Shadows in the sun

Darkness was all that Kaioto could see for a moment before his senses could feel a warm liquid like substance flowing through his body,from the tip of his fingers dripping to his arm ,making its way to the shoulders before dispersing and dissipating to the rest of the body.

He could feel energy flowing from the outside,a warmth similar to what he felt when he was a baby, Wille being nourished by his mother.

Finally he could open his clear blue eyes,to be greeted by a long haired blond woman sporting glasses and smiling green eyes.

The woman caressed the boy´s hair clearing the forehead.

It was the first time Kaito had seen the woman, but he could trust her already he could drop his emotional guard around her and be vulnerable around her.

"How is he doing Gael ?"Kaito got up from laying his head on Gael's legs as she healed him,sitting on the next to her blushing.

"He'll be fully healed shortly professor"Gael could not keep a smile from coming out,the awkwardness that Kaito was feeling was somewhat amusing for her.

"Humm, i think he's fine enough"-Choo patted Kaito's back several times until Kaito fully woke up

"So kid...see what I mean now?...There is no way I'm going to leave you to wander alone to look for your father,(Choo came closer and sat down near kaito and Gael)

" you see… Ikari is your age and has undergone training since he was 5, and he's not even close to being ready to face the world,regardless that like you he's exceptional for his age,you and Sora aren't equipped to fend off on your own. yet"Choo had his eyes fixated at Kaito as he was waiting for a response.

"..."Kaito could not mutter anything he knew Choo was right, and he just proved him that after all.

Choo understood the feelings Kaito must have had at that moment, but couldn´t be soft now, or he wouldn't be able to get through to him later.

"I'll make sure to train you Kids well,but its going to be hard, are you up for it ?"

Kaito reluctantly nodded,looking at Gael that in the meantime had gotten her files and was patiently waiting,

"Excuse me,The exam will be conducted in 30 minutes we should get goin"

The man demanded the child to come and he followed, Sora that was waiting in the living room came out to do the same

"What would I do without you Gael..."Gael blushed and shortly dismissed the compliment stating it was part of her job.Quickly shuffling through her papers stopping at one that had a Picture of Kaito and Sora´s was next.

"Shall we?"The boys and man nodded and followed the lady as she took charge.

Leaving the destroyed house behind Choo could only wonder if his insurance would cover the damages,or if he could categorize it as an educational hazard and have someone from school rebuild the walls,he could just wonder.


The ground side of Dusky was vastly covered in darkness from the city above been between them and the sun,

Creating vast spots where one could not see much,that is ,on the outskirts of the city where the nearby villages and cities residents that did not have permits to stay were trying to live off the protection that the city had for its residents leeching off without contributing.

Which created a clear separation from the outsiders homes and the insiders in appearance.

A city guard squad compose of two officers patrolled this area,making sure to keep the peace in this parts and resolving conflicts

"There is an awful lot of people living in the streets nowadays,what is the department doing?"

The other officer looked at his young colleague gauging the next words that came out of his mount

"Erm..I mean... they can just send some construction work to make some houses no?That would fix the issue"

The older guard kept to himself calmly patrolling the streets as their job demanded.

A few minutes passed and the officers sat in a calm street to make their report, but where soon interrupted by a homeless old man across the street

"The time is near!!The time for the chosen to asced is near! Oh praise the great lord Tamdir, for he will lead the worthy to heaven!"

Residents started to gather to inspect on the commotion, and the guards soon enough crossed the street to question this man.

"Sir please refrain from causing distress to the other residents or we´ll have to detain you!"

"Unworthy!truly unworthy this city is to ascend to the heavens!I shall give myself to spread the word of Tamdir and cleanse the Unworthy!"

Years of experience as an officer made him realise what was about to happen ,but so did the newly found pressure around the old man and the palpable blust lust coming from him.

The younger guard stood watching as his superior pushed him aside,and in seconds created a dome to incase him and the man inside.

What happened next made everyone scream and flee the scene.

"Officer Nollan!Respond!What was that explosion just now?"

Looking at the crumbling bloodied dome he could not respond to headquarters.Having to go nearer the blast site and inspect inside to confirm what he already feared.Finally making his wrist come close to his mouth so he could respond.

"T-Ther, there was an suicide bomber on the outskirts, section b-12,One officer killed while proctecting the civilians..Over"

"Understood,please stand by for the clean up unit,stay sharp for any more encounters, and tell me officer… was the perpetrator a Tamdir follower?"


"... Understood.Survey the area until help arrives,Over and out."

Following the usual procedures for this kind of occurrence,the headquarters agent made a call to the military department informing of the situation, prompting a call to Chief Commander Boris,which upon receiving the news promptly made a call.

"'s just as you said , they have already made their influence shown here in our city"

"I'm glad i was right, but its too soon for them to make a move… How many casualties and where ?"

"Fortunately only 1,it was on the slums…Sector b-12 i believe"

"Hum... I´ll have my team scout for information there,let's hope i´m wrong. I believe that, for a fanatic to be inside our walls, they may already have someone in the upper city…



"You are never wrong… That's what's scares me about you"

The call was promptly ended as both had important work ahead of them.

(Chapter end )