Chapter Sixteen

We get to the ER and I say"I'm so sorry" he says"hey I wouldn't have done it if I knew I couldn't handle you". Jack picks me up and Mork picks Sun up and carries us inside. We get checked in and a nurse takes us to the trauma section so we are side by side on hospital beds and Sun says" we were being boys and accidentally pushed each other into a barbed wire fence" I say"okay". Two doctors come over and mine says" Hi I'm Dr.Kim what happened" I say"My brother and I" and I pointed at Sun so his doctor would listen"were fighting and we accidentally pushed each other into barb wire". Dr.Kim says"okay where does it hurt" and they hook both of us to machines and Sun has to get an x-ray. I lean back and wince and Jack says"let me look" and there's actual wounds on my back that are bleeding. Jack says"Dr. Kim" he comes over and says"yes" and Jack says"his back" and and he looks and says"they look like a wolf got you" I say"it must be the barb wire" he says"maybe let's get these cleaned". So I get on my stomach and he starts cleaning them and he says" are you sure you didn't get attacked by a wolf" I say"yeah" and I laugh and I start gushing blood and he yells" Nurse get over here". Everything starts going black and the last thing I hear is Sun saying" is he going to be okay"?

Sun's Pov

Dr.Collins is treating my wounds because I only have a busted lip,bruises, wrist swollen, and a gash on my side from the barbed wire. I see Zhao lean back and he winces and Jack looks and so do I and he's actually bleeding and there are gashes from my claws across his back. Jack calls for Dr.Kim. My doctor already left because he finished Dr.Kim comes over and looks and they flip Zhao over and Dr. Kim says" you sure you didn't get attacked by a wolf" he says"yeah" and he laughs and blood starts gushing out of each slash and Dr. Kim calls for a nurse to push pressure while they move him to a room and I say" is he going to be okay" and Jack comes over and says" what the hell did you do" Mork stands up and says" Easy Jack" I say"it's okay Mork". I look at Jack and say"well he cut my side and so I lightly dragged my claws across his back but when we hit the barbed wire it must have cut him deeper. I promise I wouldn't hurt him". Jack starts crying and I look at Mork and he goes and comforts Jack. I go and get x-rayed and come back and Mork is holding Jack while he sobs and I say" have you heard anything" Mork says"no". I get back into bed and I say" Nurse, can you please tell me how Zhao Zi is? I came in with him. I'm his brother and that's his boyfriend". She says" I will see what's going on"I say"thank you". She leaves and I say" we did run into a lot of trees and rolled on the ground and then when we hit the barbed wire that's when we stopped and Jack" Jack looks up and I say" he might not have as much v blood in him like I do so he might be able to get affected to severe wounds but little ones or anything not that severe". Jack says" so you're telling me he can die" I say"if it is bad enough then yes but don't worry he won't die today". Jack says" so my dad could kill him" I say" anything can kill us we are not full immortals but to kill us takes so much to do and we are immortal to cancer and like other stuff but if we got shot in the heart we would die". Jack cries more and I say" sorry" the nurse comes back and says"who is the boyfriend" Jack says" me" the nurse says"the doctor wants to talk to you". He looks at me and I say" go make sure he's okay". Jack pats my hand and leaves. I look at Mork and lay back.

Jack's Pov

I walk back with the nurse and we walk up to Dr.Kim and he says" we had to stitch up Zhao's back and we almost lost him but he's okay now and he's in the ICU you can go and see him" I say" thank you doctor". I walk in and I see my baby. I sit by him and grab his hand and look at him. I don't know what I would do without him. I need him in my life. My life is so empty without him. I'm going to marry him, that's it. I brush his hair out of his face and his eyes flutter open and my heart skips a beat because of how happy I am to see those beautiful eyes. He looks at me and I say"hi my love" he says all groggy"hi". I say"do you want some water" he nods and I give it to him.

Zhao's Pov

I take a sip of water and the doctor walks in and says" how do you feel" I say"okay I don't feel in pain". He says"that's good I will send a nurse to check on your back". He leaves and I look at Jack and say" I think they are healing" Jack looks and says"shit they are and the stitches are coming out". I say"shit". I grab my phone and call Sun.


Sun: Zhao! Thank god you are okay

Me: Are you still here

Sun: Yeah I'm getting discharged soon

Me: they are healing and the stitches are coming out I don't know what to do

Sun: Oh no um don't worry I will find a way I there is a W working here that I know

Me: Thank you Sun

End Of Conversation-

"He's gonna call his W doctor friend and have him come treat me" Jack says"good" I say"yeah". A nurse comes in and She says" I'm going to check your stitches" and a man walks in and she says" Dr.Segi what are you doing here" and I see that he has 3 scars on his neck so I'm guessing he's the W doctor. He says"this is my case now Dr.Kim needs your help with a selfie stick in someone's hand". She says"okay and walks out. He says" Hi I'm Dr.Segi let me see your back". He looks at it and he says" wow you got some powerful healing powers". I say"thank you" he says"lay on your stomach and I will get the stitches out" I flip over and he says"next time you come here demand me,Dr.Jones or Dr.Jay we are all wolfs and we usually help V's or Hybrids or W's". I hear him get gloves on and everything ready. I say" how do you know Sun" he says" when he was kid he used to come in here a lot and a lot of his friends. How did you guys meet" I say" I got a job at Blue Skyy and we got really close" Segi says" this your boyfriend" I say"yeah happily for 10 months now" he says" aw you guys are babies" Jack says"what do you mean" Segi says" I have been in love with the same boy for 13 years and now we are happily married". I say"that's amazing" he says"thank you and we are all done" he takes off his gloves and he says" and they are almost scars already so no need for a follow up". I say"thank you" he says"you're welcome I will go get your discharge papers". I say"okay" he leaves and I sit up and I say" I hope we are together for that long" Jack says" we will". He kisses me and says" I'm so happy you are okay". Dr. Segi walks back in and says"you are free to go. Sun is in the waiting room" I say"thank you Dr.Segi" he says" you're welcome". I say"where are my clothes" Jack says" I have no clue" he looks around and we hear a knock and I look up and it's Mork with a bag and he says"Sun had to go to the cafe but we got you clothes" I say" I literally don't know what I would do without any of you". He hands me the bag and he says" hey we are like a family, well I got to go back too. See you guys". We say"see you Mork". He leaves and Jack pulls the curtain over the door and the windows and I say"thank you" he says"of course you're mine" I laugh and get changed. I grab everything and we head outside and Jack says" Christen you're still here" Christen looks through the car window and gets out and says"yes sir you never told me to leave". I say" well thank you Christen" he says" of course are you guys ready to go home" I say" can we go get mcdonalds I can pay for all of us" Jack says" we can but I'm paying" I say"no let me please" he says"honey no" I jump on him and he catches me and I say"let me pay" Jack says"no" and I bite him and say" I pay" Jack takes a deep breath and says"fine" I jump off and say"yeah". I open the door and get in. Jack gets in and Christen shuts the door and gets in. He starts driving and I grab Jack and kiss him. Jack kisses back and he bites my lip so hard that I accidentally let out a moan. I push Jack away and turn bright red when I feel blood drip from my lip and I say" Jack what were you thinking you can die form my blood" he says" if I get to hear that sound that you just made before I die death would be worth it" I slap him and feel my cheeks getting red. Christian says" sirs what would you like" I say" a number 5 small with a root beer" Jack says" number 1 large". Christen tells the worker and Jack kisses my neck and I whisper" Jack" he says"shh". He kisses my neck and starts sucking on it and I bite my lip and take a deep breath. I hear the rustling of the bag and I pop up and say" did you pay for them" Christen says" yes sir" he grabs the bag and says"here's your food and drink" Jack takes the food and I grab the drink I say" sorry" he says"don't worry. Do you want to go home" Jack says"yes" Christen says"okay sir". I hit Jack and say" what am I going to do with the money I'm making if you won't let me pay for anything" he says" sorry honey I will let you pay for stuff okay" I say"thank you". He pecks my lips and we start eating. When we get home we are done eating and christen takes the garbage before we could say anything. I say"I wanna sleep" Jack says"let's go" he picks me up and carries me to the bedroom. I look at the time and it's 3:00 am on Thursday. We shower and say" can we skip" he says" of course. We can do our work here" I say"yeah" and we fall asleep.