For the past few months, I have experienced so many stressful situations. But this is nothing compared to those things. He was touching me against my will but I wasn't able to do anything. 

" Relax Cinderella, I get carried off sometimes like this. I'm not a pervert," he said and took out a folded sheet from his pocket. He placed it inside my bra.

" As much as I am tempted to fuck you here right now, I have self-respect. You are currently Liam's whore and I should win you over from him." 

The gag in my mouth was suffocating me. I tried to kick him in his limbs but he blocked it with his hands." Easy there, Cinderella," he said.

He started stroking my thigh with his hands. " Very soon, I'm going to destroy Liam and I'll be the next Drug Lord. And you are going to serve me. I'll make you my whore!" 

He brushed his hand on my thigh. Slowly he moved up and traced his fingers on the lace of my panty. " Till then make memories with him." I felt difficult to even sob as the gag in my mouth started choking me. 

" Hannah are you okay in there?" asked Cece from outside the dressing room.

" Looks like your friend is here. I'll have to leave now Cinderella. And I'm going to give you something before leaving."

He made me turn around to face the wall. He put something around my neck. It looked like a pearl chain. " A little gift to my whore." 

He finally let go of me. I removed the gag from my mouth immediately and started gasping for air. 

As soon as he left, Cece entered the dressing room. " Hannah, what happened?"

I didn't have any strength left in me. I felt completely powerless. I sat on the floor and started crying out loud. 

Cece held my hand to comfort me. She took out some tissues and tried to wipe away the mascara stains under my eyes. " Who was he? What did he do to you?" 

" Cece, you know me for the longest time, right? Am I a whore now?" 

I thought she would answer something. But she was just quiet. What does she mean by this? Am I really a whore now?

𝙇𝙞𝙖𝙢'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I reached the mansion as soon as I could. When Cece called and told me the news when I was in Eaton studios, I thought it was a prank. It took me fifteen minutes to actually believe it.

Because something like this has never happened. None of my rivals has ever harassed someone associated with the Eatons in a public place before. 

My blood boiled as I looked at Hannah. She looked traumatized and her eyes were red from crying. She was wearing a pearl necklace. It was strange. She never had this before.

I sat next to her and held her hand.                "Sweetheart, I heard what happened. Tell me who did this to you?" 

She was silent. She didn't even look at me. I turned over to Cece who was standing beside Hannah. "Do you know who did this?" I asked her.

" I saw him, but I don't know who he was. He was tall and surprisingly handsome. And it looks like he stuffed this paper in her bra." She then handed me a piece of paper.

It was written,' Count your days, Eaton. I'm going to replace you soon.'

I crumpled the paper in my hand. Keith fucking MaCadie! I never thought he would stoop down to this level. One thing doesn't add up here. How did he know that Hannah was shopping there? 

It can't be a complete coincidence that he ran into her in the mall. " Were you being followed?" I asked Cece.

" No. I can assure you that. When we reached Spencer's parking lot-"

"What the fuck?" I got up from the couch and stepped towards her. " You took her to the Spencer's? It is owned by the fucking MaCadies! And you just took her there?" 

" How am I supposed to know that, Eaton? You are not involving me in any of the discussions. You even forbid Ricky to not tell me anything. You still don't trust me, do you?" 

Well, she was actually right. I still don't trust her completely. Even though she switched sides and joined me, I don't trust her. Once a traitor is always a traitor. I gazed away from her. 

" Take care of Hannah, until I get back," I said and walked away from there.


Danny parked the car at Highway 80 near east San Diego. Till the 1990s this was a very active route. But now this area is completely washed out and it is an ideal spot for drug peddling activities. 

I put on my mask before I got out of the car. This is a highway with no people around but I want to be safe.

" But Mr. Eaton, we can't risk getting exposed," Ricky said for the hundredth time. 

" We have no other choice than this. If we don't put them in their place now, then even our own circle members will start to rebel against me."    I took out my pistol and loaded it with 9mm bullets. 

" But we can't blanky kill people and bury them here. If the cops find it, then it's only a matter of time before they track us down," said Ricky.

" Chill Ricky, Mr.Eaton always has a plan," said Dario from behind us. I always liked Dario's cool attitude. He took things lightly unlike Ricky. The only time that I saw Dario anxious was when Hannah jumped on his lap. 

" Listen guys, we all are going inside that abandoned old inn. Dario and I will be going inside first and there we will be accompanied by two Mexican chemists."

" Mexican chemists? Are they our targets or allies?" Ricky interrupted.

" They are our allies and they are going to help us in covering up the bodies. You will know about the targets once you all get in there. And Ricky and Danny will sneak inside through the backside window. You both are going to fire the target as you will be having a better aim."

We all started walking towards the inn. The chemists were already inside the inn and they were in a discussion with the targets. Danny and Ricky took a different route to the inn according to the plan. 

" Mr. Eaton, It's almost time now. Tell me who are the targets? " asked Dario.

" They are MaCadie's product distributors. I made a trap for them and they perfectly fell in it! "

When I plan for revenge, it is always flawless! There is no use in hiding out and playing cards anymore. Because it's life or death now!!!!!