"My one-sided love"


[previously known as "Boyfriend" (2008) and "My Boyfriend Johann" (2020)]

[edited/revised version 2020]

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Most people learn from their experiences. It's true. I, Zurich Christein, learned something very important in my life from the past. Through that bitter experience, I learned to value the people around me.

I was raised by loving parents, and I am an only child. Mother and Father worked at our small bakery in front of our house. I remember when I was still little, that every time the store opened, I loved to smell the sweet scent of the bread that they baked. Then, one afternoon, our neighbor came to our store. The man brought his son, whose name was Johann Williams, and we became friends. Since then, Johann comes to our store every afternoon to play with me. We were very close, and attended the same school when we were in elementary.

Eventually, we attended high school, and we were really close.

On the first day of high school, we were so excited, and we got to the school gate one hour before the students' assembly. "Hey, wait up!" Johann said, smiling at me. He placed his arms on my shoulder and we walked towards the bulletin board to know if we were classmates.

"Alright, Buns, we're in Section B!" Johann exclaimed, as he called me by a childhood nickname that he gave me. He gave a wide grin as he fixed his baseball cap, turning the visor backward.

"Aww, shoot. You're my classmate again," I told him, while jokingly rolling my eyes. "How unlucky. You're going to eat my snacks!"

"Of course, or else you'll get fat," Johann laughed, and we continued walking in the hallway.

An hour after, the student assembly started. We, the girls in Section B, formed a straight line, and Johann and the other boys in our section also formed theirs. At exactly eight-thirty, the principal stepped up on the stage, behind the podium. She turned on the microphone attached to it and introduced herself.

"I am Sarah Montmorillion, the owner and the principal of this school. Welcome aboard, new students of Montmorillion High!"

And all of us clapped our hands in excitement.

She continued her speech, saying the school rules in detail, like no cheating in exams, no cutting of classes, etc. The subject teachers were also introduced, as well as our homeroom teachers.

As they were busy on stage introducing themselves one by one, I looked around the assembly hall, searching for familiar faces.

Okay, I'll be honest. At that time, I was looking for my super crush, Justin King. He was my crush ever since we were in the fourth grade, but it was a secret between me and my bestie Johann. I knew though, it's Odessa Haye whom he liked. The girl was a member of the choir, and she's really pretty. When the assembly ended, I learned that they're also my classmates!

At times, I saw Justin gaze at her, and she did the same. Whenever I saw them together in the hallway, I looked the other way, and Johann would annoy me by putting his hands on my cheek and force me to stare at them.

Then, he would say, "You should accept the truth, Buns!"

And after he would do that, I hit the visor of his cap very hard, and we would get noisy, running and shouting in the hallway.

Ahh… Those were the good old days.

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Two years had passed, and I thought I was getting used to seeing Justin and Odessa flirting under the shade of the large oak tree in the school garden.

But because I liked Justin for a long time, I dreamed about becoming her girlfriend, like a normal infatuated girl in a one-sided love. At the time, I didn't know the differences between poppy love, infatuation, or true love. What mattered to me was, I knew my feelings for him were sincere, and it didn't matter if I looked at him from afar, as long as he's happy.

Sometimes, I would catch myself staring at them, with tears forming in my eyes. Johann would startle me from behind, and I would let my tears fall, blaming it on him.

"What the? Why are you crying?" Johann said, chuckling, "Did you really get shocked? Or…" he glanced forward, seeing the two love birds hugging each other.

"You… It's because you surprised me, that I…" I uttered, and tears continued to fall to my cheeks, "Johann, you meanie…"

Johann saw me cry so much, that made him say, "Okay, Buns. It's my fault… Come here," and he pulled me closer to him, giving me a comforting hug.

Johann had always been my human pillow and my knight in shining armor. He would always hug me when I feel down, and protect me from the glaring girls that had a crush on him. He would always make sure that he sends me home first, before going home himself, just on the house next to ours.

Then one night, during my birthday, Johann and his dad were invited to our house.

Johann's mom was working in England, that's why it was only him and his dad living together. Both my parents and his dad were chatting almost endlessly, and Johann and I were bickering over the last fried chicken in the basket.

"Why don't you give the last chicken to the birthday girl?" Mr. Williams asked his son, who chuckled at his suggestion.

"Of course, I will, dad," Johann then placed the last piece of fried chicken on my plate. "Here, Buns. Happy birthday."

"Aww, isn't that sweet, Zurich?" my mom asked me, and I was puzzled. "Isn't he perfect for our girl, hon?" she said as she tugged dad's shirt.

"You've been friends for so long, why don't you upgrade to lovers?" my dad asked us, and I thought he was joking, "Since you're both going to turn into third years soon, why don't you both enjoy your youth?"

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