Chapter One

Zhao's Pov

"Freak get back here" I hear Chris yell behind me. I jump over the fence and it catches my leg and it cuts me. I gasp and fall but I get up and keep running. Behind me I hear the weirdest shit I have ever heard someone say"aw the puppy is bleeding" I stop and look back at him and he smiles and I see fangs. I'm in shock and confused about what I saw so I freeze and look at him. Before I knew it he was standing right in front of me and he says" aw puppy come here" all of a sudden the bell rings and our classmates run out of the building. Chris looks at me and says" if you tell anybody what you saw. I will expose you too". I'm confused about what he will expose about me because he doesn't know anything about me but I don't want to test him. I sigh and look down at my leg and my pants are ripped open. I walk over to the cafeteria doors and open them. I head over to the stairs where I see Eric, Eric looks over at me and says" Zi my dude what's up" I say" just going  to the nurses office" he says" what happened?" I say" I was running away from Chris and I tried jumping the fence and it caught my leg and cut me" he got a worried expression on his face and I say" don't worry dude" he says" I'm not,but I'm still coming with you" I said"okay''. We get to the nurses office and two of the nurses turn their heads around and say" what do you need boys" I'm about to say something, but Eric says" is nurse Aryan here?" they say" no" and walk closer to us and he says" okay well we will come back later" he grabs my wrist and takes me out of the room and says" come on I will clean it for you and I will text Aryan later if you need something" I say"okay". I'm confused why he's acting so weird. We go into the male's bathroom and I sit on the counter and pull up my pant leg. He says" this might sting" he wet's a paper towel and starts cleaning my cut. After a while he says" so for your birthday this year I think we should go camping" I say" yeah that would be fun, but I have to ask Kevin" he says"okay". The bell rings and we head off to our classes. After three more classes school ends and Eric says" wanna go get some food" I say" sorry dude Kevin wants me straight home after school" Eric says" well let's go then". We both live a block away from each other. Eric says" the camping trip is going to be so much fun. My brother Lucas lives in a cabin with his boyfriend Ten up at red brick road where I was going to take you to". I say" cool". We get to my house and he says"text me if you want to hang out shorty" I say" okay bye". I walk up to the door and walk in. I say" I'm home" I take off my shoes and walk into the kitchen and say" hey Lisa" she says" oh hey honey how was school" I say" it was good. Is Kevin in his office?" she says" yeah, but he might be on the phone so enter quietly". I walk over to the door and open it and quietly peek my head in and Kevin says" hello son come in" Kevin and Lisa are my adopted parents for two years now, but I won't call them Mom and Dad because everytime I do happens that makes me regret it. I know nothing about my real parents instead of the fact that they died in a car crash when I was five. I walk in and say" you needed me" he says" oh yes I was going to ask you about your birthday this year" I say" well I was going to ask if I can go with Eric he's putting together a camping trip. If that is okay" he says" of course you can go with Eric" I say" thanks Kevin" he says" you're welcome". I walk out of the office and Lisa says" dinner is in an hour" I say"okay". I head up the stairs to my room. I sit down on my bed and I feel so gross and dirty. I grab a towel and head into the bathroom. I dress down and get into the shower and the water hits my leg and I look down and it's a tiny long scratch that goes from ankle to half-way up my shen. I finish my shower and go look in the mirror and sigh. My black hair is a mess because of the shower. I have 3 scars over my right eye, I have a scar on my left cheek, I have scars all over my torso,back,and arms. My eyes are my favorite thing about me; they look like the ying yang symbol. I sigh and get dressed into sweats and a black hoodie. I hear Lisa say" dinner". I headed downstairs and there was a knock on the door. I walk over to the door and open it I see Eric and I say" What's going on Eric" he says" sorry I tried to call you, but my phone died" I say" what's up" he says" can I stay the night" I say" one second" I say" hey Kevin can Eric stay the night please" Kevin says" of course he's like our son too" He walks in and we head to the kitchen. Lisa says" how are you doing sweetie" Eric says" I have been good my mom and dad left for a vacation for a week so I was wondering if I could stay here" Kevin says" Of course Eric you are always welcomed here" he says" thank you". We all started eating and talking about random things. Then all of a sudden Kevin says" Eric where are you planning on going camping at" he says" redbrick road" Kevin says" I didn't know you could camp up there" Eric says" my brother owns the land so we can camp up there" Kevin says" how could he even buy that" he says" our great  grandfather owned it back in the day. So it's been passed down each generation" Kevin says" oh well be careful up there" Eric says" don't worry we got this" Kevin says" that's good". We finished eating and I say" well we are gonna go play some video games" Kevin says" okay I got to go back to the office". We both get up and head up to my room. We get to the room and I say" what's wrong dude you never come over here without telling me or asking me at school" Eric starts crying and he says" my dad just left my mom and I. So my mom has to leave for a week to try to get money for us" I go over to him and hug him and say" I'm sorry Eric" he hugs me back and cries into my shoulder. Of course I'm a lot shorter than he is. He is 6' and I'm 5'3". We hug for a good 5 seconds he let's go of me and says" I'm okay I just needed to let that out" I say" hey it's okay". I sit down and say" wanna play" he smiles and says" of course" he sits down and we start playing. I say" oh hey Eric I turned in a Job Application at Blue Sky" he says" dude that's a nice place" I say" I know right". We keep playing until 3 am. I say" dude let's sleep" he says"okay". I go take a shower and when I come out he's on the bed passed out. I rolled my eyes and lay down next to him and turned away from him and fell asleep. I wake up feeling arms around me, I jump away and I fall out of bed and look at who was holding me and it was just Eric. I slowed down my breathing and got up from the ground. I went and took a shower and got dressed in black ripped skinny jeans and a long sleeve black shirt. I walk over to my bed and say" Eric wake up school" he says" five more minutes mom" I smirk and say" if you don't get out of your bed I will burn all your comic books" he jumps awake and he sees me and I start laughing and he says"you're mean" I say" go take shower and dressed you can use some of my clothes I will be downstairs eating breakfast" he says" okay". He jumps out of the bed and showers. I shake my head and look at the time and it's 6:15. I walk downstairs and I see Lisa and say" Good Morning" she says" oh Good Morning" I say" are you okay" she says" yeah". I grab the cereal and pour myself a bowl. Kevin walks in with a cut on his face and his clothes ripped. Lisa runs over to him and says" honey are you okay" I say" what happened!". He looks up at me and says" oh this nothing". Lisa and Kevin walk into their room and that's when Eric comes down. He grabs a bowl of cereal also and he says" thanks dude" I say" you're welcome". Still confused what happened to Kevin, but he will tell me when he wants to. We both get done and we go both brush our teeth and it's 6:50. I say"goodbye" to them and we walk out and head to school. We get to school and Chris sees me and he stays where he is at and just watches me. I'm confused why he's not coming over here to beat me to a pulp, but I'm happy that he's not. I accidentally ran into this hard figure. I look up and his blank face stares at me and I say" I'm sorry" he smirks and says" watch where you are going" I say" sorry". I walk away, but I feel eyes burning the back of my head. I hear Eric make a growl sound and I look at him and say" did you just growl"he says"yeah you know a sexy growl" he does it again and I say" okay weirdo". We get to our first period and sit down where we are assigned and 5 minutes later the dude walks in and we make eye contact and it's like he is burning through to get to my soul. Mrs. Gavin says" student's I would like you all to welcome Jack he is new to this school" she scans the room and Chris says" Mrs. Gavin he can sit by me" my stomach drops and I whisper to Eric and say" that's not good" she says" yeah Chris there Jack you can go sit by Chris". Jack goes and sits by Chris and she starts teaching. After class Eric and I escape out the back door and I say" Chris wanting to be friends with someone that's not good" Eric says" don't worry I will protect you" I say" thanks". Jack walks out of the class and he is hot. He's in a black leather jacket,with boots, and he has red hair. Eric says" no Zi stop that" I say" I'm sorry he's hot" Eric says" you don't want to get involved with them" I say" I know". We head to the second period and we have different classes so I don't have a seatmate. I walk in and head to my seat and Jack walks in and the teacher says" well the only free sent is by Zhao in the back". He comes back and sits by me and he is so hot. He looks over at me and I look away and try to focus on the teacher while it feels like his eyes are burning holes into my skull. Then the teacher says" okay students. We are going to have a project due in a month from now and your partner is the person sitting next to you". She goes on and on about what we are supposed to do. She hands out papers and our topic that we are supposed to do. Jack grabs the papers and looks at them. He says" we have to do a project on world war II" I say"okay so wanna stay after school today to work on it or whatever you want to do" he says" I will see you at 3:36" I say"okay". The bell rings and he gets up and walks away. I get up and walk out and Eric says" hey" I say" hey" he says" how was class" I say" good I have to do a project with Jack for history" he says"What?Why?" I say" he got put by me so now we have to do a project together". Eric says" when are you guys going to work together" I say" today at 3:36"Eric says" okay well I will go back to my house to grab stuff" I say" okay let's get to class". We have the next two next two classes together and Jack has one of the classes with us. After those classes we have lunch. When the bell rings for lunch my phone goes off. I look at it and it is Blue Sky. I answer with a hello.


Him: Hello is this Zhao

Me: Yes this is him

Him: Can you come in right now for an interview?

Me: Of course I will be there

Him: Okay See you soon

~End Of Conversation~

I say" Eric I will be back" I run away and pull out my phone and call a taxi. They said"it will be 30 minutes. I can't let them wait for 30 minutes. I was just about to book it, but a motorcycle pulls up by me and Jack says" get on I will drive you wherever you need" I look at the time and say" Blue Sky Coffee Shop please". I get on and hold on to the bike. He rides off and happily I get there I give him and a twenty and run inside. I do my interview and I get the job. I start work on the 20th and that's the monday after spring break. I walk outside and I see Jack sitting there and I say" why are you still here" he says" to take you back to school" I say" you don't have to" he says" I have waited for you this long just let me take you back" I say"fine" we both get on and I hold onto the bike. We get back to school and happily it's still lunch. I see Eric and I say"shit" Jack pull's up to him and I get off and say"thanks"he drives away and Eric says" what the hell Zhao! What were you doing" I say" I got a call from Blue Sky and they wanted to see immediately, so I called a Taxi, but I couldn't wait that long for a taxi so I was just going to run there but Jack offered me a ride and I said yes and then he drove me to the interview and not to my saying he waited until I was done to give me a ride back to the school and here we are". I looked at the clock and it was 12:54 I say" come on we gotta get back to class" he glared at me and says" stop hanging out with him" I say" why?" he says" they are bad people" I say" I don't understand what you mean" he says" nevermind let's get to class". We finished all our classes and I say" sorry I got to go" Eric says" please be careful" I say" it's just studying and working". He says" okay I will see you soon". I walk into the library and I see Jack sitting there. He's so cute; I walk over to him and say"hey" he says" hey" I say" so we will start with making the the slide show" I grab a laptop and sign into everything and I ask"so what color do you want the slides" he says" the dark theme" I say" okay" I click on the dark theme and I say" so what are we going to title it". For the next 2 hours we work on it and we have two slides and the title page. I say"so'' because it's not due for a month. Do you want to work on it every Monday after school" he says" sure, but can we go to different places? The library makes me tired" he yawns and I say" Yeah. We can go to different places" he says" give me your phone" I say" why?" he says" just give it to me" I unlock my phone and give it to him and he types something and then his phone starts going off he says" know I have your number and you have mine" he gets up and leaves. I rolled my eyes and cleaned up everything and I went and checked out a book that was based on World War II. I walk out and see Eric. I say" have you been waiting for me this whole time" he says" yeah let's go get dinner" I say" why did you wait for me" he says" because I didn't want to eat alone" I say" Okay! Let's go". We walk to a close by restaurant and sit down. We get water and the menus we look at what we want and then tell them our orders. Eric says" it's almost spring break" I say" shit really? I forgot about spring break" Eric says" how can you forget I have been looking forward to Spring Break since school started" I say" I don't know I have been just focusing on other stuff" he says" we should leave when Spring Break starts so we can spend Spring Break and your birthday camping" I say" hell yeah" he says" okay then start getting ready because spring break starts on thursday". I say"really?"He says" yeah". They bring us our food and we start eating. After we are done we walk to my house. We walk in and take off our shoes and Kevin says" Oh hey boys" I say" hey! Sorry for coming home so late. I was studying with someone and then Eric and I went out for dinner" Kevin says'' wait if you didn't study with Eric, who did you study with?" I say'' Jack! He and I got paired for a history project" Kevin says'' okay" I say'' Kevin is it okay if we leave this thursday Spring Break starts and we just want to spend as much time as we can'' he says'' sure son go have fun" I say'' Thanks" we walk towards the stairs and I say" Goodnight guys'' Lisa and Kevin say" Goodnight". I close the door of my room and I say" well who's going to shower first" he says' ' you can. I don't want to shower i'm lazy. I wanna go to bed and if I wanted to shower I would have to wait for you" I say '' fine come shower with me or go sleep outside you nasty" he freezes and I say '' what we are brothers. Come on" I grab two towels and walk into the bathroom. I'm in my boxers and start the water he walks in and gets down to his boxers and I get in and so does he. We shower and then get out. I wrap a towel around my waist and take off my boxers and throw them in the hamper. I say" I will go get dressed first then you can and I will go brush my teeth'' he says" okay". I go out of the bathroom and put on fresh boxers,shorts,and a hoodie. I say" you can out now" he comes out and I go in and say" you can wear anything you want". I start brushing my teeth and when I'm done he's done. I walk out and he's in sweats and a tank top. I say" you can keep that outfit you look better than I do" he goes and brushes his teeth while I lay down and turn on Netflix. I choose Coraline because I love that movie. He comes out and says" are we Netflix and chilling" I say" what!" he laughs and says" I didn't mean it in that way weirdo I meant are we hanging out and watching Netflix" I say" Oh! Come here, I put on one of my favorite movies". He jumps on the bed and lays down he says" really coraline again" I say" yeah". I grab my phone and text Jack.


Me: Hey Jack it's Zhao. I forgot Spring Break starts on Thursday and I already had plans and so I have to cancel next's week studying

Jack: Where are you going

Me: Camping with my best friend and his brother.

I say" Eric can Jack come with us?" he says" why?" I say" it would be nice" he says" fine".

Me: Wanna come?

Jack: where are you camping at?

Me: Redbrick Road

Jack: I can't go actually sorry

Me: Why? (Read)

I say"what's wrong with him?" Eric says" what's wrong?" I say" I told him the place and he said he couldn't go even though we were just planning for him to come" Eric says" Oh". I say" well let's sleep" We lay down properly and turn on my side and watch Coraline. Coraline ends and I put on Princess Bride that ends and I put on another one and finally fall asleep.