48. Error

After Song Yu stayed for a few seconds, he shook his head hurriedly: "Don't, I can support myself."

He touched his nose angrily and looked up, his eyes a little confused: "Why did we get to this topic, let's change it."

Xie Sui smiled: "Yeah."

Song Yu: "Friday, Linqing Street, you should also go. If you don't go, I will be very boring."

At this time, he had walked into the apartment, at the entrance of the corridor that was about to separate.

Xie Sui watched him upstairs and said, "Okay, I will go."

Finally, when the monthly exam was over, Song Yu didn't want to do the same questions as before. He was relaxed and gave himself a vacation.

After taking a shower, take out the bottle of yogurt from the refrigerator. After drinking the yogurt, throw it into the trash can and lie directly on the bed.

He sent his sister a grinning yellow bean expression.

[Song Yu: [Sangya]]

A few seconds later, Song Wanying replied.

[Song Wanying: What are you doing? ]

[Song Yu: I got my grades]

[Song Wanying: So? ]

[Song Yu: Madam, you missed a hundred million, do you regret it? ]

[Song Yu: The water in your mind when you didn't believe me will eventually shed in tears]

[Song Wanying:......]

[Song Wanying: 6666666]

Song Yu decided to use the truth to speak, and the data hit his face.

[Song Yu: [Transcript.xlsx]]

Soon a call from city a called, and Song Yu picked it up.

There was a cheerful and clear female voice over the phone, and the smile couldn't stop.

"Not bad, so much progress, how many gods did you worship before the exam."

Song Yu laughed, but didn't boast, and said truthfully: "No, I met a good tablemate, we were the first in grade, and I was very accurate in pressing the question."

Song Wanying tweeted twice on the phone, "Oh, I'm starting to be humble."

Song Yu smiled, but this time he specifically sought Song Wanying, not just for performance.

He tried to recall the content of the dream, and asked quietly: "When I was five years old, I spent a period of time in a manor outside the city. Do you have any impression?"

Song Wanying was stunned and thought for a while: "Huh? The manor is recovering? Why doesn't it happen in my memory."

Song Yu: "Then ask Mom."

Song Wanying: "Mom is busy and still at the company. No, five years old, wait for you, I seem to have a vague impression."

Song Yu was silent and gave her time to remember.

She was thinking about it for a long time there, and finally realized it suddenly.

"Yes, as I remember, it seems like it was a summer vacation. During that time, my grandfather and I were called to go abroad. Grandpa was so strict. It was definitely the most painful summer vacation I remember when I was a kid."

"Originally you should have gone too, but my mother had just had an operation at that time. The doctor strongly advised her not to be too busy. She gave up a lot of things and left it to dad, and went to the manor to recuperate by herself. Maybe she was afraid of loneliness. On you."

"How did you ask about this."

After listening to Song Yu, he was slightly stunned, squeezing the phone, and his voice was a little puzzled: "So...Isn't I going to recover?"

Song Wanying's voice was angry and funny: "Your illness was caused by your own death when you were six years old. Don't you have any points in your heart? Don't stay in the room during a rainstorm, ran to the island and almost drowned. I was in a coma for so long. It scared the whole family to death."

Song Yu: "..."

What the hell! Is this a bit different from the plot in his dream, so before he was six years old, he was in good health?

But how does he remember that in "Gentle Control", "Song Yu"'s illness was born with him.

Song Yu quickly recovered from the shock and shook his head. There are only a few chapters in a book, and the author is too lazy to make up a name. How many details can he remember?

It was probably only after the age of six that he fell into the water to become ill.

...He is foolish enough to take a dream seriously.

Song Wanying's attention didn't stop here, joking: "How can you get no reward for being so good in the exam-Yu Yu, do you like Queen Xiong or Xue Jinxing?"

Song Yu was very cold: "I don't like it."

Song Wanying tried to seduce: "They can take you to the pinnacle of learning."

Song Yu sneered: "No, it's enough for me to be at the same table. It's better to like Xie Sui than to like them."

Song Wanying: "..."

After hanging up, Song Yu sat cross-legged on the bed, looking serious.


He shouted into the air for a long time, but there was no response in the room for a long time.

The system that said three months ago that he would report to the Lord God has not yet responded.

Song Yu wondered speechlessly, is it because the Lord God thinks it is unreliable and directly destroys it humanely.

Pulling the corner of his mouth, leaning back, Song Yu's light brown pupils were full of depression and confusion.

008 asks him to go into the book and walk the plot five years later, but now the plot five years later, most likely all deviated from the track.

Xie Sui couldn't meet these scumbags, and he wouldn't be blackened without explanation.

His existence is unnecessary.

Speaking of it, he still feels that the arrangement of the bamboo horse "Song Yu" in the original work is like a role that was forcibly added, just to keep Xie Sui's kind nature.

Song Yu saw the imprisoned place, so he didn't look any further. However, "Gentle Control" actually marked "deep sadomasochism", so Ken must have "love" and "love", so there is a high probability that Xie Sui who maintains his kind nature will forgive those people? Reach an ending with a scumbag?

Anti-killing is only hoped in his dream?


Thinking of this, Song Yu sat up angrily!

His chest was stuffy like a stone, his forehead was sore, he got up and poured himself a glass of water.

In the past so long, the plot of that stupid book can still disgust him again and again. Thinking of my own role is to promote the development of this plot.

Song Yu angrily poured himself another glass of water.

——Persuade Xie Sui to let go of a hammer!

——He wants to persuade and persuade, Xie Sui, don't let go of the past, just kill the scum!

Also, he has always been curious... why Song Yu tells the protagonist "Your mother loves you very much, you don't hate her" and other nonsense, can make Xie Sui suddenly realize a lot of things, and even let go of the hatred.

It's too far-fetched, Xie Sui doesn't hate his mother.

...Forget it, "Gentle Control" has no logic.

After drinking three glasses of water, Song Yu calmed down, lay back on the bed, and clicked in, only to find that Ma Xiaoding had given him a group link called "A Happy Family in a Class."

Song Yu: "..."

[Sadako does not forget the man who digs the well: Brother Yu, join the class, everyone is discussing about Friday night, come and you come [Little Panda Happy Lift Windmill.jpg]]

[Sadako does not forget the well digger: After finally doing a team building, then I definitely can't go to ktv to sing, poker must be prepared, beer is hidden]

[Your husband Yu:. ]

Song Yu temporarily didn't want to click into the group of the middle-aged and elderly style of painting.

There was something in his heart now, and he was so panicked that he could only poke Xie Sui.

[Song Yu: Do you remember what happened when you were a kid? ]

The reply was quick over there.

[Xie Sui: Why do you ask this? ]

Song Yu has a dilemma.

[Song Yu:...No, I just want to ask. ]

Xie Sui tapped his hand on the screen, wondering if Song Yu remembered the five-year-old.

It's just that Song Yu remembers things he doesn't remember?


As keen as him, he almost quickly caught the trace of unusualness.

Xie Sui's eyes flashed coldly, leaning back on the bed, his expression was cold, his eyes were dark and deep.

Five years old...

He knew that Song Yu knew him before.

But the experience of acquaintance is vague.

I didn't care about it before, so I didn't think about it.

Now, how could he have a feeling of memory being touched by others.

The price of rebirth.

He doesn't believe it.

Xie Sui looked down and replied to Song Yu.

[Xie Sui: I don't remember]

[Xie Sui: Do you want to tell me about your childhood? ]

Song Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he said "I don't remember."

[Song Yu: No, I can't remember it either. ]

[Song Yu: Just ask a hot question]

[Song Yu: You also know that when I am bored, I like to find words without words, ha ha ha ha ha]

The more the explanation, the more like a cover-up, with loopholes.

Xie Sui chuckles, but he has always been patient with Song Yu and will not force him.

Change the topic very naturally,

[Xie Sui: Still not sleeping now? ]

[Song Yu: It's still early, I have to cheer after the exam]

[Xie Sui: It's not good for you to go to bed late and wake up late]

[Xie Sui: Go to bed]

Song Yu was lying on the bed, holding the phone in both hands and typing.

[Song Yu:...You look like my dad like this. Uh, no, my dad has a bad temper. It should be my mother. It's my family anyway. ]

Xie Sui.

[How do your family generally call you. ]

Song Yu thought for a while, it was too ashamed to share his nickname with his friends, and shook his head.

[Song Yu: Just call Song Yu]

The opposite is straightforward.

[Xie Sui: You are lying]

Song Yu was shocked.


[? ? ? ? ]

[I can't tell it. ]

[Xie Sui: I have been to your house, your grandma called you]

[Xie Sui: Yu Yu]


Song Yu couldn't hold a hand firmly, and the phone hit his face.


He sat up in pain. Shame, anger, and depressed, wiped his face--why grandma screamed in front of others!

[Song Yu: ...you heard it wrong, forget it]

[Song Yu: Don't shout, make faces! ]

Xie Sui laughed, the coldness in his eyes was also melted gently.

[Xie Sui: Didn't I say that I look like your family, then I look like a little bit more]

[Xie Sui: Yu Yuguai, sleep, good night]

Song Yu: "..."

His face is almost burnt to death!

Everyday every day!

What else can he do!

Typing furiously.

[Song Yu: Sleep, Sleep, Sleep! ]

[Song Yu: Ananananananan! ]

Shut up you!

After quitting the chat with Xie Sui, Song Yu was so confused that he could not fall asleep. He stared at the ceiling for a long time, exhaled deeply, and clicked on the group link that Ma Xiaoding gave him.

"A happy family."

The chat was hot inside, and the screen was quickly refreshed, so when Song Yu joined the group, no one noticed.

He turned over the chat log in front.

[Sadako does not forget the man who digs the well: qwq Yu brother is not coming, I think our name is unpleasant]

[The lights are as bright as before:? ? ? Brother Yu is so cool! But who got the name, it's too dirty, I want to hit someone too ╯^╰]

[Matcha milk cover without ice: Yu brother is not here, we can tell him gossip [Funny]]

[Blog post strong knowledge:......what ah]

[Han Sheng: Your skin is itchy. What's the gossip, it's okay to fight, be handsome, swearing, and be ruthless. I can't be jealous anymore. Yu Ge Niu Bi]

[Qiu Shui Changtian: That's what you guys saw. We usually sigh when we gossip, why Yu Ge is fifteen years old and can have such a perfect tablemate as thanking God. ]

[Edge: Yes! ! I can also reap the love and tenderness of thanksgiving, oooooooo beautiful friendship, I cried]

The last female student simply sent out a whole row of lemons and swiped the screen directly.

[It's night and night: He has learned the gods to help him cram school grass and buy cakes for him, my high school has nothing at all]

At this time a familiar id appeared.

[Your husband Yu: Oh? ]

[...] A group of happy family members did not feel happy for a moment.

This id?

Ma Xiaoding, didn't you mean that Brother Yu didn't join the group!

[It's late night acridine:...Brother Yu? ? . ]

Song Yu glanced at their descriptions.

Not particularly cool.

[Your husband Yu: What do you mean? ]

[Your husband Yu: I think I take advantage of Xie Sui? ]

Do not! !

[It's late night: it's not uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, don't get me wrong]

We just think it's right to thank God for petting his wife! !

Song Yu ha ha.

[Your husband Yu: Am I worse than him? ]

I was crying late.

[It's night and night: No, no! The national husband is you! You are much more popular than thank God! The girl's dream girl! ]

Song Yu had just eaten a turtle from Xie Sui and was smashed in the face by his mobile phone. He was not in a good mood. I was just a little more comfortable now, and pulled the corners of his lips.

[Your husband Yu: So there is no need to be jealous. ]

[It's late night acridine: Huh? ] Confused.

[Your husband Yu: There is a school grass at the same table at the age of 15, which is quite enviable. But if you can be in a group with me at a young age, you are not bad. ]

Everyone in the first class: ... After studying hard for so long, they almost forgot that Brother Yu originally made his debut with Kung Jing.

[Your husband Yu brother: isn't it, sister? ]

Sister: tat

[It's late night acridine: yes yes yes yes yes! Oh my god how can I be so lucky qaq! I am so young! But I was still in the blessing before, I didn't know the blessing, I was wrong, Brother Yu, let me go! ]