Chapter Twelve

I open my eyes and look at the time and it's 8 am. I turn around and kiss Jack's nose and says"wake up baby it's 8" he says"no" and buries his head into my neck I say" I don't either but come on". I get up and he gets up with me. I go grab him and me outfits that would be comfortable for a plane ride. He looks at me and I say"come on we have to shower" he groans and gets up and we both shower and change. We walk out of the bathroom and grab our bags and he grabs the painting and we head downstairs and Sun is already down there talking to Mia and Joss. Sun looks over at me and says"the car is open if you want to put in your stuff now". Jack says" I will do it" he grabs my bag before I could even reply. Eric walks in and runs over to me and hugs me. He says"ready to go back buddy" I say"yeah". I look at Mia and she says" oh come hug me" Jack and Liam walk in and Mia lets go of me and she goes and hugs Jack and says" treat that young man good okay?" Jack says"yes ma'am" and she looks at Mork and says" please keep making my son happy. We haven't been the best parents but I am so happy that you two found each other". They hug each other and Leo says"okay mom we got to go". Mia says" please come back soon guys" I say"of course ma'am thank you for letting us stay here". We all hug goodbye and walk out to Leo's car. Jack,Eric,and I are in the back, Liam and Mork are in front of us, and Leo and Sun up front. Leo says" ready everybody" we all say"ready". We start heading to Hua Hin and he says"it will be three hours so we will get there just in time". The whole three hours we were all talking and listening to music. We get to the Airport and he parks and says"go sit at a coffee shop and we will go work everything out". Leo,Sun,and Mork go and get the tickets and we go and get stuff from the coffee shop. We all get our coffee's and our muffins and go sit down. I take a sip of my coffee and they all come back and Sun says" so the flight is at 12:30. Here are everybody's tickets and happily we are all by each other." Leo says" it was nice to meet you all and I hope we can see each other soon. Brother can I talk to you". Sun says"of course". They leave and Mork says" I'm going to go get a coffee". He walks over with his coffee and sits down. I say" anybody excited" everybody says"yeah". Sun comes back alone and I say" where is Leo" Sun says" he had to go to work but he's proud of me and he's gay too and has a boyfriend and he told mom and dad and that's why they wanted me to come back" I say" that's awesome Sun I'm happy for you". We all chill at the coffee shop until 12 and then move closer to the gate. At 12:20 they call our plane and we all head to the place to put our luggage and get on the plane. Eric and Liam are behind us and Sun and Mork are in front of us. I say" you know what I just realized" Jack says"what" I say"here goes another 16 hour plane ride". We all laugh and I sigh back in my seat. Jack intertwined our hands and say"I'm happy we did" I say"me too".

-16 Hours Later-

We finally get home and we all sigh and stretch. Sun says" I already got us a car" Eric laughs and says" Liam's dad is coming and getting us" Jack says"I already got us a car also" Eric says" okay see you at school tomorrow" I say"see you". Sun says" are you sure you guys are okay" I look at Jack and Jack says" guys I have something to tell you but please don't change your view about me" Sun and Eric say"what" Jack says" My name is Jack Bian my father is the leader of the Vampires and when I moved back here he bought me a mansion and I haven't been able to use it till now" Eric says"dude why didn't you tell us we wouldn't of judged you" Liam says" dude my family and yours are the same my dad owns half of the human world". Sun says"we will not look at you differently or use you for your money. Okay?" Jack says" okay but you all need to come over and try the chef's food though" Mork says" I'm down" and we laugh. Sun says"see you guys tomorrow" we all say"see you". We wait for Liam's dad to come get them. He comes and gets them and Jack says"are you ready to go to our new home baby and step into a life that I have desperately tried to runaway from" I say"baby we don't have to go to the house" he says" no it's mine, it's in my name and you make me feel stronger so I can actually go and claim my house" I say" I love you" he says" I love you too". Jack grabs his phone and calls someone after a few minutes he gets off the phone and says"they will be here in a second" I say" what are they waiting for you to call" Jack says"yes actually" I say"oh" a car pulls up and a man gets out and says" Mr. Bian" Jack says" it's Jack Christen you know this" he walks over and opens the door and says"sorry sir". Jack says"love get in first". I get in and it's such a pretty car Jack gets in and Christen shuts the door and I say" this car is beautiful" Jack says"yeah it is" Christen says" where to sir" Jack says" My mansion" Christen says" yes sir". Jack comes closer to me and I grab his hand and put my head on his shoulder and he kisses my head and says"please don't stop loving me" I look up at him and say" why would I? I love you for you. You are the same Jack I fell in love with" he says"how are you so amazing" and I say"because of you". He kisses me and I kiss back and he puts his arm around me and pulls me closer and the car comes to a stop and I pull back and I see we are outside a black mansion I say"this is yours?" Jack says"ours". Christen comes around and opens the door Jack gets out and gives me his hand I take it and we intertwine our fingers and Jack says" Christen does Kyle still work here" Christen says"yes sir" Jack says" tell him to meet me in my office in 40 minutes" Christen says"okay sir". I say" I like this Jack he's hot" Jack says" just wait baby". I see Christen go grab the bags and I say"can I have my backpack" he gives it to me and I say"thank you". Jack picks me up bridal style and says"you are so nice. Let's see your new home baby". He walks up the steps and someone opens the door and says"welcome back sir" Jack says"thank you". He sets me down and I look around and it's a beautiful black and white house. Jack goes and gives me a full tour and he says"this house matches you baby and if you want after I tell everybody you can wolf out freely" I say"really" he says"yep let me just tell all the staff and you can. I forgot to show you my three favorite parts of the house". He takes me to see the training room, the swimming pool, and a huge room that's blank. I say"what's this room" he says"this" and he starts running around and he jumps off the wall and is right behind me. I run with him I do a back flip off the wall and he says" I didn't know you could do that" I say"me neither" he says" and you can wolf out also" I jump on him and say"you are the best" I kiss him and he says" let's go make you owner of this house" I say"what" he says"what" I say" this is yours" he says"ours" I say"no baby it's yours" he says" stop it's ours you are my boyfriend". He carries me to the office and I'm guessing Kyle is already in there. We sit down and I try to move but he doesn't let me. Jack says"hey Kyle" Kyle says" Welcome back sir does your father know" he says" not yet but he will. I want the documents for this house we need to add another owner" Kyle says"okay sir" Jack says" and get all the staff that work for this house in here I have to make an announcement" he says"okay sir". He walks out and I say"baby I don't know what to say" Jack says" we are going to be happy and I don't care what I have to do to get us that" I say"I love you" I kiss him and he kisses me back and I wrap my arms around his neck and pull away and say" I love you so much" he says" I love you too". We sit there holding each other and I say" wait where's your bike?" Jack says" thank you baby". He pushes a button and I hear Christen's voice say" yes sir" Jack says" after my announcement go get me my bike back" he says"yes sir". Kyle walks in and so does some other people. I sign the papers and Kyle goes to turn them in. Jack says" hello Lisa and Brittney" they say"hello sir". A lot of people walk in and Kyle and Christen walk in and Kyle says" okay we are all here" I stand up and so does Jack. Jack says" hello everybody First I'm back living here and this is my boyfriend Zhao. He is owner of this house too so give him full respect and if I find out you disrespect him in any way you will be fired and kicked off this land. Secondly his is a hybrid half vampire half werewolf so if you see a wolf it's him and again full respect. Understand" they all say"yes sir". Someone raises their hand. Jack says"yes" she says" can we see his wolf from so we know" Jack looks over at me and I see if I have enough room and I go into my wolf from Jack says" and remember his eyes and you will know it's Zhao". I switch back and they all say"yes sir" Jack says" well it's getting late Christen go get my bike and the rest of you go back to your jobs" and they were about to leave but Jack says" and if he or I hear about any gossiping you will be fired and you will not have a peaceful life" they all say"yes sir". Everybody leaves and Jack says" you will tell me if they talk bad about you right" I say"of course I will" Jack says" good now let's go shower and get ready for school tomorrow" I say"okay". We head up to the room and go shower. We get done and go lay down. I cuddle him and say" thank you Jack" he kisses me and says"of course baby anything for you". He cuddles me and we slip off to sleep.