Ch. 10

--1st September 1992 Tuesday--

After I finish showering and getting dressed, I sit down at my desk and resume reading. With a quill in one hand, I scribble a few notes every so often. After Absorbing my latest set of magical skill cards, I forced myself to review everything I knew... again.

With my new depth of magical theories, I kept thinking of untested spells for random encounters and situations. Even better, I was able to come up with answers for several of the theories I had been thinking about the past couple of weeks. The best part was the advancements of my Occlumency. In a single night of experimenting, I was able to advance my Occlumency to purple level.

Of course, that wasn't the only experiment I had done. I tested several of my theories on Ravenclaw's Diadem. I am quite saddened by the results. My hopes of removing the soul-piece without harming the enchantments on the ancient artifact were met with a harsh reality. Not only did Voldemort's soul resist all attempts at probing and testing, it even attempted to fight back. I was easily able to ignore the twisted allure of the dark-wanker, but my pride was still bruised at the failure.

In all honesty, I only want to save the Diadem for the mental boost it can give me. This lost its appeal when I was able to gain dozens of ancient tomes on enchanting from the Room of Requirements. It will take some time to decipher the Old English, but I'm confident the way to recreate a mental-boosting piece of headwear is hidden in those pages.

Of course, this also led me to contemplate the use of rituals. Tom Riddle was able to increase his power with unknown rituals, but it also cost him his humanity and physical appearance. But maybe that's because he overused rituals, or even used inferior ones.

I now have dozens of theories revolving around personal improvement through magical rituals. The theories coming from Voldemort means most of the theories involve a sacrifice of something or someone with the traits I wish to gain. Those are not the only ways to gain what I want; they're just the most effective ways available to regular witches and wizards. Of course, I am not a regular wizard. The fact that rituals come with side-effects is also another reason to not pursue that route.

Other than working on my own research, I did make time to look over my lesson plans and gather a slew of defense books from previous years. I felt of pang of guilt for each of the students having to buy a set of my books. The books run a total of thirty-five Galleons and are completely unsuited for academic study.

Don't get me, there isn't a single spell in any of... my... books that are fake. The problem lies in that the effects of the more advanced spells are a bit exaggerated from their true capabilities.

I've made a few plays to make it up to the students for the financial burden. If I work this right, I can increase my reputation, maybe even be labeled as a philanthropist.

A quick glance outside shows the sun well above the horizon. Marking my place in the book, I stand and begin gathering my class paperwork. I'm not sure what will be needed of me in the teacher's meeting, but I assume I can't go wrong with taking everything that pertains to my class and something to write with.

Before stepping out of my room, I cast a few additional security spells on the enchanted safe holding the horcrux. There is no need to take risks, and anyone attempting to open said safe will have a very bad day.

Securing my room door, I begin making my way towards the Headmaster's office. This will be the first time I've met Dumbledore and the rest of the staff. Oddly enough, I'm not nervous. I'm confident in my magic to actually live up to my books, and my Occlumency should be strong enough to keep out any subtle Legilimency probes.

Stepping around the corner leading to the Headmaster's Tower, I'm met by a fairly attractive, and mature, witch. Her maroon robes drew attention to her pale face and black hair. Before I could take another step, the witch looked over her shoulder at me.

"Gilderoy Lockhart," the older witch softly says with a hint of a smile.

I couldn't stop myself from giving her a smile reserved only for beautiful women. She normally wouldn't meet the standard required for that smile, but I've not been laid since the book signing. "Go on, my dear, swoon - I'll catch you," I said with practiced allure in my tone and promise in my eyes.

Her eyes widen for just a brief moment before she lets out a merry little giggle. "Do you use that line on every witch you meet?" the unnamed professor asked as she fully turned to face me. Before I can reply I catch her giving my body a quick look before looking back towards my eyes.

"Only the ones I want to hold in my arms," I easily state as I cast my own look at her body. I could only get a vague idea of her figure under her robes, but it was a gesture I wanted her to see.

"Bathsheda Babbling," the flirtatious witch said. "Care to escort me to the meeting, Mr. Lockhart?"

"It would be my pleasure," I softly say as I offer her my arm. "And please, call me Gilderoy." She may have a few years on me, but that proved quite enjoyable last time. We didn't even take two steps before our flirting resumed.


Minerva McGonagall sat in her chair at the conference table reviewing her notes on the topics to be discussed before the arrival of the students. There wasn't much to discuss that wasn't expected, but Minerva was still annoyed. The source of her annoyance was actually Albus Dumbledore.

Minerva's annoyance started the day Gilderoy Lockhart arrived at Hogwarts. Who turned out to be far different than she was expecting. The man's penchant for causing her headaches as a student seems to have carried over into adulthood. Unlike when he was a student, Minerva was able to spot a different side to the new professor that she doubted many got to see. She could almost believe his 'celebrity actions' were some sort of defense he used to keep others at a distance. This just caused her to be a touch sympathetic to his current state. If it was true.

After her brief discussion with Gilderoy upon his arrival, Minerva went to Albus to confirm what Gilderoy had told her. Much to her chagrin, Albus informed her that he felt Gilderoy was perfectly capable of handling his new position. He even waved off any notion of assisting the new professor.

As self-centered as Gilderoy appeared to be, Minerva had to admit, he did seem capable. The fact he even went to the Ministry to learn what the students would be tested on showed a level of commitment not often seen in new Defense Professors. And well beyond what she initially expected of him.

Joyful laughter pulled Minerva from her current thoughts and towards the pair entering the room. Bathsheda and Gilderoy walk-in arm-and-arm and giving each other coquettish looks. This may explain why she hasn't seen Gilderoy since his arrival.

As if taking note of the others in the room, the pair became a tad more reserved before taking their seats and continuing their talk in hushed whispers. Minerva didn't fault Bathsheda in the slightest. Gilderoy certainly had his quirks, but there was no denying the younger man was easy on the eyes.

All too soon, the remaining professors and staff filed into the room and took seats around the table. As if planned, and it probably was, Albus walked into the room the moment all the seats were filled.

The meeting went as expected. Albus went-over expectations of students and staff and the new regulations the Ministry was attempting to enforce on the school. Albus introduced Gilderoy and even offered him the floor to speak, which he surprisingly turned down. Minerva couldn't help but take a long look at the new defense professor after that.

Unsurprisingly, Kettleburn finally announced his intention to retire at the end of the year. The man should have retired years ago, while he still had most of his limbs. Care of Magical Creatures was far more brutal than many took it for but, Silvanus Kettleburn held the post longer than most were capable of. Minerva graced them man with a gentle smile of encouragement after his announcement.

Gilderoy remained quiet through the meeting. He looked over everyone in attendance with an inquisitive gaze from time to time but never appeared haughty or pompous. The only thing of note involving Gilderoy, was when he and Severus met eyes. Severus jerked his head away, and Gilderoy raised an eyebrow at the man but remained silent. If Minerva's assumption was correct, she felt no sympathy for Severus. A little pain served him right, especially after it has been repeatedly stated how frowned upon the use of intentional Legilimancy is.

As Albus concluded the meeting, a smirk appeared on Minerva's face, as she watched Gilderoy and Bathsheda make their escape together. She just hoped they got it out of their systems by the time the students arrived.