Chapter Seven

6 am

We wake up to the alarm I set up last night. I change into a black long sleeve and black ripped skinny jeans with my black boots. I pack a bag because we are going to be there for a week. We grab our bags and head downstairs and Fai and Fah say"Good Morning" we say"Good Morning". Sun and Mork come down and we put everything in his trunk and drive there. We get there and grab our bags and these girls run up to Fai and Fah and start talking and they run off. I say"where do we go" Sun says" follow everybody else I guess". We head over to a person by a bus and Sun tells him something and he points somewhere and sun replies and he looks at us and says" we get on this bus but right now we put name tags on our stuff and leave it with all the other baggage and we can have one bag with us" and I say" that's good because this one has all my important stuff in it" and I point at my backpack. I put it on and we head to the name tag place. We put name tags on all our bags and leave it and go sit at a table. We see Tharn and Type walk up and Tharn says" hey guys! Zhao,Jack this is my little sister Thanya" she says" hi" and runs off to Fai and Fah. Tharn says" well we are going to put name tags on our bags and then we will be back" we say"okay". I ask" Sun how many trips have you been on" he says" all of them but they change every time" I say"how" he says" they only take a trip once a every year" I say" how long is it again" he says" a week and when we get back we will only have two weeks left". I say" this gonna be fun there's nothing like this we only get to go see boring museums" he says"what? Boring what?" I say" museums, do you know what i'm sayin?" he says"no sorry I haven't heard that word a lot" I say"it's okay they are buildings that have old priceless artifacts that show the history of that town" he says"oh". TharnType comes over and says"what's up" Sun says" nothing just waiting to go". Fai,Fah,and Thanya and some other girls come up and Sun smiles and I say" what are they talking about" Sun says" how it is a table full of gay couples" and he laughs. They start having a conversation and then Tharn says" they were saying how we might have to share a room because everybody has a roommate" I say" it's fine" Tharn says"okay". They leave and Sun says" you are going to love Chaing Mai. You think Bangkok is beautiful just wait until you see Chaing Mai". I say" I can't wait" Tharn says" and we get to help build a school. I haven't done that since highschool" Sun says" me too! I moved to America my sophomore year of high school so I only did it once" Tharn says" I did it twice Type has only done it once also" I say" I have never". We sat and talked for a while and then someone yelled something and everybody started moving. Sun says" time to go". We got on the bus and happily Sun and Mork got seats right next to us. Jack says" how long will we be on the bus" I say"8 hours, but I guess we will stop because a bus full of highschoolers stuck on a bus for 8 hours doesn't sound good". Jack laughs and says"no it doesn't" he puts out his hand and I intertwine our fingers and I rest my head on his shoulder looking out at the view. I feel him kiss the top of my head and rest his head on mine. I smile and look at all the trees passing by. I must have fallen asleep because I got woken up by Jack saying" babe we stopped let's go get snacks". I sit up and stretch and say"okay". We stand up and go get snacks and drinks. I got pink milk because it looks like iced strawberry milk and Jack got water. We got on the bus and Sun says" what did you guys get?" I say" seaweed snack,chips, and a pink drink and he got water." Sun says" great choices". We sat down and I took a drink and I was right. It was just strawberry milk with ice. I say"baby try this" I point the straw and he drinks it and he says" it's good" I say"right". He opens the seaweed treats and I look at the ingredients then grab one and try it. I say"mmm weirdly good". He grabs one and says" it is but my brain knows it's seaweed" I say" I know right" Sun laughs and says" you get used to it". I say"okay". We keep on snacking and the bus starts up again and there's so many kids and I see some kids looking at us and I pull out my phone and text Sun.


Me: Sun what are the guys behind us talking about?

Sun: Don't worry about it

Me: Why is it bad?

Sun: Yeah I don't want to bring down your mood

Me:Tell me please. What are they saying?

Sun: They are talking about your eyes and how freaky they look and asking how you got the scars on your face.

Me: Thought so. Thank you

Sun: Why did you want to know?

Me: I just like knowing

Sun: Okay but don't let it get to you

Me: Don't worry I hear it all the time

Sun: Okay text me if you need anymore translations

Me: okay thank you again

Sun: You're welcome

~End Of Conversation~

I give my phone over to Jack and Jack says" God why can't people stay out of people's life. Maybe because you are hotter than them so they are jealous" I smile and say" don't say that" he says" what you don't want me to say the truth" I say" thanks babe you always make me feel better". He says"you're welcome" he pecks my lips and we continue eating. After a while we stop eating and we put it in my bag. I take out my phone and we start watching a movie. Before we knew it we pull up and they stopped. Everybody gets off and we all group together and grab our bags and go throw our trash away. They had everybody get into a group and start explaining the rules I think I don't know anything they are saying. After they are done Sun says" okay pretty much no drinking after 10 pm,everybody has to be in their room before 11pm,and go up and ask your room number and who you are staying with. After that go up and unpack and then meet in the center room at 6pm." I say" Okay thats go ask." We head up to where everybody is and there are a line of people wearing red shirts. We head up to them and Sun says something in Thai and all that I catch out of it is Max. He points at us and says in english" you are roomed together" I say"okay thank you" he nods and we walk away to room 222. We get to our room. We unlock the door and we open to a beautiful room with two beds and I open the door to the bathroom and see that it only has a shower and I mentally thank them because I hate baths. Sun says" you guys can have the bed by the window we will take this one" I say" are you sure" he says" yeah I never liked sleeping by windows" I say" okay. I love sleeping by windows". We unpack and check the time and I see it's 5 and and I say" should we just go there now just to be ready" they all say"sure". We head out and lock the door. We found where they want us to all go and we were the only ones there. I see Max talking to another dude and he sees us and says in english" hey guys packing done" I say" yeah it is thank you" Sun says something in Thai and I see him relax Sun looks at me and says" I told him that he can speak in Thai and I will translate" The dude next to him says" uh I told him to study his English but he never does. Boyfriends am I right?" We all laugh and he says" I'm Tul" I say" I'm Zhao and this is my boyfriend Jack" Sun says" I'm Sun and this is Mork my boyfriend". I feel my phone going off and I look at it and It's Eric. I say" hey babe Eric is calling I will be right back" he says"okay babe" he pecks my cheek and I walk away and pick up.


Me: Hey Eric, How are you? We haven't talked since I left

Eric: I have something to tell you

Me: What happened?

Eric: Liam and I ...... He pauses

Me: What?

Eric: are coming to Thailand

Me: What?

Eric: I miss you so I'm coming so Thailand

Me: Well right now I'm on a week field trip with Sun's sisters

Eric: Well cool because we couldn't get a flight until next week so that's great

Me:What? How did you know what part of Thailand I was at?

Eric: Didn't you tell me?

Me: No I just said I was going to Thailand

Eric: Well just forget it see you next week buddy love you

Me: Love you too

~End Of Conversation~

I walk back over to everybody and say" sorry to interrupt but Eric and Liam are coming to Thailand next week" Jack says"really" I say"yeah he misses me or something like that" Tul says"well we gotta go but see you guys later". We all wave goodbye and we go and sit in the back. I grab Jack's hand and ask"what were you guys talking about" he says" I have no clue they were speaking in thai." I say"okay". I interwine our fingers and lay my head on his shoulder. I look down head on his shoulder. I look down at my arms and remember how every scar happened or why I did it. Jack must have felt me tense up or sensed that I was not happy because he intertwined our fingers and dragged his fingers up my arm and rubbed every scar. He kissed one of them and I say" how do you know me" he says" because you are my beautiful baby". He presses his lips to mine and pulls back and smiles. I smile back and a lot of people start walking in and I look at the time and it's already 5:55pm. I show Jack the time and he says"wow". They start speaking and I get a text.


Sun: I'm going to text you everything they say.

Me: Really?Thank you

~End Of Conversation~

For the next two hours that's what he did he texted me every single person what they said and who said it. It was over and people started leaving and there was a group of guys. I saw them look at my arms and then one of them pretended to cut themselves and they all started laughing. My blood starts boiling and I feel my fangs come out and Jack says" hey come on" and I look at him and he says"shit" Sun says" Zhao come on now". They drag me out of there. I see a blurry Sun look at the time and he says" follow me". We all run to the woods. Jack looks back to see if anybody was following and nobody is. So we all ran far into the woods where no one could see us or hear us. Jack lets go of me and I turn and I see a rabbit and I tear it to shreds. I turn back into a human and happily I'm clothed. I go up to a tree and punch it and bark flies everywhere and there's a hole in the tree now. I say" if you want to cut I will make sure you have a reason to bitch". I punch the tree again and this time my arm goes through the tree. Jack says" honey calm down". I say" has no idea why I cut and he wants to make fun of me like that in front of his friends he deserves to die" I walk past him and he grabs me and kisses me and I feel everything that I was mad at drift away and I just let myself melt into his kiss. I'm calm now so I pull back and Sun says" I'm sorry I forgot to tell you that if something happens that pisses you off personally it will be harder to control" I say" your fine Sun". He says" what happened" I say" he looked at my scars and then pretended to cut himself and it just pissed me off". Sun says" asshole". Sun's phone goes off and he says"dinner". We ran back and stopped before we got by anybody that would see us. A counselor sees us and she says something in Thai and Sun says something back and she replies and leaves. Sun says" she asked what we were doing and I said we were checking out the woods and she says be careful there's weird stuff in those woods". I joke and say" no we just came out" we laugh and head to the cafeteria. We sit with Fai and Fah,Thanya,and TharnType. I say" So who did you get paired with?" Tharn says" this couple named Singto and Krist they are cool and funny" I say" nice we are paired together". Tharn says"cool. Have you met Max and Tul yet" I say" yeah they are cool" Tharn says" did you know they have been married for 4 years now" I say" no that's crazy" he says" right I need to learn that trick so Type and I can stay that long together". Type looks over at us confused and Tharn quickly explains so he doesn't have to be confused. Type grabs the back of Tharn's neck and pulls him closer and says something and Tharn says something and kisses him. I go back to eating and so does everybody else at the table. They stop and go back to eating smiling. We all finish and it is 9 O'clock now so I say" wanna go hang at the room for a while" Tharn says" we would love to but I heard we had to get up at 8 am tomorrow and I'm exhausted from the trip" I say" okay goodnight guys"Jack says" bye Tharn, bye Type". They both wave and then leave. Sun says"Mork and I are gonna go ask some questions. So you guys can go back first" I say"okay". We head to our room and unlock the door and walk in. I lay down and Jack says"are you okay" I say"no I hate this shit. I wish I could erase my scars" he says"why they are beautiful" I get up and say" no they aren't they are disgusting, I'm disgusting. I look at them and want to die and I can't believe how much I have shown them. No wonder why people look at me with disgust and make fun of me" Jack says" just ignore them baby" I say" I can't I hate this shit it's everywhere" Jack says" they just don't know what you went through so they are going to judge humans judge over the littlest of things" I say" I know but why do they have to do that. It messes with people. It reminds them how messed up and gross they are". Jack stands there in silence and I walk over to him and say" why do you find me beautiful? Why do you find me attractive?" He grabs my hand and says"come here". He takes me into the bathroom and locks the door. He takes off my shirt and stands us in front of the mirror. I look at myself and then look away he says" baby look into my eyes inside of the mirror". I look up and into his eyes and he says" to me don't think about anybody else right now. To me you are beautiful and do you know why you are so beautiful" I say"why" he turns me around and says" because every scar shows how strong you are because that happened to you and you are still here. Your body is adorable and sexy as hell because it's yours and you all in all are just so beautiful. I love you Zhao and I don't know what it feels and I'm sorry but just remember that they don't matter. The only people who have the right to judge is nobody, no one has the right but sadly that's the world we live in." I look at him and kiss him. He wraps his arms around me and I wrap my arms around his neck. I say through the kiss"I love you". He says"I love you too". We kiss for a while and I pull back for air and he says" wanna take a shower we are in here anyways" I say"sure". We take a shower and then walk out in towels and quickly get dressed. We lay on the bed and I'm laying on his chest when he turns on the tv and we watch this show that looks super interesting but we can't understand it. Sun and Mork come in and we say"hey guys" Sun says" hey. So we have to be up at 7 am tomorrow and work starts at 8 amand they will assign you where to work. I asked Tul about the language thing and he said that he will tell you guys where he wants you to help on in english" We both say"thanks" he says"you're welcome but I need to go shower I feel gross" he kisses Mork's cheek and walks into the bathroom with clothes. I say" Mork do you have family here" he says" no they are in Korea but we don't talk that much" I say" oh! Are you moving here with Sun" he says" yeah. We are going to buy a home in bangkok to be closer to everybody" I say"nice". He says" why did you guys agree to come with us" Jack says" I have always wanted to come to Asia" I say"same". Mork says" yeah Asia's cool I have been to China,Thailand,South Korea,and Singapore" I say" I lived in China for a few months but I can't remember anything and now Thailand" I chuckle and Sun comes out and back hugs Mork and Jack says" I have never been to Asia until now". Sun says" I have been to almost every part of Asia because of trips or competitions" I say"nice". I look back at the TV and Sun says" do you know what you are watching" I say" nope but it looks interesting" he chuckles and says" you are literally watching The Discovery Channel but in Thai". I say" then it is true" Sun says"what" I say"boring shows are more interesting in a different language". Sun says" yeah it is more interesting". I laughed and we all just watched the show. A couple hours later we shut off the TV and they fell asleep. Jack and I moved where he was back hugging me. A few minutes later he was snoring. I smile and hold his hand closer to me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I lay still and just focus on my breathing. I see a flashback when I was getting cut. I open my eyes and I feel a tear fall down my cheek. I get out of bed quietly and walk to the bathroom and close the door and lock it. I sit against the door and sigh. I stay there for I don't even know how long. I get up and walk back to bed and slip into his arms. He tightens his grip on me and puts his head in my neck. I look at the time and it's 5:30 am. We all planned on waking up at 6 so we all can shower and get ready. I lay there for 30 minutes and the alarm goes off. I close my eyes and pretend I'm sleeping. Jack says" we gotta get up". I roll over into him and say"no" even though I have been just laying here for 30 minutes. Jack says" you guys can get ready first" Mork says"okay". They both get up and walk into the bathroom. Jack kisses my cheek and says"you are so cute". I kiss his chest and say"no". I roll on top of him and say" did you sleep well" he says" yep holding you in my arms all night long helped. What about you" I say" slept like a baby I feel so refreshed". I feel bad for lying but I don't want to worry him. We lay there until Sun and Mork came out of the bathroom. Jack and I go in there with outfits. We shower and I get out and I put on black skinny jeans with a tight black long sleeve and he puts on ripped black jeans with a blue shirt. We walk out and go put on my earrings and my dragon clip. We look at the time and it's 6:55am. We go and put on our shoes and walk out. Sun and Mork lock the door and we leave. While we were walking down to the center room we met up with TharnType and we got to meet their roommates Krist and Singto. We all go and sit at one of the tables. They say something in Thai and Sun says"breakfast". We all get up and walk over to the line to get breakfast. It's rice and an omelet and Krist says something to Singto and Singto laughs and we walk back to our table. We start eating and I say" it's good. I thought it was going to be bland" Sun says" yeah it usually is but they put taste to it finally". Fai and Fah, Thanya and some other girl I'm guessing it's one of their sisters walk over. They all say something and then Fai and Fah say" Good Morning Zhao and Jack" I say" Good Morning. Are you excited for today" she says"very". A man comes over and the girl's put their hands together and bow and say something and so does everybody else. Fah says" Zhao,Jack this is P'Tay he is one of the counselors here" we wave and he says" Hello Zhao and Jack. Welcome to Thailand! Max and Tul were telling me how we had two new people so I wanted to introduce myself" I say" I'm Zhao and this is my boyfriend Jack and can I say that your English is amazing" he says" thank you. I'm with an international program so I had to learn English for it". I say" I bet they were impressed" Tay says" thank you but I came over here to tell you that Zhao you will be working inside the school with Tul decorating and Jack you will be with Sun and Mork building a side of the school". Jack and I say" okay". I'm guessing he tells everybody else at the table what they are going to do because he says their names. Tay leaves and Fai says" well see you guys later or at lunch" and they all leave. Singto says" that was my sister Lia" I say" oh cool" he says"yeah". We all finished up eating and headed outside. I kissed Jack and say" be careful and if you have to take off your shirt because you are hot remember you are mine". He grabs my waist and says" hey you too" I say" trust me I will remember". He kisses me and walks away with Sun and Mork. I head inside the school and see Tul. Tul says" Zhao great you found it. Come here." I head over to him and he says" all we have to do is cut out these pictures" I say"okay". We sit down and he hands me a piece of paper and scissors and I cut out the pictures. He says" how long have you and Jack been together" I say" 6 months" he says" aw youngins" I say" what about you and Max" he says" 6 years been married for 4 years" he shows me his ring and it's a black band with diamonds in it and I say" that's beautiful" he says" thanks Max has a silver band with black diamonds in it" I say"that's cute". Tul smiles and says" you will get there" I look up and say" I hope so". Tul and I focus on the task and after cutting out all the pictures. We get up and start stapling them to the wall. A hot breeze comes through and I say"oo it is hot here" Tul says" yeah". I push up my sleeves and he looks at my arms and I see him and I say"sorry" I'm about to push them down but he says" no I'm sorry I just feel sorry I don't know what happened and it's not my business but I hope you are better now" I say" I am a lot better Thank you". He says" keep up your sleeves it's hot". I do and continue with my work. Like an hour later I feel arms wrap around me and pick me up. I see Jack My baby. He says" baby I missed you" I say" what are you doing" he puts me down and says" we got a break to go get water because it's hot so I came to see you real quick". I say" well go get water and back to work baby" he says"okay" he smiles and kisses me and runs away. I smile and Tul says" aw cute" I laugh and say" oh shut up" I laugh again to make sure he knows I'm joking. We finish putting up the decorations and Tul says" we can go paint now if you want to" I say"let's do it". We walk out and the heat hits us. He yells something to someone and the person answers and he says" dude it's 92 degrees out here" I say" no wonder why it's hot". We grab water bottles and go start painting the side of the wall. It's getting hotter every minute Tul says" sorry but I'm taking off my shirt" I say" go ahead it's hot". He does and he says" are you okay" I say" yeah It's fine". I see so many people with their shirts off. I see Jack,Sun, and Mork with their shirts off working hard. I continue to work trying to let the heat get to me. A dude comes out and Tul says" it's 95 degrees do you want to stop" I say" no I'm good" he says" okay but the moment you don't feel good tell me" I say" of course" but I look around and I'm the only guy wearing a shirt and a guy comes up to us and Tul says" Hey Pavel" he says" hey guys" he looks at me and says" I can take over if you want a break. You can go cool down" I say" it's okay. I'm fine" he says"but you are sweating like crazy we don't want anybody to die of a heat stroke". I say" I won't I'm okay" he says" come on it's okay if you don't have abs nobody will judge you" I say" trust me it's not that". Tul says" don't worry Pavel I'm looking over him and his boyfriend is right over there looking after him too so he's okay" Pavel says"okay". He walks away and I say" thank you Tul" Tul says" you're welcome". Jack comes over and says" are you okay baby" I say" yeah it's just getting hot but I'm fine" he says" come put on my short sleeve shirt please" I say" okay" I say to Tul" I will be back" he says"okay". I go over to Jack's work area and he grabs his shirt and we walk to the bathrooms. He comes in with me. I take off well like peel off my long sleeve. Jack says" baby why won't you take off your shirt you are beautiful" I say" look at me babe there are scars of the belt buckle. They will know that I was beat with a belt I don't want everybody to know". I put on his shirt and say" I'm sorry but it would be like me going out there and screaming look at me I beat with a belt". He says"sorry" I hug him and say" I'm sorry I'm just not comfortable" he says" I know I'm just worried about you" I say" I know but I'm okay now" he says" okay let's go back to work" I kiss him and he says" I love you" I say" I love you too". We part ways and I get back to where I was working and Tul says" are you okay" I say" yes a lot better". He says" good".

-Two hours Later-

We finished painting the wall and it was lunch. I check the time and it was already noon. I walk with Tul to the center room and meet up with Jack,Sun, and Mork. Mork says" dude how do you have a shirt on it's hot as hell" I say" I have Jack's shirt on so I'm fine". We get lunch and it's sandwiches. Tul and Max join us and Max says" Jack you have good building skills. Have you built anything before" he says" no just a birdhouse when I was little but that was it" Max says"wow" Tul says" well Zhao is an amazing painter his art work skills are amazing" I say" thank you" Tul says" look Zhao". He grabs Max's hand and shows me his ring and I say"cute" and Jack says" they are beautiful". They both say"thanks". We finished eating and taking an hour doing that. It's 1 pm now. We start working but Tul joined Jack building the wall when me and this dude named Benjamin to help with cleaning around. He says" so you are Chinese" I say" Chinese and Thai" he says" so you know Chinese" I say" no I only lived in China for a few months. I can't even remember being there". He says" oh that's cool". I say" you are good at English" he says" I'm British and Thai so I grew up speaking English and learned Thai when I was 10" I say"oh cool". He says"yeah" we continue cleaning up and Tul comes over and says" Zhao we need you" I say"what's up" he says" I know this might be weird but come here". I follow him over there and Jack says" no it's to dangerous" I say"what" Tul says"we need someone to go up on this roof and patch a hole but if any of us go on there it might break so can you" I say" yeah lets do this" Jack says" no it's to dangerous" I say" I will be fine I'm the lightest one here" this dude says" how much do you weigh" and I say"91 lbs". He gasps and I say"yeah". Jack lifts me up and I patch the hole but when I stepped I fell through and when I fell my wrist got cut by a nail. I land and I look at my wrist and there's a gash from my wrist to almost my elbow. Jack comes running over and he says" doctor now he's wounded" I get up and Jack says" I'm sorry baby" I say" don't be I'm okay" I look at Tul and say" you guys might want to get a more sturder roof if I can fall through it" he says"yeah I will tell the people". The doctor on duty comes up and sits me down on a chair and starts working. He peroxides the hell out of it and everybody else gasps and I just sit there. He cleans up the blood around it and he says something in Thai and Sun says" he needs to do stitches do you want it numbed or not". I shake my head no and some people walk away and the doc alcohols it again and he says"this might hurt" I say"okay". Pavel runs over and he says" what happened" the doc starts explaining what happened in Thai I'm guessing. Pavel says" well Dome fix him up and then come over to the setting up place because someone sprained their ankle" and he says" okay get ice and elevate it and I will be there" Pavel says" aw my wife is so cute" and he kisses the top of his head and runs away he says" he's going to die for that" I chuckle and he's done making sure everything is clean as it possibly can be and he starts stitching it up and he says" you okay" I say"yeah" Jack says" I'm sorry I said it was to dangerous" I say"it had to be done" Dome finished stitching my arm and he wraps it and says" I suggest to go and lay down" I say" I'm fine I still want to help" he says" well you have to wear a splint then" Jack says" come on baby go rest" I say"no I'm okay" Tul says" trust me nobodys going to be mad at you" I say" I know put on the splint". Dome puts one on me and he says" leave the splint on for 4 more hours and then you can take it off and I will check on it tomorrow" I say" thank you Dr.Dome". He says" you're welcome" he walks away and I say" okay everybody let's get back to work" Tul says"you can go help the girls make shirts" I say" no let me help you guys" he says"go help or go rest your choice" I say" fine I will go help" I look at Jack and say" I love you babe" he says" I love you too". I walk into the building and I walk up to Fai and Fah and say" do you guys need help" they both look up at me and say"what happened" I say"nothing don't worry. Do you guys need help?" Fai says" you should go rest though" I say" I promise I'm okay" she says" okay you can go help May" I say"okay" I walk over there and she hands me a box. I grab it and carry it over to where she pointed at. For four hours I carried boxes and took shirts out of bags. A counselor comes in and says something and Fai says"dinner time and we are done for today" I say"awesome". I walk over to Jack and he hugs me and says" I missed you" I say" so did I". I take off the splint and put it in my back pocket and Jack says" what are you doing" I say" he said that I was allowed to take it off in four hours remember" he says" oh yeah sorry I'm tired" he puts his head on my shoulder and I say" wanna skip dinner and go to our room" he says" hell yeah" I say" okay let's go". We intertwined our fingers and walk up to Tul he says" hey guys" I say" we were wondering if we could just go to our room. It's been a long day" he says" of course get some rest and make sure to eat something and drink tons of water". We say" will do" we walk by Sun and Mork and Jack says" Sun we are going to the room" he says"okay". We head up to the room and get there. We unlock it and Jack pushes me against the wall and kisses me. I kiss back and he wraps his arms around my waist I put my arms around his neck and the kiss deepens. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him he pulls back and says" I was so worried about you" I say" I'm sorry" he says" don't ever do that again" I say" and have it one of you guys" he says" yes" I say" no because I got to fix the hole and I stepped off the beam of the building and that's why I fell you guys would have fell and got hurt worse and I'm not letting that happen". He puts me down and he says" why don't you feel pain" I say" not to be rude but look at me babe I'm used to be cut" he says" I know but I didn't like it" I say" I did I don't like the feeling of being cut so I'm happy that I don't have to feel it" Jack says" what happens if you stop feeling all together would you even feel our love" I say" I will never stop feeling emotions I just stopped feeling pain because I was in it 24/7 so of course my body got used to it" he says" god I wish it didn't happen any of it" I say" what do you mean" he says" all of this I wish it could just quit" I took it that he meant our relationship and he was just done with all my shit he says" I'm going to the bathroom" he went inside the bathroom. I stood there shocked and then walked outside. I pass by everybody and head to the woods. I walk into the woods and look around and nobody is around. I turn and start running. I hear shit behind me but I keep running I get to a cliff and stop and just sit there looking out. I knew eventually he would just get overwhelmed and annoyed with my shit and leave me. Sun sits by me and says" what happened" I say" he doesn't want to deal with me anymore" I turn back into a human and unwrap my arm and it's healed and as a scar I say" look another scar" Suns says" what do you mean he's done" I tell all that he said and Sun says" it sounds like he's done with everything that happened to you not you" I say" I wouldn't blame him if he was done with me" Jack says" I will never be done with you" I jump up and say" what are you doing here" he walks over to me and grabs the back of my neck and kisses me. After a while he pulls back and says" don't you ever think that way at all I will never leave you. I was being insensitive and I'm sorry I'm happy that you aren't in pain anymore. I was being selfish. I'm sorry I love you Zhao". I say" I'm sorry for misunderstanding. I love you too". Sun says" good you guys can't break up everything would be destroyed if you guys broke up". We laugh and I say" look baby my arm is healed" he kisses it and says" another thing that makes you beautiful". We all head back and on the way back Mork says" dude you went out so far and now we have to walk back because their are people searching the woods now" Sun says" why" Mork says" they heard howling last night and was worried that there were wolves close by and I say" yeah amongst us" they laugh and Max runs up to us and says" are you guys okay" I say" yeah why" he says" that's good people think they spotted a wolf earlier so we were going to make sure he left and I saw you guys walking out and I was worried if you guys got bit" I say" no we are good" he says" thank god get back inside where it's safe" I say"be safe also see you later" Max says"will do". We split ways and we all get back to our room. We get in and lock the door and laugh. I say" he tells the strongest ones to be careful, it's funny". We all laugh and fall on the beds. Sun says" we got to be more careful then if anyone here finds out it can be bad". I look at him and say" why" he says" because here they aren't known here but we still have werewolves and vampires here but we have to hide because people hear search for us back home there are so many of us that everybody just knows instead of the humans that live there". Jack says" so if we get seen here it's dangerous" Sun says" yes" I say" fun I can't fully control it yet. Tomorrow Dome is going to come check on my arm and it's already a scar. What do I do" Sun says" shit when did it heal" I say" when I turned into a wolf it just healed". There's a knock on the door Sun says" I got it" he goes and opens the door and it's Dome. I quickly jump out of view and wrap my arm and Sun says" what's up Dome" he says" nothing much just coming by to check on Zhao" I walk up and he says" oh Zhao how is your arm doing" I say" good thank you so much Dome" he says" hey don't worry about it" he is about to say something else but his phone goes off and he says"sorry one second". He picks it up and he says" I'm coming back now chill" and a voice from the phone says" come back soon I want to" and Dome says" Pavel okay I'm coming back now" Dome says" bye guys. Zhao rest that arm" I laugh and say"okay." He blushes and walks away. We shut the door and Sun says" I hope he will be okay tomorrow" I say"right it sounded like he's not going to be". Jack says" going to be what" Sun says" not being able to walk" we laugh and I go and sit on Jack's lap. Jack wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him if that was even possible. Sun says" well i'm going to shower first" we all say"okay" he kisses Mork and walks into the bathroom. Mork says" what did you do Zhao with helping with the shirts" I say"boring shit" he laughs and say" what did you do that it was so boring" I say" it wasn't really boring I just wish that I could have helped you guys still". Jack tightens his hold and he says" you needed to be careful baby" I say" I know" I kiss him and he holds me right there and he bites my lip and we deepen the kiss and all of a sudden we hear the Tv turn on. We pull apart and Mork says" sorry don't mind me" I say"sorry Mork". He says" don't be, it's okay" Sun comes out only wearing a towel and Mork says" what are you doing mine" Sun says" I forgot to grab clothes". Sun grabs clothes and looks back and Mork looks at us and I say" go we will watch Tv" Mork jumps up and follows him into the bathroom and we hear the water running again. I chuckle and turn up the tv and Jack whispers" why don't we continue" he pushes me to the and go in between my legs and kisses me. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck. We kiss for a while and he kisses down my jaw to my neck. He kisses my neck and grabs and pins my hands where I can't move them. I try to remind myself that it's Jack and he pushes his hips against me and I'm back in the past with him on top of me I say" please you don't have to do this" he says" babe what do you mean" I close my eyes and start crying"please don't call me that I have someone" I feel a hand on my cheek and it's warm and feeling safe. I open my eyes and see Jack I say" I'm sorry" I look away and he makes me look at him and say" don't be baby I'm sorry I should have asked" I say" I hate this you must feel so disgusted" he says" no I feel good I just hate that that happened to you" he moves and brings me closer to him that I'm laying on his chest he says" my beautiful baby I feel pleasure just by holding you in my arms" I smile and say" you are amazing". We watch Tv for a while and they come out and I say" you didn't break the shower did you" Mork blushes and Sun says" No but there's no more hot water at all". I say" I will wait then" Mork hits Sun and says" why you say that" I look at the time and it's midnight I say" dammit I wanna go and walk" Sun says" go ahead" I say" I can't you are supposed to be indoors by 11" Sun says" do you think they meant us? That's for the students because they are responsible for them. Come on". We all get up and I put on sweats and a tank top and we put on our shoes and walk out. I say" are you sure about this" Sun says" don't worry". We heard a commotion and we walked over there and saw all the counselors. I say" see they are all having fun let's go back" all of sudden I hear Tul say" hey guys what are you guys doing" Sun says" I thought the bedtime was for the students so we wanted to go for a walk" Tul says" well it's for everyone but the chaperones choose if they follow them" I say" so we are in trouble" he says" no come on have drinks with us". We head over and I say" I'm only 17 and so is Jack" he says" in Thailand you can drink if you are under adult supervision and I'm sober and so is 4 other people because they are allergic to alcohol" I say"oh okay". We walk up and Max says" hey guys what are you doing here" Tul says" I invited them" a dude walks up saying something in Thai and Tul calms him down and the dude says" hi I'm off" we introduce ourselves and Off says" cute one over there my boyfriend" he points at a guy who is hanging around guitar players Off says something and the dude gets up and walks over there. Off says" my boyfriend" he says" Hi i'm Gun" we introduce ourselves again and Gun waves and we wave back. Tul says" I will go get you guys some Singha" I say" Sun what is that" Sun says" Thailand beer" I ask" is it strong" he says"no" I nod and we go and sit at a table and OffGun joins us. There is a few other people at the table and they look at Jack and I and then says something to Off and after few more Sun gets up and kinda yells at him he gets up also and is in Sun's face Mork grabs Sun's hand and the dude sitting next to the dude that's about to punch Sun grabs his hand and pulls him away. I say" what happened" he says" nothing Zhao please you don't wanna know" I say" please tell me" Gun says" he was talking about your scars and Off stood up for you and then he started saying the Jack probably whips you and it's disgusting so Off said stop it and mind your own business and I don't know how to say the rest in English" Sun says" he called you an ugly ass fag so I intervened and says shut your mouth or you are gonna get your ass beat and he says try it gay boy and now it's over". Tul comes back with a bottle and glasses full of ice. He starts pouring Sun, grabs the first cup that was filled and downs it. I say" thank you Sun and Off sorry that you had to get involved" Sun says" don't be sorry or thankful it's what friends are for" I smile and we all get our cups and take a drink. The drink is bitter and burns a little bit but it's weirdly good.Max comes over and sit's and so did four other people. One of them says" hi I'm New and this is my boyfriend Tay" I say" I'm Zhao and this is my boyfriend Jack" Sun introduces themselves and the other couple says" hi I'm Dean and this is my boyfriend Pharm" I say"hi". We drink a few glasses together and then I say" I'm gonna go walk along the trees" Jack says" let me go with you" I say" it's okay sweetie I will be back" I kiss his head and walk towards the trees. I take a deep breath and just enjoy the view. I get away from everybody that they aren't even in my sight. I can still hear the faint sound of guitars but not that much. I sit down and take a deep breath. I look out at the trees and just sigh. I lay back and look up at the sky and I heard strumming of a guitar and then I hear the voice I love hearing says" they that the most beautiful things come out at night" I say"really" he strums the guitar and sits. He smiles and says" no because they lied to me". I say"how" he says" because the most beautiful thing is always by me". He starts singing just the way you are by Bruno Mars. I start crying because how did I get this lucky. He finishes and he kisses me and says" you are beautiful no matter what someone says and together we are going to get through this". I kiss him and he kisses back. I move the guitar and sit on his lap facing him. I put my fingers in his hair and kisses him. He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me close. We make out until I desperately need air. We pull apart and I say" I love you" he says" I love you too". I peck his lips and hug him. He puts his face into my chest and kisses it. I smile and put my head into his hair. I turn around where I'm in between his legs sitting. He wraps his arms around my waist and we watch the stars. He says"Zhao" I say"yes" he says"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now" I say"me neither". We hang there for a couple hours and then walk back. It was empty so we went back to our room and saw Sun and Mork asleep in each other's arms. We go and lay down and we fell asleep.