Chapter Thirteen

I wake up to my phone ringing and I answer.


Eric: Dude wake up it's school today

I jump up

Me: oh shit thank you buddy I owe you one

-End Of Conversation-

"Jack wake up we gotta get ready for school" I look over and he says"honey look at the time". I look at the time and it's 4 am. I lay down and say"i'm going to kill him" Jack cuddles me and says"you can do that later. Lay with me". I cuddle myself into him and we stay there until 6 am and we both go shower,brush our teeth, and then get dressed. It's 6:50 now so we grab the keys and go get on his bike and drive to school. We get there and Chris and his friends are already there waiting for us we walk up hand in hand and Chris says"wow you guys are still together I thought he would have dumped your ass already" Jack says" nope our love is stronger than ever" Chris says"well before I go puke let me say I'm looking forward for this football season" Jack says" me too because I'm quitting and working on my GED to get out of here faster so if you don't mind excuse us". We walk to the office and tell the secretary that we want to get our GED's and she tells us to go to the principal. So we go and tell him and he gets all the paperwork and test dates, all scheduled and he says"make sure to have these papers in before your test day". I say"do we have to go to class" he says"no but go to the cafeteria and study there you have to stay on school grounds still" I say"okay thank you sir". We leave and go to the cafeteria and I say"so my test is 6 hours and so is yours but I will wait and be here for you" he says"okay" I say" and we will get our scores 3 hours after taking them and we have to get a 170 or higher" he says"okay" I say" I won't look at my score until you get yours okay" he says"okay" I kiss him and we sit down at a table and start filling out papers. It's a week next Monday. I'm freaking out but I will try to stay calm. We finish all the paperwork and he says" I will go turn them in and if you want you can start studying". I say"okay" he kisses the top of my head and leaves. I feel a tear fall down my face and wipe it away and Jack comes back and says" don't cry it's going to be okay we both are going to do great" I say" but I'm dumb" he says" honey look at me you are so smart we are going to get through this together" he takes my hand and kisses it and says"follow me". He grabs everything and our bags and walks outside to my favorite place. He says"remember this place" I sit down and he puts all the things down. He says" I remember I used to watch you sitting here but you were always writing or working on homework. Like in class you are always working on next week's homework because you were already done with everything" I say" I did that because I used to get beat if I got lower than an A-" he says" but you were able to do that because you are smart. I got smacked every time I came home with a C and I'm dumb so I couldn't get up not until I met you. You help me see things in another way and make things understandable so please don't call yourself dumb" I let out all my tears and say" I...Love...You" I kiss him still having tears stream down my face and I pull back and he says" and now I have something to do while you are working" I laugh and say"yeah but let's start. Look how big this is".

-3 hours later-

The bell rings for lunch and we are halfway through both of our books with notes galore. Jack says"I'm hungry" I say"wanna go get food or go to the Cafeteria" he says" I will run and go get us some mcdonalds" I say"okay I will stay here and study more" Jack says"take a break and sketch baby you haven't done that in a while" I say"okay I might stop by the art class and get all my work" Jack says"okay just be careful" he kisses me and walks away. I pack up everything and head to the art class. I walk in and she says"Zhao I heard what you are doing so I put all your art pieces together and you get an A+. Please keep on doing this you are so talented" I say"thank you Mrs.Green" I grab the bag and walk back to the tree. I sit down and take out one art piece and she put it as my first one to my last one. I get to my senior project one and I completed it before the month break and I always loved it more than all my other ones. My senior project is a strand of branches that looks like veins and there's stuff pulsing through them. Jack says"I got you nugget's,fries,and a vanilla shake." I put the art pieces behind me and say"thank you". He says"of course baby". He pecks my lips and sits down. He takes out his burger and says"is this your art" I say"yeah all the way back to freshman year". He says"really let me see" I say"no they are so bad" I chuckled and say" I have only glanced at them". Jack says"we can look at them together" I take a drink of my shake and say"okay but I got to look at it first". Jack says"fine". He takes a bite and I grab the first one and say"ew the first time I tried shading". I showed it to him and he says"babe it's not that bad". I say"what! A baby could do better than me" Jack says"what a talented baby" I laugh and say" give it back weirdo". We sit there eating and looking through my paintings. The bell rings indicates that school is over and I say"yay! I can't wait to go to the woods but I have to change before work" Jack says"then shall we go baby" I say"yay" while smiling. He grabs all the garbage and his backpack. I grab mine and all the paintings. We throw away the garbage and hold his hand. Chris says"where were you guys" Jack says"why missed us" and Chris leaves. I say"that was weird" Jack says"yeah kinda. Well let's go". I say"okay" we head to his bike and head to the house. We get to the house and I say" I will be right back if you don't want to come with" he says" I will be right here baby". I kissed him and then headed to our room. I opened the door and it all went black.

Jack's Pov

It's been ten minutes and I'm getting worried. I know it takes a while but he gets dressed quickly. It's been another five minutes. I walk to our room and I see the door open and the window shattered. I yell"Zhao" I run around the house and in the bathroom on the mirror it says in blood"come to your fathers brother" I say"shit" and hit the door and there's a hole. I call sun.


Sun: Hey Jack what's up?

Me: The vampires kidnapped Zhao. Sadly they aren't breaking any rules because he is half

Sun: but he is half so they are breaking the rules. There's laws about hybrids also. For hundreds of years hybrids had to live among the humans or choose a side or got killed but finally the werewolf leader and the vampire leader fell in love and changed the rules. I will call Eric and Liam and we will be on your side.

Me: Thanks

-End Of Conversation-

I hear rustling around me and I get to where I see my baby and I try to run towards him but five vamps come out and grab me. I hear Chris say"Come on Jack we are doing nothing wrong" I say" he is a werewolf though" I push all of them away and Chris says"and Vampire so he's not in werewolf form so we aren't doing anything wrong he's a vampire right now" I yell" Zhao wake up come on turn". Chris says"see we needed to be careful that he wouldn't wake up so he is in a coma until we kill him or it wears off". I say" come on what the hell is this about" Chris says" you chose a wolf over your own family"and my phone buzzes and It's from Sun they are all on the other side waiting. I step closer and say" you are willing to risk your own privileges to hurt me" Chris says" you broke everything a vampire stands for. We hate werewolves not date them". I walk closer to Chris and I say"let's be honest here you like me don't you" Chris pauses and then says"what?" I say"you hated Zhao before so I knew it really could not be that you liked him so it must be me". I step closer and closer and I say"and you wanted to get Zhao out of the picture so you could be with me". Now we are face to face and I say"admit it" and I lick my lips and he pushes me back and says" no you are just cocky. Thinking this is all about you" I walk back towards him and get really close and I say"look me in the eyes and tell me that" he looks me in the eyes and he says" this is not about you" and he looks away and he attacks me and we start fighting and we bump Zhao's chair and I see him move and I pin Chris and say" Zhao change" and he does and the chains and chair snapped into a million little pieces and he runs towards me and I jump on him and we jump to the other side and the vampires line the other side and I say"this ends now Chris if you want me back go to my father".

Zhao's Pov

I get bumped and I lift my head and it's all dark and then I hear Jack say" Zhao change" and I do and I hear a chain breaking and wood going everywhere. I see Jack pinning Chris and run towards him and he jumps on me and I jump over to the wolf side and I see that everybody is here and all the vampires line the other side and Jack says" this ends now Chris if you want me back go talk to my father". Chris says"what do you mean" he says"come on" he gets on me and I jump over there and Jack gets off and I turn into human and Jack says" after that week of torture he told me to never come back and I'm not his son" Chris says"why did you listen" Jack says" he would kill Zhao and back then he could die but now he can't die" and Sun says" technically he can die like a normal human it just won't show on him. Like if he gets shot it will go through him the bullet wound will heal immediately but it will damage his insides". Chris says" who asked you wolf" Sun changes and jumps over to us and he says" hybrid since birth" Jack says" so if you want me back in the clan you need to go ask my father and I will lead the clan when he gets to 905". Chris says" wait what" he says" I am his son and they can only run until 905" Chris says" how old are you" he says"17 but turning 18 on Friday and he turns 900 Tuesday of next week so" Chris says" so you now are living on vampire side" Jack says"yeah Zhao and I own the mansion that my dad gave me" Chris says"okay but I see a wolf around here I'm still attacking it" I say" I will go over to the wolf side when I want to change" Jack says" or he can do it in his own house" Chris was about to say something but he stops and sighs. He says"well we are happy to have you back brother" he extends his hand and Jack takes it. He wraps his other arm around me and says"we both are happy to be here" Chris says"leave before I puke". Jack and I jump over to the wolf side and Sun follows. Jack says"thank you everyone I thought there was going to be a fight" Jackson says"we are a pack we look out for each other". Everybody turns back into humans and I say" sorry for bothering all of you and Sun sorry for missing work". Sun walks up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders and says"look at me" I look into his eyes and he says" you got kidnapped don't be sorry you dummy". He hugs me and says"don't be sorry for getting kidnapped". He let's go and says"well let's run around" he turns into his wolf form and bolts it and I look at Jack and he nods and I turn and run after him. We play around and we hear other wolves come out and there is this one wolf that comes and attacks me. I bite back and I pin him. I get off and turn back into a human and he does too and Jackson says" Magnus you're back" and all the wolves run up and start howling. I howl with them and I say"why did you attack me" Magnus says"Hi Zhao I have been waiting, follow. Vampire you can come too". Sun,Jackson,Jack,and I all follow him to a huge wooden mansion. A man is standing at the top of the stairs and Jack whispers" a vampire". Magnus says"Welcome to my home" Jackson says"when did you get back" Magnus says"last night with my husband Alec". Alec comes down and smiles and we see vampire fangs. Jackson says"Magnus! But I thought you hated vampires" Magnus says"come eat dinner with us". We walk up and sit around the table and Magnus says"Sun my boy how are you doing? Are you feeling better?" Sun says"I'm feeling so much better and it's all thanks to you". Magnus says" I remember that day like it was yesterday".

Magnus's Pov

-17 Years Ago-

"I was doing my normal search around when I heard a poor boy screaming and I saw a vampire over him so I ran up and pushed the vampire and it ran. The little boy said"why? He was helping me" I didn't believe I had my mind set that he was the reason why this little boy was hurt so I took care of him and he told me his name was Sun. We were in Thailand at that time. I left and came here and got everything built and me and Jack's father created the split and after all of that I went to Egypt because I heard that there was an ancient artifact that would kill vampires. So I went off to go find it but after 10 years of searching for it I bumped into Alec, a vampire. We had great battles and after he pinned me and asked why I was attacking him. I told him that vampires killed my old wolf pack and almost killed someone special to me. So for two years he taught me and told me all about his life. He showed me the vampire clan there. They welcomed me and showed me respect and love. I met so many hybrids and learned about their stories and so I told them about you Sun and they told me that that's how they became hybrids too because a vampire helped them. So I started liking and loving one vampire. He accepted me and we got together and got married. So I was going to stay there and just be happy there but then I heard someone say that the vampire king had a son and he was almost 905 so the son was going to take charge soon. So we started packing up well while we were packing someone was talking about the ancient Chinese wolf pack I stopped and walked out and said"why are you guys talking about the Chinese wolf pack" she says"there's a rumor going around the wolves that there is a Chinese wolf hybrid it's in the wolf pack that you run back in America". So I told Alec that we are definitely coming back so here I am".

Zhao's Pov

Sun says"yeah the vampire that you saw was one of my friends and it was after my wolf father was trying to kill me so he came and saved me". Magnus says" and I'm so sorry for misunderstanding but also not because I wouldn't have met Alec". He looks at me and says" I'm honored to be in the presence of a Chinese wolf. Can I say your eyes are beautiful" I say"thank you" he looks at Jack and says" and I can't wait until you are running the vampire side" Jack says" I will make you proud" I say"there's only one thing I'm confused about" Magnus says" I attacked you because I had to see how strong you are. I battled many wolves and none of them could pin me where I couldn't move and you did so I knew it was true". I say"okay that makes sense" food was brought out and Magnus says"please enjoy". We all start eating and Sun and Magnus start talking and just catching up their stories. We all finish eating and Jack and I leave. We head back to our mansion and watch TV for a while. Jack says"today was crazy" I say"yeah it was but do you want to know something more crazy" Jack hugs me and says"what" I say" I have to call Officer Simon tomorrow" Jack says"I totally forgot about that" I say"i'm worried but I know I have to do it". Jack puts me on his lap and says"don't worry baby I will be there,Simon will be there,and two other officers you will be safe. I won't let him hurt you again". I kiss his cheek and say"thank you baby". He kisses me on my neck and I say"Jack". He kisses up to my cheek and he pushes me on the couch and says"can I" I nod and he pushes my arms down and kisses me. I kiss back and he bites my lip and he goes down and kisses my neck. I bite my lip and we hear Christen say" sorry sir but we wanted to know where you wanted to put the paintings". I say" up in the room we will take them" I bite his ear and get up. I grab the paintings and run upstairs. Jack follows me and tackles me to the bed he says" I love you" I say"I love you too". We change into pajamas and cuddle. We put on a show and fall asleep.