Chapter Fifteen

I feel Jack move and I open my eyes and Jack says"sorry for moving" I say"don't be baby" I get off of him and I see why he was moving and he says" I will go to the bathroom". He gets up and I turn over and grab my phone. It's 10 am. I sigh and get up. I start going through all my clothes trying to find an acceptable outfit. I put out so many outfits and Jack comes out and says"honey" I say" I wanna show him all the scars he gave me. I wanna make him feel guilty for all the shit he put me through but I also don't want to because I want to look acceptable". Jack says"baby you can wear a short sleeve with your ripped skinny jeans" I hug him and say"what would I do without you". He says" I will always be here" I say" I'm hungry" he says"okay". He goes and opens the door and he says"Jade can you tell the chef we want breakfast before 12". Jade says"yes sir" Jack comes back in and says"there we go".I say" Jack can I turn I'm so stressed" he says"go ahead". I turn and he says"let's go down to the room". He opens the door and I run to the room and Jack follows. We get to the room and I jump off the wall and Jack runs in front of me and smirks. I run after him and get ahead of him and pick up speed. He jumps in front of me and we clash. He falls down with me on top of him. I get off and sit and he sits up and pets my head. He says" I'm okay don't worry you didn't hurt me". I put my head down and he kisses the top of my head and there was a knock and we both look at Jade and she jumps. I turn back and say" Just me don't worry" she says"breakfast is ready sir". We say"thank you" and walk out to the dining room and we sit by each other and Jack says"hey Damien" Jack looks over at me and says" is a vampire/human he trained all over the world" Damien says" and finally I can show your boyfriend my cooking skills". Jack says"sorry dude we have been so busy". Damien says" I understand today's breakfast is waffles and we have Whip Cream,strawberries,blueberries,raspberries,and plenty more what would you like" Jack says"you know what I want. Zhao what would you like" I say" strawberries please". Damien says"Whip Cream?" I say"sure". Damien says"okay right away". He walks away and Christen comes in and says" morning sir" Jack says" Morning come and sit eat with us" Christen says"oh thank you sir" Jack is about to say something but Damien says" Christen what do you want on your waffles" Christen says" Chocolate chips and Whip Cream thank you" Jack says" any reports today" Christen says" well I saw that you had something to do at 2. I can drive you" I say" that would be wonderful thank you" Christen says" okay we will leave at 1:30 and Jack I got news from Levi that your dad wants to talk with you" Jack says" tomorrow today I'm not leaving my boyfriend or putting him through another stressful situation" I grab his arm and say" Jack you need to talk to your father" Jack looks at me and says" I will tomorrow today is your day I don't give a shit who needs me". He kisses me and pulls me closer he says" I promised I wouldn't leave you" I say"okay thank you" he says"don't thank me that's what boyfriends do". Damien brings out our food and says" please enjoy" I say" thank you" Damien says"you're welcome" he leaves and Jack says"let's eat" and Christen starts eating and I take a bite and I say"these are amazing". We finish eating and we talk afterwards. Christen says" well it's 1 we should start getting ready" I say"oh yeah thank you Christen" he says"you're welcome. I will be outside" Jack says"okay". We get up and walk to our room and we take a shower and I get dressed in a short sleeve and ripped jeans with shoes on and Jack gets dressed in a short sleeve and black pants and his boots. I say" I'm scared" he says" I know but don't worry I will be here". He intertwined our fingers and says"let's go baby". We walk down to the car and Christen says"ready to go sirs" Jack says"yes" Christen opens the door I get in first and Jack follows. He puts his arms around me and Christen shuts our door and gets in he says"where to" Jack says"the police station". We get to the police station and it's 1:45 we get out of the car and Christen says" I will wait right here" I say"thank you". Jack shuts the door and says"ready" I say"yeah". He intertwined our fingers and we head for the police station door. Jack opens it and we walk in and head up to the desk. She says" hi what can we do for you today" I say" I have a meeting with officer Simon" she says" wait you are Zhao" I say"yes ma'am" she says"wow you have grown so much I was the lady that made you food while you stayed here" I say"oh well thank you" Simon says" Zhao back here". We both walk back and he says"nice to see you again Jack" they shake hands and Jack says" you too". We sit and see that there are three chairs. Jack moves me and puts himself in the middle and I say"thank you" Jack winks at me. Simon says" While we are waiting for Logan to arrive. Are you sure you want to do this" I say" yes but Simon I have a question" Simon says"yes" I say" am I on the adoption list now because both of my parents are dead" he says"legally yes but there is no way that he can get you back after what he did to you and actually he's not allowed to foster any children or adopt any". I say"okay thank you" Simon gets up and says"this way Mr.Logan". We stand up and I look up and I see a man with slicked back hair,in a suit, with a woman holding his hand and a gold watch. I blink a couple times and Simon says" Logan this is Zhao" he sticks out his hand and I shakly take it and the woman says" hi I'm Logan's wife Kerri" Jack says" hi I'm Zhao's boyfriend Jack" and Logan's eyes widen and Simon says" let's go to the room". We get to the room and sit down. Simon is at the top of the table right by me so I'm in the middle of him and Jack and they sit across and there's two police officers outside the door. Simon says"this is a safe place, say whatever you want". Kerri says" so how old are you Zhao" I say" I'm 17" Logan says"wow it's already been 7 years". I grab Jack's hand Logan says" Zhao I'm so sorry for what I did to you" I say"it's okay it was in the past" Jack looks at me and he says" so did you get clean" Logan says" yes I got out of rehab two years ago and that's when I met Kerri" Jack says" so why did you want to meet Zhao" Logan says" after my time in prison and rehab I wanted to come and say sorry" I look at Jack and Simon. Simon nods and I say" and do you think this will help me or you" Logan says"what" I sit up and hold onto Jacks hand and say" I was 10 walking around feeling like I couldn't breathe or speak or even live after she died and you want to meet so you can re traumatize me or you can fall asleep better". Logan was about to speak but I say"or to see this" and I showed him the scar and Kerri says" what is that from" I say"yeah Logan tell her what it's from and what I have to live with for the rest of my life". Simon looks at me and Jack pulls me closer to him and puts his arms around my waist. Logan says" Kerri the last time I saw Zhao I was high on cocaine and drunk off my ass and he walked downstairs and I saw him so I broke a beer bottle and stabbed him in the arm and it stuck into his arm and" I say" continue what else did you do to the ten year old boy" he looks at me and says" I heard a knock so I tackled him and started choking him." I say"and?" Logan says" and I saw the life coming out of Zhao and didn't stop until Officer Simon pulled me off of him". Kerri says"oh my god why Logan" Logan starts crying and says"because, every time I saw him I saw her. Every time he laughed I heard her laugh. Every time he would come down the stairs I thought it was her. So I couldn't handle living like that. So I thought if I killed him I would feel better". I say" see you,you,you, you were and are selfish and I hope you have a good life. Jack I need to go". Jack gets up and I get up and Logan grabs my wrist and Jack pushes him off me and says" you don't get to touch him again" Simon says"let's end this Zhao Jack you are free to go. Zhao I will call you later". I nod and we walk out. Jack picks me up and carries me to the car and I say"wolf side please". Jack gets in and tells Christen "wolf side". I put one foot on the ground and turn and I growl and I run. Hearing his voice in my head saying all this stupid shit. I run and run and run until I run into a wolf and I notice it's Eric. He attacks me and I attack back and he runs and stands in front of a tree and I run at him and he moves and I run my shoulder into the tree and the tree shakes. I turn back into a human and so does Eric and I say" he's an asshole, he's selfish". I punch the tree and bark flies everywhere. Sun,Mork,and Jack run up and I say" I wanna go kill him I wanna drain all his blood and hear him scream". I attack the tree and it cuts me and it heals right away. Jack moves but Sun stops him and says" don't if he hurts you he will never forgive himself" Jack says" he won't hurt me and I'm not going to watch him hurt himself". I turn back into my wolf and bite the tree. I slash the tree and Jack says"baby" . I look back at him and back away. I look down and run away and Sun says" let me" Sun turns and chases me and he attacks me and bites me and I bite him. We run into a tree hitting my back and we just keep fighting. After a while we turn back and he's covered in bruises and his wrist is swollen and his lip is bleeding. I panic and say" I'm so sorry" he says"you better look at yourself. Come on let's go to the ER". I try to stand but pain goes through my leg and I look down and there's a gash in my pants and blood. I scream"Jack" and he comes and so does Mork. He says"baby" Sun says"by the way he did most of that by himself. We ran into a lot of trees and also a barb wire fence". Jack picks me up and Mork picks up Sun and they both rush to cars and go take us to the ER.