47. I am not abstinent

The physics of the first monthly test is relatively simple. There are dozens of full marks. Jingcheng No. 1 Middle School is a provincial key middle school. Except for Xie Sui's score, it is far ahead. They bite very tightly.

After the class was ranked, Song Yu was in the ninth position and was satisfied.

He originally studied seriously, just to give President Song an impression of studying in peace.

I entered the top 100 in grade, and got two perfect scores, completing the task perfectly.


Ma Xiaoding was so proud that his tail was about to rise to the sky, as if he was the person who was admitted to the age of 100: "Let's say that my brother Yu is a school bully with two hands.

Xi Bowen is fifty-three in grade and sixth in class. He looked at the report card with a shocked look. He felt that he was at the same table with great heart: "You can still laugh, Brother Ma, the four of us have the worst grades, count down. Tenth, don't you think about it?"

Ma Xiaoding bit the lollipop for a few seconds, and said vaguely: "I have finished the exam, so what else is there to mention the result for?"

Xi Bowen quietly glanced at Jiang Chunian who was sitting in the middle.

She was checking the answer with the same table, a few broken hairs fell on her fair side face, and the dimples on the corners of her lips were very shallow. Hate iron is not steel: "But the person you like is 30th and the fifth in class."

Ma Xiaoding: "..."

The lollipop in your mouth is instantly not sweet qwq.

He lay down on the table in awe.

Song Yu and Xie Sui had already returned by this time.

Song Yu put a mint candy into his mouth, the joy on his face has been suppressed, and he sat calmly in the position, with an unexpected look, showing his true color.

Xi Bowen couldn't stand the sadness of being at the same table, and touched him with his elbow: "I advise you to ask Brother Yu about the learning method."

Ma Xiaoding rolled his eyes: "Brother Yu is not bad at first, alright, a city high school entrance exam is nearly 1.8 hundred."

Xi's blog post: "The difficulty of the exam in Cityscape City a is not nearly a little bit. Yu brother's progress is also considered rapid."

The kind-hearted classmate Xi Bowen decided to put his deskmate on the right track and said in his ear: "Jiang Chunian's class is fifth! Class is fifth! Class is fifth!"

Ma Xiaoding got up from the table and poked Song Yu with a pen behind him.

"Ge Yu Yu Ge Yu Ge Yu Ge."

It's like a pressing machine.

Song Yuren was refreshed at happy events, bit the candy, and looked back at him: "What are you doing?"

Ma Xiaoding studies for love: "Brother Yu, teach you a learning method. The perfect score in physics and mathematics is great."

Song Yu was also embarrassed: "Good luck in these two subjects. The last big question in mathematics was circled by Xie Sui, and the answer has not changed. The other knowledge points are also very familiar, and the scope of the test is so much and can be expanded. That's all for the question types. I have to say that Xie Sui's questions are still very accurate. They are basically similar questions, and they are not biased."

The more he spoke, the more moved, Song Yu took out a mint from his pocket and handed it to his courtesy: "Thank you my dear at the same table."

Xie Sui didn't like to eat sweet things before, but after getting to know Song Yu, he started to try mints.

He smiled and took the light blue candy, and said, "Don't be so numb."

You can omit the word same table.

Ma Xiaoding: "..."

He asked Xie Sui bitterly and regretfully: "Thank God! Can you help me next time also circle the key points."

Xie Sui was tearing the sugar paper: "The key points I gave Song Yu may not apply to you."

Ma Xiaoding is shameless for love: "Applicable, applicable."

Song Yu sneered and said: "Suitable for a ghost, go to the Internet cafe during class, sleep and end get out of class, you should study hard for a week."

Ma Xiaoding: qwq

The class bell rang. It was a math class. The math teacher put the answer directly on the ppt, squeezed the small microphone beside his mouth, and said with great satisfaction: "This time there are only four full marks in the grade, and there are two in our class. Here I want to commend students Xie Sui and Song Yu. The last function question is a bit over-the-top. The second question is the most difficult, infinity minus infinity. It uses the Law of Lapida that you haven't learned yet. Of students may not be able to answer, but they did, and the answering steps are exactly the same."

As soon as he said what he said, the class was stunned for a few seconds, and began to laugh, making all sorts of booing.

The math teacher said: "The other two got full marks because their math teacher was the person who wrote the papers. Teacher Zhang said similar questions, but only two people answered them when they talked about similar questions. It shows that the two students in our class It's really excellent. Well, let's not say, everyone will check the answers according to the ppt, and I will choose a few questions later."

Jiang Chunian looked at Song Yu frequently, and the smile on his lips couldn't be suppressed.

Her deskmate grabbed her ponytail and said, "Have you seen enough, right answer."

"Got it." Jiang Chunian smiled at the corner of his lips, holding a red pen, and glanced at the ppt. However, on the last question on his answer sheet, he wrote the words "Lobida's Law" and "Lagrange's Mean Value Theorem" in a graceful pen.

She was speechless at the table: "What are you doing?"

Jiang Chunian blinked: "Do you know what Xie Shen said to Brother Yu after I pretended to ask the domain last time?"

She was at the same table: "What?"

Jiang Chunian lowered his voice and said softly: "He stared at Brother Yu's eyes and said, I only answered Lagrange, and then Brother Yu's shy face blushed. Tsk, there must be something unknown behind this, but What a fucking romantic story."

She looked at the table with horror: "My dear, you were flopped by Brother Yu, and you are near the edge of being beaten. Can you not die?"

Jiang Chunian thought for a while and shook his head with a sigh, "I almost knelt down and apologized to Brother Yu that day. Who knew that Brother Yu had let me go so lightly. Sui Yu and An is really true."

"I don't know if he has looked back. There are still many details about the kiss on the wall. The heroes of the novels these years don't love the death and life, and no one buys it-he must kiss in the corner, and he has red eyes. The voice is hoarse, and I dig my heart and lungs, and I will give you my life.

At the same table: "... My day! Why the hell you read so many romance novels, why are you doing so well?"

Jiang Chunian gave her a white glance: "Do you know how hard I am behind?"

She corrected the problem, smiled, and completed what she wanted to say on the answer sheet: "Lagrange's love, and Robida as the testimony, it's fucking full of mathematical romance."

"I can add a few words to my copy," she said slowly, holding her pen on her chin, "Until one day, the students in Jingcheng No.1 Middle School saw their school grass press the school bully on the wall, thank you Sui Qing's cold eyes were stained red, and his voice was hoarse and the unspeakable ** was suppressed,'Song Yu, isn't it my life? Take it,' and add a line."

She smiled, holding a pen, writing down each word.

"Since I met you, the sky is eclipsed by the stars, and since I kissed you, the years have been long and hopeful."


Here is a woman who is crazy, will anyone take her away! ! !

The same table gave up, sighed and said: "You will be retribution." She is sure!

Jiang Chunian just smiled, throwing away the pen: "You lied to you. If you don't write or write, you have been found by Brother Yu. It's still a bit of convergence. Play and make trouble, don't make fun of life."

The last session was the class teacher's class. I asked them where the team would like to go, and finally everyone decided to go to KTV. The time was set on Friday night in Linqing Street.

After the monthly exam was over, it was considered that a big rock fell in Song Yu's heart, and a group of people in the class shouted for him to go, and agreed.

He agreed to call Xie Sui naturally.

Self-study at night on the way back to the apartment after class.

Song Yuzhang asked casually, "When is your birthday?"

Xie Sui raised his eyebrows and smiled and asked, "Want to give me a gift?"

Song Yu choked, then said, "You are really boring."

Xie Sui: "It's still early, like it's winter."

He seldom celebrates his birthday.

Song Yu: "Let's do it." He remembered, looking for the watch that Song always wanted could come in handy.

Song Yu recalled the whispers of people next to him when he read the bulletin board today.

The light-colored pupils were also a little confused, turned their heads and asked him: "Say, do you study quietly with me behind your back every night."

Xie Sui raised his eyebrows and shook his head: "Why ask this."

Song Yu said: "I always sleep in class. As the first grader, you are too confused."

Xie Sui asked humbly, "Oh, what should the first grade be like?"

Song Yu paused and scratched his head: "At least you have to be more serious than me."

Xie Sui said slowly: "Then I'll just mix it up."

Song Yu was angry: "...Do you look down on hard-working players like us!"

It's just that Xie Sui didn't wait for Xie Sui's answer, he first extinguished the fire.

Think about it in the original book, in such an environment, Xie Sui still sits first in grade, even if it is the protagonist's aura, it is really amazing.

Song Yu sighed.

"They call you to thank God, I think they are right, they are really like gods, people can't figure out all kinds of aspects."

Xie Sui thinks this topic has some meaning: "In various aspects?"

Song Yu: "Well, I think what they are talking about is reasonable, character IQ, all kinds of mysterious and unpredictable, but I know you are a particularly good person in your bones."

Xie Sui smiled lightly: "It's too exaggerated."

Song Yu: "Huh?"

Xie Sui remembered the rumors about him in City A that he had never cared about before.

It's just that now listening to Song Yu talking next to him, he suddenly became interested.

"What do people say about me?"

Song Yu recalled the building he saw yesterday. After a weird silence, he began to piece it together: "Say you have a very high IQ, a fascinating family background, uncomfortable, high cold and abstinence. It is an unattainable flower. The Flower of Kaolin."

Speaking of it, he was curious, how did they guess the family background?

Xie Sui laughed lowly, which was especially nice.

After laughing enough, he analyzed bit by bit, and his voice was faint: "It's not a high IQ, it's natural to remember to remember. I don't know about family background. I don't know about it. If it's unfavorable, the reason for personality, and finally— —"

He smiled at Song Yu, his voice was cold, but his voice was low.

"Actually, I am not abstinent."

Song Yu stared at him, slightly stunned.

Xie Sui lowered his head slightly, and his eyes were facing each other. The darkness is as deep as a galaxy.

Moonlight ran through his cold facial features.

The curvature of the corners of the lips is gentle, and the smile has some realness.

Xie Sui said: "They are all falsehoods. If you want to get to know me, don't go to the mountains, I will come to you by myself."

Song Yu opened his mouth, feeling that his heartbeat was a little fast, but he didn't know why.

His face was slightly hot, he took a step back, his mind was messed up, and he said, "No, no, no, you should be planted on the mountain. I can't support you."

Xie Sui was already satisfied that he could push him to this point. I started to know that I was blushing, not because I was angry, I had made enough progress.

He stood up straight and chuckled, "Then I will support you."