Chapter Nine

"Why did she have to go get you"Logan says I hide in the corner and he says"why would she get a disaster like you and then leave me". He grabs me out of the corner and say" you are such a disgrace". He throws me down and then throws an empty bottle at me and it breaks and the glass goes into my leg.I gasp and look at my leg and there's pieces of glass in my leg. Logan grabs my face and makes me look at him and he says"god you are so ugly why did she choose you there is way better 10 year olds out there and not as disgusting as you are". He lets go of my face and says" don't look at me" and he pushes my head down and says" get out of my sight if I see you again I will kill you". I get up and I had to use my hand to push me up and now there's glass in my hand. I stand up and he pushes me towards the stairs but I fall and I hit my arm on the bottom step but I get up and run to my room. I lock the door and go into the bathroom. I sit on the floor and grab the tweezers,the alcohol swabs,and the peroxide. I grab some toilet paper and put it down on the ground and clean the tweezers with an alcohol swab and then start taking each piece of glass from my hand. After I'm done with that I peroxide my hand and wrap it with a bandage. I start on my leg that hurts way worse. I bit my lip to stop crying but the tears came anyway. I'm halfway done with my leg when it won't stop bleeding so I licked my finger and put some saliva on it to stop the bleeding and it healed up. I looked at it confused and licked my finger and put it on another cut and it turned into a scar. I unwrap my hand and lick it and it scarred up. I wet a tissue with my saliva and wipe my scratches with it and they all start healing up. I finish taking all the glass out of it and I do the same thing and they heal up. I whisper"what the". I ignore thinking that I have that but still confused. Beep Beep Beep I open my eyes to brightness I close my eyes and open them again and shut off the beeping. I grab my phone and see that I missed a call from Officer Simon. I feel arms around me and he says"what's up baby" I say" I missed a call from Officer Simon". He says" is that good or bad". I say" I don't know" he says" are you going to call him back" I say"yeah". I go click on his number and put the phone to my ear.


Simon: Hey Zhao thank you for returning my call

Me: You're welcome. Is everything okay?

Simon: Well do you remember Logan he adopted you when you were 10

Me: Yeah what about him

Simon: Well he came to the police station asking about you and wanting to see you. I know what he did to you so I didn't tell him anything and legally I can't.

Me: Okay I'm in Thailand right now but I will meet with him when I get back but I have one condition

Simon: What's up

Me: It's at the police station with you in the room and my boyfriend and two policemen outside the room if that can't happen you can tell him to have a good life

Simon: Of course it can happen your safety comes first

Me: Thank you I will let you know when I get back to town

Simon: Oh cool why are in Thailand

Me: a couple friends were coming back to their families in Thailand and they invited us so we tagged along

Simon: how long are you going to be there

Me: for 5 more days we have already been here for three weeks so we have to go back on Saturday

Simon: Okay text me back or call me when you get back into town and I will tell you when the appointment is

Me: Okay Thank you Simon

Simon: No worries little bro

Me: Bye

Simon: Bye

~End Of Conversation~

Jack says" what was that all about" I put my phone down and hug him and say" one of my old foster dads wants to meet with me and talk so I told Simon that I will meet with him but he better be in the room and you and two officers outside the door". Jack says" have you told me about him" I say"no because I didn't want to overwhelm you". Jack says" what did he do to you if you don't mind me asking". I sat up and cleared my throat and say" I just turned 10 years old and a smiling couple came in looking for a ten year old. They had all of us 10 years old line up and go meet with them one by one. They chose me and they were so happy. She held my hand while we walked out and I was happy too. I finally have one family that wouldn't hurt me. It was going good for a couple months I actually started school but when I wore a tank top they saw all my scars,some still hearing, and some bruises from the kids at the orphanage. That's when the fighting started, they would fight how he was ashamed because people keep on asking if they beat me or hurt me. The people at school started bullying me so they had to take me out of school. So that caused more arguing between them and then to make everything "better" she got diagnosed with brain cancer and it was at stage 4 he got angrier and tried not to fight with her but they were losing money because of her medical stuff. So that caused arguments and it ended up killing her. So he started drinking and he became an addict and every time he saw me he hated himself so he took it out on me. That happened for two more months and the night that Simon found me was when this happened" and I showed him a circular scar on my arm and he says" how did that happen" I say" he came home high on meth and he saw me so he grabbed a beer bottle smashed it and tried to stab me so I moved and he stabbed my arm and the beer bottle was stuck in my arm and there was a knock on the door and he grabbed me and started choking me and before I passed out he was thrown off of me and a officer came and checked on me and it was Simon. He called an ambulance and stayed with me while they were taking Logan, that's his name to prison". Jack says" why the hell do you want to meet that man no not man thing again" I say" because he will find me somehow and meet me that way. This way I have full control over what happens". Jack says" sorry makes sense". I look at the time and it's 4 am I say" can we cuddle and just enjoy the darkness together" he says" of course". I lay on him towards him and he lays towards me and I put my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arms around my waist and we tangle our legs. He says"no matter what happens just remember I'm here and I love you". I say"I love you too". He kisses my forehead and I look up at him and kiss his lips and we stay there just loving being in each other's arms. We both pull back for air and he says"I love you so much" I say" I love you too" he lays his head on top of my head and I say"goodnight baby" he says" goodnight babe" after a couple minutes he falls asleep and I lay there staring into the darkness.I say in my head" why does he want to meet me? Why now it's been seven years since I have seen him. What could he want? Will he hurt me again? The last time I saw him he was trying to kill me. Why would he wanna see me?" I go on for a couple more hours of thinking about more and more reasons why he wants to meet me. I can't explain why he would want to see me but I stopped thinking about it well tried to.I turned around in his arms and he tightened his grip on me and I grab my phone and scroll through instagram. I look at the time and it's 6:30. I scroll by so many people and one catches my eye. It's a profile called Mark the rock and I click on it and it's Mark the one of the three that cut me up with knives. I see he has 2.4 million followers and I scroll through his page and there's a lot of pictures of him shirtless or in his underwear or even just his hands covering it and Jack says"looking for another boyfriend" I say" he's one of the dude's that cut me with knives" Jack gasps and says"sorry baby I didn't know" I say" you are fine and you better not think that again I will never leave you". Jack says" I know baby I was just trying to be funny" I say" look at this they let him go so easily why does he he get to live a good life when now I have to suffer" Jack says" he doesn't have a good life he has to put out his body to get likes and money and that's exactly what he gets. Well I think he should be dead". I say"true and me too but I hate seeing him". I block the page and turn off my phone and grab his hand and say" did you enjoy your nap" he says" very did you" I say" didn't sleep I couldn't". Someone knocks on the door and I say"come in" and Sun says" get up sleepy heads you only have 5 more days in Thailand so get up Mork and I have somewhere important to show you and wear something you can get wet in". I look at the time and say" it's only 8 am" he says" and get up and text Eric to be ready by ten". I say"yes sir" he leaves and I grab my phone and text Eric"be ready by ten we are coming to pick you guys up" he says"okay". We both get up and go take a shower and then brush our teeth and Jack says" baby" I say"yes" he wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck and he says" can you wear those shorts that you wore to songkran please" I say" are you sure you are okay with everybody seeing that" he says" yes because you are mine" he bites my neck and I say" Jack! Mia and Grandma will see" he says" better cover it uh. Well not yet". He goes and kisses my neck and he starts sucking on my neck and he bites it and lets the skin snap back and I bite my lip to stop a moan and he says" there we go have fun trying to cover that up". I look at it and it looks like I just got punched in the neck by a bear. I say" Jack!!" he smirks and says" what I have to get dressed" he leaves the bathroom and I grab my cover up and happily it's a liquid cover up I put layers and layers over it and happily you can't even tell. I put on the shorts and a t-shirt that says" koalas are lazy but I'm lazier" and then go apply another layer of cover up. Jack says" what you don't like my art" I say" I do but I don't want Mia and Grandma to see" Jack says" come on it's 9 o'clock". I look at Jack and he is wearing basketball shorts and a tank top. I have my knee length socks on because I'm going to wear my boots that go up to my knees. Fai says" you look cute" I say" thanks" I say" wait why aren't you at school" She says" we don't have school today because of coming back from the trip but we have school tomorrow" I say" oh okay" Sun says" you guys ready" I say" yeah where are we going" Sun says" you will see". I say" I texted Eric he should be ready" Sun says"cool". Mork comes out with 6 towels and asks" is this enough" Sun says"yes the others will bring their own" he walks past us and out the door. Sun looks at the time and says" it's 9:10 ready" I say"yeah" he says" do you have money" I say" yeah I still haven't used the check money you gave me" he says" good because this might be a lot of money" I say" I can pay for Jack and I" Jack says" I will pay for everybody" Sun says" no I can't have you do that" Jack says" trust me I can". He says" okay if you say so" he grabs his phone and starts texting people, I say" are you sure" he says"come here". We go outside and he says" so you know how vampires are immortal right" I say"yeah" he says" my dad is 899 years old and he has been around the world 1,000's of times and here his Thailand budget" he shows me his phone and it's $30 billion I say"wow" and he says" and more gets into it every second because of the place my dad owns here". I say" why haven't you told me all of this" he says" I didn't want you to date me for my money" I say" I don't care how much money you have I love you anyway" Sun says"ready love birds" we say"yes" Sun says" are you sure you can pay for everybody" he says"yes" Sun says" okay just to let you know there's 13 people" Jack says"okay". Sun says" okay they will meet us there" I say"okay". We go and pick up Eric and Liam and we pull up to an Amusement/Water park. Jack whispers"my dad owns this" I say"cool" he says"yeah". Eric says"what you guys talking about" Jack says"how excited we are" I say" yeah I can't wait". We pull up and we see Tharn and Type,No,Dean and Pharm,another couple. We get out and we greet everybody and Pharm says" this is Team and Win they wanted to come I hope that it's okay" Sun says" of course the more the merrier". We start walking and Pharm says" Did you know that this place is owned by a Taiwanese person? I don't know his first name but his last name is Bian". Tharn says" I heard about that too" Win says" people have said that he lives in Southern California but nobody knows his true location". We get up to the door and Jack walks up and says"Can I speak to your manager please" he says" hi I'm Nine the manager can I help you" he says"yes can we talk over there" he points over to the side and the Manager nods and asks someone to take over the desk and Sun says" where is he going" I say"don't worry".

Jack's Pov

"Hi I'm Jack Bian the son of the owner of this establishment" Nine says" sorry sir show me some proof" I give him my ID and his Jaw drops and bows he says" so sorry sir how can we help you" I say" give us full range of the park and we will pay for what we buy inside but give us tickets that can guarantee us the whole place" he says" yes sir they are black because when your father made this place he says"only my family will be able to use them" but because you are the son we will let you and your friends use them too". I say"thank you" he says" No thank you Mr.Bian" I say" no Jack and around I'm Jack nothing special and if I find out that you told anybody about this I will get this place shut down and a whole new crew" he says" yes sir and nobody knows what the black ones mean only that it allows you on everything in the park" I say"good now let's go". We walk back over there and everybody get's the bracelets and we head in with each of us holding a towel we go over to the lockers and Zhao and I share one.

Zhao's Pov

" Is everything okay babe" he says" yeah of course" Sun says" why do we have black ones?" Jack says" we can go on any ride in the park but obviously don't get on a mechanical ride wet". They all nod and Sun says" go have fun and if you are hungry the food vendors are down there to the left". We all nod and head places. Sun stays with us when Mork goes and does the ride where the floor drops from beneath you and Jack says"let's get this shit off you now and show people who you belong to". He takes off his shirt and wipes the cover up on my neck and Sun says" damn what did you do eat his neck" Jack says" nope just claiming what's mine" I say" what about you this is mine" Jack says"come on". Sun sighs and we head and we head to the bathroom and go into a stall and he says"give me one then". I say"are you sure?" he says"yes". I lean forward and kiss him and he kisses back and I trail kisses down to his neck and start kissing his neck. I get to a spot where he jerks and I start sucking right there. I see him bite his lip and wraps his arms around my waist. I remember what he did to me so I bite it and let it go. I suck on that spot and then bite it and then lick it and I taste blood. I look and he's bleeding a little bit and I gasp and say" here I got it" I lick it and it stops bleeding I say" I still got it" he says"got what". I say" I had a nightmare last night and I saw myself licking cuts and scratches and them healing and I wanted to try it. So now I know it works" he says"that's cool babe". We walk out and he says"let's go" we intertwined our fingers and we look at the clock and it's 10:30 we laugh to each other and I run to a place and I say" lazy river I love it" he says"okay" we go in and float and we meet Tharn and Type. Tharn says" oooo narely hickies boys" we both smile and I blush and look away and Jack says" thanks dude". We go around the lazy river then go on a few boat rides and also the slide and we see Sun and Mork we run to them and say"what's up" Sun says" we are gonna go get pizza wanna come" we all say"hell yeah". We walk down and see Pharm and Dean, Team and Win in the splash zone they see us and wave we wave back and they come running to us Win says" what you guys doing" Sun says"getting Pizza" they say"yeah". We walk up to the place that has pizza and we all order. Jack pays for him and me, Sun pays for Mork, and Dean pays for Pharm,Team,and Win, Tharn pays for Type and No after some arguing. We sit down and Sun says" So what has everybody been doing" Win says" we have been at the wave doing challenges because Dean,Team and I are on the swim team at our university and Dean is Captain and I'm co captain so we were seeing how strong we were towards the waves". Sun says" cool Tharn what did you guys do" No starts talking Thai explaining all the three of them did. He went on for awhile and after he was done I say" don't worry you don't have to translate" Sun says"thank god I don't remember all of that". We laugh and Sun says" what did you guys do" I say" we did the lazy river,the slide, and some of the boat rides". Sun says"we went on a lot of rides as well" our food comes and we start eating and Sun says" okay because we are eating and getting dry I think we should go do the non water rides and if you don't want to. Promise me you will not go in the water for at least 30 minutes I don't want any of you drowning". We all laugh and say"okay mom". Sun says"hey if me trying to help you have a longer life being a mom than I'm happy to have that title". We laugh and finish our food. Jack puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He says" are you having fun" I say" yeah" he says"come here" I put my face closer to him and he kisses me. Sun says" so what is everybody doing after this" I say" I wanna go to the gift shop" Sun says"cool" No says" Ice cream hot" Sun says" yes but later for me I wanna go on that huge ride" everybody says"me too" Jack says" I'm gonna go with my baby" I say" if you want to go ride the ride with them you can go" he says"but I wanna go with you" I say"okay". We throw away our trash and split ways. We walk into the gift shop and she says"hello" in Thai and we both say it. Jack says"what do you want to get" I say" I want a tank top it's hot when I'm out of the water but I'm worried because tank tops show more scars". He says" I don't want you to have a heat stroke so please baby" I say" I would but it shows the ones on my back". He says" can we go look at some and judge them". I say"yes" we go around and we found a t-shirt that rips in the front of them and the back only has a few. I go into the dressing room and put it on and I walk out and he says" OMG babe you look so good wear that please" I say" are you sure" he says"hell yeah" I chuckle and go back into the dressing room and I change back into my t-shirt and we go back to the changing/locker rooms and I change into my new shirt and he says"let's go play". We go on a few non water rides but it was too hot to touch a lot of them so we all just headed back to the water side and Mork says" Zhao come do this ride with me" and he points to the one where the floor comes from underneath you and I say"no you do it" he says" I have five times now it's so fun please do it" I look at Jack and I say" should I" he says" I will go do it and then you can" I say"okay". We intertwined our fingers and head up the stairs Mork goes first and then Jack does and I get in the box and I take a deep breath and the floor falls I slide down a tube of water and then fly into the pool at the bottom. I swim up and I see Jack he says" how was it baby" he helps me out of the water and I say" awesome that was a rush" Mork says" again?" I say"no thank you" we laugh and Sun says" what we laughing at" I say" we all just went down that" and I point at it and Sun says" what you are brave he has been bugging me all day to do it with him". I say"what time is it anyway" he says"4 pm they have an amazing night thing wanna stay for that" I say"yeah" Jack says" yes". Mork says" well we are going to go to the huge water slide" I say"have fun" and they run away. Someone comes up behind us and says" Mr.Jack I'm sorry I know you told us not to act like you weren't the son but your fathers lawyer is here and he found out here so he wants to talk to you". Jack turns around and says" no if he wants to talk business he can do it with my father. I'm here enjoying time with my boyfriend and my friends". He says" sorry sir I will go tell him". Jack intertwined our fingers and started walking and says" I hate this" I say" I'm sorry baby". We go to an area that has a waterfall. We swim behind the waterfall and he says" you don't have to be sorry I just hid away everything he owned so I wouldn't have to deal with it but I forgot that he owned places in Thailand". I say" I'm sorry baby" he lets go of my hand and puts it on my waist. I look out from the waterfall and nobody was in the area. Nobody was around so I kiss his lips and I say" Let's just have some fun it's almost dark it's going to be so pretty" he says" baby why do you think I took you here". It was getting dark and the lights where we are turned on so it was a beautiful blue and I say" I love you Jack" he says" I love you too Zhao". We hug and then I kiss his lips and he kisses back and then all of sudden we hear Sun say" hey lovebirds come on". We pull our heads away and it was dark only the park's lights were to be seen. We head over to the wave zone and we see Team,Win,Pharm,and Dean and they walked towards us and I say" where is Tharn and Type" and all of a sudden I felt an arm around my shoulder and Type says"right here" I say" cool where have you guys been" Tharn says"riding rides a lot of roller coasters" I say" cool we were in the water ones". Sun says"you know why we are here right now" I shake my head no and he says" 5.....4....3...2...1" and a huge bang happens and I jump and Jack puts his arms around my waist and there's fireworks in the sky making everything red Sun says" every night they have a firework show sometimes you can see them from my house but it's nothing like being here and watching it". We all cuddle up to our boyfriends and watch the sky turn so many different colors and Jack kisses my cheek and whispers" I love you. You look so beautiful in this light" I say"thanks I love you too and you always look handsome no matter what". I turn my head and kiss his cheek and lean back just taking in this moment. After a while they stop and Sun says" so we can go home or we can play more" Tharn says" we gotta go because we have a curfew and university tomorrow" Pharm says" we all do too". Sun says"okay see you guys whenever you guys are free" they all say"bye" and we say"bye". I say" it's up to you if we go home or not" Mork says" I'm ready to go I reak like chlorine". Sun says"okay let's go home". We all head back over to the locker area and grab everything and we head out to the car and get in. We head back and walk into the house and head up to our rooms. Jack and I go take a shower and dress in sweats and I put on a hoodie but Jack doesn't put anything and I go lay down and take a deep breath Jack says"what's wrong baby" he lays down by me and then goes on his side so he can face me I say"nothing" and flip on my side so we are looking into each others eyes. He says"you are so beautiful". I say"why" he says"today you were just so beautiful" I push him down and get on top of him and say"you are beautiful" I kiss him and I let my lips linger for a few seconds before going down and leaving a trail of kisses down to his neck he lifts his head. I kiss his neck and he moves and I smile and kiss where I made the hickey and he bites his lip and I say"that's it" he says"what??!" I laugh and roll off him and flip away from him. He puts his arms around me and says"god you tease". I laugh and close my eyes and he says"goodnight baby" I say"goodnight".