At the same time at forest kingdom which is far away from zergeria on fog isolated huge island in the vast sea reside the tribe named as "GIA" who are blessed by nature at utilizing bows and arrows and light and flexible, Strong bodies for quickest movements, utilizing nature energy in their arrows to strengthen them and adding different properties like wind, fire, lightnings, dark, earth, light etc. and if they master enough even chaos energy with this energy legends says that hero of their tribe had slain dragons ..... but truth was different what people say is all exaggeration GIA tribes people had never slain any dragons. Dragon tribe had resided beside them through ages and protected them and the tribe has kept their existence secret in order to protect dragons as well. People of the tribe knew the truth they were using spirit power blessed by spirits to them and their ancestors had a piece of prophesy. A huge tree was located in the middle of the island surrounded by forest but the tree can be seen anywhere from the island which was touching the sky. All sort of thousands of birds nest were present on branches of the tree everyday all sorts of beast animals took the embrace of the tree at night for sleep. There has a different spirit saber tooth tigers stronger and bigger than usual animals size wyverns came to sleep on the branches, dire-wolfs took shelter in surrounding trees, condor, Tasmanian tiger with hard scales on their back even with clear hierarchy they didn't attack each other near a mile of giant tree at night every animal came to cultivate spirit strength. Since the island was a rich spirit they only cultivated spirit power and achieved special bond with spirits in over span of years. That tree was radiating the spirit power like it can bestow the whole new life to every being present.

At the bottom of the tree was placed a temple carved inside the stem of spirit tree(huge tree) There was a huge door carved with different runes. A group of 12 peoples arrives at the door of the temple wearing white robes which is hiding their faces. Robes contain parts of runes which was inscribed on the door. A woman on whose robe contains purple and golden lines showing its beauty could be easily and distinguish from other people who has silver lining on their robes. Leading the group women touches the door and the door begins to glow golden and purple and slowly opened inside direction making krr noise women leading the group enters temple the temple.

If one was to describe the temple then 'no one could think it can be so big which has straight path leading inside has 18 columns each side containing 9 on which their different dragons was sculpted and there was ample distance between each column, radiating lights to illuminate whole temple letting even the floor to be shining. Behind each column there was a big painting containing different colors which represented history of GIA tribe and dragons. The group arrives at the end of the temple where 3 stone statues were placed the middle statue was women, her face was covered in by a robe hood holding a stone tablet. The tablet contained some weird writing and seemed to be little broken which was piece of prophesy.

On the left side had a statue of a woman who was holding the bow with an arrow loaded on it. Her eyes deep as sea beautiful and sharp as blade clothes she was wearing and has big breasts which was amplifying her beauty more. On the right side of prophet stone statue was statue of human, but he looked far from being human he had horns on his head A Dragon that of existence he was even by looking at his statue one could tell that how unfathomable he was, overwhelming strength that one could tell.

Group of people bow downs to the statue and sits on their knees and begins to pray some weird unknown language they never understood the language on the tablet. Throughout history their original languages has been declined but generations priestesses of temple learned some part of language but that was totally different from language on tablet, so they never understood the prophecy. But one message has been passed down through the generations that was not to leave the island and to stay away from the affairs of outside word. They had obediently followed this words until now.

A man in silver robe comes running inside the temple and gasps stopping at some distance from priests. Slowly walks towards purple robe wearing and whispers something in her ears and goes to sideways after conveying and awaits for reply. After 10 min of waiting the woman stands up and walks outside the temple with that man leaving others behind.

The man escorts women to the horses. The horses had quite good built compare to the normal horses they had quite good muscles in their legs and body. Taller than usual horses their height ranging between 2 and 2.4M,body radiating a faint luster. Since everyone on the island cultivated spirit energy they could far exceed their limits of physical body easily surpassing a thousand mile per hour even up to three thousand miles if pushed up to the limit.

After travelling for 2.5 hours they arrived at the capital to forest kingdom Eleanor a beautiful city with river flowing through the middle, brimming with happiness, bustling street. The city of Eleanor was not too modern not too old. Steam engine was found recently there was few old vehicles like always only few aristocrats could afford them.

The priestess arrives at the mansion located in the center of the city and a beautiful place with high walls surrounding it there was huge garden that could contain thousands of people on right side of entrance straight towards mansion the right ride of castle which has balcony and just right before the mansion was a beautiful fountain at perfect angle on which in the morning when yellow rays were falling forming a miniature rainbow.

priestess hurriedly walk in the mansion towards queens chamber, all guards begins to bow to the priestess. As she walks in walked in she saw king of Eleanor a middle-aged man around the age of 35 and queen of Eleanor a beautiful middle age women around 26-27 was sleeping. Few meters away from the bed there was a bay cradle in which there was a little girl smiling brightly. What surprising was her eyes were open and her body was surrounded with faint greenish spirit power on her wrist was a black tattoo of a bow and arrow which represented a goddess who used arrow 'Artemis'. The goddess of wild and Charity.

The preitess picks up the child and walked towards the king and said "your Majesty this child is blessed by goddess. She shoulders the fate of this world".

The king said"I know that's why I am afraid as a king I want her to bear the fate of world but as a father I am weak I don't want her to face hardship"with solemn eyes looking towards the priestess.

Replying to the king priestess said "My king no one can defy the will of heaven one must fulfill their destiny. You don't have to worry your majesty. I will personally teach her no problem will be able to make her lose the beliefs she carry".

King replies sighing" I'm sure under your guidance she will become the strongest warrior in the history of GIA tribe but please be gentle with her".

Far from the sea of fog which was hiding forest kingdom at east direction on great east continent was a mountain range named as kailash mountain ranges covered in snow opposite direction from human population was a village with population about 15000 peoples.

Everyone in village the had sturdy, bigger bodies. In the middle of village was the willow tree without a single leaf on it. What the all people called the tree was 'deva tree'.

Everyone in the village were gathered at a tiny house because women named as vasudha gave birth to the child. After the birth of the child a column of fire descended from the sky but what more surprising was nothing was burnt. Old man who never came out of his hut for past 15 years has surprisingly came out to see the child although he looked little skinny but no one could say he was weak his calm eyes were showing wisdom and strength.

He was surprisingly clean for 15 years of seclusion. He entered the tiny house and held the child in his hands. The child's body was surrounded by orange fire energy called "chakra" also there was a sign of trident on his forehead which was orange in color. Then the child began to smile and strange eye shape blue lines appeared on his 'third spirit eye' and disappeared. The old was astonished and a faint smiled appeared on his face.

Then an old man walked out of house holding the child and raised the child with both of his hand and everyone fell silent and old man shouted "This child is an avatar of mahakal(indian god of destruction) from this day his will be 'shiva'. And on this announcement everyone raised their hands above their heads touching other and forming namaste (a gesture used in Indian culture for giving respect🙏) and said 'om namah shivay' in the same rhythm.

Willow tree in the center of the village busted in light suddenly fire began to surround the tree everyone began to look towards the tree with wide open eyes and abrupt change occurred. The fire got extinguish on its own and leaves began to grow on the tree. Yellow and orange in colors like fire each leaf was filled with vital energy. Everyone again looked at towards the old man,slowly one man in 50's approached the old man and bowed slightly then said "maharshi please" gesturing with one hand towards the tree. With a boy in hands maharshi begins to walk towards tree. Beneath the tree there was 3 feet tall square column on which a stone tablet was placed which looked like a puzzle piece.

old maharshi approached tablet and held the hand of little Shiva and placed it on a stone tablet. In the next instant stone tablet began to glow and from the high mountain covered in ice a loud noise of bell ringing descended downwards then the old man removed the hand of little Shiva from the tablet. Slowly the sound of bells began to fade away.

He turned towards the village chief and said in firm voice" mukhiyaji(chief/leader) tell everyone in tribe to begin the preparation time of dark era is near if we are not prepared we might perish. Tell them to prepare ample weapons and train warriors more strictly begin their hellish training they must endure no matter what. The wind of war has already began to blow" then he handed the child to his father madhav & said" don't worry i will personally train this child.I will make him Strongest in the world he will stand at pinnacle of this world as The Strongest under heaven". Madhav said thank you to maharshi and turned towards his home. Village chief made announcement to everyone for the upcoming war everyone knew what it means because there were words passed down through their generations by ancestors. Then crowd disbursed to their perspective works.