𝙃𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

Even waking up in the morning is a challenge to me these days. It's difficult to wake up when you just lost an eye and got shot in a leg. And this freezing weather in Moscow is not making it easy for me.

For God's sake, it's -10°C now. Thomas entered my suite and bought me breakfast. " You look better today," he said.

And I know that he is only saying this to convince me. I have to wear an eye patch to cover my stabbed eye. I started trembling just thinking about the excruciating pain I felt when the knife hit my eye.

I thought I was going to die. But I didn't give up. After Liam left the plane, I slowly dragged myself to the window and pressed my hand on the glass. My backup was about to leave since he thought we both were probably dead. But he noticed I am still alive when I signaled him with my hand.

I somehow managed to open the emergency exit through the pain. He came inside and dragged me to his car. I was taken to the safe house and I was given all the necessary treatment. But I didn't want to waste my time on recovery.

After I woke up, I immediately called my father. I thought that he would be happy to know that I'm still alive. But he was so disappointed in me and he said that I'm cut off since I didn't save Hannah from Liam. He said that I was not good enough to be the leader of the assassin's league anymore. He blamed me for Natasha's death.

But how can he blame me for Hannah's mistakes? It's completely her fault. She gave Liam the pocket knife to stab my eye. She is willingly staying with Liam and my father blames me for that.

I didn't feel like arguing with him. Because I don't care about anything else. I don't want to be the leader of the assassins league anymore. The only thing I want now is revenge. I want to kill that motherfucking Liam who harassed Natasha.

So now I'm going to deal with Russians directly without my father's help. I sent a message to Znakomstvo that I'm still alive.

Then Znakomstvo's men immediately took me in their private plane and I reached Moscow. I have a hard time believing it but I think that I might be immortal. That's the only explanation of how I survived even when I was about to die.

But I'm determined to stay immortal until I end Liam. " Znakomstvo is on his way to discuss with you," he said.

That was great. He is going to nag me about how I failed the mission with my procrastination. And there was the great Znakomstvo. He entered my suite and sat beside the chair near my table.

" Did you rat me out to Liam?" he asked me. I survived death two times and I'm here with a single eye and that is the only thing he is worried about the most.

" Even I had, he wouldn't believe me. So your identity is safe for now. " I said. This guy is the real mastermind behind this whole operation. He faked his death and joined with Russians to take down Liam. I always wonder why these Russians trust this guy. There is something more to it than what he says to me. Of course, I am just a hitman to him. So he doesn't fill me with all the details.

" You failed the mission with your foolishness, Hector. You had a fair chance at the plane," he said.

" And if you just look at me, I have paid my price for it. My first mistake was getting these two bitches involved. Cece and Hannah both betrayed me for that miserable Liam. And I'm not letting them go away with it. I'm determined to take them all down. "

He glared at me unsatisfied. " Your father said he is not going to carry on the mission anymore. And he cut off ties with you. You are no more the leader of the assassins. How do you plan on taking down Liam without your father's support?"

This is exactly why this guy is hiding here while Liam gets to be the Drug Lord. Because this guy doesn't even look at the available options. He just keeps on complaining about what he doesn't have.

" Now imagine, we are foxes and Liam is a lion.

If we can't win against a lion, then we have to adopt a cub and feed it. We have to raise the cub until it becomes like the lion and make those two lions fight with each other. Then we foxes are going to enter at the last second when both the lions are weak and kill them both. Then we foxes can rule the jungle."

He studied me for a moment. " Your story is really interesting. But, who ho is going to be the cub?" he asked.

" You will know about that soon."

Finally, I convinced him. I felt newfound confidence inside me. This is what I call recovery.

𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙝'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

It was nice to be around Liam all the time. I got to know how his network works. He gets products from the manufacturers and sells them to his clients. But he doesn't have any direct clients.

Everything is handled by his circle members. I got to know that every party in Hollywood has drugs that are supplied by Liam's network. Each member in the circle has a separate role to play.

Cece's role is to deal with big clients. She was especially given this role to charm her way into getting the work done. Ricky is Liam's assistant and most trusted member.

And there is this guy Dario, he is the best fighter and he always stands in the front line during the fight or when someone needs to be threatened. Well, he looked so tall, muscular, and had crazy tattoos on his neck and arms. He remained me of a guy from the web series I used to watch on Netflix. Ironically, his name too was Dario.

I went inside Liam's office. I didn't even knock. He was working on his laptop. " What is my sexy lion doing?" I said in a flirty tone.

He looked at me and smiled. " No one has called me a lion before. I'm known as the King here," he said.

" That is so sad. You are the lion king to me. I can be your Nala." I went and sat on his desk. He closed his laptop and stood up from his chair.

" So you are not going to let me do my work. Are you?" He gently pulled me towards him and locked his lips with mine. I wrapped my legs around his torso and squeezed myself to him.

Suddenly, someone opened the door and entered. " Have you ever heard of knocking?" I asked annoyed. Who the fuck enters Liam's personal space without knocking?

" No, but I used to knock up Liam whenever he needed me. " said a female voice from behind me.

I turned over to look at a young lady. She looked very attractive with her oversized breast and long legs. She must be one of the escorts of Liam.

" Roxy, what are you doing here?" Liam asked.

" We had a deal. Looks like you forgot about it," she said.

I got down from the table and stood beside Liam. Liam glanced at her frustrated. He didn't like her being here. If he didn't call her, then why the hell is she here?

" Whoa, is she your wife? She looks very cute as a kitten. But is she just enough for you?" she asked.

" What the hell is happening here? " I shouted.

" Gee, relax kitty. You look so frustrated. How about we all have a threesome?" she suggested.

I frowned at Liam. Is he still dealing with hookers?

" Roxy, I think it might be not the right time. How about I call you later?" he said.

" Okay, I'll leave now on one condition. Our deal is still on the table, right? " she asked.

He looked at me then at her. He was silent for a moment. " Yea, it's still on. Now I'm busy. Ladies, can you please get out so I can work here?"

" Are you comparing me with this escort?" I yelled at him.

" Hey, I'm not just his escort. I'm his favorite escort. " She glanced at Liam and winked at him. " Let me see you later, baby," she said and left.

I waited until she exited and turned over to Liam furiously. " Why are you still dealing with escorts? I thought we were happy with each other. "

" I didn't call her. She was just here because of some kind of stupid deal I made before. It's not that important. "

I crossed my arms and stared at him confused. " What is the deal about? Is it about business?" If it's about business, then I'm probably just overreacting.

" No, she was my favorite escort. Before my marriage, I kinda made a deal that she will be called even after my marriage. That's it. It's no big deal. " he said casually.

I pressed my lips together to contain my anger. " So you think it's okay to hook up with someone else after marriage?" I screamed at him.

" I made the deal in the past before I met you. I'll close the deal once and for all after calling her once or twice. It means nothing. "

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. He is going to call her again?

" Okay, fine. So you say that it means nothing to hook up with someone after marriage right?"

"What we have is a meaningful relationship. That is just lust."

" Okay, don't even try explaining it. " I yelled and stormed out of his office in anger.

I went inside my room and slammed the door shut in anger. What do I even see in this jerk? I thought he changed. Maybe it's my mistake. I love him too much that he doesn't even realize my worth.

He considers me as something available all the time. I must change his thinking pattern. And I know just how to do it.


It was 5:30 pm. I looked downstairs. Liam was discussing something with Dario and Ricky. There was no one else. This is my perfect opportunity.

I took out the sexy black dress which I wore when I was with Liam for the first time. I still remember the way he kept staring at me when I was wearing this dress along with the pair of black high heels.

I wore them perfectly just like I was in that. I did my hair in beach waves and put on smokey eye shadow. Everything was perfect.

I went downstairs doing my perfect catwalk. Ricky and Dario noticed me first. They both stared at me awestruck. Ricky got up from his seat and tried to leave.

" Why are you leaving?" Liam asked him looking confused. I went in between them. Ricky went away without even uttering a word to Liam.

It's good that he left because he wasn't even my target. Dario was about to leave but I blocked him. I pushed him down and made him sit on the couch.

I turned over just to see what is Liam doing. His face was red hot with anger. I have never seen him this much furious. That was good. He should come to know what jealousy is. I smirked at him and turned back to Dario.

He looked so tensed. I sat on his lap started touching his muscles. " So, are you Mexican?" I asked.

He started panting. " Yea... Yes..", he said nervously peeking at Liam.

" That's perfect. You remind me of the Dario character from my favorite web series. You look exactly like him. You are so tall, handsome, and extremely hot. " I gently traced my hands over his tattooed neck as he winced.

I could feel Liam's getting furious. Suddenly there was a shattering noise. He must have broken glass in anger. My plan is working perfectly.

" Mr. Eaton is not approving this," he said gazing at Liam in horror.

" Don't look at him Dario, he has escorts to keep him company. He will be fine. Now tell me how do you like it."

Liam got up from his couch in a force and he knocked out the glass table beside him. The table shattered into pieces.

I smiled at him thinking about how I succeed in my vicious scheme of making Liam jealous.