46. ​​Results

Six periods, speechless in capital, are Song Yu's current mood.

After reading the entire book "Gentle Control", he certainly doesn't know anything about men and men. I just didn't even think that the friendship between him and Xie Suichun would be distorted like this.

Knocked the cp building and exploded for a long time.

Everyone went from disbelief to gloating, and after laughing, they began to speak directly to Song Yu in the special building.

[Brother Yu, rare guests and rare guests]

[How is the exam, baby, did you know that we were all worried about your grades some time ago qaq]

[I'm afraid that you and Thank God will be at the top of the list and the other at the bottom of the list. It's really abusive]

[How is the exam, Brother Yu! Don't be too far away from the list with Thank God! ]

As the person involved, Song Yu didn't feel much after being speechless. After all, he knew that he was straight, and he was not afraid of the shadow.

He lowered his eyelids and rolled them down casually. When he saw someone asking about his grades, his attention was immediately diverted.

[Your husband Yu: The test is not bad. ]

His topic turned too fast, and a group of girls in the building lost their breath.

After the embarrassment, he invested a lot of enthusiasm on Song Yu's achievements.

After all, in the past few days, his results alone have caused a lot of bloody storms on the forum.

In the past, all those who were waiting to read the jokes were praying to him for incense. This is the only one in history.

[Can Brother Yu be in the top 100? ]

[I heard that thank God for giving you one-on-one tutoring, there must be no problem, brother Yu]

[Don't let thank God down]

Song Yu was in a good mood after the test, and the night was gentle, he slightly frowned and replied.

[Won't let him down]

He said something completely different from the previous style. I don't know how many girls were stunned, and then laughed like a flower in front of the phone.

[...So good]

[Ok, we believe you will not let him down]

[After entering the first 100, we gave a banner to thank God-just write "Saving the dead"


Song Yu's lips twitched and he also laughed.

He still remembered that when he first entered this forum, he thought that Xie Sui's high school life might be like this, bright, lively, and eye-catching.

now what?

It's half done. Although Xie Sui didn't communicate much with others, he received a lot of kindness.

Putting the phone aside, Song Yu closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Only this time.

Had another dream about Xie Sui.

With the foreshadowing of the previous two times, Song Yu was quite calm this time.

The last banquet has a follow-up,

Endless night, fine rain.

A tall man walked out of the car in a black suit with a cool temperament. Hair is slightly long, with a delicate watch on his wrist.

The person next to him took a step forward and opened his black umbrella.

The man walked up the steps steadily.

The red roses in the manor climbed up the carved iron gate, and the lawn was wet by the fine rain.

The night is dark and the rain is blurred.

The man's stern facial outline was exposed under the umbrella, and his lips were pressed into a line, blending with the alienation of temperament.


A bedroom on the third floor is different from the noisy main hall. It is quiet and cold. You can see the garden by the window.

It was a woman who was wearing a nude high-definition dress with black curly hair like seaweed. Her dress was luxurious and extravagant, but her hands were still very impersonal and put potato chips into her mouth.

As she ate, she said, "The Xie family was only recognized a few years ago. At a young age, he has begun to take over the Xie Group from his dad. It's really amazing."

Beside her is a young man, withdrawing his eyes, his tone is calm: "Handsome, what does it have to do with you?"

The woman murmured: "Why doesn't it matter to me? Maybe I will fall in love with him at first sight. If he is not careful, he will become your brother-in-law."

The youth sneered: "That was really careless."

"...Are you begging!"

"Wake up, you are older than him."

"age is not an issue."

"But I don't like this one by the way he looks."

"Where did you come to the conclusion."

"Man's intuition."

"Never talked about love, you have a shit instinct."

"But I just know him." The young man grinned, his complexion was sickly white, his pupils were very shallow, and the whole person had a crystal-like fragile feeling, and his eyes were filled with smiles: "Speaking of which, I I should have met him when I was young, but he shouldn't remember."

"Have seen?"

"Yes, it happened when I was five years old. When my mom took me to a manor outside the city to recover from illness, Aunt Xu happened to live nearby and played together for a while."

"Aunt Xu..." The woman murmured softly, and then sighed slightly: "She should have fallen out with the Xu family and Xie family at that time."

Shaking her head, she asked not to mention these past events.

"Then you guys are fate, wait for you to change your clothes and relive the past?"

The young man laughed: "Forget it, I don't remember others, and he was not like this when he was young."

"Not so? How is it?"

"I don't want to say, but you are right to listen to me, don't be boring, he is not interested in a woman with rich love history like you."

"...Hehehehehe, my brother is so embarrassed that he thinks about me so much."

The young man looked at her and calmly said, "It's okay, you should be embarrassed."

"Song Yu!"

The woman pretended to be angry and shouted, but she couldn't help but laugh again after not long. She got up and nodded the young man's forehead with her white fingers: "I have to try it. You see, I can't get his contact information! Humph!"

At the end of the dream, he looked at the back of her going out, and he pulled the corner of his mouth helplessly.

Song Yu got up the next day and rubbed his eyebrows depressed. What the hell, is the system perfecting the plot in the book for him?

I was afraid that he would forget after watching and could not show the details, so I told him from Song Yu's perspective?

That's no wonder, Xie Sui appears every time he has such a dream.

When studying in the classroom early, Song Yu put the English book in front of him, turning his head to look at Xie Sui from time to time.

Xie Sui is sleeping on the patent of learning God.

Compared with the man who glimpsed in his dream, his facial features were slightly immature when he was a teenager, especially when he was asleep, he lost the dangerous and sharp feeling. The eyelashes are long and black, the bridge of the nose is tall, delicate and cold. The lips are thin and pressed tightly.

Song Yu was thinking wildly, and began to recall the problem in his dream.

The dialogue between "Song Yu" and "Song Wanying" in the dream, so in the end, which girl Xie Sui likes?

He was really bored, so he stared at Xie Sui's face and thought about this question for a long time. In Xie Sui's words, maybe he likes gentleness and purity? He likes this too. It is best to have two dimples when smiling, and then have little strength and like to act like a baby.

Thinking about it.

Song Yu and Xie Sui's eyes met.

Xie Sui's pupils were dark and deep, staring at him quietly.

Song Yu was embarrassed for a moment and saved the scene: "You are awake."

Xie Sui stood up on the table and laughed, his voice slightly muted: "I was watching you like that. How can I sleep."

Song Yu: "...damage, I'm so bored to help you count your eyelashes."

Xie Sui tilted his head: "How many?"

Song Yu: "Seeing you wake up, scared me to forget."

Xie Sui hooked his lower lip without opening him, opened the English book and turned to the text.

Song Yu was itchy, and asked directly, "Xie Sui, do you have a girl you like?"

Xie Sui's eyes fell on the first line of English, and said lightly: "Why ask this."

Song Yu: "Curious! I'll tell you about the courtesy, the type of girl I like is gentle, beautiful, and kind. It's best to act like a baby."

Xie Sui didn't speak yet.

Ma Xiaoding's ears are sharp and he can hear clearly, and yells: "Brother Yu. What you said is the same as if you didn't. The typical straight guy answered perfunctorily. Why don't you say that you like yellow-haired sisters? Boys like yellow. Sister with hair."

Song Yu turned his head: "Shut up!"

Ma Xiaoding: "..."

Pull up the mouth manually.

Xie Sui smiled and repeated: "Gentle, good-looking, kind-hearted, will act like a baby, eh?"

Song Yu listened carefully, confirmed that it was correct, and nodded, "Yes."

Xie Sui's tone was light: "It's a coincidence, we repeat a lot. I like kind, cute, and smart."

It turned out to be a brick.

Song Yu rolled his eyes: "This is too perfunctory."

Xie Sui glanced at him: "I'm serious."

Song Yu: "I'm serious too!"

Their argument is not over yet, the head teacher Cheng has already come in. Putting the thermos cup on the podium, Mr. Cheng's face was a spring breeze, and his smile couldn't stop rising, his face greasy.

"Classmates, I have good news for you."

"This is your first monthly exam in high school, and the grade group also attaches great importance to it. Everyone is eager to know the results, so yesterday the teachers who changed the papers added a class, and today I will give you all the results. Bulletin board It is estimated that it has already been listed."

"I haven't looked at the results of the whole class carefully, but our class averages the first grade. This is inseparable from everyone's hard work during this period. The whole class is worthy of praise. Come on, give yourself a little applause."

Teacher Cheng took the lead in applauding.

A group of students who were shocked by the news of the results can only applaud.

Bang bang bang.

Teacher Cheng was very energetic: "The class leader waits to create a class group, and you can bring everyone to discuss what the class team is doing."

He said this! The students' eyes lit up!

Suddenly the whole class was boiling, and the applause was much more enthusiastic than before!

Song Yu's mood was all on the news that the grades came out, and he was absent-minded for the entire class. When get out of class was about to end, I found out the coin from yesterday and started toss it secretly again. The positive is good and the negative is bad.

The bell rang after class.

Open your hands.

The obverse of the coin.

"Go and go!"

Song Yu pulled Xie Sui and ran out—with such good luck, he might be in the top ten.

The bulletin board is under the teaching building, and now a group of people have been surrounded, but after seeing them, he consciously gave up a road.

Xie Sui walked behind him calmly, and he wanted to see Song Yu more than himself.

Song Yu stood under the bulletin board, looked up, and Xie Sui was the first place.

The full score is 750 and the total score is 748.

All around were hissing and whispering.

"Thanks to God is really worthy of thanking God."

"Is this a score obtained by a person?"

Except for Chinese, they are all full marks, neat and tidy.

Song Yu is much calmer than the person next to him, the protagonist's halo is here, and he has to be convinced.

Xie Sui didn't care about his grades, and asked him next to him: "Did you see yourself."

Song Yu started looking directly from the hundredth place, his voice was vacant, "No." He went up line by line, rare and a little nervous.

Xie Sui smiled, "I have seen it."

Song Yu: "Yeah."

Xie Sui stretched out his hand and pointed to the first row of the second column, next to his name.


Song Yu raised his head and watched for a long time. The dust settled on what he had been obsessed with, and he laughed. Pure and clear eyes, better than morning light.

[Super Plus enjoy! Brother Yu is eighty-one in grade! ]

Main building: My mother, it's a real cow, the top 100 in Jingcheng No. 1 Middle School! Really a master! Mathematical physics is full marks! Fuck! Not being able to scold or beat is better than performance. I am going to be autistic.

1l: Ah, ah, I'm so excited. I decided to let my mother set two tables at the entrance of the village tonight. Kill chickens and ducks, kill pigs and cattle.

2l: Do the sprayers slap their faces? Come out and get scolded!

3l: Hahahahahahahaha. Upstairs, Yu Ge Yuekao is not a slapstick face, it is a disaster of the century. I think the fans are crazy with joy.


15l: Yu Ge did so well in the exam. Thank God for his contribution. Of course, I also want to thank all the students in class I, such as me, for not disturbing him.

16l: It's reasonable, so I plan to give out five hundred to class 1 as a reward.

If you are not satisfied, I will add one hundred more. If you are satisfied, I will not say.

17l: Class one:? ? ? ?

18l: Hahahahahahahaha this is sugar, right?

Oh, brother Yu and Thank God are standing side by side, God, what kind of destiny is this? I will always stand at the place closest to you, destined from the first day we were at the same table.

19l: Phew, this damn monthly exam is finally over