Chapter Six

I wake up to a knock on the door. I slip on pants and open the door and surprisingly it's Fai and Fah. I shut the door so they won't see Jack and I say" what's up girls" Fai says" P'Zhao can you come with us to our trip. Sun and Mork are coming and we are helping rebuild a school in Chiang Mai" I say" why do we need to go" Fai says" because the more volunteers we have the better" I say" okay let me ask Jack" she says" okay we leave tomorrow at 8 am" I say"okay". They leave and I open the door and walk in and Jack is sitting up looking at his phone. I say" hey baby" he says" what were you doing" I say" talking Fai and Fah they want us to go to Chiang Mai with them tomorrow because Sun and Mork are going" he says" what did you say" I say" I said I would talk to you first" he says" I'm fine with it" I say" are you mad at me?" I go over to him and sit in front of him he pushes me to the bed and says" I didn't like waking up and you weren't here" I smile and say" sorry baby I wanted to let you sleep more so I answered it" he pecks my lips and says" thanks babe but don't leave me" I peck his lips and say" never". He lays his head on my chest and I smile. I start petting his head and I say" so do you wanna go" he says"yeah" I say" he will have to tell them later they probably left for school already" Jack says" yeah lets just rest for now". We laid there for I don't even know how long but it was sadly interrupted by a knock. Jack gets up and puts on a shirt and he opens the door. Sun says" good you guys are awake. Tharn and Type have invited us for breakfast. Do you guys want to come?" I look over to the time and it says 10 am and now I'm wondering how long we have actually been awake. Jack says" let us get ready" Sun says"okay". He leaves and we get dressed and we walk out and Mia says" I have something special for you guys". She leaves and comes back with these sweets and she says" Luk Mo. Try it" we both grab one and eat it and I say" it's good what is it" she says" just a Thai Dessert"Mork comes up and says"oo it looks so good. What is it?" She says" have one" and Mork takes one and says" oo this is so good" she smiles and says" Thank you dear". Sun walks up and says" oo Luk Mo" he tries to take one but she smacks his hand away and says" no they are for them not you" he says" but mom I love your Luk Mo" she says" well don't you guys have breakfast plans. Go Go". Sun says" come on guys" he looks confused but he walks out. I say" Thank you ma'am" she says" you're welcome dear. Now go have some fun". We walk out and Sun says" why do you guys get some and I don't not fair" I say" I don't know". We get into the car and Sun drives us where they wanted us to meet them and I see them sitting and talking. We park and we walk up and Sun says hello in Thai and we do too. We all sit and Tharn says" so are you guys going with your sisters to Chiang Mai tomorrow" Sun says" Mork and I are going to but I don't know about Jack and Zhao. Zhao are you guys going or did you guys even know about it" I say" Fai and Fah came to us this morning and asked us and I haven't told them yet but we wanna go" he says" okay I will text them for you" I say" thank you" Sun says" you're welcome". We talk about random stuff and then our food comes and Tharn says" so Zhao do you ever think about moving to Thailand" I say" I don't know it's nice here I would love to move away but I'm in School and it would be hard to move here" Sun says" actually I was thinking about moving Blue Skyy here to get more business and be by my family" I say" wow" he says" yeah I miss being in Thailand" I say" well we will miss you" Sun says" hey I'm not leaving yet" I say" I know". We continue eating and they talk about random things. We all finish and we walk out. Tharn says" we are going to the mall wanna come" I look at Jack and he says" yeah let's go". I say" Baby do I still have my check money" he says" yeah you have barely used it" Sun says" really?" I say" yeah" he chuckles and we get in the cars and head to the mall. We get to the mall. We get there and say" I'm gonna go clothes shopping" Jack says" can I come this time" I say" yes you can" Sun says" cool I need more clothes too". Jack,Sun,Mork and I go clothes shopping while Tharn and Type go to go buy bed sheets. We go to a shop and start looking at clothes. I grab a pair of black shorts and a pair of fishnet ripped skinny jeans. I say" can I go try these on" he says" yes this way" and he shows me where the dressing rooms are. I try on the shorts and look in the mirror and all I can focus on is my scars. I try to focus if they are good or not but all I can focus on is my nasty ass scars. You might be wondering why you wore an outfit that showed all your scars why worry. I wasn't trying to let that bother me that day so I was distracted but trust me I felt so uncomfortable I always do when people can see my scars. I take them off and try on the skinny jeans and they fit so I take them off and go get my pants on and walk out. He says" how are the shorts" I lie and say" they didn't fit and the pants fit perfectly" I buy the pants and some shirts and we leave and meet up with all the other people and then we go to build stuffies I say" I wanna build a panda" Jack says"okay" Sun and Mork build a tiger and Tharn and Type build a penguin. We leave with all the stuffies and Tharn and Type head home and we do too. We get there and take off our shoes and head in. Mia says"back already" Sun says" yeah we all are really tired and we just want to rest" she says" okay I will go make Tea for everyone" I say" sorry ma'am I just want to go lay down for a few" she says" it's okay honey go rest" I say" thank you ma'am". We head upstairs and into the room. Jack changes into sweats and a loose tank top and I change into shorts and a black t-shirt. I lay down on the bed and he lays right next to me and says" baby what's wrong" I look at him and say" nothing is wrong. Why do you ask?" he says" those shorts you picked were the same kind you wore yesterday and you have barely ate so I know somethings wrong" I say" nothing is wrong" he sits on top of me and says"please tell me whats wrong"I look down and feel tears forming I say" nothing is wrong"and it comes all broken sounding and tears start falling. He lifts up my head and says"baby?" I say"why was I tortured? Why do I have to cut because people have made me hate my body? Why can't I just love my body like everybody?". He kisses my forehead and says" if you can't love your body then I will, I will show you how beautiful you are" and I say" how can you love such a disgusting body" he says" stop talking about my boyfriends beautiful body like that" he kisses my cheek, then my neck, then my collarbone. He kisses down my arm and says" every inch of your body is beautiful". He goes and kisses all the scars on my arms and then lifts my shirt and kisses all those scars. He comes back up to my face and kisses the three scars that are over my eye. He goes back down and kisses every scar on my legs and comes back up and looks me in the eyes and says" I love you and you are beautiful". I start crying and I say" what would I do without you" I kiss him and he kisses back. He flips us so I'm sitting on top of him and he sits up and holds me close. We kiss for I don't even know how long and I pull away because I need to breathe and I say" thank you Jack I love you" he pecks my lips and says" of course I love you too. I want you to be happy and you are beautiful. I don't know why those people did what they did but you shouldn't hate it. You should look at them and see how strong you are to still live even though you have endured so much pain and suffering" I say" how are you so amazing" and he says" I love you and I want you to be happy". I kiss him and we stayed there and just bathed in the feeling but sadly because I have to breathe I pull away and say" I love you but one of us still has to breathe" and he smiles and says" sorry and I love you too". He hugs me and I hug him and he lays down and I fall on top of him and I get comfortable and say" I love you" he says" I love you too". We both drift off to sleep. After a couple hours I wake up and look at the time and it's 7pm. I say" baby I'm gonna go downstairs" and he says"mph". I smile and peck his lips. I get up and walk downstairs and I see Leo sitting in the living room. He says" hey Zhao" I say" where is everybody" he says" Mom and Grandma are at the store, the twins are still at school, and Dad is in the bathroom" I say"okay. How was work?" I sit down and he says" good but stressful. How was your day" I say"good" and he says" how do you like Thailand" I say" I love it. It is so beautiful and I love the food" he says" yeah we have great food here" New comes out and says" oh hi Zhao" I say" hello" I pause and he says" you can call me New" and I say" okay New". He sits down by Leo and says" what you boys are talking about" Leo says" how he likes Thailand so far" New says"cool". Sun and Mork walk down the stairs and they say something in Thai and say" hey Zhao" I say"hey". We all sit there talking about random stuff for a while then all of a sudden the door opens and it's Mia and Grandma. We all say"hi" in Thai and she says" I'm going to start dinner". Leo and New move for Grandma and says" we will come and help" and she says" no you stay over there". I see Grandma touch Sun's hand and start talking to him and they all start talking in Thai and I look outside and I notice how beautiful it is even just from the house. I look over to the stairs and see Jack walking down. He waves to everybody and he switched his loose tank top into a hoodie so he looks a little more polite. He walks over to me and sits down by me and lays his head on my shoulder and I say" hey baby" he kisses my shoulder and sits up against the couch. The door opens and Fai and Fah walk in and they say something in Thai to Sun and then run to their room. Sun says" everything is set for tomorrow" I say" oh cool" New turns on the TV and we all watch it and it's an interesting show but I can't understand none of it. Fai and Fah come out and join us. A couple minutes later Mia comes out and says"dinner". We all go eat dinner and compliment her on how good she made it. We all finished eating and headed up to our rooms. Jack and I watch some movies on Netflix and try to fall asleep because we have to wake up at 6 am tomorrow.