'm gay."

"Oh, my!" his father sat back down, clutching at his chest.

"Father!" Hideaki exclaimed, standing up and rushing to his side – only to be met with a slap across the face. Stumbling backwards, Hideaki gripped onto his roaring red cheek.

A silence followed until the air was filled with Hideaki's whimpers as he attempted to hold back his tears.

"You are a disappointment through and through…" his father uttered quietly, though his voice was dripping with hatred, "I've hated you from conception. You have never made me proud."

Hideaki whimpered a few more times.

"And now – you come into my office in the early hours of the morning – and tell me you're a fag? How vile."

"Father I-"

"You will not be allowed to disappoint me further, Hideaki. You will marry Miss Aiko – and you will marry her very soon. I will arrange it with her father. If you dare tell Miss Aiko during your next meeting that you are a faggot – I will have you killed. Do you understand me?"

"…I understand, father," Hideaki cried, "I will not disappoint you anymore."

"Please tell me you have not laid with a man."

Hideaki didn't reply, just cried harder. A confirmation to his father, whose face shrivelled up with disgust.

"Get out of my sight."

"But father!"

"I said get out of here!" he roared, head in his hands. Hideaki nodded, slowly leaving his office. He sat against the opposite wall, sliding down it while he cried his eyes out. What was he going to do? How on earth could he see Natsu now with his wedding moved even closer? What had he done?

One week later

Mr. Hirata sat at his desk; hands clasped together. The males sitting in front of him were members of an elite gang that practically ran the area in which they lived. Smirking at him, their leader – Mr. A (no one knew his real name) – let out an amused chuckle.

"It's been a long, long time since you've called on us, Sir."

"This is very important," Mr. Hirata said, spinning around in his chair. He gazed out the big window, out into their backyard where his son was sat doing his university homework on the patio.

"How important?" Mr. A asked.

"It's so important. My reputation is on the line here, as is the reputation of my family. My ancestors spent their entire lives building this reputation – and I've been basking in it for so long I've forgotten to keep an eye on my child."

"Your son. Hideaki, isn't it?"

"That's right. He came to me the other night with a…. revolting confession. There is someone I need you to take care of. Quietly."

"What confession might that be?" Mr. A chuckled, "he a faggot?"

"Something like that," Mr. Hirata shivered. Mr. A chuckled again, amused by that.

"He's my only son, and as useless as he is – he will inherit my company one day. I will not allow him to share that with a man. No way."

"Okay, then" Mr. A smirked, "what will you have us do, sir?"

"There is someone he has been seeing" he said, "I found the name scribbled all over his notebook. Silly boy, really. He made it too easy."

"What's the name?

Mr. Hirata stared out the window at his son, peering over his glasses.

"Mr. Takahashi Natsu. He's a – I can't believe I'm saying this – host at that club nearby. Find him. Bring him to me alive. Then I will kill him myself."

"Are you sure, sir?!" Mr. A gasped, surprised.

"I will do whatever it takes to protect my company. If my son and this – pauper – think that they can ruin my life they are wrong. That's an order."

"You don't give the orders around here, I do!"

"Well, then. I suppose you don't want everything that's in my safe" Mr. Hirata sighed, motioning towards the massive safe door in his office, filled with billions of yen. The men's eyes widened.

"You're willing to pay that much?!" one of them gasped.

"Yes. Ah, well. Since I don't give the orders around here, I suppose I may as well find someone else who will do the job I ask of them."

"NO!" Mr. A exclaimed, standing up and slamming his hands down on the desk, moving some papers in the process and knocking over Mr. Hirata's fountain pen holder. Mr. Hirata's eyes flickered to the mess on his table, then back at the yakuza boss.

"We'll do it. We'll bring Mr. Takahashi to you. When do you want him?"

"Right. Now."