It was the dark morning. Heavy rain was showing his power according the will of heaven, lightings were dancing in sky like god of distruction…in the admist of storm those were born on whose shoulder's the destruction and salvation of this world will depend.fate of this world and peoples was written in prophesy thousands of years ago. Some believed in prophesy keeping it as virtue of god ,some thought it will bestow them wisdom forming various religious cult to protect pieces of prophesy.some thought it was they were just rumours in order to protect the secret of dark era, some ignored them like gust of wind passes by...

On the small continent names as zergeria. In the city nu mansion lord of nu family shanguan nu got blessed with the child after three hours of his birth storm calmed down like still water and light began to shot through clouds like arrows.

(IN THE CHAMBER WHERE CHILD IS BORN)"your majesty your child seems to be weak im afraid" maid paused before speaking another word afraid of revoking anger of her master and hand over the child to shanguan nu. He sighs at the will of heaven and thought 'why was this happening to him he never did something wrong to others, never dreamed about having another women, he did everything in his power to help his peoples yet this cruels fate falls upon him his two childs died before birth and now his third child has to accept cruel fate'.

He was cursing heavens for being unfair then suddenly a column of light shot through the clouds on the nu family mansion. Boy began to cry,all relatives the elders of nu clan began to ran towards the chamber in which young boy is .Child's mother gets starled. Then everyone arrives and everyone gets astonished at what they see the boy is glowing his skin is glowing blueish and what more astonishing is that boy has opened his eyes which were dark blue like if they could have a closer look it would contained whole sea of lightning.After knowing everything what happened elders begans to discuss something like "so the prophesy was true" ,"indeed this child is blessed by heavens", "god has bestowed his powers to this chils god has not forgotten our nu family" while elders was discussing both hands of child begins to glow and strange bluiesh lightning tatto apears on upper limb of child and his close small fist begans to glow and a very small gaunlet appears on has. covering upto elbow and suddenly disaapears leaving tattoo behind….

(IN THE MEETING HALL OF NU FAMILY)" my lord young master is blessed by heaved what appered on his hands was indeed gaunlet of zeus and that lightning symbol clearly indicates that" says elder having white beard and wearing a white robe while looking towards shanguan nu who is seating in middle of meeting.Shanguan nu who gets into deep thought and says after a pause " there will no further discussion will be held on this topic young nu having blessed by heavens must be kept secret no maatter what happens".All elders get shocked at their lods words but after looking at his his serious look no one dares to even talk a word and meeting comes to an conclusion of not letting anyone gets to know about this incident...…

Later shanguan nu arranges quite big banquet inviting varous prestigious families and and decides naming the child as 'RAIKO' (RAITON MEANS LIGHTNING AND KO MEANS CHILD SO RAIKO MEANING CHILD OF LIGHTNING)

At the same time at forest kingdom which is far away from zergeria on fogg isolated island in the huge sea reside the tribe named as "GIA" who are blessed by nature at utilizing bows and arrows and light and flexible,strong bodies for quickest movemnets, utilizing nature energy in their arrows to stengthen them and adding different properties like wind, fire, lightnings, dark, earth, light etc. and if they master enough even chaos enenrgy with this energy legends says that hero of their tribe had slain dragons .....