I´m Strong!

Kaito… you are a special kid, protect your brother while i'm gone, i believe in you!"

"But father! Why do you have to go away?...why can't you stay with us??why do you have to…"

Mirio pats kaito´s head ,the warm feeling calmed down the small boy, but tears rushed down his little face nonetheless

"I will be back, so for now be strong, i´m counting on you"

The whole world became darker and the pressure started to crush Kaito,so he tried to reach his father for help, but his hand could not reach him

"father!!Fatherr!!" the words did not reach him as is pattern grew farther away from him

Sweat poured from Kaito´s face as he opened his eyes he saw his hand extended to the ceiling trying to reach a recent memory in vain

"Are you okay brother?,you have been screaming for a while…"

Sora expressed his concern siting a few meters from him on his bed

"Yeah, I'm fine don't worry about it!"Kaito looked around to this unfamiliar room, it was quite big, with two beds

Paired with desks to match each side of the room and even a bathroom,

"Where are we?"

"W-we are at Dusky, uncle Choo brought us here, c-Come .lets have breakfast"

"Humpf !"

The two brothers found the dining room sure enough, the smell reached their room, rich fragrances and aromas they hadn't felt in a while made their taste buds dance in anticipation,for the threat ahead.

Choo was setting a place of sausages on the table when he noticed the kids, he seemed happy.

"Oh!...look who woke up!Come sit, I have something´s to tell you…"

The invitation was enough to make the kids come and dig in to the amazing food Choo had made

Forgetting about everything for a moment.

"So… let me make things very clear… your father is missing and we don't know when or if he might be back…"

The cold reminder made the kids shiver and back to reality

Why are you not looking for him ? you are his best friend no? Don't you care at all?"

"K-a, kaito calm down, uncle is trying to help us !

"Shut up! I don't care i dont need his help ! ill go look for father myself!"

"Kaito…dont get over yourself kid!-Cho raise is voice

"Do you really think we haven't tried? Do you really think we are sitting idly doing nothing?"

"Then why haven't you found him already? What is taking so long?

"You really are naive, for your father to have disappeared, something really bad happened, we can't find any traces of him, we have no information, what do you think you can do ? Do you think you are strong?

Just because you are above average for your age it doesn't mean that you are special!there is always someone stronger than you! Are you just going to run around like a crazy chicken without an amin ? without a plan! Don't make me laugh!, what will happen when there is someone that you can face?"

"I will crush him! Because i´m strong !Father said so!"

"k-Kaito.. please.."-Sora could not contain the tears and they rushed to the floor creating a small puddle.

"oh...Is that so?"

"Yes! I'll crush anyone who stands in my way!"

"...good", Choo looked at his pager to check the time, then glared at Kaito

"We still have some time left…"

"Time for what? I want to get out! Take me back to my home!"

"Ok!" Kaito was stunned with the response ,he was actually bluffing with the heat of the moment.

"If you can defeat one of my students that is… i believe he's the same age as you, it should be fair"

"Kaito please... Calm down"Sora tried to reach his brother only to be pushed aside and fall to the ground.

"Shut up, you can do nothing! Always relying on others you crybaby!

"Ok that's it, come outside now!"-Choo stood up from the dinner table and helped Sora out,

"Are you okay"

"Y-yes i´m fine uncle"

"Good come too you should watch this too you´ll learn something…"

Choo then went to the courtyard that was connected to the room opening the window so everyone could pass.

With a kick glance Choo analysed Kaito´s height weight and created gloves, pads and guards for the head and mouth elbows and knees.

"Wear this,and get ready, he'll be here soon.''-With a switch move he threw them at Kaito, but the child trew them on the ground.

"Humph! I don't need that!, give it to him !"

"You sure are confident of yourself… well ,just leave it there if you change your mind"

"Call Ikari"-Choo spoke to the bracelet on his harm at it lit up

Beeeep beep, beeeep beep, beep boop.


"Oh ,Ikari good morning!

"Good morning! I´m not late for class, am I?

"Oh no! Don't worry about class in 3 hours away!"

"Okay.. so i´m i in trouble?"

"Oh no on the contrary, i´m giving you an extra class"

"Neat ! when?"

"Right now!come to my house ill have you spar someone, if you win ill give you extra credits!"

"Okay, ill be there in 10"

"No that won't! do be here in under 60 seconds!"

"But sir your house is at least a kilometer away from mine"

"Oh… are you saying you can't make it ?"

"... No sir, i'll be right there… excuse me"Ikari shutdown the connection.

"So... are you sure you want to do this without the protective gear?"Choo glared at Kaito taunting him but the kid looked away, it was clear that he was nervous but trying to hide it

(He can't be that strong can he?i mean i can beat up adults, i know im strong, even Choo could not anticipate my sneak attack and he´s an adult, he's just a kid my age i can beat him , then i'll show them…)

Choo sat on the porch awaiting for his student to arrive,so he took out a smoke at lit it up.As he looked at Kaito and Sora

(I´m sorry kid, but it seems that your father has pampered you too much , i know you are strong , but tits crude, you have too much confidence, ill have to be a little rough on you so you understand…)

Choo finished his smoke at stood up, looking at his wrist, 65 seconds had passed.

"Oh he didn´t make it in time , i´ll have to reprimand him …"Ding doong! The bell rang as soon as Choo finished the sentence

"Just come to Ikari,I believe it's open!

A small mestiço child opened the door connecting the courtyard to the street,he was about the same size as Kaito,no maybe a little taller? Around 5 centimeters, his hair resembled Choo´s, but white replaced the black on the kids hair. He was wearing some kind of uniform unknown for kaito and sora, it seemed like a military uniform, with his name branded on it, he was sweating profusely,and gasping for air, he was clearly tired.

(oh this is the guy? Doesn't seem like much to me , I can't even feel a strong presence from him,Choo must be underestimating me that bastard!)

"Oof, oof off, i´m,sorry, professor, i could ,not make it ,in time, oof"

"I´ll deal with that latter, for you are going to spar with that kid!"Choo pointed at Kaito wich was clearly agitated and ready for a fight,

"Oh?, and who is this?"

"I´m kaito Urake!"

"I´m Ikari Ibaraki, nice to meet you!" ikara came closer to Kaito and extended his hand to greet him with a smile to a company,but Kaito slapped his hand in return

"Let's get this over with!"

(how rude!i don't even know him ! why the heck is he so mad?)

"Hey prof ! What's wrong with this kid? Did he fall over the bed or something?"

"He's just a little bit agitated don't worry about it"

Ikari looked at Sora, and he just nodded and looked away

(what the hell is wrong with these guys? They are all weird?)

"Are you ready or not?"

"Oh? What of course not let me res.."Ikari was interrupted abruptly by Choo

"Yes he his !let me explain the rules:


"You guys are going to spar,until one of you concedes defeat or can not move anymore, anything goes so feel free to do as you wish,do not leave the courtyard and even if you get hurt Gael will tend to your wounds"

Choo created more guards for Ikari and trew then he swiftly caught them and wore them.

"Are you not going to wear some?"

"I don't need that!, that´s for weak people, if you are that afraid of getting hurt go ahead"

"Well aren't you a cocky bastard? I´ll make sure to make you eat those words!"

"So you are going to fight with them… well figured you would need them you small fry"

(this bastard!just how strong is he to be so confident? I must be careful)

"Enough chatting ,boys begging at my mark: One…

(I´ll kick him the leg so he cant move then finish with a punch to the face and send him flying, that should end things quickly )tough kaito while getting in stance Ikarai realized that stance it was right away

(that´s Dusky´s academy´s martial art from 6… where did he learn that? I don't think i ever saw him at the academy, just who is this guy?)


(Well for the professor to ask me his best student to spar him he must be really something better be careful, maybe a transfer student?) Ikari got into stance as well but kaito could not recognise the form or martial art from what his father had taught him, but he did not fear, he was stronger, he was special, his father told him so, he could do it!)


Kaito´s speed surprised Choo and IKari, sprinting from his position and arriving at ikari´s location before he could heaven react, making the calf kick connect, making ikari lose balance

(easy!you are done!)

Kaito´s arm pulled back and thundered into ikari´s face making him fly against the wall of the courtyard

Crack! Ikari broke the wall and lifted enormous amounts of dust from the impact, the fight was over in seconds

It was unbelievable, but Cho didn't do anything he was just standing there, in fact he even lit another smoke and was calmly watching the fight

(why his he just standing there?i'm sure that ended the fight he was weak as i thought)

"I´v won take me home now!"(Kaito screamed at Choo his blood was boiling and his heart racing)

"Is that so?"

"What?"can't you see it's over!"(kaito pointed at the rubble he had made with Ikari and in fact he was there lying on the ground with his eyes closed)


"Fine! Ill see myself out then!

"... ha... haha"

He could not believe it, it seemed that it was Ikari that was laughing, could not be could it?Kaito was sure he put everything he had on that punch, even his hand was hurting, he only began to feel it because the adrenaline started to fade away


"Hugh? You want some more, is that it what's so funny you idiot?"

Ikari stood up from the ruble, cleary damaged by the punch his eye was swollen but his leg was fine has he had the guard to protect it,he cleaned up the dust from his uniform and taunted Kaito with his hand enticing him to come to him and try the same thing again to see if it would work.

Wich made Kaito angry and impatient to end it once again

"So be it !ill beat you up really good!so you wont get up next time!"-Kaito sent a much stronger signal from his brain to his legs to execute the movements with no restraints in strength, pushing them to the upper limit of his body, resulting in an explosion of power that flung him to Ikari faster than before

But something was of...he had not assume any kind of stance, he was basically standing there fully open for all kinds of attacks

(What is this idiot doing? Has he lost it after I hit him?, he was laughing like a maniac after all)

Kaito´s leg came in contact with ikari´s guard once more, but this time Kaito felt it break, so he swung for the head again but this time with his left hand, thinking it would be easy to counter if he swung again with the same hand

But the punch connected again, but somehow the resistance was not there,

(what happened i'm sure i hit him,why does it feel so weird)

Kaito only realised a moment later, but what he hit was only the guard, Ikari was not there, in fact what he had been hitting was only the guards…


"Kaito behind you!"Sora screamed to help his brother out of brotherly love



(!)(he could see it?)Choo and Ikari had the same reaction to the quiet kid that was just standing there watching the whole fight, not even making much presence until now

"tch!..."-Ikari swung to kaito´s ribs but he bareilly manage to doge it, still the force from that punch made him lose balance and kaito had to retreat to a safe distance

"You know… you really had me scared there for a moment… "

"What?"-kaito was still disoriented from the past moments, but rapidly regained his composure.

"Yeah i was so weary that i actually froze, i mean… since professor Choo asked ME to spar with you i tough you where strong, at least as strong as i am… so i was worried and could not move"

"So you think you are stronger than me?I was only distracted, that was all!"

" Yeah ,that's exactly what i'm saying .... you better put the guards on man…"

"As if!"

"Don't say i didn't warn you !..."

Dash!!!!- Ikari disappeared from Kaito´s sight, reappearing behind him, but kaito was ready this time so he tried to elbow the place his face would be, but the resistance was not there only air kaito looked to his back to meet nothingness then he lost balance as his leg was thrown to the side buy a powerful blow to his calf,he knew what was coming next, his opponent was mocking him, clearly saying that he was more powerful, displaying the same technique as if he was saying: here it's what you did but better!

So kaito tried to protect his face but in vain his hand was a second late has Ikari´s fist plunged into his face, this time Kaito was the one flung to the other side of the wall breaking it

"Kaito!" Sora got up to help is brother up but he was stopped by Choo

"Don´t! He needs to get through this on his own!"


Choo shook his head saying no

(shit he really got me, he's no joke i need to step up)

Kaito got up, blood falling from his mount, he got hit pretty bad

"Ohhh.. not bad, but stay down man!"

Kaito spit a tooth out and got in stance again

Ikari was clearly enjoying this you could see it on his face,without waiting any longer he went to were kaito´s guard´s where and picked them up,

"You really better put this on!"as threw them to kaito

"F*ck you dude ! i don't need that!"

Ikari surged his shoulders clearly tired of Kaito´s attitude

"Fine, ill fight with the same strength as you then"

Ikari got in the same stance as Kaito further mocking him,so kaito lost it and rushed him with pure anger,

Swinging left and right with amazing speed,normally this would hit him opened, when sparing with his father he was always complimented, he was special after all, but nothing was connecting , Ikari was bareilly dogging everything by a hair, but he was not getting hit by kaito´s attacks whatsoever.

(f*uck i can't hit anything! But he's barely dodging, if I go faster…)

"I just need to be faster? Is that what you think?"-Ikari grabbed kaitos punch and looked him into place,Kaito could not move his arm so kaito tried to kick him and use his hand as a hold so he would not fall, but Ikari just moved his head and kicked Kaito instead, leaving Kaito on the ground facing the floor.

Kaito felt his arm burn from paint as it was being twisted by one hand



"No!! Aghhh, you b*tch!"

Ikari sighed

"Fine, i´ll just break all of your limbs then!"Crack!Just like that Kaito´s arm was broken the pain was so great he could not contain a scream

"One down, tree to go…"-Ikari moved his hand to grab Kaito´s other arm to break it

"You bastard!" Kaito screamed

(Just let go of me! Let !! GO!!)-Ikari felt an enormous pressure and was pulled by some force from behind letting go from Kaito


(!,What was that ? i just felt something pull me!)Ikari looked at Choo and Sora but they where just as choked as him and standing at the same place

(So it wasn't them who was it ? )

Kaito was clearly hurt and still on the ground screaming in pain

(Maybe i'm imagining things ?i´ll better finish this then)

Step,step, ikari slowly approached kaito and kicked his rigs sending him flying, then he appeared on his side and divekicked his leg breaking it


(He's not offering much resistance now should i stop?)Ikari stopped for a moment to look at Choo for an answer, but the professor was looking shocked at another place?

As soon as Ikari looked where Choo was looking he felt a pull towards Kaito that was standing on the ground in pain, right? He could not be up with that broken leg!But there was kaito bleeding from the broken arm and leg but on his foot with his good hand preparing for a punch, his expression lifeless, was he conscious?

(what is this? Is he gonna punch the air? I'm a good meter away from him! He must be delusional from the pai…)

Ikari felt a stronger pull towards ikari and lost his balance his fist was now gearing to his face

(what the...im gonna get hit shit!)Ikari anticipated the punch like before and stiffened the facial muscles to take the least amount of damage as possible… but … it didn't connect?

Tud! Kaito laid on the floor unconscious perplexing Ikari


"That's enough Ikari! It's over! " Choo got up, threw the cigarette bud away and picked up Kaito to set him on the porch.

"Don't worry Sora he's going to be okay, Geal should be arriving soon"


The masked woman went to where the squad that was following the man and the kids, deep in the forest.

She located them quite fast,most of them fell to the ground unconscious others barely walked away from the smoke.

(I'm sorry but i can't have you following them…)

She reached for her sword and disappeared to the shadows

(Shit i cant breath in this smoke and its hard to create oxygen in this situation, i cant focus enough…? What was that? I definitely just saw something move back there, but i can't really sense anything)

This unnamed soldier remembered his training days and quickly calmed down,placing his body in a meditative state and made oxygen molecules from his limbo rush straight to his lungs allowing him to breath without opening his mouth.

(okay now i don't need to worry about the smoke, now i need to find who was there )

"argh"-Someone screamed for afar, the soldier could not see anything past the fog but could clearly sense his men being struck down

"Run! Its her just run!Its the...blehhh!!"-The words could not come out of a slith trough so the soldier could not speak anymore,then his head fell to the ground.

(Fuck that was the squad capitan just now ! i´m f*cked! Sh*t Sh*t Sh*t ! i don't want to die!!!!)

"hugh?..."-The time had come for the soldier to finally face his enemy,a woman with black clothes , black hair and a oni mask, he read about her one time, he knew his death was eminent, he didn't even try,as she was one of the most requested mercenaries, with more than 1 k confirmed assassinations and a thousand more confirmed completed missions

"Ah, so this is the end, hugh?"-Asked the soldier with his hands shaking

The woman nodded she could feel no resistance from him, he had truly accepted his imminent death,had her sword cut both of his arms in one single motion,it was beautiful the best swordsmanship he ever witnessed and the last…

(Chapter end )