I felt like Thomas Shelby as I opened the cracked door of the old inn. The targets got alarmed and they took out their guns immediately.  " Stay right there if you want your life to be spared."

I chuckled a bit at his stupidity. Danny was hiding behind a dusty table. He had the best aim to the target. I signaled him with my hand and he shot the target right at the back of his neck. 

He fell down the floor screaming in agony. His blood was dripping all over the floor. The other two targets were completely frozen. " This is a trap," yelled one of them. He dropped the gun and raised his hands-up. But the other one was still pointing his gun at me.

" I admire your courage. It sucks that you are on the other side," I said. Danny was about to shoot him, but suddenly he knelt on the floor acknowledging his defeat. " Please don't kill me! I'll confess everything," he cried.

" That's, great. Now give me the names of all the dealers who are working under MaCadies."

They both gave us almost thirty names. Ricky checked out the authenticity of those people on his phone and it turned out to be genuine. That was it. Their purpose is completed here. It's time to free them.

" Thank you so much, gentleman," I said and took out my gun. I shot both of them exactly at their forehead. 

I turned to the chemists and said, "It's time for the sausage. Take these bodies outside first." 

" Mr. Eaton, can you explain to us what is happening here?" asked Ricky. 

" Have some patience, Ricky. Now come outside and watch the show of the lifetime."


My flawless plan was working out great. The chemists were boiling the lye solution in a large barrel. After some time, they dumped the dead bodies inside it one by one. 

Ricky was watching the whole thing in complete awe. " So, within just three hours this lye solution will completely dissolve the bodies?" he asked.

" Yea, if someone opens this barrel, they will only find some tan liquid. No one could ever find out that it was the melted form of human bodies. We won't have any pressure from cops, if we follow this method from now on," I explained to him. 

" Whoa," yelled Dario. " This lye solution is fucking awesome! What is even lye?"

" It is sodium hydroxide, a strong base. It is an inexpensive liquid that is easily available in the market."

" I wish I had this lye when I was a child," Danny mumbled. " I would have melted all my bullies like this. And Mr.Eaton, we used to bury our victims in the past. How did you get this idea?"

" It was in my Uncle's journal. This method was used by my father. He called it human sausage. But after he died, my Uncle stopped practicing this thing as he thought it was barbaric to melt someone like this." 

Danny smirked slightly and said," Isn't killing someone itself barbaric? "

That was right. My uncle had no logic in this. This is the smartest method to hide all the evidence and erase our foe. 

My next step is to eradicate all the thirty people who are working under MaCadies. This will send a strong message that if someone works against me, they will be completely dissolved!


𝘾𝙚𝙘𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

It's 5 am right now. I was in Ricky's apartment waiting for him. What is he doing this long? I was so tired from staying awake all night. 

Yesterday was such a long day for me because of this drama queen Hannah. I had to slip some sleeping pills into Hannah's drink to make her sleep. 

God! She is so annoying. She was repeatedly asking me if she is a whore or not. Yes, Hannah, you are a whore now. 

You are not just a whore. You a dumb whore who actually thinks that Liam Eaton is in love with you! I can't say it out loud to her face. That's why I made Keith MaCadie do it. 

He did a perfect job just like I instructed him to do. He scared Hannah and made her realize what she has become. I really miss my old friend Hannah. She was such an optimistic and ambitious girl. She was even thinking about joining human rights. 

For fucks sake, What does she even see in Liam? He is nothing more than a demon. He has killed countless people in his life. That bitch is just too blind to acknowledge the fact that Hector and Liam are the same people.

Someone entered my room. It was Ricky! I went running to him and I almost made him fall with my hug. We both were the same height, but he was freakishly strong. He could easily carry me with his strong muscular hands. 

" What took you so long?" I asked him while kissing his lips.

" It was crazy today," he said.

" What happened?" He kept on kissing me without answering. I pulled apart from him in anger. " I'm sorry for asking that question. You are supposed to follow your master's orders right?"

He looked away from me as I said that. This is why I loved him so much. He is a very sensible guy. But I have to push him harder to get some information from him. Otherwise, I won't be knowing anything about Eaton's next move. At the time, I can't pry too much, it will just raise suspicion.

Ricky finally gave in to the guilt and started confessing. " We made human sausage today."

" What?"

" Yea, we melted people with some chemicals. This way all the evidence is erased."

Very good Ricky. Now I can't ask any more questions directly to him. I should change the subject and ask questions indirectly. 

" That's awesome. I saw this in a Netflix show. In that, a serial killer dumps his victims in sulphuric acid." 

" Really? But we used something called the Lye solution. "

And this is how you do it! This is how you extract the information without raising any suspicion.