Chapter Twenty

I wake up to a text message. I grab my phone and it's from Sun.

Sun:Did you guys get your results?

Me: Yeah sorry I forgot to text you. We both passed

Sun:That's awesome. I'm really happy for you guys.

Me: Thanks

Sun: Did you guys get invited to Lucas and Ten's wedding

Me: yeah we did

Sun: We did too I was happy and confused

Me: yeah they just want everybody there

Sun: Well see you at the wedding

Me: See you

I put down my phone and roll over in Jack's arms and I kiss his jaw and go down to his neck and start sucking on his neck and I hear him groan and I bite the skin and let it snap back down and I lick over it and I pull back and smile because the hickey I just made looks like the ones he always gives me. He says"good morning baby" I kiss his lips and say"good morning babe". He says" what's today" I say"thursday" he's about to say something but his phone starts ringing he grabs it and roll his eyes he answers it and puts it on speaker.

Jack: What dad

Mr.Bian: I need you to come sign the papers today I'm leaving tomorrow

Jack: Where are you going

Mr.Bian:come over here now or you don't get anything

Jack: Okay calm down I'm coming over now

Mr.Bian: and don't you bring that damn w-

Jack hangs up and says"let's get ready baby" I say" I shouldn't come it's okay". He grabs my face and kisses me and says" I can't do this without you and this is going to be yours also we are getting married it's better to put your name on it now". A tear falls down my face and I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. I sit myself on his lap and open my mouth and he slips his tongue over my lip and I take his lip between mine and pull back and he smiles and I hide my face in his neck and he says"all of that is true baby" I say" I know baby" he says"but we should get ready" I say"I'm sorry" and he grabs me and bites my lip I say"what was that for" he says"never say sorry" I say"okay". We both get dressed and head downstairs. We walk out the door and run over to the main house and Kyle is outside and he says"finally, your dad is so scary" Jack says" yeah come on" and he intertwines our hands and we walk in and follow Kyle. We walk into a room and Jack's dad is there and he says" I told you not to bring that mutt in here" and Jack wraps his arms around me and says" we are getting married and he has the right to sign his name also so can we please get this over with". Mr.Bian signs and Jack and I sign in total of 10 papers and after Kyle grabs all the papers and says"congratulations Jack and Zhao you are now the owner of the Bian Vampire residence and land. Would you like to change the name or keep it"? Jack says" I want to change it" Kyle grabs the paper and puts it in front of him and he grabs the pen and in bold letters he puts Bian and Zi Vampire Home and hands the paperback. Mr. Bian gags and walks away and Jack says"wait Mr.Bian" he turns around with his nose up and Jack walks towards him and says" If I see you back on this property or the wolf side I will have you dead in minutes and if you send people here to spy I will be calling the authorities and getting them involved you or anybody that works for you are banished off this property from now on. So leave and never come back". Mr.Bian turns around and leaves. I run up to Jack and hug him. I kiss his cheek and say"I'm so proud of you" and Jack says" thank you sweetie we have to call a meeting and that's going to be stressful" I grab his hand and say" I'm here for you". He says"well let's start with the people in this house". I say"good idea" he looks at Charlie and says"can you get everybody that works for this house in the ballroom" Charlie says"yes sir" he leaves and Kyle says" I need to put a new card in place of Mr.Bian's which one do you want me to use" Jack says"the one that's connected to the resort". Kyle says"okay sirs. I will be in contact shortly". Charlie comes back in and says" everybody is here". I grab his arm and Jack says"let's go" and Charlie walks to the ballroom and we walk in and people look so scared. Jack says"hello everyone, I am Jack Bian and this is my Fiance Zhao. I am the owner of this side and I want to sit down with all of you and ask you a question. The question is how long you have worked here and how many hours a day and I will pay you what you deserve and then I will offer you three options, the first option is you can stay here and rent a room for only how much you can give me that month or you can take your money and leave the vampire side. The last option is that you can take your money and still live on the property and you still only pay me how much money you can that month and for rent it can be $0 to $300. Just come talk to me or Zhao and it will say that way. If you have additional questions please ask" and everybody was silent and Jack says" we will be in my father's office all day today so come by anytime today". They all start talking to themselves and Jack and I head to the office. When we walk in we see boxes. I say"you did amazing sweetie" he kisses me and says"thank you ugh I hate being professional" I hug him and put my mouth by his ear and say" but you were really sexy"and I bite his ear. He gulps and tightens his grip on my hips and we here somebody say"excuse me" and we look at the door and he says"sorry I didn't know if we were starting now" Jack says"yes please come in" we go sit behind the desk and sit Jack grabs one of the folders and it's all blank lined paper. He sits and Jack says" Name" he says" Kim Sejoon" Jack says"age" he says"30" Jack says" how long have you worked here and how many hours a day" Sejoon says"15 years and almost 13 hours a day" I caculate and show Jack and he says" how much money have you made during this time" Sejoon says"$1,000" I say" what!" and I look down and say"sorry" and Jack says"do you have a bank account" he says"yes sir" Jack says"okay" and Jack turns on the computer puts in the password and look up Sejoon and sent his money to him and Sejoon picks up his phone and says"sir did you mean to send me $1,422,500" Jack says" yes I'm so sorry for how my father treated you and how young you were when you started. Now what do you want to do" he says" I don't know this house and working for your dad is all I know" I say" now you have freedom to do whatever you want" he says" I want to go travel the world" Jack says"okay and you always have a place stay when you are done" he says"thank you so much" and gets up and leaves. I say" I wanna go kill your father" he says"me too" I grab his hand. We went through 30 more people and most of them chose to take the money and leave. We got half of the room packed up and sorted through when this woman walks in and Jack says"come sit down" and we all sit and Jack says"name" and she says"Sandra" he says"age" she says"35" he says"how long have you been working here and how many hours a day" she says" 14 years and 9 hours a day" "how much money have you made" she says" not a single dime" and Jack looks her up and I show him the number and he sends her money and she starts crying when she holds up her phone she says" $919,800 really?" Jack says"I am so sorry for how my father treated you so badly" she says" I don't know where to go I don't have any dreams,family, and friends I have no one" Jack says" well you can always stay here until you find yourself" she says"that would be amazing" and he says"okay" and she signs a paper and claims a room and she walks out still crying. We go through the rest and it's 4pm. He calls Christen and asks him to go to the bank and make another account and put it under Zhao Zi and I start crying and panicking. He hangs up and I say"no don't do that there are over 30 people that are going to be paying rent" he says"exactly and you are my husband the money is ours all the money is ours. I kiss him and he kisses me back and Charlie says"sorry to interrupt but Chris and the others are outside asking what's going on" Jack says"just in time" and he grabs my hand and we walk out and Chris says" where the hell is the leader of this land" Jack says" you are looking at them" and he says" you can't have a fucking hybrid as the leader of the vampire side" Jack says" and where do you stand to be able to tell the leader what to do" Jack says"there are new rules around here and new leaders. My father ran this place like it was a bootcamp and treated people like they were slaves. That shit will not be happening anymore. I will send a letter stating how things are going to be and if anybody has any complaints please come talk to me about them and stuff will be explained and dealt with". He walks down the stairs with me and says" if you don't want to live on this land anymore and you were staying just because you were afraid of the old leader than please leave you are not forced to be here anymore but if you leave here and do any killings or get in trouble in anyway with the law you will not be welcomed back on this land". Jack walks up to Chris and says" and people who cause issues or make anybody feel uncomfortable will be sent to me and if we can't get to the bottom of it then they will be asked to leave". Jack walks back to me and he says" I have a meeting now please. If you have any questions or concerns please write me a letter or come talk to me at the main house through the hours of 1-7". We jump over to the wolf side and I turn and lay down and Jack says"what" I motion to my back he says" really" and I nod and he says"okay". He gets on my back and I start running and I howl and I see a lot of wolves running behind me and we all howl and run to Magnus's. We get to Magnus's and he is outside with Alec and he says" the great vampire leader is finally one that will help this community grow" and we all howl and Jack gets down and says"thank you" and I turn and everybody else does. Lucas and Ten, Evan and Liam, and Sun and Mork join our sides and Magnus says" welcome to the start of a better future" and Jack walks up to Magnus and they hug. Jack turns to all the wolves and say" if any vampire gives any of you trouble please come find me or Zhao and we will take care of it" and everybody howls. Magnus says" I can't wait to see what happens next" Jack says" well I wanted to talk about something with you" and he says"excellent come inside".