Chapter Two

Well it's Thursday at 8 am; we wanted to get going early because it's an hour drive from my house. There was no school today because it's the start of spring break. We all get in the car and Lucas Eric's brother says"oh by the way my boyfriend lives up there with me just in case you didn't know" I say" Eric told me everything" Lucas says"oh cool". Eric is sitting in the back with me and says"just don't stare at his face" I say"why would I? I know how uncomfortable it is for people to stare" Lucas says"he has a scar going through his left eye" I say" if you don't mind me how did it happen" Lucas says"an animal attack" Eric pats his shoulder and rubs it a little bit. We finally get there and pull up to a beautiful cabin and I see I'm guessing it is Lucas's boyfriend and I see the scar and that must have hurt. He looks 5'7",skinny,but muscled, and he has blonde hair and is wearing jeans with a black t-shirt. Lucas gets out of the car and says'' hey baby" he runs over to him and kisses him and says'' Hi! I'm Ten'' I say'' Hi! I'm Zhao" he says," Chinese?" I say"yeah" he says"cool. I'm Thai and Lucas is Chinese" I say" cool". He says" are you Eric's boyfriend" and I say"no I'm his best friend. It's my birthday in a couple days so Eric wanted to celebrate out here" he says" Cool. Well I made lunch". We walked up the hill to the cabin. I say"I thought we were camping." Eric says"we are, this is just where we eat and where they live" I say" okay". We walk up the stairs and I say" this is a beautiful cabin" Lucas says"thank you my great grandfather built and now we live here" I say"how long have you two been together". Lucas wraps his arms around Ten and says"I have been with this beautiful man for 5 years now" and Ten says" and two years engaged" they kiss and Ten says" food anyone?" We all say"yeah". We sit down at the table and he brings the food and we all start eating. I say"thank you for the food" he says"you're welcome" I say" this is amazing food. Where did you learn how to cook" Ten says" while growing up my mom showed me how to cook and then I went to college for cooking and now I'm a chef for a popular restaurant" I say" that's so cool"he says" how old are you" I say" 16, but turning 17 in a couple days" he says" aw I remember when I was that young" I say" how old are you?" he says" I'm 24" and Lucas says" and I'm 23" I say" well you guys don't look it". They smile and Eric says" we should go set up our tents". We walk out and grab our tents and go find areas to pitch our tents. We have our own tents, we pitch them up and then sit on the ground. Lucas says" how long have you two known each other". I say" for two years now" Ten says" that's cool and by the way Zhao I like your eyes" I say" thanks" he says" are they contacts" I say" no" he says" oh cool". Eric says" I'm happy you all are getting along".

                             ~3 days later~

It's my seventeenth birthday! I was woken up with a call from Kevin and Lisa. I walk out of my tent and I see all of them standing in front of my tent and I say" what's up" they say" Happy Birthday Zhao" Eric hugs me and I hug him back and I say" thanks guys" Lucas says" Ten made a birthday breakfast for you" I say" thanks Ten". We walk up to the cabin and go eat breakfast. We got done eating and we all got changed into hiking clothes and then we went hiking and exploring. I took pictures of everything I saw and it was such a beautiful site. When we started heading back to the cabin the sun was setting. So when we got to the cabin it was dark outside. I'm starting to feel dizzy. I go to take another step and I fall. Eric runs over to me and picks me up he says" are you okay" I say" I'm dizzy" he says" here I will help you". We walk to the cabin stairs and he sits me down and gives me some water. He heads over to Ten and Lucas, he says something and then they all get a worried expression on their faces and look over at me. The world starts turning and my stomach hurts. I grab my stomach and my head starts pounding. Eric comes over and says" are you okay?" I say" No! I feel terrible" he says" Come on! Let's go lay you down". He picks me up and carries me to my tent and he opens it and lays me down in it. He says" call if you need anything" I say"okay". He leaves me and I hear him say something to Lucas and Ten about me. I start feeling strange and then I pass out. When I come to, I'm getting carried by Eric and he's shirtless and I'm only in my boxers. I jump out of his arm's and say" what happened?!" I start panicking and say" how am I naked? Why am I naked?!" he says" calm down Zhao! It's not safe out here. We gotta get back to the cabin" he walks toward me and I say"what" he says" let me carry you we can get back faster" I say" how it looks like we are in the middle of the woods" he says" trust me it will be faster". I let him pick me up and he starts running like we are in a car. The tree's fly by us being blurry, We get to the cabin and Lucas and Ten run up to us and they say" thank god you are safe" he sets me down and says" he was heading towards v area like something was pulling him over there like a scent or a bond" they look confused and I say" Excuse me I should be the confused looking one. What happened". They sit down and I follow and we sit on a blanket, thank god I didn't feel like sitting on rocks.Eric says" Have you heard of Werewolves and Vampires?" I say" yeah I was always fascinated about them for some reason". Eric says" well werewolves are real" I say" I know! They are real, everybody says"they are just a myth". Well I believe in them". He says" Well Zhao you are a werewolf" I say" what do you mean?" he says" I have known you for two years now. Your father and my grandfather were close and they were werewolves so those scars on your eye must be your mark, mine on my back, Lucas's is on his arm, and Ten's is the scar on his left eye" I say"wait so I'm a real werewolf? Is that why I don't have clothes on?" he says" yeah and you are the youngest werewolf ever" I say" So Vampires must be real also and that's what Chris was talking about because, he's a vampire and he didn't want me to tell that he was vampire because he could have told everybody that I was a wolf" Eric says" what are you talking about" I say" Oh! Nothing sorry everything is making sense now. What do I look like" Eric says" you are black and white. How are you so calm?" I say" I have always wanted to be a werewolf. When will I start remembering stuff?" He says" the first time you will never remember but the second one you will" I say" how do you control it?" He says" well the first week you will change whenever you get mad or overwhelmed but after that you get control of it. Most of the time you will be able to just change. Zhao I have a question though" I say" what?" he says" why are you all scarred up" I say" All the foster homes I have been in have beat me" it goes quiet and then Lucas says" oh I'm sorry" I say" don't be it's okay". I get up and think about them beating me, cutting me, raping me and I turn. I look around and everything is so vibrant it's so beautiful and bright. I look at Eric and he smiles. I walk over to him and he pats my head. He steps back and turns and he is so handsome, light brown and dark brown mixing so beautifully. He comes over to me and bow and I bow back. I notice he is shorter and smaller than me. Lucas and Ten change and they look hella cool. Lucas is a light grey wolf with a little bit of black in his fur and Ten looks beautiful. He is a pure white wolf. Eric runs off and I follow him and Lucas and Ten follow me. Eric stops in front of a cabin and he turns back into a human and so does Lucas and Ten. I try, but it doesn't work so I look up at Eric and he says" try focusing on what makes a human a human". I focus and I change back and happily I'm fully dressed. The door opens and she says" Oh boys you are back! Who is he?" Eric says" He is Zhao the youngest wolf ever and he is from the ancient chinese pack" she says" how? Can you prove it?" Eric says" He just turned 17 today and he just turned from his wolf form and his eyes are yin yang" she says" come here boy". I step forward and she says" Oh my god! Jackson come here" a big muscled dude comes out and says" No way! I have only read about them. Come in!". They all head inside and I follow. I say" so why am I so special? Isn't Lucas Chinese also"Lucas says" I was born in America though. Where were you born?" I say" I don't know" Jackson says" How do you not know where you were born" I say" my birth parents died before I was 1" Jackson says" Oh sorry, and you are special because of your eyes". After we hung out and talked all about the Chinese wolf tribe we left and headed back to our camp area. I went into my tent and left the door open. I texted Jack.


Me: Hey

Jack: Hey! Enjoying your spring break?

Me: Yeah it has been very eventful

Jack: Cool. Well I have to go. Bye

~End of Conversation~

Eric says" who you texting" he comes in and sits by me I say" Jack" he says" Oh yeah about Jack. He's a vampire" I say" WHAT?" he says" you will see a lot of vampires and werewolves at our school and some humans" I say" so does that mean I'm not allowed to talk to Jack" he says" I wouldn't. Vampires aren't good company". I say" but we are partners on a project" Eric says" hanging out with him because of the project is fine but nowhere else and for no other reason" I say" why can't we hang out?" Eric says" let me tell you the history". For the next three hours he told me all the history between the werewolves and vampires. I sigh and say" okay I get it i'm tired and my brain is fried go to bed" he says" okay sorry. Goodnight" he leaves and zips up my tent for me. I say" thanks" and I get into sweats and a black long sleeve. I lay down and stare up at my tent's roof. I sigh and turn on my side and fall asleep. I wake up to Eric saying" Zhao wake up let's go home". I sit up and run my fingers through my hair and yawn. I get up and unzip my tent and I see Lucas and Ten. I say" Hey can I get your guys number" Ten says" Of course dude". We exchange numbers and Eric and I and Lucas say" Goodbye" Lucas kisses Ten goodbye and we all get in the car and head out. We get there and Kevin and Lisa are outside waiting. I say" thanks Lucas It was awesome. Tell Ten thanks for me" he says" I will. Bye bro see you later" Eric says" bye". We get out of the car and Lisa says" Son's we have missed you" they hug us and Lisa says" ew go take shower". We laugh and head upstairs with all our stuff and Eric says" shall we shower together to use less time" I say" you can go first I wanna go start my laundry". I grab my bag and walk down to the laundry room and start my laundry. Lisa comes in and says" how was your trip honey" I say" great! Did you know I was a werewolf" she says" well yes honey. We are werewolves too. That's why your Kevin came back like that" I say" oh okay". Eric comes down and I say"Yay! Shower time" I run up the stairs and into my room and take a shower. I come out and put on black PJ pants and a dark grey sweater. I walk down the stairs and Lisa says" dinner". Eric and I rush in there and sit down Kevin comes out and says" congrats son you have wolfed out. How was it?" I say" I love it. The world becomes more vibrant and beautiful". I look at the date and it's the 19th. School starts back tomorrow and my first day of work. I say" Oh guys! I start work tomorrow" they say"congrats" Kevin says" Son where are you working" I say" Blue Sky Cafe" Kevin says"That's awesome son. So Zhao do you have a boyfriend yet" I say"Kevin!!" I start eating with my head down. Lisa and Kevin know I'm gay because when they were adopting me I told them and they still wanted me and that was surprising because they usually leave after they found that out. Kevin says"what I was just curious about it" I shake my head and we don't say a lot after that. I finish eating and say"I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed" Eric says"me too and a bed sounds amazing". We walk upstairs and I lay down and Eric does too and I flip away from him and fall asleep. I woke up to my alarm clock. I shut it off and got up. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. I got dressed inside the bathroom just in case Eric woke up. I walk out of the bathroom and walk over and wake Eric. He turns away from me and then sits up and I leave to go eat breakfast. I get a bowl of cereal and sit down and play on my phone. Eric comes up behind me and scare's me and he laughs and he gets breakfast also. We finish and we head off to school. We get there and a lot of people look at me and I ask Eric" do I have something on my face" he says" no it's because, you are an official werewolf now so the vampires are tense" I say" how many people are vampires here" he says" almost everybody is. The principal is, the teachers are except for two, the nurses instead of Aryan, there's 75% vampires, 20% werewolves, and 5% humans at this school" I say"wow". I see Jack and he's so hot. He is wearing a dark red leather jacket, with a black t-shirt, and black skinny jeans with dark red boots. He smiles at me and I melt. He walks up to me and he says" 3:30 right?" I say" yeah" and he walks away. Eric says" I'm coming with you" I say" don't I can take care of it. It's just working on the project" Eric says" fine but I will be waiting outside the building for you" I say"fine". The bell rings and we head off to class. School goes by quickly and it's lunch. Chris walks up to me and says" so the little puppy became a wolf congrats" I say" thanks" and I walk away. He grabs me and I pull away and he says" what you think you are all big and bad now because, you are some dumb mutt" I say" nope I just didn't want to be grabbed". Eric comes in and says" what's going on boys" Chris says" I will be back". I turn around and say" let's go get some food". My phone goes off and I look at it and it's Blue Sky.

~ Conversation~

He: Hello is this Zhao?

Me: yes this is him

He: I know you just had spring break so I was just reminding you that you start at 5 today.

Me: Thank you so much

He: You're welcome! I had to remind my brother today also

*He chuckles and so do I*

Me: Okay sir Thank you

He: You're welcome

~End of Conversation~

Eric says" who was that?" I say" Blue Sky! I start work at 5 today" Eric says" congrats buddy" I say" thanks". We get lunch and go eat in the middle of the field. I say" I know the history of wolves but why can't we hang out with vampires" he says" because, of what vampires did to us werewolves" I say" what did they do" he says" when vampires and werewolves met each other the werewolves greeted them and let them stay with them. We treated them like family. Then that night a vampire was caught feasting on a werewolf a huge fight broke out and for many years we fought. After 5 years vampires and werewolves signed a treaty that we could never go to each other's lands". I say" but that was the old vampires not the vampires nowadays". Eric says" Chris doesn't mock you and bully you for nothing. There's an old legend that says" that if a vampire feasts on a werewolf that's a pure blood or a special wolf they get all the knowledge and strength of a wolf" I say" Okay! Let me eat. Sorry for asking" he says" no it's good you needed to know anyway". I smile and we start eating. Lunch ends and we go to our classes. After classes school ends and I head to the library and I don't see Jack anywhere. I take out all the stuff we need to work on the project. I get more books and start working. At 3:40 Jack walks in and he looks around and he walks up to me and grabs my hand and he pulls me to the back of the library where nobody could see us. I say" what are you doing" he says" why couldn't you be human" I say"what?". He kisses me and I freeze. He puts his hand on my cheek and I start kissing back. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He licks my lip and I open my mouth and he pushes his tongue into my mouth and I groan a little bit while he explores my mouth. He kisses me more passionately and grips my hips. I push him back and gasp for air. After I get air I say" what are we doing" he says" I have been wanting to do that since the first day I met you" I say" why" he says" because, you are cute" I say" but you are a vampire and I'm a werewolf" he says" see out there they see it as wrong but I want to know your view on it" I say" I think that was a long time ago and not all vampires are like that" Jack says" see that's what matters not everybody else's". He pecks my lips and says" I like you Zhao" I say" I like you too Jack" He kisses me and I kiss back. It gets heated again and I say" wait we got to work I have to leave early today" he says"why" I say" I start work today at 5" and I look at the time and say" see it's already 4:10" he says" then let's put on an alarm for 4:30 and go work then I will drive you to work and wait until your off work" I say" you don't have to" he says" yes I do". He takes out his phone and sets an alarm for 4:30 but it's a vibration alarm so it won't make any noise. My phone goes off and it's a text from Eric saying" Sorry Zhao I gotta go my mom is back. Make sure to be safe and careful" I say" I will be and you be careful too". Jack says" what were you saying" I say" nothing". I put my phone away and Jack kisses me. I kiss back and Jack picks me up and I wrap my legs around him and put my arms around his neck and he bites my lip and lets it snap back and I groan he says" do it again" he kisses me and I push my body against his and he pushes me against the bookshelf and moves his hips and I let out a little moan. He stops and pulls back and sighs. I say" what's wrong" he puts me down and takes out his phone and he shows me his phone and it's 4:30. I smile and say" work time". He looks at me and says" no" I say" yep". I grab a couple of books about the topic we are doing and walk back to the desk. The librarian says" Oh! Hi boys, what were you doing? I didn't even know there were people here" I say" we are working on a history project and we were looking for the best book for the topic and we finally found it". We sat down and started working. By the time it hit 4:50 we got 3 slides done. I say" we are done for today let's go". We pack up and say goodbye. We head out to his bike he gets on and then do I. I wrap my arms around him and he drives off. We get to Blue Sky at 4:57. I get off his bike and run to the door and walk in. I walk up to the counter and say" Hi i'm Zhao Li" he looks up at me and says" Hi i'm Sun I'm the owner of this cafe. The first thing you will do is wait tables and clean tables" I say" yes sir" he says" he don't call me sir call me Sun" I say" sorry Sun" he says" don't be. Take this to table 5". I grab the tray and take it to table 5 and bring back the tray and he says" how did you know which table to go to?". I say" it's the fifth table from you" Sun says" smart. I like it". Two boy's come down the stairs and Sun says" Mork your shift started 5 minutes ago. What were you doing?" the other boy says" Sun calm down, it was only 5 minutes". They both look at me and say" who's this replacing us now?" Sun says" He's Zhao he's the new worker I have been mentioning for a week now" they say" hey" Sun says" That's Mork my boyfriend and that's my annoying brother Rain" I say"hey". Sun says" take this to table 2". I grab the tray and take it over there and Rain says" did you already teach him the table thing" Sun says" no he already knows it" Rain says"What? That was so confusing while you were teaching me". I walked back and I looked at the time and it's already 5:30. All of a sudden a group of ten comes in and Sun says" come on Mork" he goes behind the counter and puts on an apron and washes his hands. Sun takes all the orders and him and Mork make the drinks so quickly, but still nice and clean. He says" you can go clean up the other tables" I say" okay". I went and wiped down every table and made sure everything was in its place. After one hour of cleaning and doing the dishes the table of ten leaves so I go clean up their table. I hear the door open and I look over at him and I say" you are still here" he says" I told you I would wait for you but I got thirsty" he smirks at me and then walks up to the counter. I look down trying to hold back my blush. Sun says" Evening sir. What can we get you" he says" a chocolate frappe and a piece of chocolate cake" Sun says" do you want your cake warmed up or cold" he says" warmed up please" he says" okay" Jack pays and then goes and sits down. They're only a few people in the Cafe so I start sweeping. Sun says" take this to table one" I put up my broom and go grab the tray. I walk over to Jack and look him in the eye and say" there you go sir" he looks back at me and says" thank you sir". I grab the tray and I feel his eyes on me so I turn around and he is staring at my ass. I walk over and put the tray on the counter and Sun says" come on" he starts walking away so I follow him and he goes outside the building and he says"clean the bathroom and the tables and then come back inside" I say" okay Sun". I head over to the bathroom and start cleaning it. I finished cleaning the bathroom and then I went and started working on the tables. I finished cleaning everything and walked inside. I saw Sun and Jack talking and Sun says" you are off work now and you don't work till Friday because of your school" I say" thank you Sun" he says" you're welcome. When you come next time wear black pants with no rips in them and a solid color t-shirt or long sleeve. Your choice". I say" okay thank you Sun" he says" stop thanking me so much". I say" okay sorry. Have a goodnight" he says" you too". We walk out the door and head to his bike. He gets on and I do and he says" how was work" I say" good I like it" I wrap my arms around his torso and put my head on his back he says" lets go". I tell him the way to my house and we get there and I get off and he tries to kiss me but I move back and say" my parents might see" he says" Okay! See you tomorrow" I say" okay see you". He smiles and rides away. I sigh and walk in and right when I open the door Eric is there. He says" where have you been" I say" work" he says" who gave you a ride to work" I say" Jack" he says" how was he at your work" I say" after studying and working on our project he gave me a ride and stayed till I was done" he says" how do you think Lisa and Kevin will feel you have vampire all over you" I say" I will tell them the truth" Eric says" okay". I grab his hand and say" don't be mad at me. He won't hurt me" he says" how do you know" I say" because if he was going to hurt me he would have already" he says" how would he be that close to you to hurt you like i'm saying". I walk away and upstairs and he follows. We get in my room and I tell him everything that happened. He says" how could you do that? He is the enemy" I say" he's not. Yeah what his ancestors did and you know what he drank a chocolate frappe and ate a chocolate cake. I didn't know they could do that" Eric says" Fine I will support you , but if he hurts you don't come crying to me" I put my head down and he says" because, I will be busy kicking his ass". I look up and smile at him. He says" you are right we can't all vampires just because, what they did so long ago" I say" Thank you Eric" we hug and he says" wow he has a strong smell if it's been that long and you still reek like him" I say" I will go take a shower". I go take my shower and then get changed into black sweats and a green baggy sweater. I walk out and go and stand in front of my full body mirror and pull up my sleeves and I see all the scars from the cuts. I hear the door open and I pull down my sleeve. I say" What happened when you got home" he says" when I got there she wasn't home and I found a note that said" I won't be back" and then a couple hours passed and I got a call saying that she killed herself" I say" Oh Eric". I walked over to him and hugged him. He hugged me back and started crying. We hug for a good 5 minutes and then I pull back and say" please don't do anything" he says" I won't" I say" and if you do I will know about it". He says" I won't do anything I promise". He looks at me with this look in his eyes and I say" what?" and he kisses me. I stood there shocked and then pushed him off. I say" What are you doing? You just said you will support me with Jack" he says" I like you Zhao. I have liked you ever since I saw you" he tries kissing me again and I back away and he says" Zhao I promise you. I can give you way better than a dead cold thing" I say" excuse me you just said you would support me in wanting to date Jack" he says" I lied I didn't want you sad but I make you happy more than he possibly could" I say" so you lied to me to make me happy" Eric says" yes I have done so much to make you happy even though I suffer" I say" so you have been friends with me just because, you like me" he says" no I became friends with you because, I wanted to get to know you" I say" and what have you done for me" he says" I have gotten in so many fights with Chris so he wouldn't bother you while you are with me. I have so many detentions because of that" I say" and you think that would make me happy knowing that you are fighting for me and getting yourself hurt. You think that makes me happy? I still get beat up and bullied by him so it didn't do anything. It doesn't make me happy thinking that you go hurt" he says" I thought it would" I say" and also I like Jack you are my brother and my bestest friend" he says" please just give me a chance" I say" i'm sorry Eric I don't like you in that way at all" he says" I can make you like me" I say" Eric please stop I don't like you like at all and never I will" he says" fine then i'm going to lay on the floor and then go back to my lonely house and fall into a deep depression" I say" stop! You don't have to go anywhere, you are still my best friend and my brother. Please just try to forget about me in that way" I pause and look him in the eye and say" I still care about you" he says" okay, but i'm sleeping down here" I say" no you are not. You get on the bed and watch one of these two films Corpse Bride or Nightmare Before Christmas. Choose?" He says" Corpse Bride" and I say" good choice". We get into bed and I turn on Corpse Bride and Eric falls asleep. I hear my phone buzz and it's a text from Jack.


Jack: Hey

Me: Hey

Jack: I miss you

Me: really?

Jack: Yes! You don't miss me?

Me: No I miss you

Jack: Do you want to work on our project at lunch in the library.

Me: Isn't the library closed during lunch?

Jack: Trust me. Do you want to?

Me: Yeah

Jack: Cool! See you tomorrow

Me: See you tomorrow

~End of the Conversation~

I look at the clock and it's midnight. I stay up for a couple more hours and then drift off to sleep.