Chapter Seventeen

I wake up to a phone call I roll over and see that it's Simon. I pick up the phone and Jack says" I have to go talk to Lucas and Ten I will be right back" I say"okay".

Jack's Pov

I get dressed and head to Lucas and Ten's. I get there and knock Ten, opens the door and says" hey Jack what's up" I say" can I talk to you guys" he says"come in". I walk in and we sit at the table and I say"you can't tell anybody this can not leave this table" Lucas says"did you murder someone" I say" what? No! I'm going to ask Zhao to marry me on the 15th. I already have the rings,the place, and the idea. I just need help" Ten says"of course we will help what do you need". I tell them in detail how I want everything and say" we have two days and it's my birthday so that's the best excuse I can use" Lucas says" I'm down we can use our wedding for picking flowers and getting the vines" I say" I hope he says yes" Ten says"don't worry he will say yes" I say" I hope so". I say"well I got to get back before he starts worrying" they say"okay". Lucas says"we will start today" I say"thank you". They hug me and say" don't worry it's going to look amazing" I say"thank you guys". They say"you're welcome". I jump back over and rush home.

Zhao's Pov

When Jack left Simon and I started talking about yesterday and he told me that Logan and Kerri moved out of town so he won't be bugging me anytime soon and I thanked him. He said you're welcome and we hung up and I got up and grabbed my backpack and played music and started studying. After an hour I see Jack walk in and I say" hey baby how is Ten and Lucas doing" Jack says"they are good" he comes and sits by me. I pause my music and put a pencil in my book and Jack says"how's Simon" I say"good he was calling to ask how I was and to tell me some good news" Jack says" what's the good news" I say" Logan and Kerri left town and has no plans coming back" and he says"that's amazing baby". He kisses my cheek and he says" what are you doing" I say" studying for the test it's only three days away" Jack says"can I join you". I laugh and say" of course weirdo" and he goes and grabs his and he starts the music and we cuddle and study. After a couple of hours we hear a knock at the door. I was about to pause the music but Jack says"shhh maybe they will go away" I say"Jackkk!?" I pause the music and say"come in". Kyle walks in and says"sorry to interrupt sirs but Jack your father is in the living room" Jack groans and says"okay we will be down there in a few" Kyle says"okay sir". He shuts the door and Jack gets up and says"ready" I take a deep breath and say"yes". We head down to the living room and I see Jack's dad and I tense up a little bit and Jack grabs my hand and rubs the back of it. We sit down in front of him and Jack says"hello dad" he says" I heard about you talking to Magnus already" Jack says"yeah I was and I believe in what he thinks" Jack's dad says" I should have left you at that adoption center" Jack says" but dad you wouldn't have gotten that 2 million dollars you got for taking me" he says"how did you know about that" Jack says"because you were drunk and told me the whole story. How if you didn't get a child your biggest rival would have taken over the clan so you picked the only vampire child even though you hated me you still bought me and they were so thankful that you took away the weird one they paid you". I'm shocked at hearing all of that and I rub the back of his hand and Jack says" so father what can I do for you" he says"nothing have a good life". He says"thanks dad I will". His dad gets up and says"and enjoy the money that you have because of me" Jack stands up and says"actually dad you are using my money". Jack's dad turns around and gets into Jack's face and says" what the hell did you just say". Jack stands taller and says" well one night when you were drunk you told Kyle to change the name on the 3 main cards you use to my name because you told me you were going to kill yourself. So he went off and did that and before you killed yourself you passed out". Jack's dad says" yeah but that's just cards not the businesses that I own". Jack says"dad you know there's at least three businesses that are under my name right"? He says" fine get your money from them" Jack says"that's what I have been using I haven't touched any money from your business for three years now so" he says"well just wait until they found out that you are gay and dating a werewolf" Jack says"hybrid and actually our sales have gotten 80% higher than before". He says"well I can take the mansion from you" Jack says" In our names and one card that I bought is hooked up with the expenses of the house. Anything else Father?" He says"fine bye Jack I never wanted you" Jack says"same"and he storms out. I say"Jack" he says"honey" he comes over to me and picks me up and he says"yeah that's my story. Sorry for not telling you all of it". I kiss him and say"it's okay I'm so proud of my baby" he kisses me and I kiss him back and we hear the door open and Eric says"so that's what you guys have been doing" we pull apart and I say"no that's not why we have been gone from school". I get down and we all sit on the couch and Eric says"where have you guys been" I say"well you know the whole fight between Sun and me and we got hurt in the process and had to go to the ER and we didnt get out of the ER until 3 am and I already emailed the principal" Eric says" okay I just miss you buddy" I say" I do too". Eric says"and also this is where you live, wow!" I say"wanna tour?" Jack says"and then have dinner our Chef Damien can make us an amazing dinner". Liam says" I'm down honey?" Eric says"hell yeah". Jack says" baby why don't you show them around and I go and tell Damien" I say"okay" he pecks my lips and I say"sirs this way to the grand tour" and we all laugh. I start showing them everything and when we are almost done Jack joins us and says" Damien is so excited. Can we invite everybody" I say"sure". I call Lucas and Ten and they say yes, I call Sun and Mork, and I ask Lucas and Ten to invite Jackson and Amanda and I ask Sun to invite Magnus and Alec and they all say yes. So Jack goes and tell's Damien and Jack comes back and says"I have never seen him this happy". I smile and we go sit and watch tv and there's a knock at the door and Jack says"Jade can you please get the door" She says"yes sir" and its Sun and Mork we greet them. Then there's another knock and it's everybody else. We say hi and I say" I'm glad that everybody came over this is amazing". Jackson says"thank you for inviting us". I say"thank you for coming" Magnus says" you guys have a beautiful home" I say"thank you". Damien walks out with glasses and two people behind him with trays of food he says" here are snacks and drinks until dinner". Everything gets placed down and he bows and says"hello sirs and ma'am I'm chief Damien I studied all over the world and I'm a vampire/human". Everybody says"hi" and he bows and leaves. Alec says" where did you find him" Jack says" My dad and I went to Italy and were looking for the best Chief's and that's when we found Damien and we offered to pay for his whole way here and he could have a room in one of our houses or we could pay for him to have a house but he said a room would be fine" Alec says"that's amazing" Jack says"yeah we take care of the employees" Christen walks in and I say" Christen come join us" he comes and sits down and he says" hello everybody I'm Christen" they all wave or say hi. Everybody starts talking and Sun says" Zhao can you show me this wonderful house" I say"of course. Does anybody else wanna join" and Magnus and Alec stand up and Mork gets up and I say"we will be right back baby" Jack says"okay". We start walking and I'm halfway done showing them the house and Sun says" so do you have anything special for Jack's birthday" I say"I have a painting for him that I wanted to give him but I never got the time" Magnus says" you wanna know what the best birthday gift is" I say"what" Magnus says"sex" I run into a wall and say"what!" he says"what it's the best way you could wake someone on their birthday" Sun says" I don't know breakfast in bed could be fine also". Magnus says" hey what I said is breakfast in bed" Sun says"gross" and walks away. Magnus chuckles and walks away Alec following him. I'm alone and my mind starts racing and flooding with bad memories. I shake my head and I walk back to everybody and sit down by Jack and he says" are you okay" and I smile and say"I'm fine". Damien comes out and says"dinner is served". We all get up and walk into the dining room and it's beautiful. We all sit and start eating. The next hour is filled with us eating and talking. After everybody is done eating we talk for a little bit and then Magnus and Alec leave, then Jackson and Amanda leave,and Sun and Mork leave. I say" Eric and Liam you should stay the night we can have popcorn and watch a movie or a tv show" Eric says"let's do it. I have missed you". I look at Eric and grab his hand and say" I have missed you too". We say"thank you" to Damien and walk out. Eric says" can I borrow some comfy clothes" I say"yeah come on" Jack and Liam go sit down and we head upstairs. I go to my closet and Eric says"okay spill" I say"what" he says"what did they say" I sit on my bed and say"I hate you sometimes" he says" I love you too but tell me". I sigh and say"they said that the best birthday gift I could give Jack is sex" Eric says"oh" I say" and they said that the best thing you could wake up to is morning sex but I started thinking about all the times I woke up to getting raped". Eric says" I'm sorry and don't listen to them Jack is going to love no matter what you give him and he understands how hard it is for you". I say" I know he does but he is a man I know what the needs are I'm scared one day he can't wait anymore and break up with me". Eric says"you know that love you have for him" I say"yeah" he says" he has that too and losing you would be like losing oxygen to him" I say" I know it's just my head". Eric stands up and pulls me with him and he says" and we are gonna get the cutest outfits on and go down there showing that we are bad bitches okay!" I say"okay" Eric smiles and walks over to my closet and grabs my matching stitch outfit and hands it to me and he grabs my black shorts and a black tank top and goes into the bathroom. I get changed and I smile remembering how much Jack loves this outfit. I get done and so does Eric and he says" damn don't we look like bad bitches" I look at my scars and he says"no. You are a mighty warrior, those my friend are battle scars now let's go to our soldiers" I laugh and he says"to weird" I say"nope it's you". He links his arm with mine and we head downstairs and both of our boyfriends heads turn and they both get up and Jack comes over and picks me up and he rubs our noses together and he says"you are adorable babe" he kisses me and I say"thank you". I look over and Eric and Liam are hugging and I look back at Jack and look into his eyes and he looks into mine and he says"you are so beautiful" I say" and you are so handsome" Eric says"why don't we continue Supernatural" I say"yes" and Liam says"why?" Eric and I say"DEAN!" and he says"okay". Jack sits down and turns to the side and grabs the controller and turns on everything and puts on Supernatural. We get to Season Three and Eric says"popcorn time" and he gets up and Jack says"you don't need to. Jade!" and she comes out of the dining room and says"yes sir" Jack says" can we get two bowls of popcorn,the snack bowl, and four types of soda with cups" she says"yes sir" Jack says"thank you" she says"you're welcome". Eric says" I feel bad" Jack says" I used to never ask them for anything but they came up and told me that they feel bad if they are taking the money they make unless they do stuff. So I started asking them for stuff but like if they need anything they can come to me.I have paid for employee night where they go and have a whole night to do whatever they want and I pay for it. It's a thing every Sunday and most them have houses that we are paying for and we have paid off a lot of their mafia debts" Eric says"can I work for you" and we laugh but Liam says"but baby you get that all from me" Eric says" I know I was just joking baby" he kisses Liam and Liam smiles. Jack says" and I would have said no the hiring process is hell" Liam says"yeah I know what that's like". Jade comes out and so does Bella they set everything down and leave. We grab our bowls and Jack grabs M&M's and sits back. I kiss his Jaw and he looks down at me and kisses my nose and we spend the rest of the night quoting the show until we all fall asleep.