𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙝'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

" Hannah, what do you think you are doing?", shouted Cece. I didn't know that she was still here in the mansion. She came running to me and dragged me away from Dario.

" I think you have a death wish.", she whispered in my ear. Liam was still looking red hot with his eyes flaring up like a volcano. My work is done here. Cece took me upstairs and pushed me inside my room.

"Now tell me why on earth you would do this?".

Why is she making a big deal out of it? " I was doing it to prove a point here to Liam. "

She shook her head disappointed. " You woke up a monster. Congratulations."

Monster? What is she talking about? " Liam is not a monster. " I said.

" You don't know anything about him yet. He has anger management issues. He turns into totally a different person when he loses his temper. That's why we circle members don't take Liam's cool attitude for granted. We always make sure that no one of us triggers his temper at any cost. "

I stood still for a moment. " So you say that he has a multi-personality?" I asked.

" It could be possible. You know, once he almost went to shoot his elder brother Chris. Do you know why? Because his brother mocked him in front of the circle members as a joke. And I heard from Ricky that he threatened his Mexican allies at gunpoint because one of them called him weak. He loses his mind to the next level when he feels insulted by someone."

Whatever she said was logical. But that is just him being the Drug Lord. This is a completely different situation.

" Whatever you say is business. This is different. He is not going to hurt me. " I said to her.

Just as we were speaking Liam stormed inside the room. Cece looked terrified. " Please forgive her. She did it as a prank. Don't hurt her for this. " she said and left the room immediately.

He shut the door in a force that made me shudder. " Are you seriously not understanding why I did this? It's just-". I didn't get to finish that sentence.

He started to strangle my neck with his hands. I tried to free away from his grip. But he was too strong. " Let go of me." I manage to say with him crushing my windpipe.

" How dare you humiliate me in front of my men?". he shouted. He loosened his grip on my neck a little.

" I didn't try to humiliate you. I just wanted to show you the value of our relationship." I said coughing.

" You made me a fool of me in front of my men who work under me. You made me look weak. And I hate people who do that to me. " he yelled at the top of his voice. He took off his hands from my neck and I gasped all the air I could.

" Liam, you are misunderstanding me. " I cried out. He carried me up by my waist and put me up on a table. He took a black fabric and tied my eyes.

" I always wanted to fuck you in this dress. Finally, I got the chance," he said.

I pushed him away from me as hard as I could. I took off the fabric which he tied in my eye.

" After all we have been through, you treat me like this? What should I have to do to get a little respect here? "

" What about you did? You sat on his lap like a stripper and started flirting with him right in front of me. You disrespected me in front of my men. And you deserve to be punished for it. "

He opened the closet and took out something which looked like a black rope. Is it a whip? What is he going to do with that now? Is he going to hit me?

Maybe Cece was right. I triggered him and now he is going to hit me. He came closer to me holding that thing that looked like a whip.

" Kneel, down you bitch." he yelled.

I did what he just said as I was extremely terrified. He bent down and tied my hands together with that whip. My whole body started shivering.

" Relax baby, You are so lucky that you are a pretty girl. Because I don't hit pretty girls like you. But I ravage them when they are naughty." he whispered in my ear.

" Please stop it. I'm sorry Liam, I did it all to make you feel jealous. I never intended to make you feel humiliated. You got jealous when you saw me flirting with Dario, right? That is exactly how I felt when I saw you with Roxy. "

I started sobbing. He gazed down clenching his fists together. " So, you did this to me make me feel jealous? You didn't do this to humiliate me? "

" Why would I want to humiliate you? I just wanted you to realize how it feels when someone you love makes plans about sleeping with others. " I said.

He turned away from me. Maybe he finally realizes the mistake he did. He cannot take my love for granted.

" What you did was unnecessary. You are acting like a high school girl," he said while looking at the window.

" And you are just a playboy billionaire Don with anger management issues. "

Suddenly he turned over to me looking ferocious. " Stop it. No one gets to talk to me that way. I'm not used to stubborn people like you. "

" And I'm not used to someone constantly disrespecting me like this. I poured my heart out to you. I am this much in love with you, but you don't even acknowledge me. " I cried.

He came a little closer to me. " You are mine, okay? You belong only to me. From now on I don't want to see you sitting on anyone else lap except mine. Do you understand?"

" What about you? How can I be yours if you are not mine? " I raised my eyebrows at him.

" Don't you understand what is happening here? I became yours ever since you saved my life in that freaking plane. I thought you were smart enough to understand it yourself. "

My eyes lit up as I heard what he just said. " Is it true? " I asked.

" Yes, it is," he said and pressed his lips against mine.

" I promise you that I'll not meet any escorts again. In return, you have to stay ten feet away from Dario. Do we have a deal here? " he asked.

" I accept the deal. ", I said and kissed him back.

" One thing which you have to endure is, I'll never go easy on you," he said and made me bent over the table which was next to the window.

" I'll take it," I said gasping as he grabbed me by my hips and lifted my dress.

He pulled me towards himself with each of his thrust which felt harder and deeper. He gently kissed my neck and slowly bit me.

He clearly wasn't showing any mercy. He made me feel vulnerable in my skin. He gives me pain and erases it with an equal amount of pleasure.

After twenty minutes, he pulled apart. I felt weak on my knees and I was struggling to even breathe. " You are a monster," I yelled at him.

" And you are my prey," he said winking at me.


Craig was standing hopeless in his production house office. He looked down through the glass window and saw the crew working on the set. He couldn't believe that he was going to lose this soon.

His production company was already suffering from major losses after the continuous flop of five consecutive movies. He is now sailing in a drowning ship. His competitors are already fighting with each other to buy off his company.

He didn't want to lose it to that vulture. He wanted to protect his father's legacy at any cost. But if he didn't sell it now, he would have to go bankrupt.

He managed to manipulate his stakeholders by forging the account numbers. That prevented him from losing his company for a while. He thought he could rebuild and cover up the losses. But the situation got worse.

If this truth ever gets out, he would be arrested and thrown in prison for forgery. So it's better to just sell the company now. It's now or never. That way he can avoid going to prison.

His secretary entered the room. " Mr. Macadie, you have got a call," she said.

He wasn't in proper mind to attend another call. His rivals were calling him constantly with impressive offers to buy his company. He was getting sick of that now.

" Just say to them that I'm not available," he yelled at her.

" But the caller is from Russia, and he says that he has something to offer you. "

He wondered why on earth anyone would call him from Russia. He got the phone from her hesitantly." Who is this?" he asked.

" Am I speaking to Craig Macadie?" the caller asked. He expected the caller to have a Russian accent but his accent was American.

" Yeah, please tell me who are you?" he asked.

" I know you are desperate to save your company. I can help with it and prevent you from going to federal prison if you do what I say. "

He froze for a moment. How does he know about my accounts? Everyone knew that my company us falling, but no one knew about the forgery except two of his employees.

" Are you blackmailing me with that?" he asked.

" This is the reason why you are falling apart while your rivals are making fun of you. Because you always want to take the normal road. It doesn't give you success. "

He was getting annoyed by the caller's arrogance. " Are you a life coach or something? "

" I could be your life coach. But you should do what I say. You succeed in the mission I give you. If you do that, then you will be able to save your company and escape from rotting in prison. "

He took a deep breath. He got a feeling that this caller wants him to do something shady. But he is already in a lot of trouble so he got nothing to lose if this makes him escape prison.

" What do you want me to do?" he asked.

" I want you to take down Liam Eaton along with me. "

He almost dropped the phone hearing his name. Liam studios are one of his rival who wants to buy off his company. He had heard dark rumors about him being associated with the underworld.

Even though it could be rumors, there is a possibility that they are true. But he was willing to do anything in this situation. It's is life or death now.

" Okay, we have a deal. But who are you? Why do you want to take down Liam Eaton?" he asked curiously?

" You can call me Znakomstvo for now. "

He didn't know what was ' Znakomstvo'. It sounded like a Russian word. But if this guy could save him from his current situation, he would do anything he asked.