Ricky entered the room immediately. " What happened Mr. Eaton? "

He looked down the floor and was shocked to see her lifeless body. " Why did you shoot her? It changes everything now. Hector won't cooperate if he knows that she is dead. "

I gazed at him irritated. Ricky still doesn't realize that we are getting nothing from Hector accept false information.

" She is the assassin who killed my brother. If she manages to kill my brother, then she is dangerous. Keeping her alive is a threat to all of us. These assassins are trained in a way to manage any situations by manipulating us when we are not alert." I explained to him.

Ricky paused for a moment. " You seem to have a point, Mr. Eaton. But how can we make Hector talk?"

" He doesn't have to know that she is dead. We should tell him that we shot her in hand since she didn't cooperate with us. You should all make him believe that we are nailing her. It will traumatize him. We need to make our enemy weak to get secrets. "

Ricky nodded. I went outside the room and glared at Hector who looked as white as the sheet. I stared at his blood-red eyes. " Relax, I just shot her in hand because she wasn't cooperating with us. Is she always this stubborn with you? "

" Ok, you win Liam. I will confess everything to you. Please don't hurt her."

I sat down on the couch nearby and looked at him sternly. " My men will not touch her anymore if you confess the truth. I'll catch your bluff easily. If you try to beat around the bush, I'll make sure she suffers. "

" You got to trust me, Liam. I'm telling you everything about my client. Erickson Eaton is still alive. He is with the Russian Mafia and he made a deal with them. He promised them 50℅ of profit if he gets to run the drug empire in LA. And Natasha is not involved with them directly. I am the leader of assassins and only I have direct contact with them. So please release Natasha. "

I studied him for a moment. It seemed like he was telling the truth this time. It's confirmed that Russians are involved. But the only contradiction here is my Uncle Erickson. He is dead. I saw it with my own eyes. And here this guy is spinning a story with my dead uncle.

" So, your boss instructed you to use my dead Uncle's name in case you get caught. Isn't it? If you are not going to say his name within five minutes, I'm going to shoot your blonde bitch's leg."

Hector started trembling. At that moment I noticed a similarity between him and Hannah. Damn, I should stop comparing Hannah with this bastard.

" I'm telling you the truth, Liam. Erickson faked his death right after he killed Chris Eaton so that no one would suspect him. I can't change the fact to make you feel good."

This guy is getting on my nerves now. What should I have to do to make him speak the truth? " Stop bluffing you dumb cunt. We all know that Natasha killed Chris. Now you are pinning up everything on my dead uncle. I'm so going to kill your girlfriend now."

Hector's eyes widened with terror. " I'm telling you the truth, Liam. It was Erickson....."

" Shut up, you son of a bitch. You are just procrastinating here thinking that your backup with show up miraculously. But it's not going to happen. You are trapped here with no way out. And that blonde confessed to me that she killed Chris. So stop bluffing."

" Please don't kill Natasha. She didn't do anything. It was me who planned it. Kill me instead. But please spare her."

I sighed and looked at him. " How many times should I have a to repeat? Stop fucking with me and tell me your client's name."

" I already told you. Erickson Eaton is the mastermind. " he blurted out in agony.

" Mr. Eaton, I think that it could be possible that your uncle is still alive. " Dario interrupted. Dario was the tallest and muscular guy in our gang.

I was silent this time because even I thought that it could be true. But it's impossible. My Uncle practically raised me and my brother after my father's death.

My father was murdered when I was just five years old. My uncle raised us both and thought us everything about how the business is done. He wanted my elder brother Chris to become the Drug Lord. He is not a power-thirsty person. Maybe someone is using his identity to screw with me. Or maybe this bastard is just lying.

" Lock him up and treat his leg. We need him alive for a while." I said looking at Dario. Because he is strong enough to carry him downstairs.

I went inside the room to take some rest for a while. Hannah was standing on the veranda. She noticed me arriving and turned around to me. " I heard a gunshot. What happened?"

" Nothing serious. I just killed that blonde." I said it like a casual statement. She rolled her eyes at me.

" Why did you kill her? "

" She killed my brother. I can't just leave her alive."

She paused for a moment a took a deep breath. " I'll advise you to kill my brother as soon as possible. He is more dangerous than you think."

I could sense the concern in her eyes. Maybe she is this way because she suffered a lot from him. " I have it all under control baby. Just relax. And do you know how I captured Hector? Your friend Cece helped me. She sent false information to Hector that you are here alone in this penthouse with less than two guards. Hector believed it and he came here to capture you foolishly. He wasn't excepting that I would surround him."

Her eyes dazzled at this. " Really? But why did Cece help you? "

" Because she is impossibly in love with Ricky and she feels terrible for betraying her best friend. "

Her face brightened instantly. " Where is she now?"

" Control your excitement sweetie. She is in LA now and you will get to see her soon."


I was on the video call with my Mexican allies. I needed to update them on the latest news.

" We have the situation under control. I have captured the leader of the assassins and the shipments which you send will be safe from now on."

His expression changed stern. I had no idea what was nagging him now. These manufacturers always act like they are the Almighty God ty.

" What are you going to do about the damage? 20 million worth of products were burned by assassins. You must take full responsibility for this. "

He is just being irrational now. They just produce tons and tons of product and they rely on us for marketing. When damage happens they just don't take responsibility for it.

"In that case, you will not get 40℅ anymore. You will get 30. I can't run the empire in ruins. " I said.

" We agree to it Liam but you are not seeing the situation here. You might have won the battle. But it's difficult for you to win the war. My sources have just now confirmed that it's Erickson Eaton who is hiring these assassins. "

I took a deep breath to process what he just said. " I'm positive that he is dead. Someone else is using his identity to mess with me. " I explained.

He looked distrustful. What is wrong with him? He then took out some photos and showed them to the screen.

Chills went down my spine as I saw my uncle standing in a grey jacket and was talking to someone who looked like Russian.

This is the most impossible thing to happen. Did my Uncle kill Chris? But why would he have to do it undercover like this? He was in the same room with me and my brother for so many years. He could have mixed poison in food and kill us both. But he didn't do anything.

Why would he take the hardest route to get what he wanted? This must be an imposter.

This is not my Uncle Erickson who thought me and Chris to shoot when we were young. This is not my Uncle. He is not like the movie villain who would kill their nephews for inheriting family estate.

" This is not my Uncle. Please trust me. Someone is using my Uncle's identity to mess with us. I'll find this man and take care of it. "

His expression got normal and studied me. " Okay, I warned you with all the information I know. Now you must protect your empire. "

I closed my laptop and got up confused. What if it's my Uncle? What will I do then?

I need to find out the truth behind this mess.

𝙃𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I am now tied up like a cattle in a dark basement. A guy came and took off the bullet from my leg and gave me some pain killers.

My leg didn't even hurt me now. What hurt me the most was the feeling of being betrayed by your own. Cece made me was right into the trap. That bitch betrayed me.

She manipulated me and Natasha to come here. She gave me false information that Liam is hiding her here alone. I also blame my father. He pressured me to save Hannah from Liam.

It's because of those two I am imprisoned now and Natasha is suffering upstairs. I thought Liam was at least a bit ethical, but now he is letting his men harass Natasha. I will do the same to him one day.

And I'm going to kill Cece in the most brutally as she is the reason why Natasha is suffering now. I should escape this cage now and reach out to Erickson. This is one of the biggest challenges in my life. I should survive. I will not give up today.

Just then a middle-aged man entered the room. He kept the food beside the table and crossed his fingers. He left the room without turning back.

I felt newfound energy in me. It was the sign for our assassins in case of emergency. It means he is on our side.

I was amazed by Erickson Eaton. He managed to infiltrate his men everywhere. He is a genius. Now I can count on my freedom. But I still don't know how to save Natasha.

She is upstairs enduring the torture and I am not leaving without her. I hope that guy has a plan for her too.

After leaving this place, my first task is to kill Cece and have a word with my father.