Chapter Eight

-6 days later-

This is the last day of work we are all packing up ready to get on the bus for them to take us home. We are all ready to get back home. We finished packing and went outside to the bus. Sun and Mork took care of returning the key. We put our bags under the bus and then got on. Jack whispers in my ear" ready to ride all the way back" he kisses my ear I turn bright red and I smack his arm and I say"Jack!" He smiles and leans back and I kiss his cheek and lay my head on my shoulder. We fall asleep and I wake up to the bus stop abruptly. I open my eyes and look around and everything is fine. The bus starts going again and I sigh and lean back. Sun says" here drink this you look pale" I take the bottle and drink out of it. I say" thank you Sun" I hand it back and he says" keep it" I say"thank you". He says" you're welcome" he turns back around and I look at Jack and smile. He looks so cute while he is sleeping. I trace his face with my finger and kiss his forehead. He opens his eyes and smiles and he says" you are so cute". He kisses my lips and says"how did you sleep" I say"okay you?" he says" amazing I had such an amazing dream". I say" what did you dream about" he says"a wonderful and beautiful thing I can't wait to do" my mind goes dirty and I put my head down and he says"cuddling with you on a comfortable bed" I look at him and he says" what were you thinking" I say"nothing". He says"really?" and leans closer I say"yeah I wasn't thinking of anything". He says"okay I'm hungry! Mork do you know when we are stopping?" he says" in a few minutes we are pulling up now" we say"yeah!Thank you" he says"you're welcome". We pulled up to a gas station and we had 30 minutes. Jack and I got off and went to the bathroom. I went into a stall just because it's more comfortable for me. I open the door and I see Jack's back. I say" thanks bodyguard" he turns around and say" my pleasure sir" I kiss him and go wash my hands. We walk out hand in hand and buy some drinks and snacks. We get back on the bus and I open my drink and drink some of it. I say" do you know how long we have" and I hear Pharm say"we have four hours". I say"thanks Pharm" he says"you're welcome". I sit back and sigh and Jack says" what's wrong baby" I say"I just can't wait to get to Sun's house". Jack says"me too" I feel my phone go off and I look at it and it's Eric.


Eric: Hey I'm getting on the plane now so I will be there tomorrow

Me: okay we are headed back now so it's perfect timing

Eric: I miss you

Me: I miss you too

Eric: We haven't been away from each other this long before

Me: I know it's weird

Eric: Well I gotta go, they just called my plane. Love you see you soon

Me: love you too see you

~End of Conversation~

"Who was that?" Jack asks looking at me I say" Eric he's on his way to Bangkok now so he will be here tomorrow" Sun says" cool sorry for listening in" I say" don't be it's okay" he says"so is he staying with us or" I say"no they are going to stay at a hotel Eric told me a long time go that he knew how to speak Thai so he learned it for him". Sun says" that's so cool". I say"yeah it is". Sun turned back around and started talking to someone and I look at Jack and he is eating chips looking at his phone. I chuckle and take out my phone and scroll through instagram. We start going and happily the time goes fast and we are already there. We got off the bus, said goodbye to all the new people we met and take off to Sun's house. They kept everybody's car in a safe parking lot so we got to have Sun's car to drive us back. We get there and Mia is outside and Fai and Fah run out and go hug their mother and start telling her everything that happened I guess anyway. Sun says" no offense guys but I'm happy to have my own room again" I say" none taken because we are happy to" he smiles and grabs his bags out of the trunk and heads to the door. Mork grabs his and follows. Arm's wrapped around me from behind me and I jumped away and saw that it was Eric. I say" dude how did you get here so quickly" he says" we were walking around and these two hot dudes came up to us and we told them our situation and apparently they know you" I say" what are their names" he says" Max and Tul" I laugh and say" yeah they were camp counselors" he says" they were hot though" Liam clears his throat and Eric says" baby you know you are the hottest person on the Earth is my eyes" Liam says" oh shut up you were drooling over them" Jack says" what's up Liam" he says"nothing much just dealing with this thing" and he points at Eric. Eric pouts and Sun says" hey Eric" Eric runs over and hugs Sun and says" hey dude I missed you" Sun says" I barely know you" Eric says" true but still we were so lonely when you guys left and Lucas and Ten keep asking about you too" and all of a sudden I hear Mia says" how long are you boys going to stand out here come in" Eric walks up to her and says something in Thai and he brings out a box and opens it and her jaw drops and she says in english" OMG it's so beautiful" Eric says" I hope you like it" she says" I love it dear" she shows it it to us and it's a beautiful diamond necklace with earrings. She says" you can come over anytime" she pats him on the shoulder and he says" thank you ma'am". She says" come in come in". We all walk in and sit down on the couch and chairs. Grandma puts her hand on mine and smiles. I smile back at her and she takes her hand off and starts talking to Fai. Eric says" can I talk to you" I say"of course" I say"Jack,Eric and I are gonna go talk be right back" he says" don't be gone long". I smile and he smiles back at me and we walk up to where the room I'm staying in is. We get in there and I say" what's up" Eric hugs me and he says" I really missed you" I hug him back and say" me too". He says"so how have you been" I say" I have been okay I guess" he looks at me and says"Zhao" I say" I haven't been sleeping". He says"and?" I say"and having nightmares again" "and" he says raising an eyebrow. I say"questioning if he only loves me because he's worried that I will kill myself if he leaves and if he is getting tired of not being able to have sex". Eric says" you can't still" I say"no we were about to get it on when their voices,their faces,and even the disgusting touch of their hands came back and of course he understands so he backs off asks me if I'm okay tell him what happened and we cuddle and he whispers it's okay to me" Eric says" see he loves you, you are just panicking" I say"I know he loves me but how long is this love going to last? What happens if one day he just gets tired of me?" I sit down on the bed and say" I can't lose him Eric I won't survive losing him but I don't want him to think he has to be here. I want him to feel the same way" Eric says" have you asked him" I say"what?" He says"if he feels like he is forced to stay with you" I say" how do you ask someone that?" Eric says" I asked Liam that I was scared that I was forcing him to be with me". I say"are you okay?" Eric says"oh yeah I'm fine don't worry". There was a knock on the door and I say"come in" I see Jack and he walks over to me and hugs me and says" you were gone for to long" he says"I don't care to long" he puts his face in the crook of my neck and Eric says" well I will let you two lovebirds be." I say"don't leave" Sun says" sorry to interrupt but Mia my mom wants you and Liam to stay for dinner she is going to cook something special". Eric says" we would love to stay" Liam says" we would love to do what" Eric walks over to him and says" stay for dinner tonight" Liam says" yes I love thai food" I say" have you been to Thailand before" Liam says" yeah when I was 11 I can't remember where we went but I loved the food" Sun says" yeah that's why a lot of people come and visit Thailand or any asian countries." I say" I never wanted to come for the food I always loved the sites" Eric says"Gay!" we laugh and Sun says" how is that gay" I say"sorry Sun it's just a joke that we use towards each other when we do something thats so "gay" you know" Sun says" oh okay" Mork comes up behind and says"why did you guys leave me it got awkward they started talking about girl stuff" Sun says" sorry baby" he kisses his ear and he says" all better" Mork whispers something in Thai in his ear and Sun goes beat red and smacks Mork's chest. Sun chuckles and says"um I will call you when dinner is done". He runs down stairs with a smiling Mork. I say" I wonder what he said" everybody chuckles and Eric says" we gotta go check into the hotel before they won't let anybody check in anymore". I say" how are you going to get there and are you going to be back for dinner" Eric says"chill dude we can take a cab there and then a cab back just text me when it's an hour till dinner". I say"okay" we walk him to the door and I wait outside with them till the taxi gets here. The taxi gets here and they leave and walk into the house Jack says" I'm happy that Eric is here" I say"me too". He puts his arm around my waist and says" can we go rest" I say"yes please". We walk up the stairs and go up to our room and lay down. We cuddle and I put my head on his chest and he holds me close. He rubs his hand up my arm and traces all the scars up my arm. He says" I love you" I say"I love you too" he kisses the top of my head and I say"are you enjoying our time here" he says" yeah I can't believe we leave next week" I say"I know right". He says" not that I don't love it here but I can't wait to go back home". I say"me too I will miss it here but I can't wait. Then it hits me and says"wait where will we live" he says"don't worry I got a place and now you are a vampire you will be safe there" I say"where" Jack says" don't get mad just remember that I didn't tell you because of your safety" I say"what" Jack says"my dad bought me a manson but all the staff are vampires and he said that I can't bring any werewolves inside it or he will kill them so I never told you because I didn't want to put you in danger". I say"I understand but now I can live there because I'm half vampire" Jack says"yes you can" I say"are you sure" he says" and if you can't then I will raise hell" I say"thanks baby". He says"you are not mad" I say"no why would I" Jack says" for not telling you sooner". I say" you are okay baby" I kiss his lips and say" but I need to wolf out and run" Jack says"we can ask Sun" I say"true but I'm texting him because I don't want to get up". Jack laughs and says"okay baby" I grab my phone and text Sun.


Me: Hey Sun I know we are in the same house but is their anywhere were we could go to wolf out

Sun: lol yeah after dinner we can all go to the wolf owned land in bangkok

Me: will it be okay because of Jack is here

Sun: We don't care here it's land for everybody but mostly werewolves because it's usually to hot here

Me: I say okay. Can Eric and Liam come

Sun: Of course I said all

Me: oh yeah Thanks Sun

Sun: To be honest I needed it to

Me:yeah it's needed

Sun: Dinner is in an hour so you might want to text Eric

Me: It's already that late wow

Sun: No she made it early because she wanted to eat food

Me: cool lol okay I will text him


~End of Conversation~


Me: Hey dinner is in a hour

Eric:really we just got the hotel set up

Me: yeah she was hungry so she made it early

Eric:okay see you soon


~End Of Conversation~

"Cuddle with me" Jack says in a pout I say"I am" he pulls me on top of him and says"cuddles" I say"okay big baby"he says"your baby". I say"of course" we just lay in each other's arms when all of a sudden there was a knock on the door. I say"come in" and Eric walks in and I say" wow dude you got here fast" he says" what are you talking about you talked to me 45 minutes ago" I say"oh where is the time going" Jack says"my thoughts exactly"Eric says"well come on I'm hungry". I say"okay give us a minute"he says"okay" he leaves and we get up and I stretch and Jack says"you are the cutest" I say"ew cheesy". He laughs and he and I walk out of the room and head down the stairs and Mia says"dinner is done". We all sit around the table Leo,Fai,Fah,Joss,Eric,Liam,Grandma,Sun,Mork,and Jack and I go around the table Mia says" this makes me so happy" and she puts the dishes on the table. She sits down by Joss and says"dig in". We let the elders get their food first and then we grab our dishes. We finish dinner and Sun and Mork do the dishes Mia says" so you leave next week" I say"yeah I will miss it here but we gotta go back to school" Mia says" you guys are still high school" I say"yeah but we are going to graduate early" Mia says" good I hope it goes as planned" I say"me too". Sun comes out of the kitchen and says"wanna go" I say"yeah". Mia says" where are you going" Sun says" I wanna show them the mountains and it's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight" Mia says"have fun stay warm" Sun says" we will" I get and so does Jack and I say" come on Eric and Liam you guys are coming too". They say"oh okay" we all get in Sun's dad truck because it will fit all of us. We pull out of the driveway and Eric says"where are we going" Sun says" the wolf owned area". He says"there's wolves here too". I say" yes dummy they are everywhere" he says" sorry I didn't know" Sun says"it's okay Eric a lot of people think we don't exist here mostly vampire's because of the hot weather". Sun says" and Zhao you can't call him a dummy because you didn't know either". Eric says"rude" I laugh and say"but Sun if I remember right you laughed at me". Sun says" I would never" I say" sure you wouldn't" he laughs and says" when we get there don't be shy just wolf or show your teeth" Jack says" thanks Sun". Sun smiles and you see his fangs and he says"you're welcome". Jack smiles and you see his fangs. I say" I want my fangs" Sun says" don't worry I will teach you some things while we are up here" I say"okay thank you" Sun says"of course I wish I had someone that taught me I had to learn myself". I say" I can' wait I miss wolfing out and running" Sun says"me too I usually just use my vampire skills". I say" can't you can combine both of them". Sun says" yes but afterwards you are more exhausted then just using your wolf skills". I say"I see how that can be more tiring" he says" yeah once I had to use both of them to defeat a werewolf that was trying to kill me and afterwards I passed out because it was so much on my body" I say" oh why was that werewolf trying to kill you" he says"he was being homphobic and I stood up for myself and he turned on me and so I turned and he kept on hurting me so I channeled some of my Vampire and I won". I say"cool" and Sun says" yeah it was an awesome experience but I don't recommend it". I say" yeah only use it in emergencies" Sun says"yeah". We get there and turned exactly when I jumped out of the truck Sun changes and so does everybody else. Jack gets on my back and holds on. Sun says"keep up with me, focus on keeping up with me". He runs and there is dust coming up from him running so fast and I run to try to catch up but I can't. I try to imagine myself right next to him running with him and before I knew it I was in front of him. I stop at the edge of a cliff and Sun says" see you even out ran me and with someone on your back". We looked out to the view and after a couple of minutes and then everybody runs up. Eric says"wow dude I swear I just saw smoke". Sun and I chuckle and Jack gets off me and says"this is nice". I rub my head on Jack's leg and he pats my head and says"so cute" Sun says" come on Zhao we got many more things". He runs off and Jack gets on my back and I run after Sun and we get deep into the woods and he turns into a human. Jack gets off my back and I turn back into a human and Sun says" okay punch through the tree" I say" no it will break my hand". Sun says"you are strong enough" he punches through it no problem and he says" Jack come punch it" Jack walks over there and makes another hole through the wood and he says" your turn baby don't be afraid think it's Chris". I walk over there and imagine the tree as Chris's face and punches it and my fist and almost my whole arm goes through the tree. Sun says" you definitely are a chinese breed of werewolf" I say" why" he says" because Thai Vampires and werewolves can do as much as that. Jack the Thaiwanese Vampire can do that but you Zhao you are a Chinese breed of Werewolf and Vampire can do what you did only they can do that". I say" how many breed's of werewolf and vampire have you been around" he says" many all types of Asians,hispanics,italians,whites,native american,and many more and they have never been able to do what you did. I haven't been around chinese werewolves so I never knew how strong they are". I say" cool but how do you know what chinese werewolves are like when you haven't been around them" Sun says" a lot of werewolves and vampires want to be like the chinese werewolves and vampires but we can only be as good as our breed is. Nobody except the Chinese breeds can learn other people's skills and strengths". I say" are their others like me" Sun says" yes but they went into hiding because scientists are taking their blood and doing tests on them so they started hiding and not telling anybody who they really are" I say" that's terrible they should be able to be themselves". Sun says"yeah they should be but I would hide to I don't want to be a hamster". I say" you mean guinea pig" he says" whatever lets get back to training". He showed me a lot of stuff and showed me how to do all of them. We all regroup and I'm in wolf form and I go lay down by Jack and he puts my head on his leg. Sun says" I want ice cream" I turn back into a human and sit up. Everybody else does turn's back and says" Ice cream on Zhao" Jack says" I got it my money is his money and his money is like mine so it's technically still on him". Mork says" let's go get some Ice cream". We all get up and head to the truck and someone says" Zhao" I turn around and I see Max I say"oh hey Max" he says"what are you doing here" I say" there was a meteor shower and we wanted to see it so we came and watched it" he says" yeah I love wolfing out and watching the stars" and before I can stop myself I say"me too they look so much brighter" he says"yeah" it hits me and I say" wait what" he chuckles and says" I'm werewolf and so is Tul we always come here". I say" first time but we have been here for a couple hours so we are gonna go" Max says"okay see you around". I say"yeah". We all get in the car and head to Mcdonalds and Sun orders 6 sundae's and no peanuts on none of them. We get them and we all start eating them and enjoying them. We park somewhere and all just eat our ice cream and talk. After we all ate our sundaes and threw them away. We drove Eric and Liam to their hotel and by the time we got back to the house it was 12pm. We all quietly go to our rooms and Jack and I go take a shower and then fall asleep. I'm so tired from practicing but sadly I have a nightmare.