Chapter Twenty-One

Magnus says"when did you sign the papers" Jack says" we signed the papers this morning we got through all the employees that my father had and when we go home I'm going to write a new rule statement" Magnus says" I can't wait to see how everything goes" Jack says" and I mean it I want people to know that it is a new day. Where vampires don't mess with wolves and wolves don't mess with vampires" Alec says" I have talked to the clans that I'm involved in a lot of them have mixed and new wolves and vampires are living in peace for the most part. There have been some riots but they have been shut down before anybody gets hurt". Jack says"that's good nobody got hurt and please if any vampire messes with or hurts any of your wolves please come and tell me" Magnus says"of course thank you" Jack says" we will be talking more about the bridge after seeing what will happen after everything". Magnus says" sounds good" Jack grabs my hand and says" but we have to go finish doing some stuff but we will see you tomorrow for Lucas and Ten's wedding". Magnus says" okay see you tomorrow". We leave and a wolf walks up to us and he says" hi I'm Charlie and I have a boyfriend named Nick and he's a Vampire and we want to live together. How would we do that? " I say" you can come live on the vampire side or move him on this side and either one is okay" he says"really thank you" I say"you're welcome have a goodnight" he says"you guys too" and he runs away. Jack smiles at me and picks me up and runs to the edge and jumps over to the v side. We run up in our house and we walk in and I kiss him. He kisses me back and he walks upstairs. My back hits the mattress and he says" are you okay" I say" I'm proud of you and all that you are doing". He says" thank you baby but I was talking about what I did" I blush and say"yes" he smiles and kisses my neck and I let out a moan and I grab his hand and I put it under my shirt he says" are you sure" I say"yes". He sits up sitting on my lap and he puts both of his hands underneath my shirt and runs them up to my collarbone. His hands slowly go across my ribs. I sit up and say" I wanna touch you" and he takes off his shirt and he grabs my hands and puts them on his chest. I let my hands slowly go down his torso and he shivers. I wrap my arms around him and run my hands down his back. He slowly falls down and my back is to the mattress. He bends down and kisses my stomach. He looks up at me and I nod and he takes off my shirt and leaves a trail of kisses and marks from my waistband to my neck and he smiles. He lays down on top of me just letting our bare chests touch. He says" I love you so much" I say" I love you too" and he kisses me and thens lays his head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him and hug him. He says" I'm going to sleep right here" I say"okay baby" and I kiss his shoulder I grab the blanket and pull it over us. I whisper into his ear" thank you for not pushing me to do more" he says" I will never force you to do anything baby" and he wraps his arms around me and closes his eyes. I hold him tighter and close my eyes, drifting off to sleep. I wake up and Jack is still on top of me and I kiss his shoulder and he says"good morning baby" I look at the time and say" we have to start getting ready for Lucas and Ten's wedding". Jack says" awww I don't want to move" I say" come on baby we can go shower together". He gets up and grabs me and carries me to the shower. We both shower and get ready. We both are dressed in black outfits and we walk downstairs. We walk outside and we see Vampires leaving and Jack says" okay let's go" and we jump over to the W side and walk over to Lucas and Ten's and it is so beautiful. The decorations and the lights are so beautiful and bright and Eric runs up to me and says"you have to come see Ten". I say"okay" and I follow Eric and Ten says" Zhao yeah you are here" I say" you look amazing. Everything looks amazing" Ten says"thank you I'm so ready to marry him. I want it to be time already" Eric says"soon the marriage officiant isn't here yet" Ten says" ugh when is he going to be here" Eric says" I text Liam and ask" Eric walks away and I put my hand on his arm and say" don't worry he's going to be here" Tens says" I know I just love Lucas so much and I want to marry him". Eric comes in and says"they are heading up now let's go" and we walk out of the house. Eric and I go look for Jack and we go sit by him. Lucas and the wedding officiant walk up and Lucas joins Ten and they hug and the officiant walks down the aisle and music starts playing and Lucas and Ten start walking down the aisle. We all stand and they continue walking down and I look over at Jack and imagine our beautiful day and I grab his hand. He interlocks our fingers and the music stops. We all sit and the officiant says" we are gathered here today to join Lucas and Ten in this wonderful moment of their lives. Lucas and Ten wrote their own vows" Lucas grabs Ten's ring and hand and says" when I first saw you I knew that I had to have you in my life. Your smile I will make sure it stays, your laugh I hope I can hear it everyday. I will be with you no matter what this crazy world throws at us". Ten giggles and grabs Lucas's ring and says" The moment when I saw you I knew that I needed you to be in my life. You have shown me that life is worth living. I'm so happy that you are going to be mine. I love you" Lucas says" I love you too" and the officiant says" it is my pleasure to say you are husband's. Husband you may kiss your husband". Lucas and Ten kiss and we all rise and start clapping and some people start howling so I join in and Jack puts his arms around my waist. I kiss him and he whispers into my ear" I can't wait until ours". Lucas and Ten start walking down the aisle and we start walking and following them. We all eat and dance and it becomes time to throw the bouquet and Ten turns around and throws it and I jump and catch it Jack holds me and says"fate says it". I giggle and Lucas and Ten wave goodbye and run off. Everybody starts saying their goodbyes and leaving. Jack and I head home and he grabs my left hand and kisses my ring finger and says"so now our turn right?" I shake my head and run away from him and he runs after me. I jump over to the v side and he jumps also and catches me in the air. We both fall on to the ground, Jack hitting the ground. I put my hands to his face and say" I'm so sorry are you okay" he kisses me and says" don't be sorry baby It's okay. I'm okay" and he hugs me and sits up so now I'm sitting on his lap. Christen says"sir now more houses are empty and Chris left with over 100 vampires" Jack says"let him try do something thank you for the update Christen" he says"you're welcome sir" Jack stands up and I wrap myself around him like a koala. He says" Christen what else happened". Christen starts giving an update and I put my head in the crook of his neck and I stick my tongue out and slowly lick his neck. I feel him sallow and his grip tightens on my thighs. I softly put my teeth against his neck and slightly bite. Jack says" good job christen. We have to get inside and do some paperwork.". Christen says"thank you sir, get some rest". Jack runs and gets upstairs and lays me on the bed with my legs still around his waist. Jack grabs my hands and says" did somebody need my attention" I kiss his arm and says"maybe" he kisses my knuckles and lays on top of me kissing my neck. I look upwards to give him more access and he kisses up my jaw and kisses my lips. I open my mouth and he slips his tongue into my mouth caressing my tongue. I close my mouth and suck on his tongue and he groans. He pulls back and says" I love you" I say" I love you too". We sit up and I grab his shirt and tug on it. He lifts his arms so I can take it off of him. I do and I put my arms up and he says"really? Is it okay?" I say"yes" and he slowly slides my shirt off and I see how he is looking at me makes me embarrassed. I turn my head and look away. He says" don't look away. Look at me" and he kisses my collarbone. His hands slowly caress my torso. He puts one of his hands on my side and he kisses my cheek and I kiss him and he kisses back. This kiss is all love and passion. He pushes me down on the bed and puts his hands flat on my upper chest and slowly lets his hands slide down my chest. He says" my beautiful baby boy" and he kisses my ribs. He kisses each rib and leaves several hickies. He goes down towards my belly button and kisses around it. He licks his way up to my neck and says"damn baby you taste good" I moan and he lays down on top of me. He says" I love you baby thank you" I say" you're welcome". He kisses my chest and says" so what should the new rules be". I say" first you should state that no vampire should harm a werewolf" Jack says" okay second" I say" its should be the rules about living here" Jack says" I would be lost without you" I say"you will always have me" he looks at my chest and says" they are already healed? It seems like you are healing faster" I say" I don't know to be honest" he says" maybe because it's not an injury you can heal faster" he says" so for the rest of the rules it will be no changes just different wording". I say" sounds good to me baby" Jack says" and I need Christen and Kyle to print out and put on everybody's door the new rent agreement and rules for the house's". Jack grabs his laptop and sits down and starts typing. I trace his back and just do my best not to distract him. After like 30 minutes of typing and me playing on my phone he yells" Christen" and there's a knock on the door he says"come in" and Christen walks in and says" yes sir" and he says" here are the new rules for the land and the new agreements of living here please have these printed out and put them on every door" Christen says" well sir at this time there are only four houses that have people in them" he says" okay so make an ad that the Bian clan is looking for more vampires and wolves to live here" he says"okay sir" Jack says" thank you Christen. How is Skyler doing? Did his surgery go okay" Christen says" yes thanks to you he got a heart transplant just in time" Jack says" that's amazing tell him that I will visit him soon" he says" and he would love that" and Christen leaves and I say" who is Skyler" Jack lays down and rests his head on my leg and says" we were handling some rogue vampires 3 years ago that had in there mind that the younger the blood the younger they looked and sadly when we got there and finally found where they were hiding the children there were only 2 kids left Skyler and a little girl named Athenna. Athenna was adopted by this wonderful family but Skyler had so many health issues that nobody wanted him so Christen went and adopted him and now he is living his best life in the best hospital there is". I start playing with Jack's hair and I say" hey it's a good thing that you got to save two of them and both of them are having wonderful lives because of you" Jack says" how did you know I help Athenna and her family" I say" because I know you. You are caring I know that you would care about kids" he says" but I wouldn't want kids of my own though" I say" that's good because I don't want kids either" he kisses my thigh and says" I love you" I say" I love you too".I roll over and see Jack still sleeping. I walk over to the bathroom and do my business and walk out. Jack says" do you want to come with me to meet Skyler" I say" I would love to" Jack says"well let's get dressed". We get dressed and Jack opens the door and yells" Christen are you here" and he says" yes sir" " Zhao and I want to go visit Skyler. Is that okay?" Jack says, looking at Christen. Christen answers" yes sir I was going to come up and tell you I was going to go see him today". I say" awesome then we can all go together". We all walk down the stairs and out to the car. We get into the car and Christen drives out from the houses and down the road heading into town from the house and I look out my window and see a car heading straight towards us I turn my head to look at Jack and then everything goes black.

The End Of Book One