Chapter Four

Day 1

Zhao's Pov

I wake up to Eric saying" breakfast time" I get up and head over to the table and happily I can use both hands and Eric says" hey don't use that hand" I say" ugh" he says" ugh all you want don't use it" I say"okay". We all eat and I say" can I shower" he says" in two days you can but you have to put a plastic bag over it" I say" okay. Can you help me get changed at least" he says" of course". He and I head upstairs and he helps me change my pants and I say" I can't wear a short sleeve" he says" why" I say" um the scars all over my arm" he says" oh then why don't we put you in a short sleeve and then put one glove on that goes up your arm" I say" okay" we take off the shirt I'm wearing and puts on the other one and he puts the glove on and he says" the cast looks beautiful Zhao" I say" thanks". We walk back down the stairs and Liam is all ready to go and we just walk to school because of how close we are. We get there and I already get stares and glares and people start whispering. I say"where is Jack?" Eric says" don't worry he probably is just late. Come on". We walk to the office and I give them the doctor's note and then head to class. Jack didn't come to school today and I feel like something is wrong but I try to ignore it. After school was done I texted Jack and he didn't answer. We headed home and ate dinner and then fell asleep while watching TV.

Jack's Pov

At 8 am I was greeted by two men and they told me to follow them so I followed them. They chained me up to a wall and the chains had spikes on them and the spikes started stabbing into my skin all around my wrists. They kept me like that until 8 am the next day. My wrists were bruised and dripping blood and my father comes in and says" son this can all end if you go and break up with him". I look him in the eyes and say" Never". He says" okay here comes the next one".

Day 2

Jacks Pov

They unchained me and took me outside. They chained me to a tree and had a professional boxer punch me and kick me and do whatever they wanted to me. That lasted until 5 pm and then I was stuck there with cuts all over my back because of the tree and bruises all over my body, my stomach a deep purple probably because I'm bleeding on the inside and my nose is bleeding. My nose stops bleeding in thirty minutes so i'm just stuck there for the rest of the time. I'm worrying about Zhao. He probably is thinking that I hate him because I can't contact him and I'm not going to school. What if he is getting bullied worse? How is his wrist? What happened to his wrist? To many questions and no answers. I'm so worried about my baby. I miss him.

Zhao's Pov

I wake up and I see I'm on the couch and Eric and Liam are cuddling on the floor. I get up and go get changed. After I struggle to find out how to dress myself with one hand. I wore a black long sleeve with black ripped pants. I pushed the sleeve over my cast and worse it like that so it didn't look weird. Today is Friday so that means I work today. We went to school and Chris was back but not Jack. I'm more worried now than ever. What are they doing to my baby? After school Liam drove me to work and they went back to the house. I walk in and say" Hey sun" Sun says" hey Zhao. What happened to your wrist?" I say" I hair-lined fractured it but don't worry I can still do stuff" he says" okay just take it easy" I say" I will". I start working and I do all that I can do and try to do the best I can. We had a break moment and Mork says" how does the other guy look" I say"what?" he says" in the fight" I say" oh I didn't get in a fight I fell off a cliff" they both say" ow" I say" yeah but I'm okay now" Mork says" how is school going" I say" good I'm aceing all my classes" and Sun says" see you should be like him now he's in highschool and you are in college" I say" hey I'm only passing because, I have nothing better to do at least you have a life". I finish work and he teaches me one more thing and then I call Liam and Liam come get me. We get home and have dinner and Eric says" how was work" I say" good" he says" did you use your hand" I say" only when I desperately had to". We finish dinner and I say" I'm tired I'm going to bed". I went up and changed into PJ's and lay down and I was out like a light.

Day 5

Zhao's Pov

I get woken up to my phone ringing. I jump awake and grab my phone and it's not who I wanted but I answer.

~ Conversation~

Me: Hello?

Them: Hi! Is this Zhao Lian

Me: Yes this is him.

Them: Well your parents are at the hospital. They came in with horrible animal attacks and they are both in surgery now. Can you please come in?

Me: Yes of course. Thank you for calling me

Them: You're welcome. They are still in surgery for another 3 hours but we need to talk to you in person.

Me: Okay I will be there in a few.

~ End of the Conversation~

I rush downstairs and say" Liam Eric can you please take me to the hospital" Eric says" why? Are you okay" I say" No Kevin and Lisa are in surgery" they jump up and we head there. I remember that I'm in my PJ's and that is a tank top and shorts but right now I could care less. We get there and I run up to the desk and say" Hi I'm Zhao Lian. Can I know an update on Kevin and Lisa" she says" I'm so sorry sir. I just got told by the doctor that they didn't make it" I say" no that must be someone else we just got off the phone not even five minutes ago. They were doing just fine", She says" I'm sorry sir" I say" stop telling me sorry and get me the surgeons that were working on my parents" she says" yes sir" she rushes away. Eric says" you need to calm down" I look at him and I say" No they killed my parents I just got told that they were fine and now I'm getting told that they are dead I want to hear it from their mouths" he says" you need to calm down because, i'm seeing fangs and your eyes are getting brighter. Breathe" I take in a deep breath and he says" that's better". This man and this woman and the man says" Mr. Li I am so sorry but your father had complications that me and my team couldn't catch" I say" what complications" he says" the thing that attacked him erupted his insides when the thing attacked him and we couldn't stop the bleeding and fix it" I almost start crying and fall but Eric puts his hand on my back and puts his arm around my shoulders. I say" and my mom" She says" the thing that attacked your mother went for her. Do you want to know sir" I say" yes tell me" she says" went for her throat and tore it open and there was way too much blood to stop and her internal organs were ruptured as well". I say" thank you for telling me thank you for trying to save my parents don't beat yourselves up about this. You tried your best and I see that thank you for trying at least" they say" I'm so sorry for your lose" I say" thank you". I turn around and start crying and almost fall but Eric catches me and I say" please take me home". I cry to the car and cry on the way home. I cry walking into the house. We shut the door and I went into the living room and say" What else do they want? They took my boyfriend. I haven't spoken to him in 5 days. I don't know if he's dead too. I don't know if he hates me and just left me to stay with his own kind. They took the only parents that gave a shit about me but they didn't take the 12 that abused the shit out of me. The people that actually give a shit about me have to leave me or get taken away from me. Are you two going to leave me or get taken away from me like the others have. I turn into a wolf uncontrollable and say" now I'm in wolf form and depressed". I go and lay on the couch and Eric comes up and lifts my head and sits and then puts my head in his lap and starts petting my head. He says" Jack is not dead I don't know where he is but he is going to come back. I know that he is going to come back to you he wouldn't leave you. I'm sorry about your parents, trust me I know how you feel. Stuff like this happens It sucks that it does and I'm sorry that it happens but it does. Liam and I will be here for you through it all and be by your side we are not going anywhere". Liam comes and sits in front of Eric and grabs my paw and says" the only place we may go is to school or the bathroom but not far" he laughs and I move my head in his direction. He touched my ear and I put my head back on his lap and fell asleep.

Jacks Pov

The 5th day of punishments I had to hang upside down and get treated like a punching bag. After they chained me to a chair and let the chain cut into my skin.

Day 7

Last Day

Jacks Pov

They put me in this dark room and had a uv light go across my body just burning my skin off for two hours. Even though I still felt the pain the marks just turned into nothing because of me being a vampire. I hear his voice go on an intercom and say" let's see if you can go through this for this"love"". I sat through the whole thing with an emotionless face even though it was hurting like hell. I say" see dad this is what you go through to love someone. You never leave them. You wanted to see if I was like you that just abandoned his wife to die" he gets up and says" you are free to go. Never come back. You are not welcomed here" I say" can I talk to you for one last time" he told everybody to leave and I say" dad I'm your son. How can you turn your back on me" he says" having you was a mistake. I wish I had a child like Chris one that stays loyal to his own kind" I say" here's the thing" I break the ropes and say" I'm still a vampire so who is actually turning their back on their own kind and if you want a son that have caused people to kill,cut themselves and then there are the people that go to drugs because of him" and before he could do anything I run out of there and to my bike to my baby. I get on my bike and race to his house. I knock on the door and the door opens and I see my baby but it wasn't my baby he looks up and says" Jack!!".

Zhao's Pov

For the last two days I have been sitting around the house. I haven't gone to school or work. Eric went on a vacation with his family and Liam. He insisted that he misses it but one day they went to school so I packed both of their things and put them in front of the door and left a note that said" don't ask,don't say anything. I'm okay just have fun on your vacation" so I kicked him out for him to leave but I forgot I will be left with my thoughts. I haven't seen or heard anything from Jack for a week now. I'm done with always being alone. Today I have an appointment to get my cast off but it's at 3 and it's only 9. I'm about to drift off to sleep when I hear a knock on the door. I'm confused but I answer it anyway. I look up and see Jack. I say" Jack? Jack!!" he says" sorry for being gone. Can I come in?" I let him in and say" why did you leave me? I needed you. I fractured my wrist, my parents were murdered, and I forced Eric and Liam to leave so I wouldn't feel guilty" I hit him in his chest softly and then hit it again. He says" come here baby". We sit down and he tells me everything he has been through and I start crying and I say" I'm sorry and I thought what happened to me was bad" Jack says" don't be. I went through all that to prove what true love is. Zhao I love you so much that I would go through it all over again if it means I got to see you and keep you in my life. I have missed you so much" he pauses then says" come here baby". I scoot closer to him and he hugs me and I hug him back. I say" I love you too Jack" he pulls away and says" what did you say?" I say" that I love you too". He kissed me and I kissed back but this kiss was different. It was full of pain,happiness,love,hurt and hope. I pull back and say" I'm happy you are back to me" he says" I am too". I sit back and say" I have something to show you". He says" what is it baby?" I take off my shirt and he sees all the scars and he says" baby who did this to you" I say" My real parents died when I was five so I was put into an orphanage. Each person that adopted me treated me like I was a slave. When I got older the beatings and other stuff happened. Then when I turned 15 I got adopted by Kevin and Lisa and loved me for everything that happened to me and who I was. I never called them mom and dad because I knew that they would leave me eventually". Jack says" I'm sorry for everything that has happened to you and also thank you for telling me. Can I tell you my story" I nod and he told me how his father never loved him and how his mother was the only one that loved him. His mother was murdered because of the father. He told me that there was a pack of wolves headed for the house and he grabbed me and looked back and said" defend for yourself follow or not" she says" you aren't going to help me" he looks down and sees her legs are badly injured already and he says"sorry". He ran out of the house Jack told me that he was screaming and wailing for his dad to put him down so he could go back for his mom but the father punched him and because, how young he was it knocked him out. I hug him and he hugs back and we stay like that for a long time. Then we change where I'm laying on his lap and I turn on the TV. I look at the time and it's already 2. I say" hey Jack I have an appointment at 3 to get this cast off. Can you drive me" he says" of course baby. Let's go get you ready". We walked upstairs and he helped me change and when he helped me take off my pants I blushed and turned my head away and he saw all the scars on my legs and some bruises. He says" so beautiful" and I grab the pants he grabbed and start putting them on. He chuckles and helps me. He helped me put on the shirt and we headed down stairs and got some lunch and I looked at the clock and it was 2:45. We left and headed to the clinic and we got there. We got off the bike and he intertwined our fingers and we walked in. I sign in and then go sit and he says"i'm sorry I wasn't there to help you" I say" don't worry now I know that it wasn't your choice". He says" because if it was up to me I would be there with you every second" I smile and he smiles and I get called back. Happily I get it off and because I passed all the things he made me do I don't have to go to physical therapy. We leave and we head home. While we were driving home I called Sun and told him and now I work everyday after school. We got home and we headed up to my room and just cuddled and watched TV and it was 10 pm and Jack already fell asleep with his arms wrapped around my hips. I lift up his arms to have them around my waist and then lay down and enjoy his warmth. I fall asleep a couple hours later. I wake up to my alarm and Jack isn't by me but I hear sounds coming from downstairs. I go and take a shower and put on a red sweater and my ripped skinny jeans with a chain on them. I walk down in my black cat socks and see him pouring cereal into two bowls. I walk up to him and hug him from behind and he says" Morning baby" he turns around and kisses my head and picks me up and I say" hey I'm not an actual baby" he puts me on the counter and says" really aw" I peck his lips and say" I'm 17" he says" okay baby here is your cereal". I sit in one of the chairs and he sits in the other one and he says" how are you doing" I say" I'm okay. Hru" he says" I'm good". We finish up eating and then we grab our backpacks and put on our shoes and head outside to his bike. We get on and he drives us to school and we get off and intertwined our fingers and we walk towards the school. Chris comes up smirking and says" Jack you are back, like your vacation?" Jack smirks right back and says" yeah it was so much fun" he looks at me and then looks back at Chris and say" and I would go through it again". We walk inside and my phone goes off and it is Ten.


Ten: Hey Zhao. Lucas and I are hosting a lunch Thursday at one. Can you make it?

Me: Yeah! Can I bring my boyfriend?

Ten: Yes! I would love to meet this Vamp

Me: Wait? How did you know he is a vampire?

Ten: Eric wont shut up about you two. I will tell Amanda and Ethan so it doesn't cause anything at lunch.

Me: Thanks Ten. See you then

Ten: See you buddy

~ End Of Conversation~

I say" Jack! Do you want to have lunch with Lucas and Ten? Lucas is Eric's brother and Ten is his boyfriend". Jack says"yeah! Where will it be?" I say" On wolf territory but you are invited so it will be okay" Jack says" and I'm also an alone vampire" I say" what do you mean?" he says" I was kicked out of the vampire territories. So I have no rules, nobody to follow, and I'm free to go anywhere I want" I say" I'm sorry" he grabs my hand and says" don't be. I'm happy". I say" and you aren't an alone Vampire you have me" he smiles and says" yeah I do". We get to class and he sits where Eric usually sits. I take out the homework we were supposed to do and Jack brings out last week's homework and he asks for this week's homework assignment. Class was ending and we turned in everything and then left to the next class. Class after class after class it seems like this day is just going on and on. Jack and I meet up after class and go and eat lunch but lunch goes by so quickly and it's already class time again. I sigh and go to class anyway. After school Jack drives me to work and when we were saying our goodbyes he tells me he is going to do something super important. So I headed off and started working and tried to focus on making good coffee and Sun even tried it and he says" how is it better than me". My shift was coming to an end and I was cleaning and mopping and Sun says" you can go home now thank you for your hard work see you tomorrow" I say" Thank you have a wonderful night guys". I run out and I see Jack and hug him and he says" I was out trying to find a job so I can help also and so I wouldn't be lonely and bored" I smile and pull him close and he wraps his arms around my hips and I wrap my arms around his neck and says" do you want to live with me" he says" really? Are you sure?" I say" yes I am sure I want to be by 24/7 if I can be" he says" then I would love to come and live with you" he kisses me and says" let's go home baby". We get on the bike and he drives off. We get home and we both flop onto the couch. I turn on American Horror Show and he says" you like this show?" I say" yeah" he says" I do too but it's so creepy" I say" no it's not. Come here I will protect you" he smiles and sits down by me. We cuddle and watch almost the whole first season. I look at the time and it's midnight I say" I'm going to go take a shower and I sleep on the couch tonight is that okay?" he says" of course baby I will be here" I say"okay". I go take a shower and get dressed into a tank top and sweats. I walk downstairs and Jack says" my beautiful boyfriend" I walk over to the couch and he starts tracing each scar and I say" what are you doing" he says" admiring my boyfriend for what he is". He lifts my arm up to his lips and kisses one of the scars. He says" I love you Zhao" I say" I love you too" He kisses me and I kiss back and he licks my lip for entrance and I give it to him and he explores my mouth with his tongue. He pulls so I lay down on the couch and he climbs on top of me and holds down my hands and he kisses down to my neck and I bite my lip and he sucks on it and I feel the hickey. He kisses me and let's go of my hands and I put my hands into his hair and grips it and then I hear a" I'm back". We jump away from each other and Eric says" Sorry. Can Liam stay here tonight?" I say" yeah go ahead. You can use my bedroom but don't do anything nasty on my bed and Jack lives here too". Eric says" cool and go back to what you were doing". Liam walks in and they head to the stairs and Eric looks back and says" Oh nice hickey Zhao" I say" you asshole" I flip him off and he just smiles and goes up the stairs. Jack says" shall we continue?" I say" what" he says"come here" he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me on top of him and he says" we should continue" he thrusts up his hips and I moan and he says" we definitely should continue" I lean down and kiss him he kisses back and I put my arms around his neck and he grips my ass and I gasp I feel him smirk and he kisses down my neck. I lean my head back and he decorates my neck of hickies and he grabs me and pushes me down to the couch and he takes off his shirt and flips us so now I'm sitting on top of him. He says" you can do whatever you want" I run my hand down his body and then kiss his collarbone and I kiss down his body and then back up and I say" I'm sorry" with tears sliding down my face" he sits up and says" baby what's wrong" he wraps his arms around my body and I say" I'm not ready for that" he says" hey" he wipes away my tears and says" it's okay baby" and he holds me close and he sighs and says" I'm sorry baby" I say" why what happened" he says" I'm hard" I look down and see he is and I say" I'm sorry" he says" don't worry I haven't taken my shower yet and I needed to take one anyway" he winks and kisses me. I get off of him and he goes and heads to the downstairs bathroom to go take a shower. I sit back on the couch and grab a blanket. It's hard too but I just ignore it. I touch my neck and it hurts a little bit. I sigh and lay back. He comes out in just sweats and he lays down behind me and cuddles me and I turn on a random movie and a little bit later I hear snoring and I smile and intertwine our fingers and make him hold me tighter. I slip off to sleep and have the best sleep I have ever had. I wake up to hearing the click of a picture being taken and I see Eric and he says" I'm sorry you guys are just so cute" I say" what time is it?" he says" 8:06" I say"

Baby wake up" Jack moves and pushes himself closer to me and pulls me closer to him. I say" It's Thursday and Ten's and Lucas's lunch is today. Are we going to skip school today" and Eric and Liam say" yes" and Jack hums. I smile and sit up and me sitting up pulls Jack up. He doesn't let go of me so I'm sitting on his lap kind of. I say" who wants chinese" Eric and Liam sit on the love seat and say" me" Jack says" I want chinese" and he bites my ear. I blush and say"okay". Eric says" look at his neck you already tried to eat his neck" I say" I'm leaving" Jack says" no make the call here" I say" okay but stop teasing me" Eric says" never" I call and make the order and Jack pays and we all cuddle up to our boyfriends and watch Supernatural Eric and I have watched all 15 seasons but Jack and Liam haven't seen any of them so we started it over. Halfway through EP 4 there's a knock at the door and I go and grab the food and we all grab what we ordered and start eating. We all finished eating by ep 6 and it was already 11:30 and Eric says" Hey Lucas just texted me and said we can come out early if we want to" I say" I do let's go get ready". Jack and I head upstairs to go shower Eric and Liam grab some clothes and then head down to the downstairs bathroom and we go into the upstairs one. I say" you are nervous aren't you" while I grab shampoo to wash his hair. He says" how can you tell" I say" I know you baby. You don't have to be nervous" he says" does everybody know that I'm a vampire" I say" yes Ten and Lucas has told everybody" Jack says" okay". I say" come here let me wash your hair". We get out of the shower and my phone goes off and I grab it and answer.


Me: Hello. Who is this?

Person: Hi this is Nurse Amy from LA hospital. Is this Zhao Lian

Me: Yes Ma'am this is him

Person: Well we did an autopsy on your parents and we found out how they died. Do you want to know sir?

Me: Yes

Person: They were killed by wolves. We found fur and wolf DNA on your parents. I am so sorry for your loss.

Me: Thank you

Person: You're welcome please have an amazing day

~End Of Conversation~

Arms wrap around me and Jack says" who was that baby?" I say" A nurse at the hospital just told me that my parents were killed by wolves" Jack says" I'm sorry baby" I say" it's okay. Let's go get dressed". We go and get dressed and head downstairs and Liam and Eric say" come on you two" I grab Jack's hand and we head to his bike. We get on the bike and Eric and Liam go ahead of us so Jack knows where to go. We get to where we are supposed to park and we get off and I hold Jack's hand in mine and then intertwine our fingers. We walk up to where Lucas and Ten's cabin is and Ten says" Zhao! I have missed you" he runs up to me and hugs me I hug him back and say" I have missed you too" Ten says" Hey Jack it's wonderful to finally meet you. I'm Ten and over there is my fiance Lucas" Jack says" it's nice to meet you too" he says" don't worry everything is going to be okay" Jack nods and I say" Jack. I wanna show you something". I step back and turn and Jack flinches and I bow my head down and walk up to him and rub my nose against his leg. He pats my head and I look up at him and he says" you are so soft and handsome". He sits down and I put my head on his lap and he pets my head. Lucas comes over and says" Hey Jack I'm Lucas". He looks at me and says" hey Zhao". Jackson and Amanda walk over and Jackson says" Wow Zhao I have never seen you in your wolf from no wonder why your kind is so special" I turn back into a human happily still clothed and I say" Jackson Amanda I want you to meet my boyfriend Jack" they say" it's wonderful to meet you Jack" he says" you too but can I ask what you mean by he is so special". Jackson says" Well Chinese wolves are different then any other wolf because if a Vampire drinks my blood it will give them more power I think anyways that's what the legends say but if a Vampire drinks a Chinese wolf blood then it can be lethal to them". Jack says" then I will never help you when you are bleeding" we all laugh except for Jackson and Amanda. Ten says" well anybody hungry" we all say" yes" and Ten says" let's go eat". We all head inside and start eating after awhile Ten says" so there is a reason why I asked you all to come today" Eric says" What's Up" Lucas says" well Ten and I are officially getting married on December 20th at 4 pm and we want all of you to come" we all cheer and Eric says" I can't wait" I say" Congrats guys I am so happy for you guys" we go back to eating and chatting and Jack says" Are you sure you want me to come I don't want anything to happen at your wedding" Lucas says" No you are coming and we have already told our friends and families and some of them didn't want to come but that's their lost. We need to be more together or we will be stuck in the past for the rest of our life". I say" thank you Lucas and Ten" and they both say" you're welcome". We go back to eating and all of sudden they start asking Jack a bunch of questions and I say" Hey stop grilling my boyfriend" and I chuckle and they says" no we need to see if he's okay for you" and Jack giggles and says" It's okay it's nice to be around people who have each others back in my old clan nobody had nobody's back it was everybody for themselves" Jackson says" I wanna show you guys something Amanda and I found a couple weeks ago" Lucas says" we can go after eating". We finish eating and we walk outside and Jack says" let me show you how fast a Vampire is" he grabs me and puts me on his back and he says" where is it" Jackson says" just up on the hill to the left" Jack says" okay meet you guys there" and he is off and we are going so fast it's like we are on his bike and he grips my legs and jumps onto a tree and climbs up it. He jumps tree to tree and we get there and exactly when we land on the ground they come running up behind us. He puts me down and says" how do you like it" I say" it is beautiful" he kisses me and Eric says" okay lovebirds". We follow Jackson and Amanda and there is a beautiful waterfall. Eric strips down to his boxers and jumps into the water Liam follows him and then Jackson and Amanda have a swimsuit on and Jack and I and Lucas and Ten do it all together. I swim up and I smile. It feels so cool and comfortable. Jack swims over to me and holds me. I kiss him and say" I love you Jack" he says" I love you too". I wrap my legs and arms around him and Lucas says" aw you guys are so cute" we smile and we all swim and play around for a while longer and then get out. Jack goes and gets all our clothes and we all say" thank you" we all dry off and then put back on our clothes. Jackson says" We all need to do this again I had fun". Everybody agrees and we all just calmly walk back and this wolf runs by us and he stops and turns into a human and he says" Why the hell is there a Vampire here" Jackson says" it's okay Jacob he's with us" Jacob says" Just be careful there was a vampire here yesterday and now a wolf is suffering with broken ribs" Jackson says" take me to him" Jack says" Wait. Do you know what the Vampire looks like" Jacob says" yeah it's a Vampire named Chris he said he was looking for a wolf named Zhao and Zack tried to get him out of here but Chris broke his ribs but now Chris dealing with only having one hand" Jackson and Amanda leave and Jack says" don't worry let me handle this" Liam, Eric,Ten, and Lucas leave and I say" please don't go there you might won't come back" Jack looks at me and says" I will come back I will never leave you alone. I will be back" he pecks me on my lips and runs off. I turn into my wolf and run to catch up with them and when I do I turn back into a human and say" I'm worried he was gone for a week the last time he went there. God I'm so worried". Eric says" don't worry Lucas and Ten said we can hang out here tonight until he comes back" I say" I have work at 5" Liam says" we will drive you okay and if he isn't back when you get off work then we will come pick you up just text us". I say" okay" . I sit outside and wait.

Jack's Pov

I run off and jump across and land on the Vampire side. Brian comes up and says" you aren't welcomed here anymore" I say" Chris attacked a wolf for no reason and now that wolf has broken ribs. The leader needs to know about this". Brian says" then I will tell him about this now leave before he knows you are here" Alex runs up and says" the leader wants to see you" we go to where he is held and I walk in and he says" oh Jack you will never learn. Will you?" I see Chris in the corner and he does only have one hand. I say" I'm only here to tell you that Chris went on werewolf territory and cracked a werewolves ribs" He says" no the wolf came over and attacked Chris" I say" no he went over there to look for my boyfriend and a werewolf saw him and said that his not allowed over there and asked him to leave but Chris didn't listen so he attacked the wolf and that's probably how his hand got bitten off and then he got around the wolves ribs and broke them" Chris laughs and says" Stupid he bite my hand off after I broke his ribs" I smirk and Chris says" Shit". The leader says" well you need to be punished for going over there Chris you know the rules" Chris says" what about Jack". I say" I got disowned and kicked out of here. I was just telling the truth and now I'm leaving". I ran out and was ready to jump to the wolf's side but Alex says" you are going to just leave?" I say" I got disowned and kicked out of here I'm not allowed on this side" Alex says" but the wolves accept you" I say" I'm dating one so yeah" he says" why choose them over us we are your friends and family" I say" because they didn't turn their back on me" Alex says" I didn't turn my back on you, you are still my friend" I say" even though I'm dating a werewolf" Alex says" yeah, but I don't know why you would date him. He's just going to die and leave you alone" I say" I know but I love him" Alex says" why do you love him and not me" he kisses me and I push him away and say" what the hell Alex" he says" I have loved you for 5 years now" I say" okay but I'm dating Zhao and I would never date you Alex I'm sorry" I turn around and he says" Like that wolf could do anything for you he is just an ugly mutt" I turn back around and say" look at yourself and then tell me who the mutt is" I run and Jump but Alex grabs and we land in the water I crawl out of the water and so does Alex. All of sudden Zhao, Eric, Liam,Ten, and Lucas and some other wolves are on the top of the hill Zhao turns back into a human and jumps down and says" are you okay" I say" i'm fine" I get up and Alex says" thats who you choose. Look at him he is a weakling" I say" just leave Alex. It's against the law for you to be over here. Leave!". Alex says" you will feel sorry for not choosing me" he jumps over and runs up the cliff and I hear him say" you want to play like that I will join in your game" I sigh and look over at Zhao and he says" what was that all about" I say" come on thanks guys for being here but we gotta go" they turn into humans and say" okay make sure to text us when you guys get home" Zhao says" okay we will". I grab Zhao's hand and walk over to my bike and get on.

Zhao's Pov

We get on the bike and when I wrap my arms around him he is so cold. We get home and he says" come take a bath with me please" I say" okay I got wet because of you". We head to the bathroom and I start the warm water and I turn around and see Jack striping and I get into my boxers and says" oh come on baby" I gulp and he says" what" I say" nothing" he says" I'm big right?" I blush and he says" I will take that as yes". He walks over to me and grabs the top of my boxers and slowly pulls them down and he comes up slowly and I step out of them and he says" that's better". I look at him and he looks me in my eyes and I look back. Happily I snap out of it before the water gets to high and he gets in and says" come here baby" I go and sit in between his legs and he says" here let me tell you everything" and he tells me everything I say" no you are mine" I kiss him and he says" I know that" I say" I understand how you feel before we started dating Eric confessed to me and he kissed me too but I was already in love with you". He kisses me and I kiss back and he licks my lip and I grant him access and I feel myself getting hard and I pull away and blush. I turn my back to him and he says" what's wrong baby" I say" nothing" I feel his hand move down my torso and he touches my thing and I tense up and he grabs it and he says" oh you got hard" and he starts moving his hand and I lean back and my head is on his shoulder and I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

-30 Minutes Later-

I get out of the tub and grab a towel. I wrap it around my waist and go over to the sink to grab my hair dryer because we took a quick shower. Jack gets out and wraps a towel around his waist also and we get done in the bathroom and he says" I'm gonna go get my stuff to move into here. Are you sure you want me to live here" I say" of course I do" I look at the clock and it's 4:30 and I say" shit I have work in 30 minutes" I get dressed into a white long sleeve and black pants and my black and white shoes. He says" let's go" we walk out to his bike and get there right before I have to start and Jack says" hey I forgot to tell you I got called into an interview at 5:15 for the restaurant down the street " I say" I'm so proud of you go do amazing baby" I kiss him and walk towards my work. I walk in and saw Sun and Mork kissing and they jump away from each other and say" don't worry just me" Sun says" looky" he runs over to me and shows me his hand where a beautiful black diamond band was on his finger and I say" Oh I'm so happy for you guys. Today is the day for wedding announcements and engagements. Today I found out that my friend's brother is getting married. I'm so happy for you guys" he says" what about you guys" I say" hey we have only been together for three months" Sun says" well congrats also" I say" thanks". It was a slow night so they went upstairs and I was down here alone and a guy comes in with a gun and says" give me all the cash or I will shoot you" I say" No" he says" give it or I will shoot you" I say" sun call the police" and he runs over to the door and I pounce on him he shoots me but I still hold on to him and I turn into a wolf and pin him down and take off his mask and it was a vampire. Sun and Mork come downstairs and I hear the cops outside and turn back into a human the cops run in and I fall off of him to the side holding my side and a cop says" call an ambulance" he comes over and he puts his hands on the wound to stop the bleeding I grab my phone and say" call Jack" and I go in and out of conscious and I slip away.

Jack's Pov

I drop off Zhao and then get to the 24/7 restaurant for an interview and I get out of the interview when my phone starts ringing and it's my baby.


Me: Hey Baby

Someone I don't know: Hi this Sun Zhao's boss he's on the way to the hospital he got shot. I'm with him.

Me: Okay I will be right there

~End of Conversation~

I feel tears fall down and I jump on my bike and drive over there. I'm crying and I'm angry. I park and rush in and she says" can I help you sir" I say" my boyfriend Zhao Li just got taken here can I go see him" she says" one second sir" she looks up his name and she says" I'm sorry sir he is in surgery right now" I say" okay thank you" I go and sit down and cry for the next hour. The doctor comes out and says" are you for Mr. Li " I say" yes I'm his boyfriend" he says" well he has lost a lot of blood and we got the bullet out he is still sleeping but you can come back and see him" I say" thank you sir" he says" does he have any family or close relatives" I say" no sir why?" he says" well he needs more blood but we are running low of his blood and it takes two hours to get more of his type" I say" what's his type" he says" o- it's just a rare type of blood so we barely have some in stock but he does need more blood to last him" I say" I will see if I can find someone but please don't let him die" he says" I won't". We get to his room and I see his phone and I call Eric.


Eric: Hey Buddy

Me: Hey Eric it's Jack. Zhao is in the hospital and he needs blood. What is your blood type?

Eric: AB and Liam's is A

Me: Okay well you can come here if you want but he just got out of surgery

Eric: On my way

~End of Conversation~

I see Sun and I say" do you have his blood type" Sun says" I'm sorry Jack I'm B" I see a nurse and ask" how long will it take to test my blood" the nurse says" not long at all" I say" test mine". They get someone to test my blood and I'm O-. They take some of my blood and that will last for the next hour and Sun says" we need to talk" I say"Now?" he says" right now!". We go to a hall that's not that busy and I say" what?" He says" you just V blood into W blood he's going to act different you just made him into a hybrid" I say"what!" he says" he is going to get your immortality, he will heal up quicker" and I say" how do you know?" He says" I'm a hybrid. When I was little I lost 5 pints of blood and I was almost dead so a vampire gave me blood and that is what happened to me so I'm just telling you so you are prepared because at first he won't be the same and I will give him a month off so he can recover" I say" thanks" he says" you're welcome Jack". Eric says" where is he?" I say" inside asleep". We tell Eric and Liam what happened and how my boyfriend is a Hybrid now. The blood finally came and they threw away the thing that had my blood in it and the doctor says" he is okay now" we all say" thank you doctor". I say" who did this to him" sun says" I don't know all we know is that it was a vampire" I say" keep an eye on him if anything goes wrong or anything happens call me" sun says"okay". I rush out and drive to the police station I walk in and say" did a guy just come in for almost murder" she says" who are you" I say" Jack boyfriend of Zhao Li who is in the hospital because someone shot him" the alarm goes off and two police officers were killed bringing back a criminal. I hear where and I run out and on my bike I rush there and I see Alex running away. I run and catch up to him and I pounce on him and I'm sitting on top of him and say" you are dead" he says" I only love you" I say" so you almost kill the most important thing to me". I pull him up and I drag him to the car and put his hands in the seat belt and I wipe his memory and then run off to my bike and rush back to the hospital. I walk in and they let me in and I say" hey guys" they say"where did you go" I smirk and say" somewhere" I grab a chair and pull it up close to the bed and sit down and grab his hand and kiss his forehead and say" hey baby" and he says" hey babe". I look at him and he opens his eyes and I say" there's my beautiful boy" I give him water and Eric says" hey buddy" he looks at him and Sun says" I'm still here. Mork had to stay and watch over the shop" and he looks over at me and I say" are you okay baby" he says" what happened"?

Zhao's Pov

They tell me everything that happened and it floods back into my mind and Jack says"and you lost a lot of blood but happily we have the same blood type and Zhao you are a" and the doctor comes in and says" how are you feeling" I say" I'm in pain but not that much and I have a slight headache" and he says" and that is completely normal. We will get you some pain meds and you will stay here for tonight and then if everything is good you can leave tomorrow and I will give you a note for school" I say" thank you doc" he says" you're welcome". He leaves and I say" sorry baby what were you saying" he says" you are a hybrid now" I say" what!". Sun says" it's when v put his blood into a W. So now you have V and W blood so know you will get some of what the V has and I know this because I am a Hybrid" I say" cool" Eric says" you are such a weirdo" I say" what it sounds cool" Sun says" it's not a cool thing to go through but at least you have a V to help you through it" I say" I'm sorry Sun" he says" it's okay I got to get back to work and by the way here's for this months check and you have a month off" and he leaves. I say" do you think I made him mad?" Jack says" of course not baby" Eric says"Well I will let him take care of you tonight and we will be back tomorrow" I say" okay see you later". They leave and I say" Jack are you okay" he says" yeah baby. Why do you ask?" I say" because, I won't be the wolf you fell in love with anymore" he laughs and says" I didn't fall in love with you because you are a wolf. I fell in love with you because you are you" he kisses my cheek and they come in with my pain med and they say" this will make you sleepy" I say" okay thank you". I take them and they leave and I say" how was your day" Jack says" good I went to the interview and made sure that the person who shot you suffered" I say" who shot me" he says" you remember the dude Alex that I told you about" I say" yeah" he says" him" I say" that" and I doze off. Jack says" sleep tight baby" I say"okay". I fall asleep having a nightmare about what happened today so I jump awake and a nurse comes in and I say" sorry nightmare". The nurse leaves and Jack says" wanna talk about it" I say" it was just happened today but way worse. Let's watch tv" I put on disney channel and scooted closer to Jack and fell asleep not having a nightmare. I wake up to them checking my vitals and how I was doing and the nurse says" How are today". I say" Thirsty and Hungry" and he says" I will go get your breakfast what do you want waffles, pancakes, french toast, oatmeal, or cereal" I say" waffles" he says" Juice, Milk, protein shake, or water" I say" Juice" he says" Apple or Orange" I say" Apple" he says" okay coming right up" I say" thank you". He leaves and Jack says" that's adorable" I say" I thought you were sleeping" he says" we barely sleep" he kisses me and I smile and the nurse comes back with my food and he sets up everything and helps me to sit up and he says" small bites or you will puke and if you do feel like puking push the call button or if you need anything". I start eating and I say" did they catch Alex" Jack says" yep I made sure of it". There was a knock on the door and we both looked up and it's two cops. I say" hello Officer Simon and Officer Ken" they say" oh hey Zhao. It was you who got shot? Poor dude" I say" what's going on guys" Officer Simon says" we needed to see if you were still alive and we need to know why he wanted to kill you because he won't say" I say" well this is my boyfriend Jack and Alex likes him and wanted to kill me to get to him" Officer Ken says" what a psycho. Well he will get a life sentence" I say" and we need to hang out instead of when you guys need to save me" Officer Ken says" Yeah we do. Are you happy?" I say" very" he says" that's good well Jack take care of our little bro and it was nice to meet you" Jack says" nice to meet you too and of course I will take care of him". They walk out and Jack says" how do you know them" I say" they have saved me from a lot of foster homes. And for a while I lived at the police station well not literally but it was like I did. They were the only ones who cared for me and Simon has a husband named Carlos and he used to buy me clothes because I would wear the same outfit every single day" Jack says"oh okay" I say"don't worry baby I'm yours and nobody else's". He kisses me and I say" can you help me with this food I can't eat it all" he chuckles and says"of course I will help you". We eat and watch TV and then the doctor comes in and says" you are free to leave but if something happens please come in" I say" thank you doc" he nods and leaves and Jack helps me get changed into the clothes that Eric brought me and happily it's sweats and a tank top. They come in with the discharge papers and I sign them and we head outside hand in hand and someone says" what happened to him" and there is a lot of whispering I look around and a lot of people are staring at me. We walk to the bike and he picks me up and puts me on the bike carefully and takes off his jacket and puts it on me. I say" are you ashamed of me?" He says" No! I was just trying to help you because people are staring and I don't want you to be uncomfortable"I say" that is nothing but I will hold on to your jacket" and I smile and he smiles. He gets on the bike and drives home. We get home and I see a paper on the door. I get off carefully and walk over and it tells me that I have to come in and talk to them. I get on the bike and tell Jack what's going on and he drives off. We get there and I get off and put on his jacket correctly and we walk in and she says" Hello! How can I help you?" I say" I went home and saw this on my door" she says" okay I will let them know you are here" I say" Thank you ma'am" we go sit down and I say" we are going to lose the house" he says" I know baby but don't worry you just got paid and I have money we can go live in a hotel room it would be so romantic" and I make a cringe face and she says" okay they are ready for you". We walk back and he says" Welcome where are your parents" I say" they died a few months ago" he says" I'm so sorry to hear that well you might know this but they selled the house and someone wants to move in two weeks so everything you want has to go and you can leave the furniture and if you wanna take it just call and we will rearrange it" I say" when did they sell it?" he says" 3 months ago" I say" weird that's when they died" he says" well that's what we have I'm sorry we can't go back" I say" no don't be sorry we will get it cleaned". We talk about other stuff and then leave. I grab my phone and call Eric.


Eric: What?

Me: We lost the house apparently my parents selled it and we have to be out of it in two weeks

Eric: Oh sorry but I forgot to tell you I'm living with Liam now

He gasps

Me: You okay?

Eric: Yep I will talk to you later bye

Me: Okay Bye?

~End Of Conversation~

Jack says"What's wrong?" I say" I think he just answered the phone while doing something with Liam" Jack says" ew" and I say" yeah" he says" well let's go you need to rest" I say"okay". We get on the bike and ride home. We get in the house and I sit down on the couch and my phone goes off and I look at it and it's Sun.

Sun: Can we come over?

" Jack Can Sun and Mork come over?" I say while looking up at him he says" of course" I reply with" yeah you can come over" he says" okay see you soon". I say"Jack are you mad at me" he looks at me and says" No I'm mad because of what the lady said about you. You are beautiful" he wraps his arms around my waist I say" please don't worry about it baby" I wrap my arms around his neck and he says" I hate when people diss on something that's so beautiful" he puts his hand on my face and says" You are the most beautiful thing on this earth" I say" do you wanna hear a story" he says" what?" I say" One day I came to school limping and a cut on my arm that wasn't even bleeding and instead of helping me or being sensitive the teacher says" what's wrong with you get out of my class" so I went to the nurses office and you don't even want to know what she had to say so the next day I came to school and everybody was calling me a cutter and a freak and a kid wrote a note and put the local psych ward's number on a piece of paper and taped it to my locker and what's funny is that I didn't even start cutting yet until three years later". Jack looks shocked and I say" you wanna know what grade I was in" Jack says" what grade?" I say" It happened in fifth grade and I started cutting in eighth grade" Jack says" I'm sorry baby" I say" don't be. Ever since I was in 5th grade I was labeled the kid who cut" we hear a knock on the door and I say" come in" Sun and Mork walk in and say" hey guys" I say" what's up" he says" nothing much we just had a question to ask you" I say" what's up" he says" are you Chinese or Thai" I say" Both my mom was 100% chinese and my dad was 100% Thai so I'm 50/50" he says" well Mork and I are going there to see my family would you guys like to come" I say" yes! Of course" Jack says" what about your wound" I say" it will be fine". Sun says" cool we are going in two days and we will be there for a month" I say" cool but I need a favor" Sun says" yeah anything what's up" I say" we have to have everything we want out of this house in two weeks because new owners will be moving in so we have to have everything thrown away or packed for a storage" Sun says" of course we will help" I say" thanks" I call Eric and he brings Liam to help us also. I call Lucas and Ten and they both are able to help also. We start cleaning and I go up and handle my parents bedroom. We order a huge dumpster and somehow Lucas and Ten are getting it. We had the kitchen,living room, and my parents room done. I posted pictures of silverware and the plates for free and had Jack put them out for free. I told the people who wanted it where to go and it's gone before Lucas and Ten get here with the dumpster. They came and we just started throwing everything away boxes,bags,and other things I found out we had. I head up to my room and start packing up for the trip but the funny thing is that I have so little stuff that it looks like I'm just packing up for a trip but I'm actually packing to move. I finish packing and I was about to call in but I get a notification and it's an email that says that a science project went off wrongly so now they have to do some cleaning so enjoy a month away from school. I head back downstairs and Jack comes over to me and he's sweating and I say" take off your shirt baby" he says" you" I pull off his shirt and I say" I think I'm gonna try for my GED when we get back I'm so done with school anyways" Jack says" me too". We threw away other things and were left with nothing but the furniture and the stuff that we needed for two days. We got rid of all the food and were just going to eat take out. We finish and we hug and I thank all of them and they all leave. Jack says" come here" he grabs my hand and we go sit on the floor and Jack says" tell me something you like" I say" I like the shade black" he says" I like the color red" I say" cool" he says" tell me another one" I say" I like sushi" he says" I like pizza" I say" I like cats more than dogs" he says" me too dogs are to needy and hyper" I say" I dislike loud places" he says" I don't like sushi" i gasp and giggle and say" I like the winter time" Jack says" I like snow never seen it or touched it but it looks pretty in photos" I say" I like the cold because it gives me an excuse to stay in doors" he says" I like to help people and see that I made an impact" I say" I like it when I say leave me alone or let me be and they grab me and hold me tighter than they have ever had" he says" I loving doing that I don't like leaving people when they feel upset or mad" we spent the next couple hours talking about our likes and dislikes. Then I say" I was abused by 13 people in my whole life" Jack says" what?" I say" I got in an orphanage when I was 5 and got adopted a week later by a family with a son that sexually assaulted me and the dad beat me and finally after 2 years the mom finally found out and she sent me back and I got bullied by the other kids and then I got adopted by a family for 5 years I was 7 at the time family had 5 people mom,dad, and 3 sons each son abused me and so did the dad and the mom watched and didn't do shit. So for 5 years I had to deal with 3 sons that hated me so they beat the shit out of me and there's more and more stories" he says" I'm sorry baby that happened to you" and he squeezes my hand and leans to kiss my forehead. He says" I'm adopted but the parent I have adopted me at a young age so he is the only family I have" I say" I wasn't born a wolf I think" he says" I was born a vampire that's why they gave me up" I say" I like pepperoni pizza" he says" I'm mostly on a animal blood diet but I can eat human food but I can't only survive on it" I say" I got these three scars and I still don't know how I got them" He lifts up his shirt and says" this scar is because, someone shot me" I lift my shirt and say" these scars are because someone tried to kill me by cutting my stomach" Jack says" What!" I say" and he didn't get in trouble and people thought I was trying to kill myself and I blamed it on him because I didn't want anyone to know" Jack says" I'm sorry baby" I say" don't be it's okay" he says" let's go to bed" we cuddle up on the couch and fell asleep.