I prayed for all my life that I should never see my brother again. But now he found me.

" Where are you, my sweet little sister? Do you remember, I always win the hide and seek game? "

I shut my eyes tight hoping that Liam would somehow come here before he finds me. But instead, I felt someone grabbing me by the shirt collar.

" Found you. You can't hide from me forever bitch. I win the game as usual."

I screamed as he dragged me by my hair and stuck his gun to his head. " Now come on, let's play hide and seek with Liam."

He took me outside to the living area and I struggled against his grip. I need to distract him now. At least I should stall him until Liam arrives.

" For God's sake Hector, you are my brother, and let me go," I screamed.

He started giggling like a manic. " You are nothing more than a slut now who is willingly being fucked up by a mobster in a penthouse. I'm ashamed to even admit that you are my sister. "

" And you are a psychopath who killed his parents."

The very next moment he pushed me towards the table and kicked me in my ribs. I bit my lips in pain. " Hector, please don't hurt me," I begged just like I did when I was 16.

He used to abuse me to keep me in my place after I found out that he killed mom and dad. He used to tie me up and hit me every day. He tried to scare me but I didn't give in completely.

And even today I'm not going to let him win. I grabbed the lamp on the table. I turned over to him and smashed the lamp aiming to his head.

But he dodged and it just hit his arm and it didn't do much damage to him as he was already wearing a leather jacket.

" How dare you bitch?", he yelled and started to strangle my throat with his hands. I started coughing as I wasn't able to breathe.

" Get your hands off her Hector. Or else I'll shoot you. " It was from Liam. I felt glad that he arrived.

Hector stopped strangling me but grabbed me and pointed his gun to my head." Get on your knees now, otherwise she dies. " he said.

I almost laughed at this. Liam doesn't even love me. Why would he surrender for saving my life? My brother is stupid.

But what Liam did next made me gasp. He put down his gun and knelt on the floor. " Let her go, take me instead."

It was unbelievable. Did he just surrender himself for me?

" I never thought you are this dumb. Looks like my little sister makes you very happy every day. I never thought she is skilled in this."

Suddenly, someone fired the pistol. I turned over to see Liam's men standing there armed. They all surrounded Hector and one just shot him in the leg.

Hector crumpled on the floor and shrieked ed in pain. It was very satisfying to watch. Finally, I was free and I walked away from him.

" Are you alright?", Liam asked from behind me. I nodded.

There was something sticky in my legs and I looked down. It was blood. I looked over my shoulder to see Hector's blood all over the carpet.

Liam bent over his body and glanced at him mercilessly. " If you don't give me your client's name, then I'll have you chopped up in pieces and dump your remains in the garbage bags.

Hector laughed through his pain. " Either way I'm dead. Why should I help you and let you win?"

Liam smirked at him." There is always something which everyone loves, right? So what do you love the most?"

Hector looked puzzled. Even I didn't understand what he is referring to. Liam signaled something to his men and they dragged a young and beautiful blonde girl whose hands were tied.

" Hec, don't give up," she shouted.

I could see the terror in his eyes. I was surprised to know that Hector can care about somebody. I thought he was a soulless monster.

Liam was enjoying the situation of Hector. " You have such a pretty girlfriend. Is she good in bed? "

Hector's eyes flared with anger. " If you hurt her, then you'll be sorry about it Liam. "

" You still have a chance to save her. Give up your client's name. "

Hector took a deep breath as if evaluating everything. " Erickson Eaton is our boss. Or should I call him Uncle Erickson?"

Liam's face became pale. " Don't fuck with me. If you do not give me your client's name, then I'll shoot that blonde bitch."

" It's true Liam. Your uncle Erickson is the one who sent an assassin to kill your brother Chris. He faked his death only to escape your clutches."

Liam was not expecting this answer. He was quiet for a moment. " I need proof that he is still alive. Can you give me that?"

Hector chuckled." You need to find that yourself. Put your big boy pants on and accept that your uncle wants you dead."

Liam got up and went to the blonde girl. He traced her face with his finger. " Such a pretty girl. Isn't she Hector?"

I know that Liam is doing this to instigate Hector, but I didn't like the way he was treating her. Liam looked at all of his men. " How many would like to do this blonde chick? Raise your hands."

That's it. I couldn't take it anymore. " Stop it. I get that she is your enemy but that doesn't mean that you can humiliate her. "

Liam looked at me frustrated. He didn't like that I confronted him in front of everyone. But I can't just stand and watch when these people rape that poor girl.

" This is none of your business. Stay out of it. Now, where were we? Who would like to take this bitch first? "

He then glanced at a guy who tall and scrawny. He was the same guy who interrogated me feel days ago. " You go first, Danny."

His face lit up and he dragged her away to a room. " Liam please don't do this. Tie her up, starve her to death as you did to me. But don't let these people rape her. It is wrong. " But he didn't seem to agree with me.

When he was about to say something, Hector interrupted. " Liam, I swear that one day I'll kill you," he said and raised his head to look at me. " I warned you about him but you didn't listen. I pity you. "

I looked down ashamed. He was right. For the first time, I thought Hector was right. I could hear the screams of that girl from behind the door.

" You know what Liam, I can't stand here while a girl gets raped. You can shoot me or do whatever you want. But I'm going in and stopping that."

I tried to go inside the room but Liam caught me. He lifted me and carried me to the bedroom where we just had sex. I punched him as hard as I could on his chest. He didn't even flinch. Damn, he was strong and I am small.

" Control yourself, it's all just an act to make your brother talk," he said.

" What really?", I asked bewildered.

" Yes, Danny is just probably forcing her to make those sexual noises. It's one of our strategies to mess with our enemies' minds. We are just mobsters, not rapists. "

Even though it's just an act, it's not right. " Why can't you just starve her instead?" I asked.

Liam shook his head. " That blonde girl is an assassin who I suspect that she might have killed my brother. We need to make them vulnerable. Why don't you just stay here if these things disturb your mind?"

I nodded. I always empathy other people no matter what they are. I can't stand and watch people suffering. He locked the door shut and went outside.

𝙇𝙞𝙖𝙢'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

It took me a while to convince Hannah that we weren't rapists and it's all just an act. I went to Hector who now looked completely traumatized.

" Now are you giving up your client's name? Do you want another one of my people to go into your girlfriend?"

" I already told you that your uncle is alive and he is my client. "

Maybe he is telling the truth. But my uncle practically raised me and my brother. He would never kill us for the throne.

Or maybe someone else is using my uncle's name as a disguise. I should find out about it later.

Danny came outside, with his messed up hair. I'm looking forward to casting him in my next movie. He does one hell of acting.

I entered the room where the blonde was tied up. " I'll ask you only one question. Did you kill my brother Chris?"

She smirked. " I might have. Why don't you release me? I'll show how it is to get your ass kicked by a girl. You are just a fool who comes up with these kinds of lame strategies like faking a girl's rape in front of her boyfriend. You Eaton men are worthless. "

I took out my pistol and shot her right in between her eyes. I felt the sadistic pleasure as I saw the light leave her eyes.