Chapter Three

I wake up to my alarm clock and I shut it off and then go take a shower. I come out and put on ripped skinny jeans and a black tank top with my ripped sweater over it. I put on my black choker and my gage earrings. I walk over to Eric and say" wake up dude". I already brushed my teeth so I'm going to skip breakfast. He gets up and says" you are so mean". He gets up and walks to the bathroom. I walk over to my closet and grab my black zip boots and put them on. He walks out and his jaw drops. I say" what" he says" why are dressed like that" I say" I don't I just like it" he says" okay" I say"get dressed". I grab my backpack,phone,and head downstairs. Lisa says" hey son. Have a good day at school" kevin says" now you definitely have someone you want to impress. Who is it?" I say" Kevin! Don't" I turn red and cover my face. Eric comes down and says" let's go". I say" bye guys" they say" bye love you both". Eric says" love you too". We head to school and this guy says" hi I'm Liam I just moved here can one of you please tell me where the office is" I say" well my friend Eric can gladly show you where it is" Liam says" thank you so much" Eric glares at me and he says" this way Liam". They walk away and they start talking. I hear a motorcycle and I smirk. I turn around and it is Jack he parks and I see that he dyed his hair black. He is wearing a black t-shirt that shows off his muscles amazingly and black jeans with his black boots. Mine are different because they go right below my knee. We make eye contact and he smirks. He looks me up and down and he gulps. He walks up to me and says" lunch right?" I say" yeah". I turn around and walk away and I feel my phone vibrate. I take it out and look at it and it's a text from Jack saying" tease much? Nice ass". I smirk and I have that my backpack slips off my shoulder and I bend down and grab it and walk into the building. I slip behind the wall and look and see Jack standing there and then he goes and walks over to his friend group and starts talking. I smile and head to class. Liam had the same class as Eric and I and the classes that Eric and I don't share Liam has. Lunch comes around and Liam and Eric go out to eat and I head to the library. I walk in and the door gets shut and locked immediately. I look behind me and Jack is right there. He says" I got the librarian to give us the library for work today and you know what's cooler" I say" what?" he says" no cameras and all the other doors are locked". We head over to a table that you can't see through any door window. He puts me on the table and he kisses me. I kiss him back and I wrap my arms around his neck and put my fingers in his hair and grip it. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer. I pull away and say" is this a good idea" he says" yeah don't worry. She won't be back until the end of lunch" I say" but what about other teachers" he says" don't worry she won't be back until the end of lunch. No other teachers are going to come in here" I say" what happens if they have a key" he says" I don't think they have a key". At that moment we hear the door handle rattle and we both sit down and act like we have been working and the librarian comes in. She says" oh hey Zhao. What are you doing here?" I say" I'm Jack's partner on the project" she says" oh okay. Well thanks Jack for watching the library for me" Jack says" don't worry it was my pleasure". I whisper" see I told you" he whispers" yeah yeah". We work on the project for the rest of lunch and because we have one more week to work on it and we only have the last slide to do the last slide or do it next week" he says" we can finish it". We finished the project and we pack up and return all the books that I checked out and the bell rings. We head out of the library and look at each other and then head in different directions. School ends and Eric and Liam go viewing the town and I go back home. I get home and I see a note on the fridge and it says" Dad and I will be gone for a while but please don't worry we will be back". I head to my room and flop on my bed and my phone goes off.

~ Conversation~

Jack: I just realized how are we going to hang out?

Me: I don't know. Can we hang out at places that only humans hang out and just blend in.

Jack: Yeah. We can go to a club without a lot of vampires and werewolves.

Me: I'm only 17 though

Jack: fake ID baby. I can get you one

Me: okay

Jack: Meet me tonight at The 1 am club at 9. Okay?

Me: Okay

Jack: See you then baby

Me: Okay see you then

~ End of Conversation~

I look at the time and it's only 4 so I decide to do some song writing. I have always wanted to be a singer not a lot of people know that but it has always been one of my biggest dreams. I take out my computer and a blank doc and start typing.

"Maybe if we weren't two different things

We can be together like everybody else

We aren't even officially together but

I'm so attached to you so

Please don't leave me

Like everybody does

If you leave me I won't survive"

I write for the next three hours and I get one and a half songs done. I get up and go take a shower and I take a little more time to make sure I'm clean. I get out and dry myself and then put on my black boxers. I stand there for a second trying to think about what to wear, but nothing is coming to mind. I look through my closet and I finally find the outfit I want to wear. I open a drawer and grab my black pants that have tears all through it and then I walk over to my closet and grab my black and red sweater that has little tears in it but there's black underneath so you aren't showing any skin. I go over and grab my black and red gages and my collar looking black choker. I finish the look with a little bit and clear lipstick. I look at the time and it's 8:45. I grab my phone and wallet. I run downstairs and call a motorcycle taxi. They come and I tell them where to go. I pay and then they leave and then I hear a motorcycle that I know way too well. I look behind me and he looks so damn hot. He is wearing a dark red shirt with skinny jeans and his dark red boots. He walks over to me and he says" damn you look hot" I say" thanks you do too". He looks me in the eyes and says" Will you be my boyfriend" I say" of course" he kisses me and says" I wanted to make sure before I asked you and I'm 100% sure that I want to be with you. Here" he hands me the ID and it looks so real. It even has a picture of me and I say" when did you get this photo" he says" while we were working on the project you were so cute I had to take it" I say"okay". He intertwined our fingers and say" let's go". I say" wait how old are you" he whispers in my ear" 17". I say" okay" we walk up to the person and give him our ID's and he let's us in. Jack gets a beer and I get soda he says" what you don't like beer" I say" no I do I just have to be careful because, asian's bodies can't process alcohol perfectly so I just don't drink it" he says" here then" he says" can I get a Mountain Dew" he gives his beer to some random person and I say" you didn't have to do that" he says" has your boyfriend I had to" he pecks my lips and takes a drink from his drink. We spend a while talking and getting to know each other and I don't get into my past at all because it is not the time for that. After a while he says"wanna go dance" I say"yeah". We drink up our sodas and go dance. We dance for a long time and then head off to one of the hallways they have. We see a bunch of other people and he kisses me and pushes me up against the wall. We make out for a while when all of a sudden I hear Eric. We pull away from each other and I see Eric and Liam. I say"hey guys! What are you guys doing" Eric says"just hanging out here and we came here to make out" I say" same, but with Jack" Eric says" cool" I say"yeah. So you guys are boyfriends now" Liam puts his arm around Eric and say" yeah" I could tell he getting defensive so I say" so bro Kevin and Lisa are going to be gone for a while but still no boys" he says" hey that is for you too" I say" I know" Liam says"well it was nice to see you again" I say" you too". They walk away and Jack kisses my neck and says" shall we continue". I pull him close to me and kiss him. We kiss until both of our lips hurt and swollen. We walk out and get on his bike and drive somewhere. Jack drives us up into the mountains and then there is a clearing where you can see the whole town. He says"don't worry the human's own this. I come up here alone sometimes and just look at the lights and the stars". We sit on the ground and cuddle and just look at the sky. Jack says"I really like you Zhao" I look at him and he looks down at me and I say" I like you too Jack". He says" what are we going to do" I say" I don't know" he says" shall we come out" I say" I already did" we laugh and he says" you know what I mean. Just be honest about how we feel I wanna show that you are mine". I say" okay how should we do it" he says" tomorrow I'm going to greet you with a kiss then grab your hand and walk to class and whoever has a disagreement can just deal with it". I say" what happens if I get more bullied" he says" don't worry I will protect you. Even though you are stronger than me" I say" Wait what do you mean?" he says" you are a werewolf" I say" yeah, but I'm only strong in my wolf form" he says" he didn't teach you? That idiot" I say" teach me? Teach me what?" He says" how to use your wolf strength when you aren't a wolf". I say" don't worry I will talk to him" he says" good because when i'm not around I want to make sure you can be safe" I say" thank you Jack". We sit there for an hour and I check my phone and it's midnight. I say" Jack we have school tomorrow. We got to go" he says" no". I get up and I say" come on" he gets up and he hugs me. I hug him back and we get onto his bike and head to my house. We get to my house and I get off and he says" wait" he takes off his helmet and pulls me close to him and kisses me. I kiss back and then pull away. I say" see you at school" he says" goodnight baby" I say" goodnight". I walk up to my house and walk in and I hear his bike drive away. I lean on my door and smile. I walk up the stairs and go take a shower and put on an oversized sweater and boxers and go lay down. I'm nervous about tomorrow but I think it's going to be okay. I stay awake for a while and then I finally fall asleep. I wake up to my alarm clock and go take a shower. I brush my teeth and walk out. I get dressed and walk downstairs ready head to school. I open the door and I see Eric has hickies littering his neck and he says" ready for school?" I say" yeah". I walk out and lock the door. I say" you look like you had fun" he blushes and says" yeah" I giggle and say" I'm happy for you dude" he says" I'm happy for you too" I say" thanks". We get to school and Liam walks up and kisses Eric and says" hey babe" I smile and I hear a motorcycle. I turn around and see Jack and my heart starts beating like crazy. He gets off and walks toward me and he says" hey baby" and people look over at that and he kisses me. I kiss back and he gets pulled away from me and I open my eyes and see Chris in the middle of us. He says" look mutt I don't know what the hell you did to him but I will make you regret". Jack grabs the back of Chris's neck and throws him back. He stands by me and wraps his arm around my waist and he says" we are dating, we are boyfriends and if you have an issue with that keep it to yourself" Chris says" how dare you date a werewolf" Jack says" I said keep it to yourself" Jack looks at two other boys and say" Justin, Austin you are on my side right?" They look at Chris and then look at us and says" yes we actually have werewolf boyfriends also we were just too scared to say anything" Jack says"great! Can you keep an eye on Zhao and help him if anybody tries to hurt him" he looks at Chris and says" and if you dare touch my man you will wish you never did". He looks at me and intertwines our fingers and then says"lets go baby". We head to class and we get there and Jack sits in his assigned seat and I sit in mine. Eric and Liam walk in and Eric comes and sits by me and Liam goes and sits by Jack. Liam says" that was hella cool man" Jack says" thanks" I say" aww look our boyfriends are getting along" Eric says" Yay". I say" oh by the way why didn't you tell me I could use my wolf strength out of wolf form" he says" Oh I forgot. Um we can go at lunch so it's during the day and I can teach you" Liam turns around and says" I wanna come" Jacks says" me too". Eric says" sorry Jack we can't bring a vampire on wolf territory" Jack says" why don't we go on human territory" Eric says" not safe enough" Jack says" I will find a way to see my baby being himself" it goes silent and then Jack says" why don't you guys train where it splits so I can see my baby at his full potential" Eric says" yeah that could work" I say" but what happens if a vampire that comes to this school sees you watching us they all know we are together" Jack says" let me handle it baby" I say" babe it's to dangerous. I can't lose you" he gets up and sits backwards in the chair that's in front of me and grabs my face and says" I will do anything to see you as you. I can't wait to see my already beautiful boyfriend in his beautiful form" he kisses my nose and I smile. He smiles and kisses my lips and then goes back to his seat. The bell rings and all the students start piling in and then the second bell goes off and that's when the teacher starts the class. The day goes by like any other day but I keep on getting glares and stared at. It is lunch time and I'm meeting Jack outside. I head outside and Chris pushes me into the lockers and keeps walking. I hit where the lock is and I touch my arm and see blood. I wipe it with my shirt and walk out. Jack says" why are you bleeding" I say" how did you know" he says" Vampire remember" I say" Oh yeah I just ran into the wall" he says" that wouldn't have made you bleed don't lie to me" I say" Chris pushed me into the lockers but don't worry he did that before". I look down and see his hands are in fists and I say" hey look at me" he looks at me and I wrap my arms around his neck and say" I'm fine I promise" he breathes and says" i'm going to get him one of these days". I say" I know baby. Eric and Liam went and got lunch real quick, but I have to ride up with them" and he says" Okay baby" I say" you have to promise me something" he says" what" I say" you can beat up Chris all you want but never at school I don't want you to get expelled" he says" Okay I promise" he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me. I kiss back and then we go into a hug and Eric and Liam walk up and say" come on Lovebirds". We head to the parking lot and Jack gets on his bike and we get into the car and Jack drives off and we follow him for a while and then we break off onto the road that leads to redbrick. I say" where is he going" Eric says" this side is Redbrick and that side is Red Fang so they have to drive a while to get to the road they have to drive". I say" oh okay" we get to the area we park and I get out and turn. I love being in my wolf form. It makes me feel so powerful. Eric and Liam turn and run off I follow behind just loving this. We get to the cliff and there's water at the bottom of it and I look up and I see Jack run out of the wood line and stand at the edge of it. His jaw drops and says" You are beautiful baby" I put my head down and I turn my head away from him and he chuckles. Eric says" okay so you need some training in fighting first. Liam and I will show you" they fight each other making sure not to hurt each other and then I fight against Eric and then Liam and then both of them and then they teach me some other important stuff and then we turn back into humans. He says" okay now focus on your wolf strength but not enough that you change" I say" that's confusing" and I hear Jack says" Think about it the feeling you have as a wolf that makes you strong but don't think about being the wolf" Eric says" thanks man that makes more sense" I say" thanks babe" I look at him and he smiles and winks at me. I focus and I feel myself getting stronger and more confident and Eric says" great now punch the tree". I look at the tree and punch it and there's a dent but not a hole. I say" did I do good" he says" for your first time you did amazing". He does it and his hand goes into the tree and Liam almost goes through the tree. I punch it again and my hand goes through the tree and Jack says" good job baby" I say" thanks". Eric says" we are gonna run for a bit to get him faster so if you wanna follow from there you can" Jack says" trust I can keep up". We all turn into wolves and Eric and Liam run off and I and Jack start running and I look over at Jack and start running faster and I pass Eric and Liam and it feels like Jack and I running right by each other. Eric catches up to me and we stop and he says" dude you were running vampire speed" I look over at Jack and he is smiling and I can't help myself. I jump off the cliff to get to Jack but something comes out and catches me and we both fall into the water. I stand up hovering one paw because it hurts and I see Chris. Jack is there and Liam and Eric come down the cliff. Chris says" you might not know this mutt but you aren't allowed over here" Jack tries to come over to me and Chris pushes him back and says" and you can't go over there it is a rule". I turn into a human and my wrist is black and blue and has a gash on it. Chris looks at it and I look at it and it's bleeding and he says" you smell so good" he charges but Jack grabs him and pins him to the ground and he says" get Zhao to the hospital quick" I say" Jack" he screams" Go!!!". We hear rushing on both sides. I look up and see a butt load of werewolves and a butt load of vampires and Jack yells" LEAVE". Eric pulls me up the cliff, turns and puts me on his back and runs to his car Liam following behind. We get there and he sets me down and then turns back into a human and helps me in the car and then gets in and Liam does as well and he starts driving. I say" I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I just wanted my baby now he is probably in so much shit because of me" Eric says" don't blame yourself Zhao you had the right to hug him and have him after all the amazing progress you made. It's just that stupid rule."

Jack's Pov

Zhao,Eric, and Liam leave and so do all the werewolves that came and Chris says" what the hell Jack! Turning your back on your own kind just for a stupid werewolf" I say" don't call him stupid it's not his fault that he didn't know he wasn't allowed over here" Chris says" don't lie to me I heard everything you guys have been talking about" I say" he was excited he wanted to hug his boyfriend after he made a lot of progress" Chris says" still you know the treaty" I say" well you broke it too" Chris says" how the hell did I" he says" when you attacked him he wasn't even on our side yet he was still in the air he was on his side and if you attacked him you would have broken it their too" he says" don't pretend that you did it for me. You did it to protect your little pathetic boyfriend" I say" I didn't say anything to indicate that I did it for you. I was protecting my amazing boyfriend". Chris says" we will have to go tell headquarters" I say" No I will and take on any punishment that they want to give me but there's something that I will never do" he says" what" I get in his face and say" I will never break up with my werewolf boyfriend" he steps toward me and says" we will see about that". We head to headquarters and I hear a loud booming voice that says" what the hell happened" we walk up to where he was sitting and go on our knees. I look up and say" I'm dating a werewolf" he says" You disgraceful shit! Why the hell would you do that" I say" but he is one of them that isn't bad" he says" wait he?" I say" yes sir" he says" you disgusting disgraceful piece of shit. You date a werewolf and it's a guy" I get up and say" dad please listen to me" he walks over to me and smacks me he says" I'm not your father anymore you disgraceful shit. You turn your back on all of us and you want me to listen to you too" I say" yes! Please let me explain what happened" I go back on my knees and bow to him. He says" fine say it". I tell him everything that happened in the last 24 hours and he says" I will forgive you and only put you on watch but you have to break up with him and cut all ties that you have with werewolves and agree to go to school here" I say" sorry sir I can not do that. I will go through every punishment you give me. I will never break up with him" he says" we will put you through the harshest punishments we have and we will see what you say after all of this" he looks over at Chris and says" I have to punish you too" Chris says" why master? What did I do?" He says" you went on the wolf's territory to attack one of them. You must clean up after the dog for a week". Chris says"oh that's easy" he says" but it's fluffy". Chris's head dropped and I smiled. Fluffy is a three headed hell hound that my father got me actually when I was little and it scares the hell out of Chris. I have to go through punishments for a week and each punishment I have to go through the whole day. Thank god I'm immortal because I can't wait to see my baby after all this bullshit.

Zhao's Pov

We get to the hospital and they immediately start cleaning the cut on my wrist and they send for an X-ray. I go back and get x-rays done and then they put me back in a room and a nurse bandages the cut. Eric and Liam are back there and an hour passes and they say"so you broke you hair-lined fractured your wrist and we need to be in a cast for a week. What color do you want your cast?" I say" black" he says" okay. The nurse will be back to fit you" I say" thank you doc" he leaves the room and I ask" have you got in touch with Jack yet" Eric says" his phone is off". I say" he hates me now. I got him in a shitload of trouble and now he hates me" Eric says" he doesn't hate you he probably has to deal with a shitload of vampires right now" and Liam says" or his phone got wet. We were all in water and he pinned Chris to the ground in water so his phone might be ruined". I say" True sorry guys" the nurse comes in and fits me for my cast and does the process of putting it on. After three hours in the hospital we get to leave. I say" Eric are you coming back" he says"yeah of course why would I let you be alone. I know this is against the rules but can Liam come if a vampire tries to come attack us they won't do it with three werewolves in the house" I say" of course". We head to the house and we all fall on the couch and sigh. I turn on the TV and text Jack and he doesn't answer. I lay down and say in my head" here comes an exhausting and tiring week.