Chapter Nineteen

-Test Day-

I wake up at 5 am and turn towards Jack and say" Good Morning husband" and he stirs and says" Good Morning husband" I say" today is test day we gotta get ready" he says"okay". We both get up and go take a shower we get out and Jack says"when is yours" I say"in 30 minutes" he says"okay well let's get dressed". We both get dressed and head downstairs. Christian says" sirs do you want me to drive you to school" Jack says"it's okay we'll go by ourselves" he says"okay sir". We walk out and get on his bike and ride off and we walk up to the school and head to the office we tell them why we are here and a teacher says" wait a few minutes and we will call you back" I look at Jack and say" I probably take three hours okay husband" Jack holds me and says"okay baby" and kisses my cheek. We hear someone say"Zhao" and I get up and walk back.

-3 Hours Later-

I'm finally done with my papers and walk out. I sigh and see Jack and before I can say anything they say"Jack" and he kisses my cheek and goes back and I sit and worry about if i'm going to pass.

-3 Hours Later-

A teacher comes up to me and hands me an envelope and says"here are your results. We will have to send Jack's" I say"okay thank you" he comes out and says"are those your test results" I say"yeah" he says"open them it might be awhile until I get mine" I shake my head and say"no let's go I will wait". Jack says"are you sure you can open it now I won't be mad". I say"I'm sure honey let's go home I'm tired". Jack says"okay". We walk out hand in hand, we get food and then head home. We head up to the room and eat Jack says" I think I did really good" I say" I feel like I failed but I'm trying to be positive" Jack says" honey you studied more than I did" I say" yeah but" I pause and he kisses me and says"it's okay". I nod and I eat a little bit and say" I'm going to go downstairs" he says" okay I'm gonna change and be right there" I say"okay" and I run downstairs and go into the room and run around jump off the walls and turn and just start howling and running and I see Jack and run towards him and he moves and I growl and run towards again and this time I turn into a human and attack him and pin him. I see Lucas and I get up and I say" What's up" and he says" I have something to tell you". We go into the other room and I say" what's up" he says" Ten and I are getting married this Friday" I say" whoa I thought you were getting married in the winter" he says" we were but we couldn't wait any longer. It's at 5pm on the wolf side and I hope you guys could make it" and I say" of course we can be there" he gets up and we get up and hug us and he says"thank you so much guys". We let go and he says"well we got some planning to do" and I say" if we can help please let us know" Lucas says" will do". He walks out and Jack grabs me and says"wanna get married sooner" and I laugh and say" we can in two months I really wanna buy stuff and decorate stuff". Jack chuckles and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around him and he says" I love you" and he rubs our noses together and I say" I love you too". He sits down on the couch and says" you know I'm really nervous" I say" hey you did amazing" I stand up and say"let's not focus on something that we can't control. Let's put our paintings up, we haven't done that yet" he says"you mean you're my artist" I say"ew" and run upstairs. He follows me and I jump on the bed and he tries to pin me on the bed and I jump away and say"come on babe stop playing" he says" oh sorry for being the one that's being naughty". He rolls his eyes and then laughs. I turn around and say" you were! I'm innocent" I bend down and pick up the painting that I made for him and he says" sure you are" and I hang it up on a nail that was already in the wall. He grabs me and we fall on the bed and he says" I can't believe you are going to be with me everyday". I say" I don't want to be anywhere else". He kisses my cheek and we just lay there. He kisses the back of my neck as I fall asleep. I wake up and don't feel him by me I say"Jack" and he doesn't answer and I yell" Jack" and he comes through the door and says"what's wrong" I say"you weren't by me" he comes and sits by me and says" sorry baby my dad came over talking about some business stuff" I say" is everything okay" he says"yeah". My phone starts ringing and I see it's Sun. I put it on speaker.

Me: Hey Sun

Sun: Hey Zhao could you come in Mork and Rain are out with colds and it's only me

Me: Yes of course we will be right there

Sun: OMG Thank you you guys are life savers

Me: You're welcome

Sun: okay see you soon

I hang up and say" let's get dressed" we get dressed and head to Blue Sky. We get there and it's packed. We walk in and Sun waves us over and he says"thank god. Can you take these drinks to table 5 and can you take these cakes over to table 2". I grab the drinks and Jack grabs the cakes and we go to the table's. We come back and grab more trays full of stuff and go to the tables and Sun says"thank you guys. You guys saved me" I say"of course you know I still want to work here" Sun says" I know but you guys have been busy with school so I understand" I say"well we already took the quiz for our GEDS and today we are supposed to get Jack's. I got mine there I haven't looked at them yet I'm waiting for Jack's" Sun says" well make sure you text me" I say" I will" a timer goes off and he hands me a tray of drinks and cakes he says"table 3". I walk over there and give them their drinks and cakes. Jack walks behind the counter and hands me my apron and he takes one without a name. We put them on and Jack starts helping Sun with the drinks. I look at all the orders and there's only two that want cake. I put two different slices on the tray and people walked in. They tell me their order and it is all ice coffee so I start making them. Jack goes and delivers the cakes plus the drinks they were making. We get done and I go and deliver the drinks. We both come back and he says"thank you guys you are both awesome" and Jack says"hey that's what friends are for". The door opens and Eric and Liam walk in I say"how can I help you two gentleman" Eric says"wow look is finally back at work" I say"what do you mean" Liam says" Eric bugs me to bring him here everyday ever since he had the vanilla cake here" I laugh and say"anything else" and they order two drinks and Jack starts making them. Eric says" where is Mork and Rain" Sun says" they are both upstairs sick" Eric says" I hope they get better soon" Jack says" here are your drinks" and Sun says" they will be okay". Eric says"here" and pays for the drinks. I say"what are you guys up to today" Liam says" well we are gonna go watch a movie and then go out to dinner". I say"well have fun guys" Eric says"thank you" I put his piece of cake in a to go box and hand it to him he says" well we got to go our movie starts soon but see you guys later" We all say bye and they leave. Sun says"can you go check outside" Jack says" I can" and he walks out there and starts cleaning Sun says"there was a tutor class of like 11 kids so there was a huge mess I picked up some of it but I couldn't get it all" I say" I can come work for you again" he says" it's usually okay because I have Mork and Rain or I can handle it alone. It was just this time I couldn't because they are sick and groups from 4 to 11 were coming in and staying for hours so there were a lot of refills". I say" I know I just want you to know I'm always here" Sun says"well thank you" Jack says"me too" Sun says"thank you Jack for cleaning that up" he says"no problem" and he brings all the dishes and I start cleaning then and Sun says"so Jack I heard that you are taking over for your dad soon" he says"yeah my dad is about to hit the age for him to give it to his first child so he is not that excited to give it to me but all he is giving me is the land and all the other vampires but I'm gonna release all of the vampires that work under him" Sun says"does he treat them bad" Jack says"yeah he does" Sun says"Damn". Time goes by and it's already time to close and we all start cleaning and wiping off the machines. All the customers are gone and we are almost done cleaning. Jack says" so in two days he will give over his title to me and he will leave the vampire side. I'm going to turn his house into a house for homeless vampires and when I said release all his workers. I mean give them the pay that they deserve he hasn't been paying them enough for years" Sun says" so what are you going to do" Jack says" I will have my three companies and the vampire side and I will make more houses and we will connect the wolf and vampire side". Sun says" that sounds amazing Jack". Jack says"yeah Magnus and I have already talked about it through" Sun says"that's so cool Jack I'm so excited". We finish up everything and Sun says"thank you guys for everything you guys can go home now. I'm gonna lock up and go take care of my sickies upstairs" We say" okay". I say" see you Sun and remember you can call us anytime" Sun says"thanks guys" we wave goodbye and walk out. We get on the bike and head home and when we pull up. We see Christian standing there on the phone. We walk up and Christian hangs up the phone and says" good evening sirs" we say"good evening" he says"sir this came in the mail today" he hands Jack an envelope and it's from the school. Jack looks at me and I grab his hand and says"Thank you Christian. We will head up to our room". He bows and we walk in and get to our bedroom Jack sits on the bed I shut the door and grab my envelope and he says" do you want to go first" I say" I will if you want me to" he says"I will go first" I say"okay" he slowly opens it and pulls out a letter and he says" yes I passed I got 158 points" I kiss his cheek and says"that's awesome baby" he comes and sits behind me and wraps his arms around my stomach and says"okay baby your turn". I take a deep breath and open the envelope. I slowly take out the letter and unfold it and I start reading and it says"congratulations Zhao Zi you have passed the test your score is 160 and you can come by on Monday and get your GED". He kisses my neck and says"see you did it I'm so proud of you". He grabs my head and kisses my lips and says" and we will go there hand in hand to show we are smart enough" I say"I can't believe I passed that's crazy". He says"honey you are so smart. Of course you were going to pass". He kisses my cheek and grabs the letter he turns me around and I put my arms around his neck and he pulls me on top of his lap and says" honey see you are so smart you were able to protect yourself because you are smart and let's celebrate because you got it all by yourself". I kiss him and put my hands in his hair and I pull back and I say" I didn't do it alone you were always here" and I tug his hair and he groans. He says" and I will never leave you baby" and he kisses me, lingering his lips against mine. I bite his lip and he says" what was that for" and he rubs his finger along his lip. I say" I don't know I just wanted to" he says"I'm kidding baby I love it" and he attaches his lips onto my neck and I can't but help and gasp and he starts sucking and nibbling on my neck and I throw my head back and he pulls away and says"damn" I say"what" he says"go look" and I get up and he follows me and I run into the bathroom and look into the mirror and I have a huge hickey covering almost a whole part of my neck and I say"okay then I didn't even notice that you did that much" he wraps his arms around me and says"me either". I say" I love it". He holds me and we just stay there and he just holds me. I say"good thing they heal quickly it looks like someone hit my neck". He starts sucking on the back of my neck and he runs his tongue over the hickey he just made and he says"don't worry I can always make more" I play, hit his hand and shake my head Jack giggles and kisses the back of my neck. I turn around in his arms and put my lips on his neck and he leans his head back to give me more access to his neck. I start nibbling and sucking on his neck. He holds on to me tighter and I lick the dark purple mark I just made. He looks at me and puts his hand on my cheek and he says"so beautiful" he kisses my nose and I smile and put my arms around his neck and Jack leans in and kisses my cheek and he smiles and buries his head in my neck. I start petting his hair and I say"I love you so much Jack". Jack picks me up and carries me to the bed. We cuddle and he says"goodnight my love". I say"goodnight my love".