Chapter Ten

I wake up to a cold bed and I say"Jack" and there was no answer. I sit up and say"Jack" and he pops his head out of the bathroom and say"yes baby" I throw a pillow at him and say" don't scare me like that" he walks over with the pillow and says" sorry baby" he kisses me on the forehead and I say"what time is it" he says" 11 am" I say"what! Why did you let me sleep for that long? I'm sorry". I start panicking and he holds my hands and says"baby look at me". I look at him with tears in my eyes and he says"you're fine to sleep in you were exhausted you needed the sleep". I say" no I should have been up and" he kisses me and firmly pushes his lips to my lips and he pulls away and says" baby you are okay come here" he sits on the bed and I sit on his lap and he holds me tightly and says" so you did amazing and you are amazing". I put my head in his neck and say"thank you". He says" don't mention it" he kisses my cheek and I say" I'm gonna go shower" Jack says" can I come with" I say"yeah". We take a shower and get dressed and head downstairs. Mia says" Good Morning boys" we say" good morning" she says"so do you guys have anything planned for your last week in Thailand" I say" not that I know of" she says" well have you guys been to the temple yet " we shake our heads and she says"I swear I could smack that boy" we hold back a chuckle and Sun comes down and Mia goes off in Thai. Mork runs to stand beside us and he says" wow what happened" Jack says" I think it has something to do with a temple because we were talking about it and she said" she could smack him" and then now this" Mork says" oh yeah that's funny because Sun and I were going to take you guys to the temple today" I chuckle and Mia looks back at me and says"sorry" and walks away. Sun says"wow she hasn't yelled at me like that since I was 15" he chuckles and says"well ready to go to the temple". We nod and he says something to his mom and we head out. We get there and we take off our shoes and socks and walk onto the stairs that lead up to the temple I follow where they are going and I look down to make sure I don't trip and I notice that I totally forgot what shirt I'm wearing. I'm wearing a short sleeve so you can see all my scars and you can see the burn marks on my feet. I follow him where we are supposed to light some candles and go sit in front of a line of Phra's. I found out they were called one of them and touched my hand and started to say something while he was looking me right in the eyes. After a huge long speech he let go of my hand and bowed so I bowed and Sun got up so I got up and followed him. We got down the stairs and I say" Sun what did he say" Sun says"come on let's get back to the car" I say" did he say something bad" Sun says"shhh let's go back". We walked back to the car slowly and passed a lot of people that were crying and bowing over every statue that they saw. Jack says"wow I have never seen people this dedicated to something". I nod and we get back to the car and get in. I say"Sun what did he say" Sun says"he grabbed your hand and said this" Child you have been through a lot and people can see that by the outer look of you but nobody knows how deep it actually affected you. People see you outside and think you want attention but they don't know any better. You want to bring what happened to the light and not get any attention from it. I see a very wounded soul and heart. Your heart has scars and rips in it but they are being molded back together right now by the people around you. You never had anybody to be there for you when you needed someone now that you do. You panic and start freaking out but he reminds you that he is there because he loves you and he cares about you. It's hard for you to believe someone actually loves you. I understand that and feel that but remember that you need to let people in and you need to accept his love because he won't turn on you". He reached into your soul in those few seconds he touched your hand that's why I go to these Phra's". I say" wow that's amazing" Sun says"yeah see why I wanted to be in the car" I say"yeah". We chuckle and he turns on the car and says"food time". We head to a place called BonChon Chicken I chuckle at the name and Sun says" this is the place to get chicken" Mork says" we are going to eat chicken for breakfast" Sun says"what it's 12:47 it's technically lunch time" Mork sighs and looks out the window and Sun says something in Thai and Mork has a huge smile on his face. Jack whispers in my ear"that was cute" I say"right". Sun helps us order and then we head to a park named Saranrom Palace and it's beautiful. We go and sit by the huge fountain. I say"it's beautiful" Sun says"I thought you would like it. I used to come here as a kid" I say"that's cool" Sun says" yeah let's eat" . Sun unwraps all the food. We got our food and I take a bite and it tastes amazing like I just took a bite into heaven. I say"this is better than KFC and I thought I would never say that" Mork says" KFC here is actually almost out of business but they won't shut down because they still have some business" I say"wow BonChon should be really proud". We continue eating and a bird lands on the fountain and I put a piece of chicken in the fountain and the bird takes the chicken and flies off. Jack says"you are so cute" I say"he looked hungry". We finish eating and start walking around. We get stopped by this guy and Sun keeps walking so we all follow and he grabs my wrist and Jack pushes him off of me and Sun says" just ignore him let's go". We get far away from him and I say"god we should just stay home" and I chuckle and Sun says"yeah there's a lot of weirdos everywhere". I say" I wanna hang out Tharn,Type and No before we leave". Sun says"so today is Thursday and we leave on Saturday. So we should call them sometime today or tomorrow" and all of a sudden his phone goes off and he speaks in Thai so I have no clue what he is saying but after awhile he hangs up and he says" well that was weird that was Tharn inviting us to a bonfire tonight at Ko Lan" I say" cool what time" he says"9 and what's cool is that there is Teepees and tents or you can just camp out. We get to hang out with them and have you guys ever been to a bonfire" and we both say"no" Sun says"cool we will go tonight" and Mork says" we should go home for now so we can spend all day with them and just relax" Sun says"okay let's go". We head back home and spend all day just talking or relaxing and at 7 we all head upstairs to get ready. I get changed into a black sweater and black jeans and wear my black shoes. Jack wears a dark red shirt with black shorts with a pair of shoes that look exactly like mine. I say"are you excited" he says"yeah. Are you?" I say"of course I have always wanted to go to a bonfire". Jack comes up to me and puts his arms around my hips and says" I love you" I say" I love you too". He kisses me and I kiss back and then we pull apart and check the time and it's 8:30. We head downstairs and say goodbye and then head to the bonfire. When we get there the fire is already lit and there's already a circle of people. We join the circle and Sun explains that we can't speak or understand Thai and a girl says" I'm Sophie and don't worry because we all can speak english or understand it". I say" I'm Zhao and this is my boyfriend Jack". Sun says"I'm Sun and this is my boyfriend Mork" another girl says" hi I'm Clary and this is Jace" I wave and Sophie says" who wants to play king" and everybody puts their hands up and Sun explains the game to us and I get nervous but I'm excited. We all schooh in closer and she drops the cards and they get covered by the sand and she says"go" and we all grab a card and she says"flip" and we all flip them over and Tharn says" yes I'm king" everybody aw's and he says" I want 2 and 5 to look at each other and say their most embarrassing moment". Lucky I have 3, Jack has 4 and Sun and Mork have 7 and 8. Jace and Sophie tell each other their most embarrassing moments and everybody laughs. We throw in our cards and do it again. Sun gets the king card and says" I want 5 and 9 to kiss for ten seconds" I look down and I see I have 5 and my heart drops and I see that Thomas says" mwah who is the lucky person" I look over at Jack and he says" you can always drink remember that" I say" nah it's a game right". I get up and he does too and he puts his hand on my face and he kisses me and flashbacks of all the guys that have raped me flash through my head and I count along with them and we pull apart and a tear slides down my face and says"sorry". I run towards the water and I hear someone walk up behind me and I look and it's Type and Jack. Jack kisses me on the top of my head and says" I will go get some water" Type and I sit down and he says"you saw them didn't you" I say" how did you know" he says"because when I first met Tharn the dude that did the stuff to me that's who I saw everytime Tharn touched me or kissed me or even came near me. I was so terrified that I was so rude to him and I'm so happy for you I couldn't do that ever. Sometimes after Tharn and I you know he has to hold me because I start panicking". Jack comes up with three bottle waters and I say" yeah we haven't gotten to that point because I keep freaking out" and Jack says" and it's okay" Type says"totally you don't have to do anything until you are ready". Tharn walks up and says" hey guys" he sits by Type and puts his arm around him and then Sun and Mork join us and I say" you know I'm going to miss you guys". Type puts his arm on my shoulder and he says"we are going to miss you too". Sun says" let's go swimming" he takes off his shirt and his pants and runs into the ocean and Mork follows. Tharn takes off his shirt and he's already wearing shorts and Type gets up and takes off his shirt and he is wearing shorts also and he says"come on Zhao you got this". Jack stands up and takes off his shirt. I stand up and take a deep breath and slip off my shirt and I hear Type scream"whoooooo" and they all scream and I take off my pants and Type runs out of the water and stands next to me and we run into the ocean and Jack follow we are all splashing around and the glow of the fire is the only thing giving us light and the moon of course. Type touches my back and he says" sorry I almost fell" I say" don't worry about it" and we swim out a bit and Jack grabs my hips and pulls me towards him and he sits me on his lap and he says" I'm so proud of you baby" I say"thank you" he says"now everybody gets to see your beauty I'm getting possessive" I laugh and say"trust me nobody is looking" he traces his hands down my back and says" I love you" I say" I love you too" and I kiss him and everybody says"ooooooo" and Sun says"get it Zhao" and I laugh and hide my face into his shoulder. We end up just relaxing in the water and everybody else ends up leaving or going to the Teepee. The fire burns out and it's so beautiful because now we are just under the moonlight and everything is just so beautiful. Tharn says"I'm happy I met you guys" I say"me too I don't want to leave". Type says"we need to keep in contact bro" I say"yeah we do". Sun says" what time is it" and Mork says"2:06" I say"wow already?" Mork says" yeah that's what my watch says" Sun says"oh". I say" I wanna sleep on the beach tonight" Jack says"okay" and everybody else agrees and we get out of the water and stand because we don't want sand caked on us. Sun says" I hate this part" Tharn says" should we see if anywhere sells towels near by and is still open". We walk around and I'm getting nervous because we are getting to bright places and there's a place still open. Tharn and Type go in and buy towels and some snacks. He gives us each a towel and we dry off while we head back to our clothing. We get dressed and lay on the sand where we know the water won't touch us. I say" tomorrow or right now I need your guys phone numbers". Type says" here give me your phone" I give him my phone and he gives it to Tharn and he laughs and says" I can't understand it" I say"it's okay" and Tharn says"there you go now we are all friends and even you Jack you just have to go to your requests" Jack says"okay thanks dude". Type says"I'm so happy I met you guys" We say"us too we have to keep talking no matter what" they say"yeah". We lay there in silence and just enjoyed being with friends. We all slipped off to sleep slowly and I was the last one.