Chapter Eleven

I wake up to a wave crashing on my feet so I jump awake and Jack says"are you okay baby" I say" yeah the water scared me" he says"same that's how I woke up". I look over and don't see TharnType and Jack says" they went to go get breakfast" Sun and Mork walk up and so does Eric and Liam. They have drinks. Eric says"here is yours and here is Jack's". We grab them and I take a sip and I say"okay creepy I was craving this two days ago". He says" I know you boo" I say"I know" Jack says"what is it" I say" Mountain Dew" Jack says"where did you find it? I was looking everywhere for it". Eric says"can you read Thai?" Jack says"no" he says"that's why you couldn't find it". Jack says"shh". They sit down and Tharn and Type come up with bags of food. Tharn says" thank god you guys are here because we got food for you four but we didn't know if you guys were going to be here". Sun says"same when we went to go get drinks we didn't know if you guys were going to be back so we did the same thing" we all laugh and everybody gets their drink and their food and we all start eating. I say"so last day" and all make disapproving noises and say"no tomorrow is the last day today is today" Tharn says"wanna come over and meet my parents and go swimming" we all say"yes!!" and he says"okay let me text my parents" I say"ooo still have to ask" he says"nope warning them how many people are coming over". I say"oh sorry" he says"it's good you are playing". We finish eating and we all head over there. Jack and I go with Tharn and Type so Eric and Liam can go with Sun and Mork. We get there and we follow Tharn inside and a man and a women are sitting on the couch and we all bow and Tharn says" guys this is my father Alexander and My mother Tao and my brother is somewhere and his name is Thorn and you already met Thanya" we wave and Sun says" Hi this Zhao,Jack,Eric,and Liam". They nod and we follow Tharn to his room and he gives the people that don't have shorts on shorts so they don't have to swim in there boxers and he says" Zhao" I walk to him and he says" it's okay if you swim shirtless I swear but if you didn't want to I have a swim shirt". I say" can I wear the swim shirt" he says"of course here". He hands it to me and I change. We all head out to the pool and we all get in and start playing volleyball and we hear Thanya say something and all the Thai speakers laugh and I say"what" she jumps in. She says"they said I can't come out here in my bikini with a bunch of boys and I said mom they are all gay and dating each other". I chuckle and Tao says" are you guys staying for dinner?" Sun says" sorry we can't Mia has been working on our final dinner here since last night but you guys can come over there". Tharn and Sun get out and go handle it. I swim over to Jack and kiss his cheek and say" I love you" he says" I love you too". Tharn and Sun come back out and Sun says" we are all eating at my mom's tonight" and Tharn says it in Thai. They jump back in and we start playing a bunch of random games. After a few hours we all get out and change and start playing a video game. While I was fighting Liam in the game Tharn says" so what was your favorite part of all this. Mine was meeting you guys" Sun says" remembering my home town it's been way to long since I have been here". Jack says"being exposed to a wonderful culture" Type says"meeting someone who understands what I have been through and going through" Mork says" coming back to Thailand is my favorite part" Eric says" haven't been here for long but I love everything that I have experienced" Liam says"Same". Jack touches my back and says" what about you babe". I take a moment remembering all the stuff we have done. Everything to the last thing we did and I say" I'm happy to have met an amazing friend group. One that will let you do what you need without getting mad at you for doing it. I'm glad that I came with you guys". They all look at me and Sun says"okay emotional Zhao" he hugs me and so does Mork and then they all come up and hug me. They all let go and Tharn says" thank you for making this month so much fun guys". Tharn looks at the time and says" and it's time for dinner" Sun says"really whoa". We all get up and head to the living room. Tharn says something to his family and then says"you guys can leave first we will be right behind you" Sun says"okay I will tell my mom" we all leave after saying goodbye. I have to sit in Jack's lap because there isn't enough room for everyone but I don't mind sitting on his lap. He nuzzles his head into my neck and says" I love you" and kisses me. I say" I love you too". We get to his house and we all get out and walk in. Joss says" hi boys" we all wave and Sun says" hey dad can I talk to you" he says"of course come" they start walking and Fai and Fah run to us and grab my hand and Jack's and say" we have something for you" I say"what" and they pull us to their room and Fah says" close your eyes" we close our eyes and a few minutes pass and they say"open". We open our eyes and we see a painting of us and Jack has one arm around me and I'm leaning into him and we have our fingers intertwined. I say"this is amazing". How did you do this" She says"that is a secret" and I keep just looking at me. They put me in a short sleeve so they put in the scars and is this what I look like to people? I don't look half bad. Jack says"this is amazing you even got his swirl in his eyes" and I look and they did perfectly. I turn around and say" thank you. Can I hug you" She says"of course" we hug and they do too and then we switch girls. Sun says"whoa" Fai says"no get out it was supposed to be a surprise to everybody. We just needed your permission to show everybody". Sun shuts the door and says"then you should shut the door and mom said to go set the table and that is amazing" she says"thank you". Fai puts a black cloth over it and she says"you get at dinner" I say"okay thank you". We leave and Fai and Fah stay and do something. We go to the living room and Leo and Joss are sitting. Leo says" your plane comes tomorrow at 12 so we gotta get up by 8". We all say"okay" and go sit down and exactly when we sat the doorbell goes off and Sun gets up and gets it and its Tharn and his family and Type of course. We move so Tao and Alexander can sit and Tao says"thank you dear". I say"you're welcome" we sit on the floor and everybody starts talking in Thai and Jack puts his arm around me and I smile at him. After a while Mia comes out and says"dinnertime". We all head over there and we all sit down and the table is covered with so many dishes. Mia says"thank you Sun for bringing two amazing men into our lives" She looks over at Sun and says" Sun I'm so proud of you, who you are and what you are doing just remember that we are always proud of you" Sun says"thank you mom. I love you" She says" I love you too. Know let's eat". We all start eating and Tao and Mia start talking and the others are eating. Tharn says something to Sun and Sun chuckles. We all are about to finish eating when Fai says" we have a surprise for our new brothers and my brother" She gets up and so does Fah and grabs two clothed canvas and she says"countdown" and everybody goes"3...2...1". They pull off the covers and there was the picture of Jack and I and then there was a picture of Sun and Mork hugging and Mork kissing his head. Everybody goes"wow" and Sun says" you said you wanted that picture for a friend" She says"oops I lied". Thanya says" I'm jealous I made something too for both of them" she gives us a photo and ours is Jack giving me a piggyback and we are edited in a forest. I say"this looks amazing thank you all of you" the family claps and they all take a bow and give us the canvas. We all finish eating and Fai and Fah clean up and Thanya helps them. We are just admiring the photos and Fah comes up with two bags and says"this is what you put them in so they don't get ruined on the plane" I say"thank you I was just thinking about that". She smiles and runs away and Tao says" Zhao not to be rude but how are your eyes like that" I say" it's a rare type of heterochromia" she says"what's the last word you said" I look at Sun and he starts explaining it in Thai and she says" oh okay" I say"sorry"she says"don't be" I say"okay". She starts talking to Joss and I say" Sun thank you for this amazing month I really needed this". He hugs me and says"you are so welcome. Come walk with me" I say"okay. Jack I will be back" and he tells Mork he will be back and we get up and walk outside. Sun walks out to his car and says" I can't tell you how happy and grateful you guys came a long " I stand by his side and say"what do you mean". Sun looks at me and says"the last time I talked to my parents they told me to get lost and that I wasn't their Son because I was gay. So I listened. That's why I left Thailand and a month ago now before we left. My mom called me crying and we had a 3 hour conversation and she telling me to come with my boyfriend if I had one. I said I would but I was terrified to come here with only him just in case stuff went south and so that's why I asked you guys to come. I'm sorry that I used you guys but I was just so scared". I say"you didn't use us. You don't have to feel sorry or bad. I'm happy you asked and I know Jack is too and even if you told us why we would have came a long to help and be there for you because that is what friends are for". Sun says" thank you Zhao. Can I hug you" I say"of course". He hugs me and I hug him back. He says"you are an awesome friend Zhao" I say"you are too". He pulls back and says"let's go back" I say"okay". He puts his arm around my shoulders and we walk back into the house. Jack looks at me and smiles. I walk up to him and smile. He hugs me and asks"is everything okay" I say"yeah everything is fine" Mia says" I'm going to miss all of you so much". I say" thank you for everything Mia" she says" anytime". Leo says" not to kill the fun but we have to wake up at 8 tomorrow and it's already 12" I say"wow time goes by fast". Mia gets up and Sun and Mork get up and they hug. Mia says"come here guys" we get up and walk over there and hug her and we all hug. Jack and I let go and I say"well we will head to bed first" everybody says"goodnight" we say"goodnight". We head up to the room and shut and lock the door. I say"we should pack". He says" yeah we don't have much but we should pack" I say"yeah let's pack". We start packing and there's a knock at the door. Jack answers it and it's Fai and she says" sorry to bug you guys but you guys forgot your painting" Jack says" sorry thank you" she says" you're welcome" she hands it to him and he takes it and she says"goodnight guys" and we say"goodnight". She leaves and he shuts the door and puts down the painting and says"they are so talented" I say"yeah they are". I finish packing and grab Jack's stuff and start packing them. He says" baby I can do it" I say"no it's okay I can do it". Jack comes over and hugs me and says"baby you don't have to do it" I say"but I want to" he says"okay. I will allow you to" I say"thank you" he chuckles and says" you're welcome" he kisses my neck and tightens his hug. I finish packing his stuff and he says" shower time?" I say" shower time." We grab the PJ's I left out for both of us and went to shower. We come out of the shower and lay down. I roll over towards him and say"are you ready to go back"he says"but I will miss it here" I say" me too I don't want to go back to school" Jack says" me either but we got to so we can finish it faster". I say"true but I don't want to deal with Chris's shit" he says"I know honey but sadly we do but I will be here for you" I say" I know I'm just worried" he pulls me closer so now I'm laying on his shoulder and looking up at him and he says" I won't let anything happen to you" he kisses me and I kiss him back. I pull away and close my eyes. I say" I love you" he says" I love you too baby" he holds me closer and kisses the top of my head and we both fall asleep.