Chapter Five

-Two Days Later-

Sun,Mork, Jack and I were all in Sun's car driving towards the airport at 8:30 am. I look over at Jack and I smile and hold his hand he intertwined our fingers and Jack says" so sun is your family going to be okay with a Vampire" Sun says" my family isn't werewolves or vampires they are human I was born from two werewolves and then me almost dying at 5 thing and they died so my family took me in when I was 7 so yes they will be fine because their grandson/brother/son is a hybrid or they like to call me mix". We get to the airport and check in and get our tickets and go wait. Our plane gets called and we head out to the plane. We all sit by our boyfriends and we sit right in front of Sun and Mork happily. We get situated and the plane takes off. I fall asleep in less than a minute. I wake up to the smell of food. I open my eyes and Jack says" good afternoon baby" I say" Hi What time is it?" he looks at his watch and says" 2:45" I say" food time?" he says" I ordered all of our food and I paid for Sun and Mork also" I say" thanks baby" I kiss his cheek and the food comes and I look at it and dig in. He says" do you like it" I say" yes it's delicious". We finish and we have to get off in New york and we have a two hour layover so we go to the bathroom and check our phones and eat some snacks. It's 4:06 and we still have a 16 hour flight ahead of us but sadly we have another layover. It's time for us to get back on the plane and we talked and Sun was teaching us important Thai words that we would need to know. After 10 hours of watching videos on my phone Jack says" Are you okay Zhao" I say" yeah are you?" He says" I'm nervous" I say" it's okay everything will be fine". He wraps his arm around me and I look up what to do in Thailand and I see this thing called G Circuit Songkran I say" hey Sun what's this" and I hand him my phone and he says" the biggest pride parade in Asia. We wanted to go to one so that's why we came to Thailand and that's why I invited you guys" I say" cool thanks Sun". We finally get to Hua Hin and we get off the plane and Sun looks around and says" Leo!" this tall,tan,with black hair handsome man walks towards us they start talking to each other in Thai and then Leo says" Hi I'm Leo Sun's brother" I say" Hi I'm Zhao" Jack says" I'm Jack his boyfriend" and Sun says" and this is Mork my boyfriend" and Leo says" Hi" and so does Mork and then Leo says" Let's go". We head to his car and get in. Sun and Leo talk in Thai for awhile and then Leo says" Zhao you are Chinese right?" I say" yeah but I'm both" Leo says" I can tell you are Thai" I say" cool you are the only person that has noticed" Leo says" Yeah I'm Korean and Thai but people only focus on the Thai part" I say" that's cool" and he goes back to talking to Sun and Jack put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder and fell asleep. I wake up to the car stopping and Jack says" you are a baby" I say" hey don't make fun of me". Leo, Sun and Mork get out of the car and then I do and I look up and it's a beautiful blue and white house and Sun says" this is my house so make yourself comfortable". They head inside and we follow but all I got out of the conversation that happened was hello. Then I heard my name then Jack's and then Mork's. I smile and a lady walks towards me and says something in Thai and Sun says something to her and then she says" Oh sorry dear you look Thai" I say" I am Thai ma'am I just never got to learn" she says" so you are Zhao right?" I say" yes and this is my boyfriend Jack" she says" hello dear it's so nice to meet some of my sons friends" Sun says" mom this Mork my boyfriend" she grabs his hand and says" thank you for making my Sun happy" Mork says" it's my pleasure ma'am" and she says" come in and meet everybody". We walk into the living room and there is 5 more people I take a deep breath and she says something in Thai and then says" I'm Mia Sun's mom, that's my husband Joss, you already met Leo, that's Sun's sister Fai, and that's Sun's other sister Fah and they are twins, and Sun's Grandma you can call her Grandma she doesn't mind" We both say Hi in Thai and then in English. Mia says" we all can speak English" they get up and grab mine and Jack's hand and sits Jack down first and then me on his lap and I quickly get off and she says" Hi I'm Fah I'm the oldest" Fai says" Hi I'm Fai and she's only older by a minute" sun says something and they both go hug him and Sun says" Zhao Jack follow me" we get up and follow him and he opens a door and says" this is where you will be staying" I say" thank you Sun" he says" don't mention it" we walk out to get our stuff and these two tall,handsome men walk up and they say hello to sun and then hug and he says" Zhao, Jack this Tharn and Type we have been friends for years now" we both wave and they wave back and Tharn says" Welcome to Thailand" I say" thank you" Sun says" they are coming to Songkarn with us" I say" cool". We grab our stuff and head upstairs and head up to the room. We get in there and Jack shuts the door and I sigh and say" we need to learn Thai" Jack says" yeah we do". We unpack and I lay down and Jack lays by me and I say" was this a good thing?" Jack says" yes" I say" I checked the forecast and it's going to be hot. I'm going to die" he says" I won't let you die" I kiss his cheek and he kisses my lips I'm about to press harder but I hear a knock on the door and I get up and open the door and he walks in and he says" I'm sorry guys I know it's going to be hard but don't worry it will be fun" I say" it's awesome here already it's just the language thing" he says" I told them to speak English and they were happy to because they finally have a reason to use their skill" I say"okay I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable" he says" no you are okay" Jack says" um Zhao you should tell him" Sun says" tell me what? Did something happen?" I shut the door and say" Sun I have something to show you" I take off my shirt and he says" omg what happened" I say" a lot and why I'm showing you this because, it's hot here and I wanted to know if it will make people uncomfortable and I don't want to die of a heat stroke" he says" no you won't make anybody uncomfortable they will be more worried than anything" I say" thank you Sun" he says" you're welcome". Mork walks in and says" Sun please help me with Fai and Fah they won't stop asking me questions and they even ask about our sex life" Sun says" they are BL lovers" I say" that explains why they made me sit on Jack's lap" Mork says" what happened" and I say" a lot" and I put my shirt back on just in case someone else walks in and then there was a knock and Sun opens the door and Mia says" dinner". We all walk out and make sure to shut the door. We head to the kitchen and everybody is there and we sit down and Joss says" welcome to our home I hope you feel comfortable here" I say"Thank you sir" he says" you're welcome". She brings the dishes and Sun starts explaining and then he says" and she made a chinese dish just for you" I say" thank you everything looks so delicious" we start eating and everything tastes amazing" I say" this tastes so good thank you" she says" you're welcome" and Jack and Mork say" thank you" and she smiles and says" you're welcome. We all finish eating and I'm full and tired and say" thank you so much for everything" and Jack says" we are going to head upstairs" she says" okay dears goodnight" Sun says" goodnight mom see you in the morning" Mork says" goodnight Mia" she says" mom and goodnight boys". We all walk upstairs and Sun and Mork say" Goodnight" we say" Goodnight" and we walk in and lock the door. I say" I'm gonna go shower" he says" can I come with you and if you say no I'm not showering then" I say" fine come on". We come out of the shower in pj's. We lay down and I flip away from him and he cuddles me and we fall asleep. I wake up to a knock and I go and open it and Sun says" Mom made breakfast" I say" okay we will be down there"he says"okay". I shut the door and headed over to Jack. He was laying on his back so I sat on him and kissed him. He kisses back and flips us and he says" good morning baby" I say" good morning lets go she made breakfast" we go brush our teeth and head downstairs and it just hit me what I'm wearing and I'm wearing a tank top and sweats everybody looks at me and Sun says" come sit" We sit down and I say" where is Fai and Fah and Leo" Mia says" they are at school and Leo is at work" Sun's Grandma says something and Sun answers her and she sounds sad and she looks at my arms and I put my hands underneath the table Jack grabs my hand and says" what's wrong" he says" she was wondering how you got all those scars and I told her not to worry about but she is still worried she doesn't like seeing people in pain" I say" can you please tell her I'm good and I'm not in pain" he tells her and she nods and reaches out her hand and I grab it and she squeezes my hand and she smiles and I smile back. Mia brings the food to the table and Mia says" So do you guys have any plans for today" Sun says" oh yeah Tharn and Type invited us to go play soccer" we hear someone walk downstairs and Sun says" look who finally woke up" Mork says" sorry what were you guys talking about" he goes sit by sun and kisses sun's cheek. Sun smiles and says" going to play soccer with Tharn and Type. Wanna Come?" I say" I'm in" Jack says" me too" and Mork says"okay" Sun says" yay I will tell them" Mia says" not at the table eat now talk later" We start eating and we all go and get dressed instead of Sun because he was already dressed. We go upstairs and I get dressed into a black t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans and black shoes and Jack is in a red t-shirt with black jeans on and his red boots. He walks over to me and and wraps his arms around my waist and he says" will you be okay" I say" yeah I just don't like it when people are sad because of what happened to me" he says" I know but it shows they care and are worried about you" I say" I know thank you" I kiss him and we hold there for a while and then I pull back and say" let's go". We intertwine our fingers and walk out to the living room. Sun says"we will go when Mork comes out" he pauses and then he says" I will be back". We both chuckle and sit down and Mia says" how did you sleep" I say" amazing" she smiles and says" that's amazing to hear we just remodeled that bedroom and you guys are the first ones to sleep in the room" and she starts talking to Grandma and Sun and Mork come down and say"ready?" I say" yeah". We both get up and Sun says something in Thai and then says" bye mom we will be back later" she says" okay be careful". We all say" we will". We head out and we walk to the area where we are going to play and we walk up to Tharn and Type on the ground making out and Sun smirks and says" ooooo get it boys" they jump away from each other and Tharn says" Sun don't be like that you know I have caught you a bunch of times with boys here. Who are you?" Sun says" Mork my boyfriend" Tharn looks away nervously and Sun says"should I tell Type what you did" he says" are we going to play or just stand around" Tharn walks away and Sun says" so Type" and Tharn comes back and pulls Type away from Sun and Sun just laughs. One more of Sun's friends comes along and his name is No and champ so it's us four against them. We play for hours and then we all collapse No says in rough english" so you never in Thailand before" I say" nope it's my first time" and No jumps up and screams something and they all yell at him and he gets all serious and goes on his knees and starts talking like he is reciting an ancient language. I say" what is happening" Tharn says" Thank god that you cannot understand him he's annoying as hell but he is saying that we must take you guys down to the BBQ/Noodle Shop down the street or you will never have the Thailand experience or somewhere along that BS" I say" I am hungry" and put my hand on my stomach and Sun says" let's go I'm buying for everyone but No" he pouts and yells at him Sun says" okay fine but you only get one thing if you want more you have to buy it yourself" No complains back and I say" how did he understand you"Sun says" he can understand everything we are saying. He just can't speak it" I say"oh" Type says" let's go I'm starving". We head to the restaurant and it's an outside restaurant. Jack,Mork and I sat down and let them go order so nothing confusing happened here. Mork says" I like it here it's so nice" I say" right I thought it was going to be hot as hell but it actually feels nice". They come back and Tharn says" how long have you guys been dating?" I say" 6 months. How long have you guys been dating?" Tharn says" Two years" I say" congratulations" he says" thank you" Sun says" Mork and I have been dating for a year" Tharn laughs and says" nobody asked you" Sun says" hey I wanted to be part of the conversation". I chuckle and say" okay Sun jealous much?" We all laugh and Sun says" he's my friend" Tharn puts his hand on my hand and says" he is my friend now also" he gasps and says" let's make a group chat". Tharn puts everybody in a group chat on Line. Jack and I had to make Line accounts; we didn't even know what it was. All of a sudden we heard a loud thud and I looked over and I saw that this guy flipped the whole table onto another guy and I started getting flashbacks of when I got tables flipped over on me because I sat at the table and tried to eat. I would get forks,spoons,knives, food, anything thrown at me by dad or sons. I start heavy breathing and my vision goes blurry and sounds start to sound muffled and distant. I say" I have to go to the bathroom" and Jack says" let me go with you" and I say" no i'm okay" and I get up and fall and everything goes black.

Jack's Pov

Tharn,Type,No,and Mork all went over to see what was happening. I heard heavy breathing so I looked at Zhao. He had tears streaming down his face and he was going pale I say" hey baby are you okay" and he just kept staring at where all the commotion happened and I grab his hand and say" hey are you okay" he says lifeless" I have to go to the bathroom" I say" let me come with you" he looks at me and he's still crying and he says" it's okay" he gets up and he falls. I get up and say" Sun call an ambulance" Sun calls an ambulance and I'm on the ground holding my baby close. Everybody comes back over and says" what happened" I say" I don't know". Sun says" because of the accident in front of us the ambulance is literally busy it will be awhile" I say" is this place keen on V's" Sun says" not really we don't have a lot here and the ones we do have are hiding" I say" is there a backway to the hospital" Sun says" If you cross that field that we were playing on and an abandoned highway and then go down straight you will be there" I say" thank you so much". I pick up my baby and run out of there. I pass both of them in no time and stop a few feet away and walk in and say" please help" a nurse comes over and says" here sir" I put him on a stretcher" she says" what happened" I say" I don't know he got up and then fell over and he has been unconscious" she says" what's your relation" I say" boyfriend" she says" okay" they move him to a room and I have to stay outside and when he gets in the room they hook him up to the heart monitor and it starts beeping and he crashes. They rush to get him back and after one shock he comes back and they give him oxygen and an ivy. She comes out and says" he is in a coma" I say" how? He didn't hit his head and he doesn't have any medical condition like that" she says" sometimes when people lose consciousness they can easily slip into a coma. Did something traumatic happen before this happened?" I say" two people got into a fight and one of them flipped a table on him" she says" it sounds like he had a horrible panic attack and that must have been a huge trigger for him that he panicked so badly that his body shut down but we are going to run some tests to see why he crashed on us" I say" thank you can I go in there" she says" not right now because we are still trying to get him settled but I will come out here and tell you when" I say" thank you" she says" you're welcome". I go and sit in the waiting room and all of them come up and I tell them everything and Sun says" I already told my mom so she didn't have to worry about us" Tharn says" I'm sorry dude if we can help in anyway please tell us" everybody nods and all of a sudden there's a code blue and I see nurses and doctors rush into Zhao's room I get up and run over there and a nurse says" sure you can't be in there right now please stay out here" and I see that they are trying CPR but that isn't working so they shock him again and his heart comes back and the doctor says"two of you I want a 24 hour watch now" he walks out and he says" which one of you is the boyfriend" I say" me sir" he says" has he been through of a lot of traumatic events in his life?" I say" yes sir he has been through a lot" he says" that must be it while he is in the coma he is probably reliving those memories again so his body is having a panic attack without realizing it so we are going to keep two nurses in there to watch him just in case it happens again" I say" can I go in there now" and he says" yes and only one other person" I say" thank you so much". Sun, Mork and I stay at the hospital and everybody goes home. Mork stays outside in the waiting room because he says" I'm not leaving without my babe". I go and sit down right by him and grab his hand and say" you got this baby you got this".

Zhao's Pov

It all went black and then really bright. I close my eyes and then open them again and I see Mark(my first foster dad) I see my five year old self slowly backing into a corner Mark says" you were a bad boy weren't you?" I say" no Tyler(his son) did this" he says" trying to blame an innocent boy for your doing" he takes off his belt and snaps it and says" you get 3, take off your shirt" I say" but I didn't do it I swear" he smacks me and says" listen boy. Stop trying to blame someone else". I see myself start crying and slip off my shirt and I scream" No Zhao put it back on you didn't do it don't take it". Mark whacks me with the belt and I feel the pain rushing back. I hold my chest and cry more and Mark says" move your hand if you are going to disobey like an adult you get treated like an adult". I put my head down and he does it again and I gasp and fall back into the wall and I look down and my chest is bleeding both of us. He yells" get up now!" I try to stand but I can't. He comes over and pulls me up. He pushes me into the wall face first and hits me and my head bounces off the wall and he says" Now you better have learned your lesson go clean yourself up". I walk away holding my chest and my head and I hear him leave. I start the shower and everything goes white and a voice says" wanna come with me?" and it goes away and it's all black again and then I see a single light come on and it points at someone who's tied in a chair. The room becomes bright and I see it's 11 year old me. I say"oh no not this one". Three boys walk in 16,17 and one of them is 19 all of them walk over to me with knives. I say" what are you doing". The 19 year old named Kyle says" we are going to tell you a story" the 16 year old named Dominic says" yeah and I think you will like it" the 17 year old James says" It's about three boy's all brothers and sons to loving parents" Dominic comes over and cuts my arm and he says" but the parents wanted another son. So they went to an orphanage and picked the ugliest one because they felt bad for him" James comes over and cuts my right upper arm and says" when the ugly intruder came they dealt with it. They have to deal with his shit for four years now". He cuts me again and I see blood running down my arm and I see a tear fall and I feel a tear and I wipe my face. They keep on telling me stuff and cutting me at the end of it there's this white light and the voice says" not yet" and another memory starts.

Jack's Pov

Throughout the night he almost died so many times and it was every 30 minutes to every hour. Sun and I drank a lot of coffee to keep us awake. It's 9 am right now and luckily he hasn't had one yet. All the tests came back negative or clear so he is healthy so they don't know why he is having them. The doc comes in and he says" when was the last one" I say" 8:15 am and it's only 9:04. So I'm still worried" he says" me too" he leaves and Sun says" Well I better go and be with Mork he had been texting me all night. I will inform everybody else" I say" okay I will call you if anything happens" he says"okay stay strong Jack. Zhao needs you" I say" thank you" he says" of course" he pats me on the shoulder and walks out. I look at my baby and I hold his hand and say" don't worry baby I'm right here". The doc comes in and says"Jack I need to talk to you" I say" yes" he says" out here" and I get up and walk out I say" what's wrong" he says" he had the same thing happen to him 5 years ago" I say" what?" he says" we were trying to find his medical records to see if he had this happen to him before and it has" I say" well what did that doctor say it was" he says" we don't know we only found the nurse report for some reason we can't even find out the doctor's name that treated him". The nurse comes out and says" he's awake" I rush in there and almost cry because I see my baby's beautiful eyes. He looks over at me and he says in a barely audible voice"babe". I walk over there and say" hey I thought that I would never see those beautiful eyes again" he smiles and the nurse gives him water and he still has a barely audible voice when he says" I'm in so much pain" the doctor says" where" he says" my whole body".

Zhao's Pov

The last horror memory stopped and it was just black and then I opened my eyes and light blinds me and I closed them. I look around and I'm in a hospital room. I look over and I see a nurse and she gasps and goes to the doorway and says" he's awake" and I see Jack rush in and he's about to cry so I swallow and say" babe" and it hurts so bad and now that I think it everywhere is hurting so badly. He walks over to me and says" hey I thought I would never see those beautiful eyes again" I smile and the nurse gives me water and I love the taste of water like I haven't had it in days. I say" I'm in so much pain" he says" where" I say" my whole body". He says"okay we will go run some tests and see if everything is alright and we will give you some pain medicine" I say"okay". I see Jack texting someone and I say" who you texting" and he says" Sun he has been with me the whole night but he just left a couple hours ago because Mork has been waiting in the waiting room the whole time" and he shows me his screen and I say" oh sorry for worrying everybody" he looks at me and says" don't be sorry you can't control this" I say" but I have done this before and nobody cared so I feel more like a burden". He gets up and kisses me and looks me in the eyes and says" I never want to hear that from you ever again do you hear me" I say" yes sorry" he says" you are forgiven but don't you ever say you are a burden" I say"okay". The doc comes in and they take me for an MRI and then takes me back to my room. A couple hours later they bring me my pain medicine and hook me up to an ivy so the meds can work faster. I lay there and I feel the pain go away and everything becomes clearer and brighter and Jack walks in and he is so beautiful I can see every part of his face. He says"what" I say" it kicked in" he looks at me with a confused look and he says" oh shit now?" a nurse walks by and I hear his heart beating and see his neck and it calls out to me and I smell the blood running through his veins. He says" not here" he pushes my call button and the nurse comes in and says" are you okay" Jack says" can I take him to the roof he is getting cabin fever" he laughs and he says" yeah I will go ask the doc" he leaves and I grab Jack's hand and say" I need to get out of here" he says" ow honey please" I look down and see his hand turning purple and I say" I'm sorry" he comes back in and says" you can here's a wheelchair and you can take the elevator on the right to the roof" he says" thank you" he takes out the ivy and wraps my arm and leaves and Jack grabs the wheelchair and I say" I can walk" he says" but you will be to fast" I say" no look" and I get off the bed and step and I'm already by the door he pushes the wheelchair behind me and says" see sit". I sit down and say" okay you were right" I'm in hospital shorts and my shirt so people keep looking at me but I try to ignore them and just focus on the elevator. He pushes me into the locker and we get up to the roof and he looks around and says" okay" I get up and run all around the roof and Jack says" I'm calling Sun" I run over to him and he puts Sun on speaker.


Sun: Hey Mork and I are headed over there

Jack: Nice but I got something to tell you

Sun: What

Jack: The V kicked in

Zhao: Yeah I feel good

Sun: Yeah it does that okay I will be right over

Jack: Okay see you


Jack says" baby I noticed your voice is back" I say" oh yeah" Jack comes over to me and he says" god why are you so hot to me right now" I say" because we are closer than ever" he says" no your eyes are hella hot" I say" what do you mean" he takes a picture of me and shows it to me and my eyes are now black,white,and grey swirls. I say" oh cool"he says" come here" he grabs my waist and pulls me close to him, our lips crashing together as he does the kiss, got heated and more passionate. I turn us around and push him up against a wall and he slides his hands down to my ass and grips it. I let out a groan into his mouth and he takes that to shove his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues battling for dominance that he won in the end and then he flips us so now I'm against the wall. He grinds on me and I feel myself getting hard. I pull back and let out a sigh/moan and he takes that chance to attack my neck and kiss it and bite all over it. He lifts up my shirt and leaves a huge hickey on my chest. He was about to go and touch me but his phone went off. He grabs it and it's Sun. He answers it and says" roof, okay, see you soon". He puts his phone in his pocket and says" wow baby that was amazing" I say" just wait until we get out of the hospital" he swallows when Sun and Mork open the roof door. Mork says" oh Zhao I was so worried" he comes over and hugs me. I take a deep breath and hug him back. He says" oh shit I'm sorry" I say" don't be" Sun says"okay let's see". He rushes to the ledge and I follow him and he says" not bad" he rushes back and he says" arm wrestle" and I beat him in 1 second". He says" follow me" we get over to the corner of the roof and them following us he says" punch that" I say" what I will break my hand" he says" no you won't watch" he punched it and he cracked it and he says" see just fine" and I say"okay". I get prepared to experience pain but when I punch my fist goes through it and the whole part of that wall comes down. Sun says" yeah I knew it" we went back over and I sat in the wheelchair and a nurse comes out and says" the doctor would like to speak to you" we say"okay". We all head downstairs and go into my room and lay down. The doctor comes in and says" all your test and MRI came back clear. You are healthy as an ox but just to be safe we are going to keep you for just one more night and when you wake up tomorrow you can leave" I say" thank you doctor" he says" you're welcome". He walks away and Sun says" by the way my eyes changed too. They were hazel before now they are almost black" I say" okay I was wondering about that" he says" you know what that means right?" I say" no. What does it mean?" He says" you are even more rare" I say"how?" he says" at first your eyes are ying yang,good and evil,and now with the grey you show the middle of good and evil" I say" cool" Sun says" that's it?" I say" yeah. Why did I answer wrong?" Sun laughs and says" No. I just haven't met someone so calm knowing these types of things or being these things"I say" well sorry I have read about these things my whole life so now to know that I'm actually part of it. It's super cool". They laughed and I turned on the TV and we all hung out and watched a random TV show. The nurses come in every few hours to check on everything. I can tell that they are confused how a patient that died all night is now healthy as a horse. It was 7 at night and Sun and Mork went home. Jack comes on the bed and I lay my head on his chest and he says" we are almost the same temperature" I say" ew did you just quote twilight" he says" no he says they are I said we are almost" he laughs and I chuckle and I wrap my arms around him and hold him close. He kisses the top of my head and we both fall asleep. I wake up to a nurse checking stuff and he smiles an apologetic smile and I smile back as if it's okay. He leaves and I sigh and look up at Jack's face. He is so handsome I love him so much. I remember when I first met this man and how amazing these months have been with him but with good memories come bad ones also. I remember when we were separated for a week and that was all because of me. Then I remember everything bad that has happened has been because of me. Why does he stay with me? Is he scared that I will break without him? Is he just pitying me? I feel him move and he says" no I stay with you because I love you and I can't picture my life without you" I say" you heard? How?" he says"you said it out loud" I say"oh" he says" yeah and you need to not think about those things baby" he puts his arms around me and I say" I know I just can't stop them" he says" well that means I need to do more things to show my love" he kisses my cheek and then says" what time is it?" I say" 1 pm" he says" let's go home" I say" please". We called the nurse in and asked if I could go home and he brought the doctor in and he said it was fine if I went home. There was a knock and Sun says" I thought you would want some fresh clean clothes" I say" thank you" everybody instead of Jack leaves and I get changed into a tank top with ripped blue jeans and the shoes I was wearing when all of this happened. I signed some papers that Sun translated for me and apparently my medical bill was already paid for. We had a few more papers to sign and we had to wait for them to be finalized. We finally got to go home at 3. We are driving home and Sun says" I'm so happy you are coming home Mom and the twins are making a welcome home dinner and after we are going to go shop for songkran" I say" when is it?" he says" tomorrow" I say" really?" he says" yeah". I say" well I know what I'm going to buy" Jack says" you ain't showing off this body it's mine" I say" it's songkran though" Sun says" Mork and I are going shirtless" Jack says" me too but he's not he's mine" and I say" fine I will wear a shirt" Jack says" thank you". He kisses my cheek and we get home. We walk in and Sun's mom says" are you okay? We were all so worried" I say" I'm good sorry for worrying everyone" she says" come eat dinner I swear you are only skin and bones". We walk into the kitchen and it was nice to be back and have a wonderful dinner. After dinner Sun,Mork,and Me and Jack all headed up to the mall. We walk in and head to the pride store and I grab Sun's arm and pull him over to the dressing room and say" I know what I'm going to wear but I'm nervous"he says" what is it?" I say" I'm going to wear a rainbow crop top with some black booty shorts but I have scars all over my stomach and legs and thighs so I'm worried" Sun grabs me by the shoulders and says" own it you have been through and hell and back and if anybody comments we will behind you. Now let's go find this outfit". We find a rainbow crop top and the black shorts. Then Sun goes and looks for the boots and I find the socks. He comes up to me and says" go try on everything except for the socks of course". I go into the dressing room and change into the outfit and I see my disgusting body, the scars all over my stomach and legs and some of my lower back is shown as well so you can see the ending of the belt marks. I don't want to do this but I go look at the side and my stomach is so flat and I look good. I'm about to go out but I hear Jack say" where's Zhao" Sun says" In the dressing room" he says" ooo I want to see what's he is trying on" Sun says" no sorry no boyfriend get to see until tomorrow" Jack says" is it true baby?" I say" yes" he says" Well Mork and I am going to be at the food court" I say" okay love you" he says" love you too". I hear walking away and the Sun says" okay coast is clear". I walk out and say" is it okay" he says" yeah he is going to love it" I say" but look how many scars are visible" he says" but you look so hot in it. You are wearing it tomorrow or I will smack you" I say" okay". I go get changed and Sun buys something and we go and pay for them. We try to cover my outfit with what he bought and the boots luckily have no picture on the box so he won't know what they look like. We see them sitting and talking. I go up behind him, put everything down and wrap my arms around him and kiss him on the cheek and he says" they have a bubble tea shop so I got you your favorite" I say" thank you". I was about to sit beside him but he pulled me to sit on his lap. I say" babe we are in public" and he says" and?" I smile and get comfortable and take a drink. I say" this is so good" and for the next few hours we walk around trying samples and buying,talking, and we all build build-a-bears and I make a panda. We bought some water guns Jack and Mork bought huge ones, I bought a belt set that has two and Sun bought one that was bigger than mine but smaller than Jack's and Mork's. We payed for everything and was walking out and Jack had his arm around my waist and a guy says something and Mork says something back and the dude that started it gets up and yells at Mork and Sun gets in between them and he says something else and Mork punches him and Sun yells at Mork and we step back and Mork says something to Sun and they calm down. The dude says" I'm sorry" and runs away. I say" what just happened" and Sun says" are you sure you want to know" I say" of course". Sun says" well when we walked out he said"damn look at those scars. It is true fags do beat their boyfriends" and Mork said" what the hell did you just say" and then he said" oh you must be one of those fags too" and Mork punched him and I yelled at Mork saying" why the hell did you do that" and he said" he has to defend you guys and us because you can't understand" and the dude said" please don't punch me again you have a hard punch. I'm sorry" and I said" don't be sorry to us, be sorry to them and you have to speak English because they can't understand Thai" and you know the rest" and I say" Wow! Okay thank you Mork for standing up for us" he says" hey we need to stick together" Sun says" Let's go. I'm tired" I say" me too and I want a shower". We all laugh and get home. We separate the bags and head into our rooms. I say" I'm going to go take a shower wanna join" Jack says" hell yeah". I smile and walk into the bathroom and I turn on the shower and get undressed and Jack comes in fully naked and we both get in and the hot water hits my back and it relaxes all my muscles and I sigh in relief and Jack starts rubbing my back and I say" Jack I love you" he says" I love you too". We finish our shower and go get dressed into PJ's. We go lay down and I turn away from him and he cuddles me and a couple minutes later I hear snoring. I lay there thinking and a couple hours later I finally fell asleep. I wake up in the morning and I look at the clock and see that it is noon and I get up and walk to my door and I hear Sun and his mom talking. I wait to go out and they stop talking so I open my door and say" hey Sun" he says" oh sorry did we wake you" I say" no I was just wondering should I wear sweats over my shorts"he says" if you want it to be a surprise than yes" I say" okay" he says" Tharn and Type are going to be here soon so I was headed to go wake up Mork" I say" Okay I will wake up Jack". Sun says" okay" I go inside my room. I grab the clothes and the shoes and I go put on the outfit and I look into the mirror for a few then put on sweats over the shorts and another hoodie to cover the crop top hoodie. I open the bathroom door and walk over to Jack and say" baby wake up" he turns away from me and I say" baby you need to wake up" I kiss his shoulder and he moves. I kiss up his shoulder and kisses his neck and he says" okay I'm up" he grabs me and pulls me over him and holds me. I say" come on we are about to leave for songkran soon" he says" okay". He lets go of me and goes into the bathroom to shower. I sigh and get up and put on my rainbow fake gages and fix my crop top. He comes up and back hugs me. I turn around and he is shirtless and in black jeans that say"pride" in rainbow all over them. I say" you look good" he says" yeah this is what I bought" and he also bought rainbow biker gloves that look hot as hell on him. I say" let's go" he kisses me and he grabs a coat and throws it on zipping it all the way. We walk out and we meet Sun and Mork. Sun has a rainbow on his face and he is wearing rainbow jeans with a plain black t-shirt and Mork is wearing rainbow shorts to match Sun's pants and he has a rainbow on his left cheek. I say"you guys look good" and Jack says" I hope you have something" I say" I do it's a surprise" Jack says" where is it?" I say" I'm wearing it you just have to wait and see". Sun chuckles and Jack and Mork says" what?" and Sun and I leave them in confusion and head downstairs. We all eat breakfast and I only eat a little bit because I'm too nervous to eat. After we get done we hear a knock and Mia says" come in" and Tharn and Type come in and I chuckle because Type's shirt says" I'm not gay but my boyfriend is" and Tharn says" I'm the boyfriend". Sun says" nice shirts guys" Tharn says" It was Type's Idea". Type says something in Thai and Sun says" Zhao he asked where is your pride clothes" I say" you will see" and Type nods. We spend a few hours talking and then head outside. We left our water guns in the car and I bought a rainbow belt that could hold my guns. Tharn and Type are going to buy theirs at Songkran. Sun says" Let's go" and we all whoo and get in the car and head there. We have to park kind far away from it because there is so many people there already. I say" wow there are a lot of people" he says" yeah people all around the world come and celebrate". We get out and I grab my bag and grab Sun and say" come buy something with me" Jack says" can I come" I say" no it's okay it's a surprise". We walk to the store and I hear Jack say" that's weird". Mork says" don't worry about it. You will like it" Jack says" what do you mean" and Mork chuckles and says" just watch". We walk in and Sun asks for the bathroom and we walk in and I go into a stall and I take off my hoodie and I say" I'm nervous" Sun says" don't be their will be people in their underwear" I say" but I they don't have disgusting scars" Sun says" I had a friend that cut on his wrist and stomach and came to every Songkran shirtless and booty shorts. So trust me nobody cares" I get done and I take a deep breath and exhale and I open the door and Sun says" see you look killer. Now one more thing" he grabs into the bag and grabs the choker and I put it on. I look into the mirror and for once in my life I don't feel disgusting I say" let's go" and we walk out and the cashier jaw drops and Sun says" see" and I walk out with my head down not wanting to see Jack's expression and Sun lifts my head and I see Jack staring at me with his mouth open. I walk down to him and I say" do you like it?" and he licks his lips and walks over to me and grabs my waist and says" just remember you are mine" I say" I know I'm yours". Sun says" let's go" and we walk to the trunk and I grab my belt and put it on and put my guns in it. They grab their guns and we start walking towards Songkran. We get to the beginning of it and they give us bags to put our phones in so they don't get wet and we head off and right away we get sprayed with water. We fill up our guns and Type shoots me with his gun and I shoot at him and I get his face and I laugh and he says" really?" he grabs another one and I didn't know he had and it was huge so it sprayed so much water that I'm soaked. I say" really?" Jack looks at me and I say" look what he did to me" and Jack says" aw baby come here" I walk closer to him and he shoots me in the face and I say" really? You too". I bring up my gun and shoot him. We laugh and Type says something and Sun says something back and now Sun and Mork are soaked like me. He soaks himself and Tharn and I grab Jack's hand and intertwine our fingers. We start walking around when we pass this couple that is pouring buckets of water on people and I see Tharn smirk and he grabs a bucket of water and goes and dumps it on them both and they turn around and scream Tharn and hug him. Sun says"IN and Korn they used to be in the same high school" I say" oh okay". Jack says" come here" I walk over somewhere with him and we go into an alleyway and I say" what's up" and he says" you just look so hot in that" I say" you look hot too" he kisses me and I kiss him back. -30 Minutes Later- Sun says" dude we have been looking everywhere for you guys the main event is about to happen" and I open my eyes and I realize that I just slipped away by him just kissing me. I look up into those beautiful eyes and I say" I love you" he says" I love you too". I kiss him and we follow everybody to this place and Sun says" this is a club that only opens for Songkran and is only open while Songkran is open" I say" let's go dance" all the adults gets drinks and Jack and I get water and we go dance and after a while I say" I'm going to go get a drink" and I go get a drink and a guy comes up and say" hey cutie" I say" I have a boyfriend" and he says"that's alright my boyfriend and I are into foursomes". Jack comes over and I hear Sun say" still looking for people Andy?" He looks back and says something in Thai and walks away. Jack says" okay I'm never leaving your side". We all sit and just drink and Sun says" okay there is one more thing that is at 9 pm and it's 8:30" I say" then let's go". We walk outside and all follow Sun and other people start walking also. All of a sudden fireworks start bursting through the sky and I say" wow it's so pretty" and Jack kisses my cheek and says" you're pretty". I see Sun and Mork kissing and I see Tharn back hugging Type and kisses him on the shoulder. I love this moment right now in this moment I am happy. I feel Jack kiss my cheek and I smile and turn my head and kiss him and we stay in that moment. Just feel the love surrounding us. We pull back and Sun says" come on guys Tharn is paying for dinner" and he says" hey! No i'm not" Sun says" fine I will pay for us but you pay for yourself and your boyfriends" Tharn says"okay". We head to a nearby restaurant and it hits me. I grab Jack's arm and I say" what about my outfit" he says" baby we are all shirtless I think you are fine" and I say" I'm sorry I was being selfish" and he says" no you weren't. You are okay". He grabs my hand and he says" let's go" and we walk in and sit with the others and Tharn says" hey Jack where did you get that scar it looks like a bullet wound" and Jack says" it is a gunshot wound and they passed right by my heart so I'm lucky to be alive" Tharn says" I'm sorry man" Jack says" don't be It's cool". We all order and Type says something in Thai and Tharn replies to him and Type looks down and says" Sorry". I say" why is he saying sorry"Tharn says" he was wondering about something but I don't think you would wanna talk about it" I say" I'm fine. What is it" Tharn takes a deep breath and says" Type saw the scars on your back when you lifted your arms and he was wondering where they were from but we totally understand if you don't want to answer" I say" I can just if it's okay with everybody else" and they all nod and I say" I got adopted by this family when I was 10 and he beat me with a leather belt when his other children did something wrong" I look at Sun and he's crying and I say" aw Sun don't cry I'm okay it's okay really" and Type says something and Tharn says" he says" thank you for telling us. Sorry that happened to you" and I say" please don't worry I'm fine". Our food came and happily the mood brightened and we were all done and Tharn and Type came up to me and Type says" I have something to tell you but not here" I said"okay". Jack and I and Tharn and Type all go to a park and Sun and Mork went home. We went and sat a table and Tharn says" Type was 11 he got raped by a man and it made him hate gays until he met me and he found out that not all gays are disgusting like that one dude was" I grab Type's hand and say" I understand I was in 10 different foster homes and I got raped in 9 of them. I understand how you feel" Tharn translates and Type looks at me with a shocked face and I nod and he says" I'm sorry". I say" don't be". I squeezed his hand and let go. Type says something else and Tharn immediately freaks out I say" what's wrong" and Tharn says" he wants me to ask you a question but" I say" go ahead I'm opened to answer anything" Tharn says" how did you trust guys enough to like them only one thing happened to me and I couldn't trust anyone" I say" even though those guys raped me. I understood that not all guys are like that and when I got adopted into a family that loved me I found out what it meant for people to actually love me. I still can't have intercourse because it reminds of what they did" Tharn starts translating for Type when Jack grabs my hand and I just realized what I said and he whispers in my ear" we can wait for as long as you need". I look over and Type looks over at me and says something in Thai and when he is done Tharn says" he said thank you for telling him and he was scared the first time with me but he felt how safe he felt in my arms so he knew that I wasn't going to hurt him". I say" it's nice. That feeling when you find the warmth and safety in someone's arms" Tharn translates and and Type says" yes it is" I smile and so does he. Type says" Thank you" I say" you're welcome and Type you can always talk to me if you ever need somebody" Tharn says" Thanks Zhao he has nobody that understands what he has been through" I say" of course everybody needs somebody" Tharn says" well we got to go we can't be late for curfew" we say" okay". We all get up and Type and I hug and they leave and Jack says" was that true what you said" and I say" yeah" he says"why didn't you tell me and I will never leave you" he kisses my forehead and I say" shit sorry but I hope Sun will come get us" and I call Sun and he happily gets us. While going back home Sun says" sorry guys I totally spaced that you don't know the address or the way back" and we say" it's cool". We get to the house and we both head to our rooms. Jack says" wait when are we leaving then" I say" well it's only been a week so not for another 3 weeks" Jack says" oh yeah I forgot we are staying here for a month" I laugh and say"silly". He says"hey" he wraps his arms around me and says" I never got to tell you how hot you are in this" and I say" yeah you did" and he says" fine I never got to show you" he kisses me and I kiss back. We stay like that for a while and then I pull away for air and say" I need to shower I feel gross" he says" let's go" we go and take a shower and I change into boxers and one of his hoodies and he is just wearing sweats. I lay down under the blankets and say" do you know that I have never shown anybody my scars before. Only Eric, You, Sun, and Mork but that's because I had to but not willingly I never showed anybody" he gets into bed and holds me he says" I'm so proud of you. I was already proud of you before you even told me that" and he kisses my cheek and I smile and drift off to sleep.